All Chapters of Hotter Than Hell: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
333 Chapters
RackThe sound of her soft snore fills the car. I glance at Beth and she’s fast asleep. I shake my head. She’s held up better than I expected or at least what I expected after I saw she was pregnant.The son of a bitch controlled her food. My hands tighten on the steering wheel. I will kill the bastard. He’s now first on my list and far in front of the last two men responsible for killing my brother. I haven’t forgotten about the doctor who examined her either.I picture each death in my head because that’s better than picturing Beth in my arms. I want her. It may even be in the sick way Angelo wanted her. Possession is a powerful word. Possessive and obsessive both work. It began long before I met her in person. Nick started it. He got it in his head that I would marry her. He actually teased me about it non-stop. I was a different man back then. My marriage to Beth was settled as far as Nick was concerned.It fit with the man I was before. I always wanted a large family and a house
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BethFrom: Beth.Hoffman@mymail.comDear Darling Sister,You heard me right and yes, I’ve been drinking. Rack and I drank too much tonight. His brother, back in the States, died yesterday and Rack’s in a bad place. I’m worried for him. Worried he’ll be reckless and get his ass shot. We move out early tomorrow morning and he shouldn’t be going. He needs to return home but, like you, he’s stubborn. Don’t worry about me. I’m a badass. On a lighter note, I’ve convinced Rack he needs to marry you. Believe it or not it wasn’t easy. Sooo, you need to kick this Kevin guy in the balls and move on. We’ll be home in a few months and I’m hiring Rack to kidnap you and take you to a deserted island until you fall in love with each other. It’s the only thing that will help him deal with his loss. I’m counting on you.Your badass brother,Nick***I couldn’t help noticing the growing bulge in Rack’s pants before he walked out. Or the slightly larger one when he handed me th
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Rack“It’s nothing, Beth,” he grinds out.I’m not afraid of him. Not when he’s hurt and worse off because of me. “That’s crap. This is not nothing. Did you leave the hospital to come rescue me?” I can’t hide my exasperation.He takes hold of my hands and moves them away from his chest. “No, I wasn’t in the hospital. It happened in Mexico and a friend sewed me up.” He releases me and steps back. “Eat. I’ll take a shower and be as good as new.”I actually stomp my foot in frustration. “You won’t. You can’t shower with those stitches.” I really want to bust him upside the head. “Take off your shirt and let me wash your side. I won’t eat the pizza or have dessert unless you cooperate. Did my brother mention how stubborn I am?” My hands go to my non-existent waist.A low rumble of laughter escapes him. “Nick did mention that once or twice. I’ll sit in the chair while you eat. Then you can play doctor.”Why do those words sound so damn sexy? “Deal,” I say as I sit back on the bed and finish
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RackI’ve never deviated from a mission or allowed anyone to sway me from my goals. This woman is different. She’s trouble. It must be all the stories her brother spilled. I remember Nick telling me each escapade in hilarious detail. When she was nine she grabbed a woman’s leg in a convenience store who was shoplifting and refused to let go. She yelled, “Thief, thief,” until the entire shopping public came to see what was happening. When a few years older she stepped in front of a man who was threatening to hit his wife. Nick said she saw no gray in the world and lived for justice. She has the same ethics as my family—good people with a defined line between right and wrong. I can’t have her. She’d never survive my life. Even though she says she’ll kill Angelo, she wouldn’t. Her moral compass is set in stone.I break the kiss that I should never have started. She’s breathless, her mouth wet from my lips. She’s so damn sexy…and soft…and desirable. Her flushed cheeks, filled out by the p
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Rack“These are baggy but they’ll stay up.” She pulls one of the shirts out of a bag and heads back into the bathroom. She comes out wearing a pink stretch top that shows off her round belly. My eyes travel down to her bare toes. She wiggles them. “My feet are swollen and I don’t think I can get back into my shoes right now.”I also didn’t think to buy shoes. “We aren’t going anywhere until morning. Do you have a problem with more pizza for dinner?”She looks at the box and I would swear she turns a little green.“I can go out and get us something. You name it and it’s yours.”She shakes her head. “No, it’s all good. I’m not actually hungry. I haven’t eaten so much since before I met Angelo.”She’s giving me the perfect lead-in. “Why don’t you sit down and tell me how you got involved with Angelo Gimonde.”She gives me sad puppy dog eyes but it won’t work. “Just saying I was stupid won’t cut it?”I shake my head and use my foot to push out the chair across from me. I place the cleanin
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BethTo: Beth Hoffman,Enclosed you will find your brother’s final communication. He has paid the ultimate sacrifice to his country and so has his family. I grieve with you.Commander E. MontgomeryDearest Beth,By now you know I didn’t keep my promise and that I’m not coming home. Forgive me. I would give anything to see you grow into a more incredible woman, find that special man who completes you, and make baby Beths who will be as cute as you. From the moment you were born, I loved you. I hear that’s rather strange for older brothers but to me you were the perfect bundle of joy and you gave my life purpose. This is actually the second “just in case” letter I’ve written. This new one is because of my friendship with Rack. I’ve beat you upside the head about him. I won’t do it in this letter. But I need you to know that he will always be there for you. You can depend on him no matter the circumstances. Grieve for me and then move on with your life. I want your happiness above all el
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RackI jack off three times before I’m willing to even think about returning to the bedroom. She is so incredibly soft, her pussy so fucking hot. And, God, her taste. I’ll never get it out of my head. The remembrance of her sweet scent mixes up my insides until I’m one raging hard-on after another. How the hell will I walk away once she’s safe?The hero worship shows plainly in her eyes. She thinks I’m a man like her brother and has no idea who and what I really am—a cold-blooded killer with a vendetta that eats him alive. Beth deserves something more. She deserves a man without blood on his hands. I rest my forehead against the shower wall. What the hell am I doing? It doesn’t matter that watching her come was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.I fucked this up royally. I’m relieved when I enter the bedroom and she’s asleep. I want to leave early tomorrow morning, so I place all but one handgun in the weapons bag, tidy the room, and hit the bed wearing boxers. It doesn’t take much fo
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Rack“We’re heading to the first vehicle I found for sale.” I notice her looking down at the receipt.“What do you actually do for a living?” she asks.I knew the question would come up eventually. “I work security for Xavier Moon.” If she recognizes his name, my answer will lead to more questions. I told her I wouldn’t lie. There are things I can’t talk about and I’ll relay exactly that if her questions touch sensitive areas.She looks back down at the receipt. “He must pay quite well.”I think about my foreign account with more than ten times what this one has. “Moon takes care of his employees,” is all I say.“I’ve never seen half a million dollars even on paper.”“What?”“You withdrew thirty thousand dollars and have half a million left. I can’t even imagine.”I place my hand out and she hands me the receipt. I’m driving, so I take only a quick look at the small paper. Sure enough, I have five hundred and one thousand dollars remaining.“Gomez,” I mutter.“Is that code for somethi
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BethThe brighter future for my child has just taken a nose dive. This can’t be happening, but the small regular ache in my lower back and my wet maternity crop pants say differently. I can’t go to a hospital. Babies are born every day in a natural environment, I reassure myself.I lift my hand from my stomach and place it on top of Rack’s. “Angelo will kill you. He’ll kill anyone who gets in his way. Get us to a hotel. I’ll tell you what you need to purchase. Women have been having babies by themselves since the dawn of time. I can do it.” I say the words out loud because I’m terrified and actually need to reassure myself. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to the baby.Rack looks away. I have no idea what he’s thinking. The quiet in the car makes a few minutes seem like hours. He finally looks ahead, throws the car in gear, and turns around. He’s taking me to the hospital. I can’t stop panic from gripping me, and my heart races uncontrollably.Rack turns my way and offer
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Rack“Now you know my big dark secret.” I laugh as a way to take her mind off the pain. She’s holding tight but I don’t know how long it will last. I’m terrified over delivering the baby. Give me a rifle and something to shoot—I’m your guy. Bringing a child into this world—mind numbing terror.I thought about forgoing the call to Lincoln so he had no chance to say no. What if he wasn’t there? Beth is a trouper, but I know we’re almost out of time. If we’re pulled over, it means we’re going straight to a hospital with a police escort. I’ll let fate decide. Even though my brother has training, it doesn’t mean he can handle an emergency if something goes wrong.Beth gains control and replies, “I won’t tell a soul, but now I have a lot of questions. Not now, though. Can you sing?”Her question comes out of left field. “No, not at all. You want me to turn on the radio?”“Yeah, something mellow. I need to keep calm.”I turn on the radio. It works until we’re about an hour from my brother’s
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