All Chapters of Hotter Than Hell: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
333 Chapters
SofiaI think I’m falling for a skinhead. It’s a dirty fling, I tell myself. One where I’m forced to stay with a hot guy, clean up his and his gang’s shit, and have nasty sex with him. Sounds sick when I think of it that way. The kind of sick that turns me on.I’m beginning to enjoy riding on the back of his bike too. It’s strange the things I think of while sitting behind him with my arms around his waist and my breasts pushing into his back. It’s a sense of freedom I’ve never had before, and as stupid as it seems, I feel safe.We have helmets on again and it’s not quite as wonderful as the freedom of going without one that I had the first time I rode with Dagger. Safety first. That’s a joke. I’ve never played it safe in my life and now that I’m more comfortable on the bike, I want my hair blowing in the wind.I could leave if I truly wanted to. My car keys are in the top drawer of the dresser. Dagger knows I saw them, but he ignored it. I have no idea what he thinks of me besides be
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SofiaI’m not exactly the hugging, touchy-feely type. Red gives me no choice, so I hold on. She eventually releases me and drags me inside with one arm hooked over my shoulder. She stares at me in the dim inside light. “Lordy but you’re as beautiful as your mother. I’ve been so worried about you.”The comparison makes me uncomfortable. I look around the small space. It’s worse than the clubhouse. “Could we sit down and talk for a few? I need to hurry and start cooking dinner. That’s why I came. I wanted to know if you and the other ladies would like to eat at the clubhouse tonight.” I say all this in a nervous rush. My mother is not a subject I’m comfortable with. We move to the small table in the kitchen and sit down.“You’re cooking for the club?” she asks while wiping away a few tears and smearing more of her heavy makeup.I give her a sheepish smile. “I made a deal with Bear. I don’t slit his throat and he doesn’t behave in a disrespectful manner.”“You shitten’ me?” She starts la
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Dax“It will take a sizeable chunk of money, but I think we should do this right,” I tell the brothers gathered around the three tables we moved together. I want everyone’s input. “The permits will take about four weeks if everything runs smoothly. We’ll begin ordering building material and have it dropped here so it doesn’t disappear. I have several building plans and need everyone to voice an opinion. We need to know exactly what we want in order to get started.”Skull is the first to give his input. “We need a bay for repairs, men and women’s bathroom, along with the store area.”I lay several pages of designs on the table and point to the one I like. “I agree. We might want to consider having another section to possibly rent out. It wouldn’t cost that much extra and we can leave the inside unfinished for whoever rents it. They can handle the buildout.”“What kind of renter?” Vampire asks.“I’m not sure. Maybe some kind of fast food place. I think someone will come to us if the spa
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SofiaDagger’s such an asshole.He ordered me to clean the main room. I’m hot and sweaty and my muscles ache from moving tables and chairs with only Rufus’ help. I’ve been here for six days and all I do is cook, clean, and fuck. I visit Red in the morning before it’s too hot in the trailer. I have no idea how they stand it. Has anyone heard of air conditioners around here? The fucking thing they call an evap cooler does a piss poor job. At night it’s too damn hot for Dagger to touch me after we’ve fucked. I’m barely sleeping and the asshole constantly seeks me out during the night like he’s afraid I won’t be there. I grumble and move away from his body heat. Then each day is the same. There’s no TV and whoever has the iPod took it with them because there isn’t any music either. I need fucking music to clean.Poor Rufus takes the brunt of my bad mood and still manages to smile and whistle to some unknown beat in his head. I swept and mopped. The fucking guys will start spitting their c
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DaxWe hold church to discuss the drug buy tomorrow. All of us are feeling antsy and I don’t remember it being this intense before. We settle on the final plan and eat dinner in the big room.Skull and I managed to install both units before the meeting began. The trailer was actually easy because the unit fit perfectly where the cooler was. The whores are able to enjoy dinner in a cool place while the rest of us suffer. Food is good, though, so I won’t complain.The brothers clear out early, and I fuck Sofia for more than an hour with the steady hum of the air conditioner keeping us cool. She’s been pushing me away because of the heat, but tonight I fall asleep with her curled against my side.The knock on the door wakes me a few hours later.“Dagger,” Red whispers. What the fuck? I slide the gun from under the mattress and uncoil myself from Sofia’s arms. She doesn’t stir. I slip on my jeans, move to the side of the door, and open it.“I need to talk to you,” Red whispers.“What the
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DaxShouts of, “Sheriff’s Department,” come from the front and back of the building. I raise my hands when the bedroom door flies open. “Get on the floor, get on the floor. Keep your hands where we can see them.”Sofia cries out as she’s jerked from the bed. I should have told her to immediately follow their instructions. I try to control my anger as she cries out again when they jerk her arms behind her back and snap cuffs on her. I’m shoved to my stomach and my face is pushed to the floor. Fucking assholes.“What the hell did I do, shithead?” Sofia yells.“Clear, clear,” can be heard coming from all the rooms. One of the deputies roughly lifts me to my feet and walks me into the front room, where another deputy pushes me so I sit down against the wall by the front door. “We have a warrant,” the deputy says. He could have told me to fucking sit down and I’d have complied. They like putting on their show and shoving everyone around. I hate these motherfuckers. Controlling my anger is
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SofiaThe cops destroyed the place. It takes us more than an hour to get everything back in order. I was pissed off about Dagger’s wrist and that they handcuffed him. He doesn’t wear the brace to bed, but I’ve seen him massaging it since the cuffs came off. He hasn’t put the brace back on and the last thing I’ll do is whine at him for it.Some of the guys who weren’t too fond of keeping me around are now giving me chin lifts. I’ve concluded that men have an entire chin language that females are ignorant of. I give my own lift back, but it just doesn’t work for me like it does for them.The cops even attacked the refrigerator. At least they threw everything back inside so it didn’t spoil. Dagger enters the kitchen just as I’m rearranging the last items. His hands go to my hips and he pulls my ass against his hard dick. I wiggle for his benefit. I’m still pissed off about what those assholes did to the clubhouse. It isn’t much, but I’ve worked my butt off cleaning this place and they di
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DaxIt’s been three weeks since the warrant. Sofia runs hot and cold and I have no idea what the hell her problem is. She has issues that far exceed my issues and I don’t know what to do.She works the club like it’s her lot in life, but I can tell she doesn’t enjoy cooking and cleaning so much. I told her a few days ago to ease off and she didn’t speak to me for the rest of the day. She wraps anger around her like a shield.It’s also hard to get any real privacy in this place because someone is always underfoot and the walls are paper thin. After dinner and while the guys are partying, I’m bringing her back to this room until we settle whatever the fuck is going on.She went all out and served lasagna with bread sticks tonight. They melt in my mouth. The guys love her for her cooking alone. She told me a few weeks ago that she worked off and on in different restaurants. She clammed up when I started prying deeper. The woman has more secrets than anyone I’ve ever known.“Come on,” I t
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DaxIt’s been two weeks since Sofia’s meltdown. That’s what she jokingly calls it. I watch her carefully and I’m glad to see her dark mood that led up to what happened is gone for now. She’s happy. The real change has been in her not holding back her feelings when something pisses her off. She’s my feisty hot Latina again with strong emotions. The guys can handle it and the rest of us enjoy watching when one of us is singled out and she goes off. She’s using her voice and keeping her fists to herself.“I’ve always been a throwaway. I was just waiting for it to happen again,” she told me the morning after the meltdown.Those words broke my heart.When she apologized to Bear, he pulled her in for a crushing hug. She baked him a cake that night and told him he didn’t need to share. He did of course.The whores are back working the bar and front room. Sofia’s message regarding cheating on old ladies made an impact. The attached men keep their hands to themselves. No one wants to face the
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SofiaI have no idea what’s happening, and no one has heard from Dagger. Skull and Charlie showed up for a short time. Skull read the paperwork from the county and offered an explanation to why their permits were turned down.“Some asshole, most likely the agent who handled the search warrant, mouthed off to the county board,” he said. “We all have criminal records. No way we’ll get those permits now.”I’m pissed off and have been since Dagger stormed out.“Dagger will be back when he’s cooled down,” Skull told me before leaving. “He needed a ride to get his head on straight.”It’s so easy for him to say and nearly possible for me to understand. It hurts that Dagger didn’t at least take me with him. Fuck, I’m his old lady and he should have me there when things are going good and bad. I refuse to allow my personal doubts to cloud my mind for long, so I spend two hours on the computer reading articles and blogs about ex-felons. The county is idiotic. The recidivism when felons find goo
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