All Chapters of Cheating My Ruthless Husband : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
157 Chapters
111. Painful Truth
Damon's pov "I think you should avoid her for now." Warren's words of concern made me regret my decision years ago. How many times have it been already? Countless times that I've come to forget. I wish I never married Elysia, my life have gone from difficult to worse. I try to solve the mysteries surrounding Hector but still I'm constantly finding myself being pulled back by Elysia mistake and insincerity. Her memories are slowly coming back and I'm sure that she won't be any different like she used to be, and truthfully, I'm not prepared. I just want to be at peace with everything else in my life and work on getting Hector ones and for all. "You are right Warren, I need to let her go. I've given her the divorce papers and in letting her family have the company. I'm done, before this brings me anymore problems I'm done." It wasn't what I wanted, every words that left my lips were all lies. I was lying to myself and Warren. I regret signing the divorce papers, I regret tel
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112. The Conner's company
Damon's pov As I heard my mother's words, I didn't feel any surprise or shock. I knew all too well that she wanted Elysia's company, no matter what it took. The words stung, but I had grown accustomed to them over time. My mother's hate for Elysia's was deep. I cannot help but feel a deep sense of sadness and frustration at the situation with my wife, Elysia, and my mother. My mother has made it clear that she despises Elysia and, to make matters worse, she wickedly desires Elysia's company. It is all part of a sinister plan to keep Elysia dependent on me. I know my mother will never cease to ensure that she can never fully break away and become her own person. I know that my mother's desire to control and dominate is rooted in her own insecurities and fears, but that knowledge does little to ease the burden of the situation. I must admit that my relationship with Elysia is currently strained. There was a time when I was deeply in love.with her, but over time, our differe
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113. Locked
Elysia Pov It's been two hours but it felt like forever. I've been standing by the door. I was banging on the door, my heart racing with panic. "Please, let me out!" I shouted at my parents, but they refused to open the door. I needed to get to the office, but they were keeping me locked in my room. Just as I was about to give up hope, my phone rang. It was Macy, my friend and employee. "Elysia, are you okay?" Macy's voice was filled with concern. "No, I'm not okay," I replied, my voice shaking with emotion. "What's going on? Did something happen at the office?" "Yes, your husband came in and searched everywhere, taking some documents and leaving," Macy said urgently. "We don't know what he took, but it's important. We need you here." My heart sank at Macy's words. Damon had gone to the office and caused chaos, and I wasn't there to stop him. "I need to get there," I said, desperation in my voice. "I know, Elysia, but how? Can you sneak out?" I looked at the door, still close
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114. Stolen Company
Elysia Pov Macy handed me her laptop and opened the CCTV footage. I watched intently as Damon stormed into my office, frantically searching through everything. My heart sank as I realized what he was looking for. "He took the registration documents," I said, my voice trembling with anger and frustration. "The ones that prove I'm the owner of this company." Macy's eyes widened in shock. "What? Why would he do that?" "I don't know," I replied, my voice filled with uncertainty. I kept staring at the registration documents on Macy's laptop, a sense of dread settled over me. The fact that I can't remember anything was making me even frustrated, and I had no idea why Damon had taken these files from my office. It was as if a fog had descended on my mind, obscuring everything that had happened. I felt lost and alone, like a ship without a compass, adrift in a sea of uncertainty. "Why would he do this?" I asked Macy, my voice barely above a whisper. Macy looked at me with a mixture of
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115. Backup
Elysia's pov AsI was trying to catch my breath, the phone in my hand began to ring. Macy noticed it and tried to hand it to me, but I shook my head, signaling her to take it. "It's your parents," she whispered. I felt a sudden surge of anger and frustration. I couldn't believe my parents were calling me at this moment. I was still trying to process what had just happened. "Why are they calling me now?" I screamed. The phone kept ringing and ringing, and I knew I had to pick it up. With a shaky hand, I answered the call. It was my mother, and she was crying. "We got the news, Elysia. We heard about the company," she said between sobs. I could feel my heart breaking into a million pieces. "I'll fix it, Mom. I promise," I said, trying to hold back my own tears. The cab pulled up in front of the company, and I could see the building looming ahead. I took a deep breath and tried to steady myself. I knew I had to face Damon, but I didn't know what I was going to say or do. As I got out
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116. Forgiveness!
Damon's pov I watched as my mother walked out the door, her eyes filled with disappointment and anger. It was clear that she didn't approve of my decision, but I knew what I had to do. I turned to my friend Warren and told him that we needed to go to Elysia's office. "I have to get those documents back," I said, my voice filled with determination. "It's the only way I can stop my father and mother from taking over the company." Warren nodded in agreement and we quickly made our way to the car. As we drove to Elysia's company, my mind raced with thoughts of what could happen if I didn't succeed. The future of the company, and my own future, hung in the balance. Thankfully, when we arrived at the office, Elysia wasn't there. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that I wouldn't have to face her today. But as grateful as I was for her absence, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for what I was about to do. As I rifled through Elysia's files, searching for the documents I needed,
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117. Takeout!
Elysia's heart pounded hard in her chest, and her mind raced as Damon's words echoed in her ears. She couldn't believe what he had just told her: that their marriage was nothing but a contract between their families. It felt as if the ground had crumbled beneath her feet, leaving her with nothing but a sense of betrayal and despair. "How could you lie to me, Damon? How could you deceive me like this?" Elysia's voice was laced with anger and hurt. "I thought we had something real, something that came from the heart." Damon's expression was solemn as he looked at her. "I didn't lie to you, Elysia. It's the truth. Our marriage was arranged by our families for their own interests." Elysia felt as if she couldn't breathe, as if the air had been sucked out of the room. She had always felt something special between her and Damon, something that went beyond the arrangement of their families. But now, that feeling was shattered, leaving her with a sense of suffocation. "I can't believe this
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118. Jake
Elysia's pov Istood alone in my office, staring at the closed door as Damon walked out. Anger boiled within me as I wondered what my life was like before I lost my memories. Was it really with him? Did he really love me? I shook my head, frustrated with myself for not remembering anything. I was lost in thought when I heard the door open. I turned around to see Macy standing there. "What happened, Elysia?" Macy asked, her voice laced with concern. "Damon just left," I said, my voice shaking with anger. Macy put her hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head, feeling tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. "I don't even know who I am anymore," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. Macy pulled me into a hug, and I clung to her, feeling like a child in need of comfort. After a moment, I pulled away and wiped my tears. "I need to go after him," I said, my voice firm. Macy tried to stop me, telling me that it was a bad idea, but
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119. Loose.
Damon's pov Damon drove after the cab, his heart racing with worry and fear for Elysia. He arrives at the hospital before them and quickly rushes inside, searching for Elysia. He spots her being carried by Macy and immediately walks towards them, offering to take Elysia from her. Without hesitation, he carries Elysia on his arms and rushes to the nearest doctor, demanding they help her. He feels her body trembling with pain and fear, and his heart aches with guilt for not being able to protect her from harm. As they wait for the doctor's examination, Damon can feel Elysia's eyes staring at him, filled with confusion and doubt. He knows she has questions, but he doesn't want to answer them yet. Not until he figures out how to fix things, how to make things right between them. For now, all he can do is hold her close and pray that everything will be okay. As I walked outside the hospital, I took a deep breath of fresh air. My mind was in turmoil, and I needed a moment to collect my
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120. Meeting Hector
Damon's pov Feeling the weight of Hector's threat bearing down on me, I knew I had to act fast. But before I could leave the hospital, I needed to make sure that Elysia was in good hands. I dialed Ellen's number, hoping that she would be able to come and stay with Elysia while I dealt with Hector. When she picked up the phone, her voice was icy and distant. "What do you want, Damon?" she asked, her words laced with disdain. "Ellen, it's me," I said, trying to keep my voice calm. "Look, I need your help. I have to deal with something urgent, and I need you to come and stay with Elysia while I'm gone." Ellen sighed heavily, her irritation palpable through the phone. "Fine," she said finally, her voice dripping with resentment. "I'll be there in a few minutes." When she arrived at the hospital, I could feel the tension crackling between us. Ellen had always hated me, blaming me for all of Elysia's problems. I knew that her feelings were justified, but it still hurt to be on the rece
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