All Chapters of Babysitting Alex : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 Chapters
The sun began its descent over the sprawling estate, casting an amber hue across the manicured gardens. Alex stood at the grand entrance of his mansion, his heart pounding with nervous anticipation. He clutched a small velvet box tightly in his hand, containing papers signifying a million dollar investment for Ava's dream.He had spent weeks preparing for this moment, meticulously planning the perfect way to support Ava's ambitions. As he heard the soft footsteps approaching, his pulse quickened.Ava emerged, her eyes alight with joy as she saw Alex waiting for her. Her blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders, and a warm smile graced her lips as she approached him." Hey, Alex " Ava said, her voice filled with warmth and affection." Hi honey " Alex replied, trying to steady his nerves. He extended the velvet box towards her. " I've been thinking a lot about your dream, about what you want to achieve. And I want to help you get there "Ava's eyes widened in surprise as she took the bo
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" I never imagined finding someone who understands me as deeply as you do, Alex " Ava confessed, her voice a gentle whisper in the stillness of the night.Alex wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer. " I feel the same way, Ava. You bring so much joy and purpose into my life "Their gazes met, shimmering with unspoken promises and a love that surpassed worldly possessions. In that moment, the mansion surrounding them seemed insignificant compared to the wealth they found in each other's presence." You know what, babe? " Alex started, staring deeply into her eyes. " What? " Ava answered, paying rapt attention to him. " Can you just think of this as an investment? Or a temporary contribution to your dream? You'll pay me back later, is that okay? " He asked, fear gnawing at him as he was scared that Ava would reject his offer. Ava thought about it for a minute before she sighed " Look Alex, I can't... "Alex interrupted her " Please? Just give it some time and think about it, h
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As Hunter nervously tapped the numbers on his phone, his heart raced. Memories flooded back—laughter echoing through the woods, whispered secrets shared under the stars as children, and the moment he betrayed it all.The phone rang twice before Ava's hesitant voice answered, " Hello? "" Ava, it's... it's Hunter " he stammered, his voice strained with guilt.There was a moment of shocked silence before Ava replied, her tone guarded, " What do you want, Hunter? "" I... I know I've hurt you " he began, the words tumbling out in a rush. " But please, I need you to hear me out. I never wanted to betray you. They forced me into it "Ava scoffed bitterly, memories of their shattered friendship fresh in her mind. " Forced? That's the excuse you're going with? "" No, no, it's not an excuse " Hunter pleaded, desperation evident in his voice. " I was cornered, threatened. They targeted my family. I didn't have a choice "Ava's anger simmered, but a part of her softened at the sincerity in Hun
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" Even after all he did?? Ava, why? Has he got something on you?? " Maggie pressed Ava to tell her the truth. Ava shook her head " He got nothing on me, I just want to help him. Try to understand please " She pleaded with Maggie. " Have you informed Alex about this? " Maggie asked insteadAgain, Ava shook her head " Not yet, I'll meet with Hunter first, hear what he has to say and all that "Maggie nodded, pretending to understand but Ava knew what the old lady had in mind. She'd tell Alex and Ava didn't want that so she thought of pleading with her. " You can't fool me Maggie, I know you'd tell Alex very soo. Please don't, I have to do this on my own. I should figure out all these on my own " She added and took Maggie's hands in hers. Maggie stared at her for some minutes. She couldn't refuse her, they both knew that. She sighed " Alright I won't, but promise me something? "" What's that? " Ava asked eagerly. " You'll text every five minutes, I don't trust that boy " Maggie
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Ava stepped through the front door of Jack's place, her heart light with the prospect of seeing little Liam again. She loved babysitting him – his innocent laughter and mischievous antics always brightened her day. However, today was different. As she entered, a wave of surprise washed over her upon seeing Mabel, Alex's mother, in the living room. " Hello, Ava! What a pleasant surprise " Mabel greeted her warmly." Hi, Mabel! I didn't expect to see you here today " Ava replied, a bit taken aback but smiling nonetheless." I guess you know who I am " It wasn't a question but Mabel answered nonetheless. " Sure, I know you! " Mabel affirmed, beaming with smiles. They exchanged pleasantries, and within moments, their conversation flowed effortlessly. Mabel's easy demeanor made Ava feel comfortable, as if they had known each other for years. Liam giggled and toddled over, eager to greet Ava, breaking the ice even further.Amidst laughter and stories about Liam's latest adventures, Mabel
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" Thank you, Mabel " Ava said appreciatively as she helped herself to a cup of tea.Mabel settled into a nearby chair, and the three of them shared a cozy moment, chatting and enjoying each other's company. Liam's giggles filled the room, creating an atmosphere of pure delight.After some time, Mabel leaned forward, her expression thoughtful. " Ava, I wanted to talk to you about something. I've been considering expanding my business, and I could use someone as reliable and caring as you to help me out occasionally, especially when Liam's around "Ava was taken aback by the offer. " Wow, Mabel, that sounds amazing! I'd love to help out whenever I can "Mabel beamed. " I thought you might. It would mean a lot to me, and Liam would adore having you around more often "Ava's heart swelled with gratitude. To have the opportunity to spend more time with Liam and support Mabel was a gift she hadn't anticipated but welcomed wholeheartedly.Their conversation continued, weaving through plans f
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" We'll figure it out together, won't we? " Alex spoke softly, his gaze fixed on the distant stars.Ava looked at him, a gentle smile gracing her lips. " Of course. We're a team, remember? " They leaned against each other, the tranquil night embracing their silent agreement. Together, they relished the anticipation of the future, confident in their bond and their ability to navigate whatever lay ahead.As the night deepened, they remained on the balcony, wrapped in each other's presence, the stars bearing witness to their shared dreams and the unspoken promises that bound them together. ***************The sun hung lazily in the sky, casting a warm glow over the park where Mabel had set up a charming picnic spread. A checkered blanket adorned with an array of delectable treats lay nestled under the shade of a sprawling oak tree. Mabel, arranged the sandwiches neatly, humming a tune to herself.Ava approached, a bright smile illuminating her face. " This looks amazing
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Together, they prepared a spread of marinated meats, vegetables, and colorful salads. The tantalizing aroma of grilling food wafted through the air, signaling the beginning of a delightful gathering.As Ava and Liam arrived, their faces lit up at the sight of the impromptu barbecue. Jack greeted them with a warm smile, taking charge of the grill while Mabel and Ava set the table, exchanging stories and sharing laughs.Throughout the evening, the backyard echoed with animated conversations and the clinking of utensils against plates. Jack, now adept at flipping burgers and tending to the grill, found joy in the simple pleasure of bringing everyone together.As the night deepened, they gathered around a crackling fire pit, reminiscent of the picnic they had shared. Jack raised his glass, a gesture mirrored by the rest of the group." To newfound friendships and family bonds " he proposed, his eyes meeting each of theirs with heartfelt sincerity.They clinked their glasses, their smiles
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Ava smiled gently, understanding the weight of his request. " Alex, their love will always be with you. And I'm here, standing by your side through everything "They strolled through the quiet cemetery, the air growing cooler as evening settled in. The silence between them was comfortable, carrying unspoken words of support and understanding.As they reached a bench overlooking the serene landscape, Alex took a deep breath. " I've never brought anyone here before. But with you, it feels right "Ava squeezed his hand affectionately. " I'm honored, Alex "They sat together, the fading light casting long shadows across the graves. Memories flooded Alex's mind as he reminisced about childhood adventures and the wisdom his parents imparted." They were so full of life " Alex reflected softly. " They believed in love that endures, no matter the circumstances "Ava nodded, her eyes reflecting compassion " Their love lives on through you, Alex. It's in the way you care for others, the kindnes
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Ava looked up, meeting his gaze, feeling a lump form in her throat. How she longed to confide in him, to share the news that would undoubtedly change their lives forever. But the words remained lodged within her, trapped by apprehension and concern for Alex's already burdened shoulders." I know, Alex " she managed, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. " I just need some time to sort through everything "He nodded, his eyes filled with understanding. " Take all the time you need, love. I'm here whenever you're ready "As Alex kissed her forehead tenderly and left the room, Ava's conflicted emotions intensified. She couldn't shake the feeling of guilt for keeping such a significant secret from the man she loved. The baby growing inside her felt like a precious treasure, yet it also seemed like an immense responsibility she wasn't prepared to burden Alex with.Days turned into weeks, and Ava grappled with the growing swell of emotions. She avoided conversations about the
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