All Chapters of Starstruck by the Alpha: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
239 Chapters
Chapter 70: 'What did you promise Dan this time?'
JOY At first, she was smiling, when I saw her at the door, a bag on her shoulders, four large paper bags strapped around her forearms—two on each side. She was in her jumper and jeans but gone are the specs, just as I had last seen her. She looked like she had just gotten out of bed and had rushed through the packing up to leave wherever she was before coming back here. I assumed that place she was at was Rum’s place, and was about to ask her what happened when her eyes became watery. I took the paper bags from her and asked if she was fired. Then large teardrops started rolling down her reddened eyes. So I hugged her and told her she had done her best. Big companies like B.A.D. are hard to survive in, and she's only an intern. But she managed to stay there for four years, despite having no formal training, and that meant something. And then the incredible girl wailed, loud and hard. In a voice shaking with grief, she blurted that she would no longer be Rum’s assistant. And
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Chapter 71: 'Rosey.'
ROSE Yes…. Yes, I’ll save him. I won’t let them push Rum around. I won’t give them the token to use it against Rum. I’m going to put a stop to it, even if it means losing my fast track to achieving daddy’s dream. “Stability,” I breathed, just before those tantalising lips touched mine. “I want stability.” He paused and jerked back. His face shot up to level with mine, showing me a curious yet upset expression. “What the fuck… What the fuck are you trying to say?” “I’m sick and tired of the roller coaster life at B.A.D.,” I said. “And I’m sick and tired of walking on eggshells around you.” Those blue eyes enlarged with surprise, giving me the boost in my morale to continue with the lie. “You heard me, I’m done with this life of anxiety and uncertainty. I feel vulnerable all the time and I hate it.” I gritted my teeth at that handsome face. “I HATE IT. Did you hear me?” BANG! His fist slammed on the door just above my head and he leaned in. “You don’t seem to hate it when
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Chapter 72: 'Why, Rose?'
WARNING: This chapter contains crude language which you may find distressing. ROSE “Oh… that singer… What’s his name again?” I was drilling a hole through the tray of hair styling tools with my eyes, my body unable to move. Rum’s face is everywhere in my mind, crowding, squeezing, spilling. “Hmm… Gin? Doesn’t sound right….” “Hey! What are you waiting for?” My gaze jerked up at the mirror and the customer was glaring at me, silently chastising me for wasting his precious time. “Hurry up!” he snapped impatiently. “Right!” I heard my voice squeal in panic and sprang into action, my hand shot out to the hair clipper. “Whiskey?” Mrs. Yves continued. The second the clipper came into plain sight, the bossy voice freaked out. “What do you think you’re doing? Don’t you wanna wash my hair first? Are you really from B.A.D?” I stared at him. The man was getting on my nerves—I should tell him to shut up, let me do my job. But my voice is stuck. I feel stuck. I turned on the cl
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Chapter 73: 'Mates.'
WARNING: This chapter contains explicit language of sex and violence that may cause distress. RUM Fuck… something’s not right. I let go of the nipple with a pop sound and kissed the side of Brenda’s left breast. And her whimpering stopped. Pressing her chin down, she gazed up at me, breathless in her voice, “Rum? What is it?” Shut up, my inside growled. I closed my mouth around her other nipple and swirled it around my tongue, just as she liked it—and her whimpers grew high and tiny, just as before. But still, something’s off. I released the maroon bud and leaned up to take those plump lips, shooting my tongue through them to stroke that sweet, shy tongue… rubbing and caressing as though I wanted to take in all of her… I want all of her…. I grabbed the back of her head and angled my face to reach deeper, conquer more of her nectarine mouth, taking in that fragrance of Crane’s bill and rose….. ***** ROSE I popped the last bite of pizza into my mouth and clapped my han
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Chapter 74: Blood-soaked Midnight Blue
ROSE Save Keithen…. Save him, Rose. This is getting annoying. STOP BOTHERING ME! I cried out at the strange white light before me. It was glowing gently and beautifully like the gates of heaven. But I could make out the shape of a globe. It was outlined with silver, glistening softly but fiercely. A silver ring. Save him…. The whispers continued. Save Keithen…. STOP IT! YOU’VE BEEN WHISPERING IN MY HEAD FOR THE PAST TWO WEEKS, IT’S DRIVING ME CRAZY! TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT AND GET OUT! I had to ignore it and focus on my life. Do you know how scary that is? I feel like I’m going mad. If I’ve gone mad, who’s gonna make Daddy’s dream come true?! PLEASE! Save him, Save him, Save him… Save HIM…. STOP! SAVE KEITHEN, ROSE! “STOP!!” I screamed. “ROSE!” I threw open my eyes and the warm glow of my bedroom lights greeted me with concern. I winced away when I felt something shaking me lightly. “Rose!” Joy huffed frantically. “Can you hear me?” Save him…. Save…. I blinked a
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Chapter 75: Save him, Rose.
ROSE I banged the counter and begged desperately. “Please, you gotta let me go up there!” The new security guard frowned harder, hands on his hips, and glared fiercer. “No means no, young lady. You got no appointment with Mr. Rum. And his specific orders are: let no goddamn soul up unless he gives me the name! And your name ISN’T IN the record.” “OK. Then can you please ask Mr. Ambrose to come down here!” The twenty-something scrawny dude frowned quizzically. “There’s no such person.” “You didn’t even check the records!” I argued. SLAM! The man leaned in, propping on his palm, and growled, “I started here ten days ago. And in those ten days, I am to let NO ONE up. So NO ONE had gone up.” “OK. What about his assistant? Or his driver? Do you have any emergency contact number for Mr. Rum? You know, if something happens to him at home—.” “I know what an emergency contact is!” the man snapped. “And it’s Rose Cintilar!” Wait, what? I came to a screeching halt. “He didn’t c
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Chapter 76: 'I got you.'
ROSE One second, everything was under control. In the next, it was chaos. No one saw what happened. Not even me. I was in the midst of convincing one of the ladies in an LBD with the organiser’s tag that I’m Rum’s assistant, and I needed to get to him, when a hush of gasps burst over the screaming, clicking and reporting. Out of genuine curiosity, I jerked around to the noise—and Rum was there, completely surrounded by fans, rendered immobile. He looked helpless—and angry. Well, it didn’t show on his face, of course. He’s a professional. But, for some reason, I could sense anger inside him, and it was on a sharp rise. I panicked—he’s going to shift! Don’t do it, Rum! Frantic, I scanned my vicinity and saw a table of water bottles. Without a second thought, I grabbed the black table cloth and yanked it off in one pull. “HEY, STOP!” One of the black suit guys pressed a finger to his ear and muttered a few things inaudibly. “What are you doing?” I need to get to Rum be
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Chapter 77: 'Ever heard of Lykostan?'
ROSE "T-They're… they're Rum's godparents!" I shoved David into the living room and closed the door, when I saw the shock on Ellis's face. Are you sure about this, Rose? It asked. I gave a nod to tell him: trust me, I know what I’m doing. And I clipped the door to its frame. Yes. I’m acting on my instincts. For some reason, I trust it. I have no other choice. The situation calls for it. And my instincts are telling me that David needs to know the truth about Ellis and Elena’s relationship with Rum, or he’ll interrupt Rum’s treatment and worsen his condition. "Rum's family?!" David looked incredulous. "But Rum has no family. Mr. Danny said so. Don’t lie to me, Rose. What's going on?" "T-They aren't his biological family, of course. Friends of his dead parents—yes, that's what they are—friends of his parents. And Rum had recently reunited with them," I hastily explained. “You saw them at the cafe a month back, remember?” Well, that was half true. But David looked astounded b
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Chapter 78: 'It was an ordinary kitchen knife.'
ELENA"Huk—Urgh!" A grunt of pain punched the silent space. The body twisted and untwisted itself, convulsing and flapping like a fish out of water. More low, thick grunts and growls of torture punched the silence as the poison unwillingly followed the white glow to the opening—the stabbed wound—to remove it from the system. The door opened and closed, and my love was back in the spot across the bed from me, checking the cub's pulse. "How is it?" I whispered. Ellis held Keithen's wrist as he stared at the pink edges of the large crimson blot of the sheets, his brows knitting with focus. Then, he looked up to meet my gaze. "It's still slow...." Panic seized me. "But it's stronger. By a notch."I sighed, my lips quivering in sheer relief. "His heart is working again."Ellis sighed too. "It's still weak, but it's working." "Thank Goddess." Heat of relief swarmed to my eyes as I watched my left hand drag slowly and steadily across the air above the cub's back, pulling the white glo
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Chapter 79: 'You possess the abilities of a healer.'
AMBROSEGoddess blast it. He was sure that Rose wouldn't show up. Didn't she say that she had enough of werewolves? Of Kee? So why in deity's name did she turn up at the last minute! If Rose hadn't been there, Kee would be dead now, since no one would get to him in time. There was enough silver to kill a werewolf—even the fittest one like Kee. Ambrose was sure of it. So why was the Alpha still alive when he returned with Alpha Ellis and Luna Elena? Why didn't he die?Ambrose stared up at the crescent moon, hanging gracefully behind the night wispy clouds. Did you send Rose to Kee, our Goddess? The Delta asked in his mind. If you truly did, then the ultimate question is: why this human? Why did you choose her? What's so special about her? How did she save the leader of the Howling Five? She's just a human! Ambrose dropped his face with a disappointed sigh. It wasn't enough to use a human kitchen knife. No. Rose. He needed to get rid of Rose. His face jolted up in surprise. S
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