All Chapters of Her Burning Desire: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
138 Chapters
Indecent Proposal
(Dmitri’s Thoughts) The words that I’ve been holding off since two years ago suddenly explode in front of her. The cool Dmitri could no longer take it, and just like that, I blurt out something I would never think of even uttering.“How cruel of you! You were the one who left when I was ready to fight for you. I searched the world for you, and now that I found you, you were betrothed to another man. Tell me how! How do I unlove you?”Tears fall from both our eyes and the next thing we know, we are kissing each other, deeply and passionately, as if the two years of longingness for each other has finally been released. Avery kisses me. She walks towards me, she holds my face and she claims my lips as if there’s no tomorrow. I feel like a surging fire of anger subsides every time her lips move with mine. Her kiss is like a ton of water that submerges my heated argument a while ago. I feel like drowning, drowning in her love, in her pain, in her lust, and in her desire. This warmth on
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Double Jeopardy
(Avery’s Thoughts) My mind couldn’t fathom the last words I hear from Dmitri at the elevator. I had sex with him, yes. I cheated. I am a cheater and I am the worse. I liked everything he did to me. How can I do this to poor Jeff? My body still feels every stroke of his slender fingers and warm hands to me. And even now, just this scent coming from his shirt is so captivating, I feel like having arousal early in the morning. My body just can’t get enough of him.I shake my head and go towards my room. Peach is already gone when I come, “Thank goodness she didn’t see me coming in with this shirt on. How could I even explain what happened, right?”I quickly change into something decent and comfortable. I slap both my cheeks, “Wake up, Avery! You must stick with Jeff! Jeff is the one for you! Jeff is the one who truly loves you! Jeff has been with you for a long time.” I try to convince myself, even though deep in my heart, that isn’t the case. I know, Dmitri still takes the biggest pa
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Peach and I enjoy the scenery of this Huwaidensberg Street while waiting for the other group to finish their observation. One group finally arrives, followed by the last group. Now, all that’s left is the professor. It’s been over thirty minutes and the professor seems taking a bit longer. Finally, his figure is seen in a far distance running towards us, like a happy grasshopper leaping off the leaves. “Guys, great news, great news. Later tonight, we are going to experience the first-rated massage package and expensive dinner at the hotel courtesy of Mister Sullivan,” he excitingly says. The others are thrilled, too. While I just massage my nose bridge from the bad news I gather, “Looks like that billionaire is buying us off, huh?” Peach says. I laugh at her remark, “Looks like it!”She clicks her tongue, “I don’t like him! I still like Jeff more,” then she pats me on my shoulder. “Good luck getting away from that son of a wealthy man,” I laugh aloud. Peach’s side comments are
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Slip Of The Tongue
“Why didn’t you say he’s here? You didn’t even tell me? Why, babe?”Jeff’s voice resounds inside the hotel room. It’s not that I didn’t want to tell him, I just don’t want his precious trip to go to waste. “Babe, I, it’s because he’s nothing. I don’t want you to be so much affected. And I don’t want you to act like that, babe,” I try to calm him down. “Then when did he arrive, huh? When did you meet him? Yesterday? Last week? When are you planning to tell me, or do you even have plans to tell me? Answer me, babe,” he’s been walking back and forth just in front of our hotel bed.Thanks to the loudmouth and somebody’s slip of the tongue, our moments together are now ruined. “I am going to kill you, Geneva, just you wait!” I told myself. He snaps at my face, “Hey! Are you listening babe? You haven’t answered any of my questions. Would you like me to guess, instead? Fine! Let’s play your game!” he angrily says. “Babe, please. Let’s not ruin this moment, please? You flew all the way he
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End Of The Tour
(Dmitri’s Thoughts)My head is still pounding when I receive a call early in the morning. And since it is from someone close to me, I answer it while my eyes are still closed. “Dee, Dee, Dee,” a high-pitchy, little feminine voice is excited when it calls my name. I groan when it feels like somebody’s screwing my temple, and impatiently answer the one on the phone, “Better be important, you already ruined my sleep now.” “I think I just found the perfect apartment in Seattle, you do know that I’ll be settling in Seattle soon, right?” the voice even mocks my intelligence. “Of course, you mention it countless times. So, do you want me to yell and scream out of happiness?” I sarcastically give off a remark. I hear the voice scoffs, “Tsk, don’t you dare use your sarcasm at me, dear. Remember, you owe me big time! And how long are you going to fool around in Germany anyway? Come back to me!” the voice demandingly utters. “Why do you care? And who says I am fooling around? She’s here an
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“Avery, what are we really doing here?” Jeff asks irritably after we finally get out of the crowded airport.The States is very different from France, and I must say, I prefer living in France, although, I’ve missed being home. I am finally home. I look at his frowning face and act cute on him, “Babe, please, stop asking questions, I have a surprise for you, okay? Trust me on this!” I try to convince him while clinging my arms at him.However, he still hasn’t gotten over the fact that I lied to him about my encounter with Dmitri so he distances himself to me and untangles my arms. But I am too stubborn and didn’t let him do so. “Come on, please, you’ll soon forgive me,” I even press my body at him and I can sense the effect on him. But he still chooses not to even look at me. From the moment I’d arrived home, up to now, we haven’t had a single decent conversation. It is more on him scowling, or me, avoiding his questions. But I keep on irritating him, hoping that he would forgive
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Catching Up
Seid enters the passcode without even pressing the doorbell so I ask him, “Hey, what if she’s not here, or both of them are having their moments. Is this even legal?”Seid pats me on my shoulder, “Relax, Ava. Have you forgotten, we always do this to one another, Kendra is not another person, you know.”I sigh, still feeling nervous about how Kendra will react once she sees me. Seid finally opens the door, and Nikolai’s face is the first to show up. He is flustered seeing us standing behind the door. Then I hear K’s voice, “Love, who is it? Is that the food we ordered?”Nik couldn’t answer right away, his voice is still as husky and deep as ever, “Uh, well, not really.”“Then who is it? Are they soliciting, again? Would you mind giving them some penny, I am a bit busy here,” K’s voice sounds like music to my ears, loud and vibrant. Nik keeps on staring at me and holds his stare to Jeff who’s just beside me. Then he mouths to Seid, “What the heck? You didn’t even bother telling me? S
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Knowing Avery
(Jeff’s Thoughts)I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at Avery who was deeply sleeping next to me. Seid got this hotel room for us. To be honest, I don’t like Seid lurking around her, but I, I have to respect Avery’s opinion, and besides it’s not him I am mostly worried about. I trace her face and kiss her on her forehead, “Sleeptight, baby.”Avery was so wasted yesterday, and she kept on crying complaining as to why Kendra still hasn’t forgiven her. Even after staying here for a week and putting on a lot of effort each day, Kendra didn’t waver. After all, two years of pain and abandonment wouldn’t be easy to erase from her. I go to the mini-fridge this hotel has, I get some beer, lie on this chair facing the balcony glass door, and drink. I finally got to meet people from her old life. As far as I know, she no longer has parents. Yet, I know little about her. This thought suddenly come to my mind.“I want to know her more,” I told myself.With amazing people surroundi
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Left Out
(Jeff’s Thoughts)Walking back to the hotel, all the conversations Kendra and I had kept on running inside my mind. There are many things I didn’t know about her, things that I should know about her. I am her fiance after all. “But why do I feel so left out? Why hasn’t she even shared this important information about her life? Am I not worth it?” So instead of going straight to the hotel room, I drop by the hotel bar and sit at the counter, and order some drinks. “Evening, man. What can I get you?” a bartender with a happy mood comes in. I lift my head and nod at him, “Yeah, can I get some scotch?”“Clean or on the rocks?” he asks while preparing the glass. “On the rocks, bro, and make it two,” I order. “Oh, somebody’s starting really strong, tonight, any problems, man?” the bartender keeps on asking questions. “nothing, just wedding blues,” this is the excuse that I give. “Ohh,” he seems happy about it, “Congratulations, man! And good luck!” then he laughs out loud. “Huh! A
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House Hold
(Dmitri’s Thoughts) “You will meet them today? I see. Just go with our plan, okay? Remember, never say a word until I say so. I’ll be going back soon, try to stall the agreement, bring the best lawyers, negotiate or whatsoever, until they agree to have another meeting, this will be your last meeting as the owner,” I instruct the person I am talking on the phone with.“Understood, sir,” he says. And I hang up. I then, rest my back at the backrest of my office chair. He’s one of my employees and I promise him a promotion if he will take care of everything. “I am sorry, Avery. I will take you by force, you are mine and mine alone!” I clench my fist as I remember how Avery left me in Germany a month ago.Now that she’s back in the States, I won’t let her out of my sight ever again.“I hate to be like this, but I can’t let you go, I can’t live without you. Wait for me, I will be coming home soon. I am the one you love, not him,” I told myself. I close my eyes, but seconds after, someon
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