All Chapters of Persephone: Leonidas' Domina : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
86 Chapters
54- Leonidas
His thoughts went on a rampage, his heart threatening to leave his chest as he went as fast as he could.When he reached the lowest floors, a guard positioned infront of a cell was already blocking him. "I am sorry my Lord, but you cannot come here.""Why?" Leonidas asked, just for asking sake, because no answer the male gave would stop him from seeing her."She is dangerous. She had waited for the guards to come pick her after the deed she had done," Then as if to scare him, the guard whispered, "It is probably because she is a pharmakis."Immediate rage filled Leonidas as he suddenly thundered. "Get out."The Ares Familia Infront of him was surprised at the voice his Lord was using. The first time he had ever heard the male sound so authoritative."My Lord-""Your head would no longer be on your neck if you dare deny me entrance one more time," Leonidas cut in.Immediately, the guard moved away."The keys,"It was placed in Leonidas' hand."You may leave."It was only a few seconds b
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55- Persephone
Persephone had felt many things in her life.Disappointment.Betrayal.Hate.Hurt.But nothing, nothing, could compare to how she felt at the moment.After Leonidas had left, the idea that she would be away from him, if she was eventually exiled, struck her hard.She had imagined that he would come with her. That he would not say no to her request.That she would be able to shield him from the war that was bound to happen one way or another.That she could spend her last moments with him without fear that she would never see him again.But Persephone had never really gotten what she wanted.The gate to her cell opened again but Persephone did not need to turn around to know who it was.The aura of whoever it was, was blinding and intoxicating enough to give her an idea "It is so nice that you came to pay me a visit,""I could not have avoided a guard who said you had bewitched my son to come and rescue you from your cell now, could I?"Persephone Diamandis slowly turned, a small smile
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56- Persephone
No matter how many times Persephone scanned the throne room that was only lit up with a bulb hanging over her head, ignoring the voices of the men seated in a semi circle some feet away from her, she could not see Leonidas.At first she feared that the war in Renatus had begun and she had lost him but Gerasimus Eliades was seated there with Kostas behind him and they were the only head Ares Familias that would have been of any importance.Among him were Michalis Laskaris, his first child and son, Orion Laskaris behind him. Dimitris Aetos and Charilaus Diamandis.Leonidas was no where."Exile?" Michalis Laskaris was a man with a calculating gaze and beard he kept stroking, "She mutilated my daughter's hand.""She is a High Family," Dimitris' voice was low but loud enough in the near empty space and he had regained his confidence. "We all know we can sweep this under the carpet and pretend it did not happen but Charilaus believes she needs to be punished.""And she has to be," Charilaus
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57- Persephone
She could see him standing right there at the other side of the road but he was distracted because he had a crowd around him and he was smiling.Smiling the way he smiled at her when they were together.She looked around, hoping she would see a familiar face but the people who passed only sneered at her, their words cutting her sharply at the sides.Pharmakis.Witch.Her eyes frantically searched everywhere for someone but when she realized all she had left was him, she decided to call out to him. "Leonidas!"But he did not turn.Her heartbeat rose immediately, the fear that he could not hear her, or perhaps, was ignoring on purpose struck a determined need to reach him.Her legs took her first before her mind could process the information.She ran as fast as she could, screaming his name along the way but all of a sudden, the ground beneath her sunk and she was going below.She could feel the hands clawing her feet, dragging her back to where she had escaped from.Dragging her back t
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58- Loukas
Loukas Mikos had stood in the shadows of the throne room away from all the eyes that could possibly have spotted him but he had heard everything he intended to hear.And seen all he wanted to see.Still wearing his cloak, he had left the throne room and proceeded to leave the Castle even though from the little he had seen outside of it, there had been a crowd awaiting her judgement.Acting like they wanted her head.Loukas had for a second wondered what she could have possibly done to make so many people wish her death this much but he had ignored it and gone to her Castle instead.The darkness around the place had worsened when he reached, giving it to a more chilling feel that made one dare not even cross over but still, he kept on with his journey until he reached the door and knocked, braving himself for whatever and whoever stood at the door.Yet the face he saw open it had not been what he had expected."Oh, hello!" The owner of the voice was nearly shrieking as she said those w
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59- Loukas
He noticed that she walked slowly, her hands behind her back which was slightly bent and a bulge on it before they reached the garden and she was sitting on a table that had two mugs with steams coming out of each one on it."Had you been expecting someone else?" Loukas asked as he slipped into the empty seat infront of her.She gave him a smile. "Not exactly. I knew you would come.""How?""You asked Achilles of me and I was a competition in our little game with Leonidas so you would eventually come to meet me. Plus, I saw you in the room."He blanked, "That is impossible. I was hidden.""The darkness does not hide everything," She replied. "It might hide your face but I could still feel your presence.""That is something a Pharmakis would say,"She smiled at him "How would you know? Have you met one?""No," He replied. "But it is weird, and they are supposed to be weird.""Right," She said with a chuckle.They sat in silence for a while, Persephone sipping on her tea and looking at
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60- Persephone
"I do not know if I can do this,"Persephone stood on the frozen lake now, her arm around her barely covered body as she stared at her reflection below her.She looked calm. Perfectly collected but she knew it was because she had perfected the act of pretense and this was only what this was.Pretense.The sprites that had left the lake now surrounded her, their blue lights bringing some sort of haze through the darkness of the night as more snow fell, their buzzing sounds loud as they spoke to her.You can. Trust him.A small sad chuckle left her lips with some steam as she said, "I have always trusted Leonidas. Maybe now it is a little bit too much. Is it wrong? That I feel this way?"Sometimes we get hurt by the people we love because we put so much hope in them and they are never perfect enough to do as we want."It is scary," She said breathing out again as she looked up at the sky, the dark sky overflowing with stars that glared down at her. "Even they seem to have some sort of m
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61- Leonidas
Most people say that the death of a loved one is the most painful thing of all.Others, the moment when you feel your heart is wretched out by the one person you thought would never do such a thing.But Leonidas Aetos was not sure which one hurt the most.He had returned back to his Castle, first going to Loukas' room that looked so perfectly clean and arranged, something Loukas could never do on his own and sat on the male's bed.It had been cold.Leonidas could not believe Loukas would never lay on that bed again.After he had left, the first thing that came to his mind was to return and ask for Loukas' body but he knew that he was risking his sanity by going and seeing her again.He knew that he had not given her any chance to explain herself and it was only because he knew that if she did, he would try to ignore the fact that she had blood on her hands.That she, was not alright.Maybe it had been his fault, maybe if he had never met her, she would have kept staying at her side of
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62- Leonidas
"I cannot believe that this is happening!" Michalis Laskaris had said for the umpteenth time as they all sat in his Father's study.Him at the head of the table, Orion Laskaris next to his Father who was at Leonidas' left and Charilaus, quiet ever since his arrival, was at the right."Your Father is the only high Family member that was killed that way," Orion said to Leonidas. "The other deaths are just starting from the root.""And Gerasimus?" Leonidas asked."He was murdered," Orion said with a grim expression. "Differently.""This is the reason why we do not deal with Pharmakis in the first place!" Michalis suddenly snapped, "She said that he would come after us and yet we did not listen! Now he is coming back to kill us one by one!"Leonidas did not need a Soothsayer to tell him who they were talking about. "Who is doing the killings?""We believe it to be the Ares Familia.""Led by Kostas?""No. Kostas is dead. It is led by Achilles."Leonidas blanked, the statement hanging over
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63- Leonidas
"Do you think that it is alright to give the Hermes and Hestia Familias such privileges?"The meeting had ended with Leonidas asking Orion to round up the young males and Artemis Familias that would fight, saying that they would find a way to think of the other Familia women."And what exactly are this privileges you speak of?" Leonidas asked. "Food? Their own rights on their own land?""Most of the foods and vegetables had been rationed to the Familias," Orion replied, his voice holding no malice but a need to be understood. "So that they would be enough for the Gathering."The Gathering.Leonidas had forgotten about that."It would be cancelled," Leonidas said with a low sigh. "With the rate at which people are dying, I doubt that all Familias in one place would not lead to a massacre of its own. The food for the Gathering would be allotted to the Hermes and Hestia Familias then, but if need be, we would reach out to our own portion of it. They are doing us a favour that they do not
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