All Chapters of Starstruck by the Alpha: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
239 Chapters
Chapter 90: 'I'm her Alpha.'
ROSE Suddenly, I feel like an old motorcycle. Until, of course, I pulled down my hood and Rum tipped my chin. Ellis’s eyes couldn’t get any bigger while Elena rushed towards me with an even paler look. Both reactions told me that my condition has worsened. “Goddess me…,” muttered Elena as her fingertip lightly touched my wounded skin. I winced hard, the heat of pain seared the back of my eyes, tearing them. “Jesus Christ, stop touching her!” Rum shouted at the healer. “Can’t you just use your eyes?” “If I could just use my eyes, I wouldn’t touch it! I need to touch it to FIX IT!” The godmother blasted back. Glaring at her annoying godson, she ordered, “Lie down, Rose. It’ll be painful. But I need you to bear with it.” Rum was immediately by my side, about to help me get on the bed, when Elena snapped, “You–out. Now.” She glanced at her husband. “Both of you, men. Out.” “I’m not going anywhere without her.” Rum slapped Elena’s hand away when she tried to grab his wrist
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Chapter 91: 'Those black shit invade anything that breathes.'
RUM “Mmm….” I jerked my gaze to the bed. “Blast it, she’s awake. She’s going to move. Stop her,” the Luna ordered, both her palms still hovering over Rose’s neck—which didn’t seem to look any better, colour wise. I was right back on the stool and leaned close to whisper into Rose’s ear as she stirred some more. “Hey Rose, it’s me.” “R…am?” She was about to lift her hand to rub her groggy eyes when I gently pressed on her wrist to stop her. It’s still a little scratchy but thank goodness she can still talk. “Yes. Rum. You knocked out for quite a while there. Don’t! Don’t move. Elena’s still treating you.” And the poor girl froze—in a super adorable way that made me want to kiss her entire face. “You can relax, stupid girl. Just stay still.” I had to stop myself from reaching out to touch her. “Oh…kay…,” she whispered. “How do you feel?” I couldn’t stop myself from asking. “Less… pain….” But she was still wincing and I felt my heart drained. The wheels in my min
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Chapter 92: 'I decide my own mate.'
ROSE "Rose." Rum sidestepped his mother to the bedside. "Are you alright?" he whispered. I blinked at him and then at the woman beside him, her gorgeous features puckering with concern. "I… I'm alright." Rum sighed in relief. "Jes—." He halted at Elena's glare and said, "I mean, blast it. You gave me a scare." "Is she your mate?" asked the soft, silky voice. And Rum swung around at his mother while I stared at her, horrified. "No!" Rum retorted. Then, to her surprised doe eyes, he added, "She's my assistant." Quickly, I nodded. Fiercely. "Assistant?" Those slim light pink brows wrinkled with curiosity. "What is she assisting you on?" And the white couple coughed knowingly. "Rose is hungry," said Rum, moving to the table. "Can we eat first?" After a glance at his mother, the superstar werewolf sighed. "I'll explain everything to you as I eat." ***** Werewolves make the best beef stew. Now I know why Rum complains about them back home. Home…. Rum is definitely hom
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Chapter 93: 'We are very loyal creatures.'
ROSE He kissed the side of my head then pressed his lips into my lips to muffle his groan of bliss, and I felt his body tensed up. Then, it relaxed again. And I felt another kiss on my forehead then his lips spread into a smile. We sat there, in the dim glow of the oil lamp, in each other's arms, listening to our heavy breathing coming down, our heartbeats becoming normal. “There's something you need to know. This place is nothing like the human world.” There was a snigger in his voice. I breathed in and sighed. “I’m aware. I see nothing but trees and rocks. I mean, this inn is by far the only man-made structure I’ve seen.” And it’s made entirely out of rocks. “I mean the bathroom, cub.” He pulled back and kissed my cheek. “There’s no shower.” And he flashed a bright smile. I was shocked. Werewolves' existence is one thing. But no showers? “You’re kidding.” “I’m not. Want me to show you how to use the facilities?” I don’t like the smug smile on his face. ***** SPL
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Chapter 94: 'That's for attacking my Alpha.'
RUM I stared at the two older Alphas and the scent in the air hit me. "Fuck. It's a trap." And Rose disappeared from my side. I spun around and caught a glimpse of her standing with Bell, who had her arms around that small frame and a victorious smirk on her face, and pure rage shot to my eyes. I lunged forward when four huge strapping guys appeared from nowhere, completely cutting Rose out of my sight. "Magnus!" Ellis shouted in rage from behind me. "You promised!" I straightened to the height of my four ambushers. "You fucking pieces of shit," I growled under my breath, glaring at them. "Yes, I did!" Magnus cried back in anguish. "And I'm also tired of waiting for this mutt to wake up from his stupidity!" "This mutt is Joe's cub!" Ellis grabbed Magnus by his collar. "And Rose is unwell–she can't…." I couldn't hear the rest of it because I needed to get to Rose. What if another vessel broke? PUNCH! WHACK! "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!" I grabbed the son of a bitch by
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Chapter 95: 'Does she look like a threat to you?'
ROSE A few jumps later, we came to a stop and Bell immediately grabbed my wrist, locking it in her grasp, before she jumped off. “You want to come down, you answer my question, Rose.” “What’s the problem?” Hansel asked, his snout faced me, his eyes watching fiercely. And Bell pointed at my neck. “I asked her how she got that nasty wound around her neck and she ignored me!” I continued glaring at the pretty woman in a biker jacket when Hansel sighed wearily. “She can’t talk, Bell. That’s why.” A few blinks later and the smile was back. “Ah!” Two warm palms cradled my cheeks and her thumbs stroked my skin affectionately. “I’m so sorry, love.” Don’t call me that, I tried to tell this werewoman with my glare. But, clearly, she didn’t notice. “Come on. Let’s take a break.” She helped me down, making sure I don’t pressure my neck too much. “Stay here. I’ll get some water for you.” “Bell…,” called Hansel, a reminder in his tone. “Don’t worry. Magnus will understand. She’s wo
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Chapter 96: 'What Keithen was like when he was little?'
ROSE "DEITY'S ASS!" Elena was horrified by the sight of me—not that I was standing in the middle of her bedroom nor that Mrs. Hook had smuggled me into Cloud Throne Manor, but the awful shade of my throat. "WHAT HAPP—oh…OH! That MAGNUS!" The White Crown Luna grabbed her hands into tight fists as though her fingers were around the Alpha's neck. "I could kill him!" Mrs. Hook led me to the bed and had me lie down. Immediately, Elena left the room to make me some healing juice. "It's not as bad as I thought." The Luna sat next to the bed and smiled at me. She caught my wrinkled brows and explained, "Elena went to get some juice instead of using her hands, so I reckoned it's not that severe." I smiled and nodded. "I promised Keithen to look after you till he returns, so you'll be in good hands." She scanned the room and added, "Although you can't stay here—it's not nice to use the room of a committed couple." I couldn't agree more. "And I can't bring you back either. Cause… well
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Chapter 97: 'That special ability requires some sort of stimulation.'
RUM Ellis stepped forward. “Keithen….” “Deity’s ass…,” growled Magnus in disapproval. “Magnus, please. Let me.” Ellis patted the Crystal Sparks Alpha’s and turned to me. “Keithen, we’re not asking you to reconnect with the deity. And I’m not going to lecture you about our natural bond with her.” “Sounds better.” I crossed my arms. “So why don’t we try this: you take Magnus’s training for three days—.” “One day.” “Two.” Ellis frowned at me. “Or we tell everyone” Fucking hell. I glowered at both werewolves. “FINE. Two days.” “Try Magnus’s training because that special ability requires some sort of stimulation to be harnessed and manifest.” Ellis flashed a kind smile. So they don’t know how to get that dumb thing out of me. They’re just trying their luck too. It makes sense since father was the only one who had it and the only one who knew how to unleash it. “What if nothing happens?” I asked. Since they are like Dan, I need to remove the stick which they would use on
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Chapter 98: 'Did it work?'
RUM "I AM NOT GOING INTO THAT WATER." I turned away from the damn lake and its beautiful, deadly clear turquoise waters. "Keithen!" Magnus came after me. "Stop this childishness at once!" And Ellis put himself in front of me, and I halted, glaring at him, his mouth in a grim line. "Keithen," his smooth voice began. "I know this sounds crazy—." "Damn right it does." I was furious. "He really wants me dead, doesn't he? Like my predecessor.” "No, he doesn't." Ellis was as patient as a fucking kindergarten teacher. "We've already explained it to you—that special ability comes out when your body feels threatened." "That's just your speculation. You've got no proof." Magnus appeared beside Ellis, looking as pissed as Dan was when the press got hold of a photo of me with two naked models. "Alright, you’re right—we guessed it. But it wasn't a wild guess, you mutt. So you can quit that smile of yours " I spread my lips wider. Ellis interjected. "Joe once said that he started seei
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Chapter 99: Blue Rock Pack's Tragic News
ROSE Mrs. Hook didn’t show up for dinner. So I ate alone in my room. Potato stew with boiled carrots—at least that’s what I thought it was, based on the grainy texture, the starchy taste and the orange bits floating in my wooden bowl. The room was as large as Rum’s bedroom back at the penthouse, which gave me a cozy feeling and at the same time anxiety and worry. I still wasn’t sure if Rum would come back for me. I’m in a world completely new to me. Though I learned a few things from Rum, they weren’t complete. And his absence made me feel more like a speck of dust in a giant world; I have absolutely no idea what’s gonna happen or how I’m supposed to act to keep myself safe; I have zero control over my circumstances and my future, being blown around wherever suitable for the others. Even the slightest breeze could blow me away. Fuck. I turned from the moon outside the window and stared at the queen size bed, the wheels in my mind churning. I can’t stay here and do nothing.
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