All Chapters of Hotter Than Hell: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
333 Chapters
DaxWe’re at the table and I’ve allowed Sofia here to talk to the officers and present her plan. It could actually work. She filled out the paperwork last night while I was cooling my heels in the wind.“You lease me the property and I apply for the permits. I’m Latina—a minority and female. I don’t have a criminal record. I can scream from here to next year if they refuse me those permits. Do you really give a fuck if my name is on the paperwork?”She lays the papers out on the table.“You think they’ll give you the permits just because you’re Latina?” AJ asks.I bite my lip and let Sofia handle this.“Don’t get your white boy panties in a wad. There aren’t many perks for having brown skin. This just so happens to be one of them. The government thinks Latinas are good at things besides cooking, cleaning, and fucking.”AJ raises his hands in surrender. “Not what I meant, but do you mind if I comment that you’re damn good at two of those?”“All three,” I mutter and receive a glare from
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DaxI wasn’t worried when Sofia had been gone for three hours. An hour to Globe and an hour back meant she hit the county office, dropped the papers, maybe talked to someone there for a short time, and then filled up her car before hitting the road again. It was after the fourth hour that I began to worry. Now it’s after six in the evening and the county offices are closed.I can’t sit still, so I’m pacing in the front room of the clubhouse. All but a few of the brothers are here. We were celebrating a second chance to put our plans in motion. Now everyone’s mostly quiet. No one says she took off, but I know they’re thinking it.I’m a stupid fuck.“This is bullshit, that girl hasn’t left us high and dry,” Red finally grinds out. “You’re all assholes for even thinking it.”I stop and turn around. “Hell. She should be here.”Red stands and faces me. “What about a car accident? Have you thought of that?”I bring my hand over my stubby crop of hair in frustration. “It’s not exactly an acc
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DaxSofia is in surgery when we arrive at the hospital two hours later. The woman who helped me at the scene is Helen. She’s waiting as promised.“Sofia’s in good hands. They’re removing the bullet and have a plastic surgeon available for the damage to her face. Broken jaw and eye socket showed in the x-rays. This guy’s good and he’ll have her as pretty as she was before.”I’m barely following what she says. “You think she’ll make it?”She gives me a soft smile. “You said she’s a fighter. If she is, she’ll pull through.”“Did she wake up?”“No. They don’t think she has head trauma, but they won’t count it out until they’re sure. The doctor will come out and talk to you when surgery’s over. Does she have other family?”“No, just the club. We’re her family.”“Tell the medical staff you’re married and they’ll give you updates and let you in the room when she’s out of recovery. Don’t tell anyone I told you that. I’ll let the nurses know her husband is here.”I want to hug this woman. I’m
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SofiaThe pain proves I’m alive. Dagger’s voice keeps me that way. He tells me I’m in the hospital. He tells me he loves me. I can’t open my eyes and I can’t feel my body. It scares me. I focus on my feet and move them a few inches.“Relax, princess.” He’s holding my hand. “You have bandages on your face and covering one eye. Your other is still swollen shut. I’ve got you. The doctors and nurses are wonderful and they’ve taken good care of you.”I focus some more and squeeze his fingers.I hear another voice, a woman. “We can give you more pain medicine if you need it. Let’s try one finger for yes and two for no.”Dagger releases my hand and I concentrate. Two for no. My brain finally connects to two fingers and I move them.“I think she needs the medicine,” Dagger says.“We’ll give her a little time and then give the injection. She understands what we’re asking and that’s the main thing. Let her judge her pain.”Dagger’s rough skin wraps around my hand again. “That nurse is as stubbo
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DaxGomez was calling. I didn’t make it out of Sofia’s room and into the hallway in time to take it. I decide to walk to the parking area before calling back. I haven’t heard from Moon or Gomez since leaving their home. We have unfinished business and I’m hoping for an update.It’s a little after two in the afternoon and sweltering heat rises off the black asphalt. There’s a bench under a tree and I head in that direction. I don’t bother sitting. I’ve done enough of that over the past few days.The doctor said they’re discharging Sofia in the next few days if she keeps improving. I haven’t dwelled on what this will cost. It’s the least of my worries right now. I stand in the shade and call Gomez.He answers immediately. “We have her and a little extra baggage. Can you talk?”“Yes.”“Our guys picked Pauline up in Casa Grande. One of her dealers up north pointed them in the right direction after a small amount of persuasion. They found her in a trailer with two men. Strange thing is the
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SofiaI’m a horrible patient. Dagger bought a car with really good air conditioning to replace mine and he’s driving me to another medical appointment. The oral surgeon is removing the wires from my jaw today. I’m so relieved. They’ve had me on anti-nausea medication because of the pregnancy and the possibility of throwing up. It makes me drowsy and I hate it. I’m also tired of eating from a straw.My man’s cock hasn’t been down my throat since the accident. This does not improve my mood. Dagger refuses to touch me in any way until the doctor gives the all clear. Yeah, that doesn’t improve my mood either. If the oral surgeon can’t give the go-ahead, Dagger will be driving me back to the hospital so I can find the surgeon who removed the bullet. Someone will give the all clear for sex today or someone will die.I’m also tired of everyone treating me like the princess they call me. Fuck that shit. I’m going to punch someone. Having the wires removed is no fun and my jaw aches like a mot
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Dax Today is Sofia’s first ultrasound and I can’t help remembering the last day I had with Savannah. This is bittersweet and Sofia understands. Dr. Andreas walks in the room and takes a seat by Sofia. She’s an older Latina doctor in her sixties and Sofia loves her. She wanted a doctor who would be accepting of our lifestyle. I wasn’t happy when the doctor said Sofia could ride on the back of my bike with a helmet for as long as she was comfortable. No, not happy at all. The club took a ride last weekend to Flagstaff and I was a wreck the entire time. Sofia laughed when I cussed out a driver for moving too close to our ass before passing. It was an old woman, and someone needed to report her so she has her eyes re-examined. The doctor places clear jell on the ultrasound wand before placing it on Sofia’s belly. Sofia laughs and says, “It’s cold.” I smile, lean down, and kiss her cheek. “Buck up, princess.” We watch the picture on the screen as the doctor moves the wand around to l
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LincolnI’m exhausted. Ten straight days of double shifts with no end in sight. We have two dead women identified as known prostitutes and I’m worried there will be more. Standing from my desk, I stretch and try to alleviate the pain in my middle back from writing this damned report for more than three hours. My joints pop as I bend. I’m getting too old for this and I’m only thirty-two.If anyone told me when I signed up to catch bad guys that being a cop consisted of eighty percent report writing, ten percent putting up with political bullshit, and ten percent catching bad guys, I would have decided on tree trimming. I come from a long line of men in law enforcement and they omitted a few details about this job.I stare down at the words in my report from my standing position.Victim: Maddy HilcoxGender: femaleDate of Birth: 07/24/1993Age: 23Occupation: ProstitutionVictim: homicide, aggravated assault, sexual assaultNotes: ritualistic knife woundsI have another similar report
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LincolnShelby’s sigh is that of a half strangled cat this time. “I don’t want bail,” she grinds out with the stubborn set to her jaw returning. “I’m not leaving this delightful Disneyesque establishment.” She gestures around with a sweep of her arms. “I just need you to let Daisy out and feed him. If you do, I’ll owe you a favor. A huge favor.”A huge favor. That’s priceless. I might have taken her up on it before I knew she was a walking petri dish. I could have gotten past her crazy veneer and psychotic body humping dog but a man, especially a police officer must have a line they won’t cross. Prostitution is one of mine. If I’m ever so desperate I need to pay, I’ll cut my damn dick off. The longer I stare at her, the more trouble I have with the charge she’d booked in on. The woman in front of me makes the worst damn hooker I’ve ever seen.She’s dressed in jean shorts that are more modest than any prostitute wears and her rainbow tank top might shows off her well-endowed breasts be
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LincolnI call the judge as soon as I have reception. He can’t make it in until the next morning so Shelby Ryan is stuck overnight in county lockup. I walk up to her front door, tip the flower pot on the front porch, and sure enough, there’s her key.We don’t live in the greatest neighborhood. Not that it’s high crime but the small Albuquerque suburb of duplex homes is also not crime free. A loud “Woof” comes from the other side of the door. I left my gun at home in case I’m tempted to shoot the dog. I use the key and push open the door with both arms ready to save my manhood. The interior is cool, stupid woman leaves her air running on high for a dog.One hundred and forty pounds of ugly mutt hits me as soon as I take a step inside. His tongue slathers my face and sure enough his curly haired body begins the writhing motion of a dog trying to increase the size of his pack.The first time I had an intimate encounter with Daisy, he almost took me to the ground during his sexual assault
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