All Chapters of Her Burning Desire: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
138 Chapters
Can’t Get Married
(Avery’s Thoughts)My phone keeps on buzzing in my purse while Dmitri and I are sharing this unique smoking experience together. I try to ignore it and put the purse on my side, and enjoy the unique feeling. I honestly thought of it as a bad thing, well it’s not good either, since not all states consider shisha as a legal vice. I even thought it would smell really bad. But with my first hit of the smoke circulating inside this little flask over there, the chocolate minty flavor goes straight to my nostrils. It felt weird but not bad, so I must say, I enjoy this. Plus the fact that Dmitri’s warm hand has been traveling all over my body. And it boosts this strange feeling inside me. My phone vibrates again and when I check it, the screen displays Jeff’s name. I try to hide it from Dmitri but he notices it right away, so he puts down the pipe and asks me, “Avery, would you like to answer that?”I shake my head and answer him with a smile, “Uh, no, it is better not to answer it.” And
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Soul Ties (Glad It Was You All Along)
(Avery's Thoughts)As I continue to sniff and sip some drinks. Dmitri looks at me in silence. He notices the changes in my mood, but he doesn’t even question me. He just lets me do what I want. But the silence between us is suddenly shaken by the sudden roar of this man, who was a while ago quiet at the corner. “Aha!” he literally jumps from where he’s sitting and walks towards me. Then he bents towards me and looks at my face from a very close distance. All I could do is blink because of shock. “I knew it!” he once again shouts with the same energy he exerted a few seconds ago. There’s a hundred and eighty-degree turn of his personality. Now that I look at his face, he’s smiling towards me, and his face brightens. I wonder what happened to him. I can finally witness how Dmitri introduced him to me in the car before coming here. Then he stands behind Dmitri and massages his shoulder while uttering the words, “You are one hell of a sly fox, you asshole!”“And the biggest mouth r
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Fights Over Doubts
(Avery’s Thoughts) We just finished our tour in Macau yesterday, and we arrived in the States just a few minutes ago. Even though we had some disagreement, we made up the next day, and our stay there was splendid. I got to know more about his billionaire friends, and they told me more stories about Dmitri’s past. They even told me what kind of tricks Dmitri pulled to get me out of the SEXONITE’s system. We were back to being sex buddies, and we are enjoying our moments together because I added a clause in our contract that once Jeff and I married, I could no longer meet him. I may be a cheating girlfriend, but I want to honor the sacrament of marriage just like my parents did. And besides, somehow Jeff deserves it. He did nothing but love me with all his heart. But sometimes being apart tests your relationship in terms of patience, loyalty, love, and trust. And to be honest, I already failed two of them. I do love him, and I want to be patient with him, but I am no longer loyal
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Sisterette’s Reunion
(Avery’s Thoughts)Our first stop today is a bridal gown boutique not far away from the coffee shop. A wedding wouldn’t be complete without the gown just so you know. They already expect our arrival so as we step into the boutique, a warm welcome greets us. She leads us to the space which I reserve for today’s fitting. “We’re going to fit the gown now? Wait! Is it only me? How about the others? Don’t you have friends in France?” K begins to ask me questions. So before she could even ask more that could ruin my surprise for her, I send her inside the fitting. “Wait, aren’t you going to fit, too?” she asks in a louder manner. “K, before they give you your gown, can you do me this favor for once?” I plead to her. “Huh? What favor?” she asks. And when the staff brings the bridal gown in, she squeals, “Goodness gracious, Avery Anderson, what do you want me to do with this?”I can’t see her but I can imagine the look on her face. And I can’t stop giggling. “I am going to make you pay
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Future Talks With The Man Who Won’t Be In It
(Avery’s Thoughts)It is nine in the morning, I am taking a sip from this cup of coffee while currently looking at my wall scratching out things from my bucket list one by one. “Go to a casino, done, scratch it… Fit the wedding gown, done, scratch it… Hang out with bestie, done, scratch it…” I smile feeling great seeing my progress here. The next on the list would be ‘Donating Egg Cells’. I don’t know why but after watching a lot of documentaries about surrogacy, IVF, and couple having troubles getting pregnant, it makes me aware that not all can be given a chance to be a mother. Somehow, I believe I might help others, and besides, I have such great genes, duh?!A few minutes later my phone buzzes and the screen displays my day calendar appointment, “Seattle's Fertility Center appointment at 10.”Okay, I guess I’ll get going. Before I go out of my hotel room, an unregistered number appears on my phone screen and I immediately know who it is, so I answer happily, “Hey, Dee.”“I’m he
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The Reason Why
“Ava?” he is the first one to call my name. So I untangle my arms on Dmitri and walk to him. I kiss him on his cheek as a form of greeting and say, “Hey, Seid. Didn’t expect you to see here!”I try to be civil and I smile even though I am so damn nervous about this unexpected rendezvous. Why now? And why with Dmitri? “What are you doing here? And why are you with him?” he peeks on Dmitri who keeps his distance from us for some time.“Uh, I have things to do, how about you? What are you doing here?” I ask him back. I wonder because there’s no probable reason why he should be here so I thought he must be meeting a friend or a client. But his face tells me so, it is indeed related to him. He didn’t answer my question and his eyes are just fixated on Dmitri. “Avery, tell me what’s going on, does Jeff knows about this? Are you pregnant with that man’s child?” he straightforwardly asks me without any buckle. “Am I what?” I suddenly feel offended by what he said, although, there’s a good
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(Avery’s Thoughts) “Hey, you’ve been crying since you and Seid talked but you never answer any of my questions,” I hear Dee comforting me while he’s driving back to his penthouse. But words can’t just escape my mouth. All I feel right now is heartache, pain, sadness, and guilt, a mixed emotion of thoughts,“I wished I had known.”“He should have told me.”“I wish I would have been more understanding.”But on the other note, this is how my mind goes, “I loved him for 10 fucking years, I was loyal, and yet he was a cheater.”“He was a liar.”“He deserved what happened to him.”My brain feels like exploding and I feel suffocated, I think I’m having a panic attack. So I whisper to Dee, “S-stop the car, Dee.”“Why, are you hurt or something?” he asks with full concern towards me. I can’t even bring myself to tell him, and because of frustration, I raise my voice, “Stop the fucking car!” All I ever want is to get out of that small moving box. I need to feel the air. My attack is limiti
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(Dmitri’s Thoughts)I still can’t sleep wondering how Avery was. I didn’t even know what he and Seid talked about, nor the reason why she was crying. And, K was there. I wonder if she nags at her so much. A lot of things are bugging my mind today, but there’s this one thing that makes me nervous. That guy with Kendra. I think I’ve seen his face somewhere else. And the fact that he called me DeAndre, I click my tongue, “Does he know?” is all I ever ask myself. Just right off the bat, my phone rings, “It’s him, again!” this time, I bite my lips out of frustration. I hesitate to answer it, but if I don’t he’ll nag at me, so I answer it before it even stops ringing.“I told you not to call me, very much!” I scold him.But his feminine high-pitch voice is louder and more annoying than mine, “May I remind you I’ve given you enough time! Until when will I hide, huh? When will you give me that apartment, when can I go home to see you?” he sounds very upset. I distance the phone from my e
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Who's He?
(Dmitri’s Thoughts) Before my appointment with Nikolai, I need to drop by here. It’s very unusual for Nik to invite me for a lunch, so it may be somewhat, important. I am inside my car waiting at the airport for him, I tap my fingers on the stirring wheel out of boredom. I hate going to the airport especially if I am to drive and pick up. I am used to riding a private jet, after all, so waiting here, at the parking lot is not an easy or even a comfortable task for me. “He said he would be out in a minute, where the hell is he?” I bite my lips out of frustration. Finally, Greta announces a call going through, “Incoming call from a restricted number, should you answer Dmitri?”“Connect me to him,” I command. “Call connected,” Greta confirms.“Where the hell are you? I’ll be late for work, hurry up,” I scold him.“Duh, you didn’t tell me about your car, dummy! Don’t be so hot-tempered Dee!” he answers with a sweet voice. Minutes after our last conversation, I can finally see his fi
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Biggest Regret
(Avery’s Thoughts) It’s been three days since K and Art’s visit. It’s also been three days since Dmitri called me. Now, I can’t get what Art said off my mind. But I instantly shake the thought off everything it enters my mind, “There’s no way Dmitri is gay. First, he is good in bed. Second, he loves women. And third, he loves me very much.”“Don’t forget the word bisexual!” thought comes in. So I block it, “But there are no signs of being one.”“Then why can’t he marry you instead. Why did that Macau brat say those things?” “That’s because Dmitri is afraid of marriage itself, given what happened to his mom and dad,” I convince myself, countering every negative thought.“Then, who did Art see at that party? You know that Art would never lie or make a story.” “Probably it was an honest mistake, or maybe, it looked like Dee.”“Then why did Dmitri frown when Art calls him DeAndre?” “I wouldn’t be happy either if someone mistakenly call me by other nam
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