All Chapters of Hotter Than Hell: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
333 Chapters
Beth“So you wanna talk about it?” Sofia asks after Rack escapes the kitchen like it’s on fire.I shrug and wipe an onion tear away with my shoulder. Even though he left as quickly as he walked in, he turned the heat up in the room by ten degrees. Is it only me who’s affected by him like this? A week postpartum and I have trouble concentrating on anything but the contoured outline of his chest beneath his T-shirt and the loose cut of his jeans that hang so sexy from his hips. Damn, I’ve seen him wearing those jeans too many times to count and I still want to slip my hands inside and cup his ass cheeks. Hormones, I tell myself for the hundredth time before turning my wandering thoughts back to Sofia. “Nothing to talk about. He feels he owes my brother a debt and for the sake of my little guy,” I say and nod at Carson. “I’m thankful he came through. I’ll never be able to repay him for what he’s done.”A stubborn expression replaces the gentle look Sofia had for me a moment before. “If y
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RackI toss my cell onto the single bed and clench my teeth against cussing.“Fuck it,” I whisper under my breath.Gomez just put me off again. Their so-called connection for identification dried up and they’re going another route, which is taking longer. The next step I’ve planned for Beth and Carson is solid and will keep them safe. I can’t carry out the plan without those IDs.I spoke to Lincoln before making the call to Gomez. There’s been no sign of trouble at Linc’s end, which seems strange. I’m relieved but nothing adds up. Dax came for us because Gimonde was closing in on my brother’s location or so Gomez said. So why wasn’t my brother paid a visit? The entire situation makes me nervous because I have no control.It’s been two fucking weeks since Dax took us in. Three since I asked for the paperwork. I can’t handle being in the same room with Beth. Seeing her. Wanting her. Needing her like I need to breathe. She’s always been gorgeous. Motherhood only adds to her beauty becaus
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BethThe clothes I’m wearing were Sofia’s idea. She’s tired of me sulking and she thinks I need to push Rack on his ass. The fact that my breasts are ready to erupt with the need to feed my son only makes the display I’m putting on worse. I don’t look down to see if my nipples are leaking. That would only put a cap on a non-perfect night. To say I’ve always dressed conservatively is an understatement. I’m far from a prude at least where other women are concerned but for myself, I prefer large sweaters and jeans. Not that you can wear sweaters in the desert in the summer. I have good legs, but living in Montana means there’s limited time to display them. Even when I could, I would go for longer shorts and not the ones I’m currently wearing that barely cover my post-baby ass cheeks.I’m an idiot. It’s killed me not to look at Rack over the past hour. There’s no doubt he’s been looking at me. I feel the burn of his gaze from across the room. Now he’s directly in front of me and when I lo
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RackI lean against the doorjamb and wait for Beth to leave Red and Curly’s trailer. The minutes tick by while I mentally slam myself for being such an ass. Beth will be living a very different life shortly and making her own decisions. I won’t be around to make sure a man doesn’t touch her or say something inappropriate. She’ll find another man. One who will be a father to Carson.Anger and hopelessness twist inside me. Two cartel members directly responsible for my brother’s death are still breathing. I didn’t expect it to take this long. I have pictures of them but not names. Killing these last two men has gone far beyond vengeance. I’ve taken risks and should be dead. On my last trip into Mexico I came so close to getting their names. Gomez and I have put the pressure on rival cartels and it will pay off, eventually. It must.I carry their pictures in my wallet on the opposite side where I’ve kept Beth’s. I remove them and with the kitchen light shining over my shoulder, I study t
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BethDoes Gar know I had a baby three weeks ago and the pussy he says he smells is a bloody pad? The asshole. There’s a glass of soda on the bar one minute and the next it’s covering his face and chest.“Bitch,” is all he gets out before Rack throws him aside. Rack’s expression is deadly and I’m no longer pissed at Gar. I’m petrified for Rack. Gar has at least fifty pounds in weight and six inches in height on him. Gar doesn’t carry the defined muscle Rack has but that doesn’t mean Rack stands a chance.Gar throws a punch to Rack’s head and I scream. Rack blocks it and hits Gar in the stomach. “Climb up on the bar so we have the good seats,” Sofia says from the kitchen doorway.She’s wearing a huge smile and appears completely unconcerned. “You’ve got to stop this. He’ll kill him.”“After what Gar just said to you, Rack has my blessings.”I had no idea she heard. She’s also out of her mind. “Not Gar, Rack,” I reply testily. “Gar will seriously hurt him.”“You, sweet Beth, need to have
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RackThe picture of Beth on her knees with her breasts bared will stay imprinted on my brain forever. After the final waves of orgasm pass, I step back and tear off my shirt. The pants are trickier because I’m still wearing my boots. I put my hand out and Beth takes it. I walk her to the bed and lay her back. Sitting beside her I unlace the boots, slip them off, and then remove my jeans.She looks unsure. “I can’t,” she whispers.“You can,” I growl. “I haven’t finished kissing you. Dr. Santos threatened me with bodily harm if I touched you before you’re healed.” I gentle my voice. “I don’t think kissing is off his list unless you’re not interested.” I’m well aware of the assholes Beth has been with. I’m also aware she needs to be in complete control of this.I lean into her and place one hand on the bed at her hip. “I want to touch these, but I don’t know if it hurts.” I ever so gently run the back of my knuckles across one breast. She sucks in a breath and I freeze.She smiles. “It f
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BethIf any woman tells you something is sexier than a bare man chest while he holds a baby against his shoulder, she’s never seen Rack with Carson. His muscled chest and bulging arms draw my attention. Carson is so tiny and Rack so damn large. He turns away from me and now his back has my attention. The muscles ripple as he walks. I’m shameless and wonder if I’m drooling. I check my lips and smile. Desire coils in my belly. The need to feel him slide inside me is explosive and frustrating because I’ve followed the doctor’s orders to the letter.It’s been a week since the party. I’ve finally managed to catch up on sleep and I’m growing lazy. When Carson cries, Rack is the first one there. We’re currently in the upstairs living room. Rack turns around and sees me watching him. He resituates Carson so he’s facing me. Carson kicks his chubby little legs and I receive my first full gummy smile. “He knows his mama,” Rack says when I dish out baby talk and play peekaboo with a small stuffed
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BethIt took a bit of work to get Rack to take me out on the bike because he worries Angelo could have men watching us. Dax actually comes to the rescue and explains that if any strangers were hanging around Peach City, the town where the clubhouse is located, he’d know. I add in that I’m going stir crazy and need to escape if only for an hour or so. Rack gives in and the first part of the plan is in the bag.I rode a motorbike in Haiti. It in no way compares to the power of the Harley that rumbles with a loud purr as Rack navigates the winding highway. My hands lock tightly around his waist and my chest presses firmly against his back. Loose strands of my tied-back hair fly around my face as the warm wind hits us.Rack’s hair has grown out even more, but it’s still a long way from being in his eyes. I think it’s sexier now, and tonight I’ll enjoy holding onto it.Freedom is the only word that comes to mind while we ride. “Wherever we end up, we need a motorcycle,” I shout into Rack’s
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RackEarlier in the day I passed Sofia on the stairway and she stopped me with a firm look and raised eyebrows. “You’re one idiot for passing up the chance to take a nap in the middle of the day with your woman. Just saying,” she adds before continuing upstairs.Yeah, I’m a man with a thick skull and it takes me thirty seconds to figure out what she’s talking about. I think back to the conversation about the nap and Beth’s flushed cheeks. I realized tonight was the night and my dick grew hard. It took a few minutes of thinking about bike parts to deflate my erection so I could walk through the main room.A short while later, Beth asked for a ride on the bike and I knew there was something in play. Her blush totally gave it away.Now we’re at the steakhouse bar and a hostess shows us to a table. Beth has no idea that several Desert Crows members followed us in the club van. I don’t want her to know. This night needs to be special.I order a bottle of wine and think back to long convers
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BethWe have six perfect hours. We slept little and filled the time with touch and promises. Around two in the morning my breasts became a painful reminder that I need to feed our son. Rack takes enjoyment in relieving some of the pressure, but it’s not enough and we’re forced to leave this special place behind.During the ride back more than my breasts ache. The rumble of the motorcycle between my thighs lets me know how truly fantastic last night was. It’s a naughty sensation that makes me smile against Rack’s neck. He has a filthy mind and he filled me in on all he plans to do to my body. Just thinking about it makes me wet again.As we approach the clubhouse, milk leaks from my breasts and I’m thankful for the leather vest. I also ache to hold Carson. We pull up and I can hear Carson’s wails from outside. We hurry in and Dax is holding him while Carson screams his heart out. With a look of profound relief, Dax hands him to me. Tears stream down his tiny face and his little lips qu
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