All Chapters of Hotter Than Hell: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
333 Chapters
Dax“What the fucking hell?” I yell. I run at the woman, but Coke and Loki beat me to her. They take her down hard and she cracks her head against the motor of an old bike.She doesn’t struggle as Loki forces her hands behind her back. She doesn’t move at all. Coke jerks her head up and there’s a nice gash at the hairline. Coke has her gun. He gives it over when I place my hand out. It’s a small .38 revolver. I release the cylinder and spin it to see that one bullet is missing. What the fuck? I’ve never seen the bitch. For a second, because of her darker skin, I wonder if she’s one of Moon’s. I don’t see Moon sending a woman to kill me, though. He’d send his right-hand man, Gomez, and chances are good I would never see him coming.“Is she alive?” I ask Loki. He checks her pulse while blood runs down the side of her face and drips into the dirt.“She’s still breathing,” he replies.I’m trying to process what just happened. She asked for me then pointed the gun directly at me. I should
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SofiaI pull back a little from Dagger’s hand against my back trying to put some distance between us. I touch my fingers to my forehead. It hurts, and my fingertips come away sticky with blood. There’s a dull throb in my head and the light hurts my eyes.Dagger watches me like I’m an insect he wants to dissect. His blue eyes are ice cold. The smell of dirt and sweat dripping from this man overpowers the room. There’s something wrong with my female wiring because I want to rub my nose along his skin. I want to lick the salt crystals that outline the trails of sweat. And I still want to bite that damn bottom lip of his.He’s a Desert Crow. A skinhead. One of the reasons my mother feared for her life. What the hell is wrong with me? I’ve dreamed of killing my father for so long. This man took it away.I’m rocked by the knowledge that I have nothing to live for. My world is upside-down and hurt swells inside my soul. The last person I want to see me come apart is this man. I blink back te
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Sofia“While I clean your face, you’ll answer my questions,” Dagger says.I have my own question and it centers on the tattoo. I shake off the empathy the artwork invokes. The tone of Dagger’s voice helps. Harsh and demanding has never worked in anyone’s favor when dealing with me. Mr. Boss Man is about to find out that pushing my buttons is not going to work. “And if I don’t?” It would have sounded tough if I hadn’t winced when the cloth touched the edge of the cut on my forehead.The cloth goes still. “You have no idea the fucking trouble you’re in, princess.” He leans in closer so his hot breath hits my cheek. “I don’t think you really want to find out.”My hands form fists and it takes everything I have not to leap up and deck him. “I’m sure I won’t be the first Latina you’ve killed, nor will I be the last,” I say instead, keeping my voice as steady as possible.The fingers of his injured wrist grasp my chin and he raises my head higher. “You actually think the worst thing I could
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DaxThe kickass look in her eyes makes my dick hard. The burn of desire is gone and now she burns with hatred. And all that hatred centers on me. I know exactly where she gets her temper. Fox was like that too. Hot and cold. Warm never worked into the equation for him. I guess I’m convinced she’s who she says she is. Why the hell would a Hispanic woman show up at this club? There’s not exactly a welcome mat out front for anyone with dark skin. Claiming to be his daughter is too crazy not to be true.Red enters the room with Skull following closely behind. She doesn’t show fear, which could work out very badly for her. I stand and move the chair several feet away from Sofia. I look at Red and gesture for her to sit. I roughly jerk her hands behind the back of the chair. She doesn’t resist. Skull moves in and takes over with the rope, securing her tightly. His face is grim.“You need to make noise,” I whisper in Red’s ear. I hope she understands what I’m telling her. This won’t be prett
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DaxI finally pull my pants up and secure my belt. When I turn away from the grimy toilet, I slam my fist through the wall by the door. I need the pain. One fucking day as president and this is what I get. A hand job, a pissed off Latina woman, and an ex-junky who needs a lesson in keeping her fucking trap shut.I leave the bedroom and find Skull standing in the hallway with his arms crossed. He glares at me and shakes his head. Yeah, he knows exactly what I was doing. Fuck, I’m a sicko. I brush past him and enter the small room. Sofia’s fury greets me. I stop a foot away from her and move the wild hair covering her face behind her ears so she can clearly see what’s about to happen. Her glare burns brighter, and I’m surprised I don’t combust on the spot. Shit, my dick is already hardening again.I drop my hand to the sheath at my waist, unsnap the top strap, and slide the knife free. Her eyes follow the knife as I walk over to the other chair. Red surprises me when she makes a high-pi
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SofiaThe anger burns like a red hot swell of molten lava.I thought I could do it. If Dagger cut me, I would have embraced the pain like I do when I fight. Putting the pain on someone else is different. I couldn’t watch Lorene…Red…suffer and now Dagger knows my weakness.The bottom line is I’ll be dead tomorrow. If I’d had a gun a few minutes ago, I’d have shot Dagger and Skull both and then taken out as many Desert Crows as I could before they took me down. That’s what the anger does. When it takes over and rage fills me, I need blood.Anger management issues is what the high school counselor said in one of the many meetings my mother and I had with school officials. All I know is that something happens and I have little control when it does. I actually envied the emo girls who cut themselves back then. It relieved whatever demons they carried. Funny, I’d have cut them if they asked. The only relief I get is from fighting and doing damage to my opponent or getting my ass kicked. See
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DaxI shouldn’t fucking care. She’s no one to me, but I still replay everything she said. What kind of hell did she live through? Twenty plus years is a long time to plan vengeance and keep the torch burning. How can I not respect that? If I hadn’t killed the man who killed Savannah and my child, I would still want vengeance.I walk into the front room, where the men are waiting. The only woman in the room is Red. She wisely keeps her eyes down. The men congregate in groups talking quietly. I march behind the bar and grab a beer out of the fridge, untwist the top, and take a healthy swig. I need another minute to gather my thoughts.I rest the beer on top of the long, marred counter before looking over the room. “We eat and then the officers will meet at the table to discuss what we do with the woman.”Bear is one of the only men standing. “You need to hold church for that? She should already be dead,” he grumbles.I give him my full attention. “I’m not Fox. I don’t kill women without
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DaxRed continues her story, “Perry ran the club and had a Native American old lady. You all know that, years later, Fox killed both of them and changed the club to what it was until yesterday.” She takes her eyes from the wall and gives equal attention to everyone at the table. She shakes her head. “Carmen was sweet, vivacious, and incredibly beautiful. You’ve seen her daughter. The two are very similar. Her English wasn’t too good, but she caught on quick. Fox could be quite the ladies’ man when he took the time.” She makes a disgusted face like it pained her to say that. “I watched him devour her completely. He pressured her into using drugs and verbally dragged her down until the drugs were her only escape. It only took a few months before she was addicted and relied on Fox for everything. Once she craved what he provided, he started beating the shit out of her for every small infraction. He called her his Mexican punching bag and said he liked the way she screamed.” Red stops and
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SofiaI’m desperate to pee. Thirst, hunger, and aching arms don’t make the list right now because my bladder comes first at this point. When they kill me, it will serve them right when I piss all over the floor. Fuck, they’re probably accustomed to it.I have no way to keep time. What seems like hours is most likely minutes. I’m really wishing I’d shot Dagger’s ass when I had the chance. I’ve been staring at the same cracks in the walls and connecting them to make pictures. Anything to take my mind off my cramping bladder.When the door opens, my anger ratchets up ten notches. I turn my head and see a younger man with the prerequisite bald head that’s prevalent in this hairless, gorilla society. He pokes his head in, takes one look at me, and backs out.“Don’t you dare close that door. I need to take a piss, you son of a bitch. If you make me wait another minute, I’ll piss right here.”He closes the door anyway. I struggle against the rope holding my hands. Fire shoots into my shoulde
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SofiaThe longer I’m alive, the better chance I have to escape. And I will escape. “I’ll take the first offer,” I inform him.“You start immediately. There’s a ton of dishes in the kitchen. The whores will be in here entertaining us.”Whores, really? These Neanderthals need a basic class in… fuck… Basic Humanity 101, maybe. My bitch rises to the surface. “I wouldn’t think you’d need to pay for it, but I guess there are quite a few women turned off by premature baldness.”His expression conveys exactly how stupid I am. He grabs my hair and pulls me out of the chair, dragging me from the room. I hear the snickers and do my best to hold back my fists. When I explode and plant Dagger’s ass on the ground, it needs to be a surprise and one without witnesses so I can escape.Dagger shouts behind us, “Rufus, you have guard duty until the damned kitchen is clean. Bring her back in here when she’s finished so I can tuck her into bed for the night.” The chuckles turn to laughter. Dagger throws a
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