All Chapters of Hotter Than Hell: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
333 Chapters
LincolnMy ringing cell phone jars me awake. I dig it out of my pocket and see it’s Kurtis from the medical examiner’s office. It’s a little after six in the morning.“Just got the tox back on your latest and its positive for ketamine.”“Fuck,” I whisper into my quiet house.“That was my response too. We knew from the wounds that we’re dealing with the same killer and this pretty much confirms it.”“Thanks, Kurtis.”“Sorry, Linc.”I lean back and prop my feet on the coffee table. “So am I, but like you said, we both knew what we were dealing with. I’ll have a sit down with my supervisor today and go from there.”“Let me know if you need something from me.”“Will do.” I yawn before disconnecting.My feet hit the floor and I walk to the kitchen and the coffee maker. I add the prerequisite amounts of water and coffee grounds, add about half as much more of the coffee, flip the switch, and hit the shower. I’m still exhausted but take little time under the cool water. I shave, try to ignor
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Lincoln“Stop manhandling me you Mickey Mouse megalomaniac. I can walk unassisted,” Shelby snarls.Where does she come up with this shit? “Not a chance. I’ll see you to the next door and then meet you at the side of the jail where they’ll release you.”“Into your custody? What exactly does that mean?”“It means that I’m responsible for you until the judge releases me of that responsibility. If you break the law, it’s on me. If you think for one moment I’m happy about this shit, you’re mistaken. I have a job to do and a big case to solve.”She stops walking. “Please tell me you’re looking into the madman who’s killing the prostitutes.”This surprises me because I’ve kept a tight lid on the similarities of the two homicides. Now that I’ve connected the cases, the media needs to step in and help get the word out. It’s a tricky situation. I can’t give too much away or I could blow my evidence and give every lunatic out there enough information to produce copycat murders. My supervisor wil
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LincolnI park at the curb in front of our unit. “You might not like it but I need your schedule.”Shelby opens her eyes and her head snaps in my direction. “You’re right, I don’t like it,” she grumbles.“Look, I’m working to stop this guy from killing someone else and now I’m saddled with you. You’re a grown woman and you should be able to monitor yourself. But, your uncle sees differently. We’ll make it easy. Take my cell number and text me your whereabouts throughout the day. I couldn’t care less what you do as long as you stay out of trouble, but it’s that or I put handcuffs on you and attach one end to something in your bathroom.”Her laugh tells me she doesn’t believe a word of my threat. “Does that line work on the bad guys you deal with?”I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration. “What the hell do you want from me, Shelby?” I say wearily. “Please. Meet me halfway.”Her expression changes and my anger dissipates. “Was that so hard? Be nice and I’m more likely to follow your
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LincolnShe laughs and ignores my order. “You’re disappointed Daisy’s not appreciating your leg. Heel, Daisy,” she says with another laugh and walks the dog to my couch. “Down.” He lies at her feet like a perfect gentleman.Damn her. I’m too tired to fight and have absolutely no willpower at all when I remove the lid from the warm dish. It smells heavenly. “Sure you don’t want any?” I ask tiredly as I grab a fork and remove the first bite straight from the dish.She shakes her head, watching me. I carry the casserole over to the couch along with my beer. “Sorry, shit,” I say as I sit down and then quickly stand back up. “A drink—beer, water, soda?”“I’m good. Eat. You must be starving and exhausted.”I sit and dig in. “Yes, I’m exhausted,” I manage to get out after three bites. “This is delicious.”“My uncle Pat thinks so too. Of course hell will freeze over before I make it for him again.”“He should have recused himself at the hearing this morning,” I grumble.“I’m sure he will for
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LincolnAnother day of nothing. I hit the street and talked to every hooker I came across. There’s fear in their eyes. The local news stations released the story at noon. I hoped it would get the women talking, but they tell me little. I even had a sit-down with a sergeant in vice. The asshole didn’t approve of laying off the hookers for a short time so they wouldn’t be afraid to talk to me. I don’t have sergeant stripes, so all I could do was pass it to my supervisor so he could deal with Sergeant Dickhead’s supervisor.I don’t have a working partner at the moment because of our two-year hiring freeze, so I head to the ME’s office to speak with Kurtis. He has a level head, keeps his mouth shut, and works a lot of high-profile homicides.He’s walking out of the autopsy room when I open the outer door. His bloody gloves go into the hazard bin after he removes his goggles. “Hey, Linc, let me scrub and I’ll meet you in the break room.”“Deal. I’m in need of your spidey senses.” This gain
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LincolnI scan my phone contacts looking for a badge bunny. I’m sitting on my couch with my feet kicked up on the coffee table, beer resting on the table within reach. It’s a little after five in the evening and I’ve been home for an hour. This is what my life’s come to. I want a steady relationship and my next door neighbor has me so horny I’m sinking just about as low as I can go. My conviction to settle down and have the two point four children is out the window. I need to get my rocks off.I glance down at a name that catches my attention. I haven’t spoken to Candy in a long time; like her name suggests, she’s usually up for a hot night between the sheets. My finger moves over her number. A steady knock starts on my front door. Shit. I know it’s Shelby even before I check outside.She’s standing with Daisy.I open the door and the full effect of what she’s wearing hits me. Skimpy skin-tight black running shorts and sports bra. The colorful head visor is the only sign of her quirky
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LincolnWe decide on dinner first. I need to eat to keep up my stamina. We hit a small Italian place a few miles away. I drive my lifted truck. Shelby’s in a short pink skirt with a white girly blouse, a cowboy hat, and pink cowboy boots. The ever-present scarf is knotted around her neck. How she stands it in this heat is beyond me. I help her step up on the side-runner and admire the flash of pink panties as she adjusts herself in the seat.“I wore them for you,” she says.“Nice to know. Hope you don’t mind if I take them off as soon as we get home.”“A man of action, I like that.”“You’ll like it more later,” I come back with.Our sexual banter continues through dinner and the wood I’m sporting below the table would be embarrassing without the checkered tablecloth hiding it. Even nicer than the sexual overtones of the evening is not thinking about work. As a detective, it’s a rare luxury.The drive home is mostly quiet. I think we’re at our max for verbal foreplay. I turn into my dr
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LincolnWe make it to the bed and I pull a condom from the bedside drawer. I removed her skirt and bra and wrangle her boots off before laying her on the bed. I leave the sexy scarf on because the longer I’ve watched her tonight, the more I’ve liked it, and fuck, her nipples are pierced too. I remove my jeans and boxers barely able to take my gaze from the pointed tips of her breasts. Her eyes remain on my cock as I slide the condom over it. I rest my knee between her splayed thighs as soon as it’s on.“You’re big,” she breathes.Exactly what every man wants to hear. I know I’m big. Again, good genes. “I won’t hurt you,” I say gently.“Don’t take all the fun away now,” she says with a smile.She’s every fantasy and wet dream I had as a teenager combined. Where the fuck has she been my whole life? “You want it rough, honey?”“As rough as you can make it, buster.”That makes me smile. She doesn’t take my shit and I like it. I lift her and angle her onto the bed before coming down on top
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LincolnI put the MO of my killer into the UCR database. I know there might be look-alikes that will create even more work. At this point anything is worth a try, and sleep is highly overrated.Dan, an older cop set for retirement within the next six months, sticks his head in my office right before I bail from my chair to hit the street again. “Good morning, Detective Street. You have a minute?”Dan’s old school. He uses titles, so I give him the same back. “Sure, Officer Wilder, have a seat. I can spare a few minutes.” He sits down in front of me and steeples his fingers on my desk. “I’m light duty for another week and heard you could use some leg work. My supervisor okayed it as long as I can partner up. That is if you want me?”He’s the answer to my prayers. “I need you desperately. Let’s go talk to my sergeant about getting you some help.” He follows me to Detective Sergeant Sadoski’s door. I knock once and enter. “You got a minute, Sarg?” I ask.He glances up from his computer s
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LincolnThe pizza’s good and the company better.“He never hit me. If he had, I’d have ended it then and there and called the police. That shit doesn’t go over with me.” Shelby steals an olive off my slice of pizza. “Mark solves problems by yelling louder than anyone else in the room or at least tries to. I wasted a long time thinking he’d change. He called me two days ago and said he was taking anger management classes. He just wanted to talk. His idea of talking was trying to get back together. He wasn’t raising his voice, but he was being rather insistent even after I told him to leave.”“He doesn’t come back,” I say with finality. “If he does, you call me immediately.”She salutes me and takes a bite of her pizza. Sauce sticks to the side of her mouth and I’m not quick enough to lick it off before she grabs her napkin. “The look in your eyes is scaring me,” she breathes. My mouth is an inch from hers.I take her hand, bring it to my lips, and bite the end of her finger. Her eyes s
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