All Chapters of Living Donor: The Billionaire's Heir: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
41 Chapters
Episode 11
"Mom, I've got no time for this. Please." "Let me speak with my grandson. What's this joke?!" "King has gone to bed, he said his goodnight early because–" "You can't fool your mother, Kelvin! I'm gonna take the first flight back home to see my grandson!" "Stay and get better for fuck's sake, Mom. He's fine! Christ!" Still on the screaming call with his mother, Kelvin paced around his suite. His hand constantly ran through his hair. His bare chest flashed every now and then at the uniformed cops standing by the door. Beside them was the cowering Adam still drenched in his wet clothes. The night had moved too fast, and every minute spent awake, the hole in between, stretched wider in their hearts. "Take your rest, Mom, I'm gonna call back when it's dawn." "You know I speak with that boy every night." "Please rest, Mom. My son misses you too, and you know it." "Ok." With a soft tap on his lit screen, the call was cut off. Furrowing his forehead, Kelvin's head snapped towards th
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Episode 12
"Who are you, and how did you get into my home?" Natasha stepped into her home and was startled by the figure munching on an apple. The bunch of keys slipped out of her hand slapping hard on the carpeted floor. "I'm here for Mr. Hanord. I'm carrying his baby." "Could you repeat that?" Locking eyes with Natasha, the young woman put her hands on her waist. "You heard me, ma'am. He should take responsibility for what he did." "Oh really?" "Yes. Since he forced himself on me, he should be able to force himself to fend for the baby. I don't have any money." Natasha bent down and grabbed her keys. Her knuckles whitened. "Come on, let me take you to him." "You will do that? Why?" "Do you want to meet him or not? He doesn't live here anymore." "Oh…" The young woman dragged her feet behind as Natasha led them out of the apartment. ****** At Elite Kiddies Lounge Is this a joke or what? How is she here, with my son? Squinting his eyes at Syntia, Kelvin crossed his arms around his ch
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Episode 13
"Hope you wouldn't mind me asking, sir." "As long as it isn't a foolish question." Taking her eyes off Kelvin, Syntia swallowed. "Where's his Mom? I think he needs his mother." "He should be in bed. Come have your bath, son." "I want Mommy to do it today. Mommy was great last night, Daddy." Kelvin crinkled his nose as he looked Syntia up and down. "I'm sure it wasn't a good bath, King. I'm gonna get you to doctor Smith for a thorough checkup." "No, Daddy!" He jabbed his little finger toward his father. "It was good! I don't like doctor friend with stinky stinky bitter candies!" "Were there purple roses you love so much?" King shook his head, glancing at Syntia. "Then it wasn't good, my son. Your skin should always be flawless. Always. Remember that, okay?" "Yes, Daddy." "Take my son to his bathtub and give him a proper scrub." He stood up and sauntered off. Frozen in place, Syntia's face crumpled. "Don't tell me that arrogant man just insulted me in my face, just because… c
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Episode 14
As the morning light streamed through the suite, King jumped out of bed and pulled his father off Syntia's body. "You don't get to touch Mommy!" His voice was sharp and clear enough to shake the adults off their slumbers. Twisting her face, Syntia stretched. Yawning softly as she slowly opened her eyes. "King!" "Get off the bed, Daddy!" Syntia swung her legs down, spotting her, King jumped into her arms. She picked him up and kissed his forehead. "Good morning, King." "King is happy, Mommy." "That's sweet, baby." King pointed fiercely at his father rubbing his face and grunting groggily. "You didn't get me that toy, Daddy. You never get me anything!" "Did you wake me up because of a girl's toy, King?!" "It's not. They're cute, Daddy." "I'm not gonna get such a toy for, my son. Play with the ones you already have if you won't choose another." King wriggled out of Syntia's arms and jumped in his father's, ranging blows at him with his tiny fists. Kelvin blocked them with his
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Episode 15
"Save it, Syntia with a letter S." He chuckled softly, turning around to meet her naked eyes. "The only thing I want is putting smiles on my son's face. I'm glad he could find something worthy in you like his father has found something too." Syntia's jaw hung loosely when her eyes caught the blinding skin of the towering man in front of her. Drooling was a bit low, to say the least. "How much are you offering, sir? I need to be sure." "We could discuss that after sending my son to his room. I'm already naked… we can lock King in his room now and fall right on the bed." "I want frosted cereals, Mommy. Please feed me some." Glaring at his son, Kelvin backed away from the trembling Syntia. "I was only talking about caring for King, not warming your bed… sir." "You can go to the pantry over there. Everything you need is right there." He sauntered toward the bathroom. "If you need to go shopping, let me know, I'll take you there myself." "What about his school? I mean–" "There won'
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Episode 16
Matching back into King's private room, Kelvin's face hardened. His breathing was ragged as he paced around the room, glancing over his son lying flat on the bed. "Has everyone gone mad?" Through his clenched jaws, the words slid out. "Syntia dare degrade my son, the only heir of Kelvin Blakes, to… How dare they bring down the status of my boy with nonsensical suggestions?! I should accept an inferior kidney..? Gosh!" The air became still as it got mixed with Kelvin's rage. As little King softly took in air, Kelvin hesitatingly sat on a chair beside the bed. He shifted in the seat as if it was lit on fire. "You're gonna be fine, my boy. Fight like the man that you are, your Daddy will get you a fresh kidney that is worth it. I promise." He took his little hand and softly stroked it. Bringing King's hand to his face, a few tear drops fell from his eyes. A silent whimper slipped out too. "Daddy?" That soft and delicate voice fell into Kelvin's ear, waking him up from the grief he
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Episode 17
Slipping a new pair of sneakers on, Kelvin held Syntia's fierce gaze. A deadly smirk played on his face. "I'm still not gonna help you do anything! Kidnaping me won't do." "I bet getting locked in jail would do then. Right?" "Jail?" "Yup!" "Why? I didn't do anything." "When you meet the cops, you tell them that, and see who will give a damn about your stupid statement." "You will never see my pussy, sir. I can help your sweet boy with all my heart, but not you." Kelvin slid forward, grabbing hold of Syntia's thighs as she leaned backward. He pulled her under him and pinned her there while making sure he felt her soft breasts against his chest. "Let me… let me go already… sir…" She looked everywhere else, but Kelvin's hypnotic gaze. "You see this pussy right here…" --he shoved his hand in between her thighs and palmed the entrance of her pussy, jerking Syntia like a naked current struck her hard– "it's mine until I grow tired of it." He winked, wickedly. Sensually. Syntia sho
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Episode 18
Dead silence suddenly crept into the place as Nana struggled with her speech, almost leaving her completely speechless. Kelvin dabbed at his mother's tears as it rolled down freely. "Do you see why it isn't wise for you to be here right now? I told you to stay until the surgery is performed." "Have you found a match yet?" She quickly sat up. "Not yet." "Let me guess, those ones found aren't up to the standard you laid down, or what?" "Yes, Mom. They're all cheap and of low quality. My son's kidney should be a premium one; nothing less" "Can you listen to yourself, Kelvin?! Just hear yourself this once, please. That baby is suffering way too much, and you know that. He shouldn't be enduring such an amount of pain at this age, you stubborn man like your father!" "Nothing will happen to my strong man, Mom. He's the son of his father! So stop with this already and join me search for that–" "Premium kidney?" "Yeah." "I think you should send one of your boys to help you out on this
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Episode 19
"Pee-pee, Mommy. Mommy!" As she snored softly, snuggling with King on his bed, the soft cry filled her ear. "Mommy, pee!" Pouting, King shook Syntia who seemed to be lost in her own world. "King? What is it, baby?" Slowly and groggily, Syntia sat up, rubbing her eyes with a huge yawn escaping her mouth. Clutching his crotch as he twisted his body, his little voice rushed out, "Bathroom, Mommy. Pee-pee…" "Sorry, darling." Yawning heavily again, Syntia scooped King in her arms and rushed him into the bathroom. While she helped him, Doctor Smith and Kelvin walked into the room. "They should be in the bathroom, sir." "I'll go check on them." "Yes, sir." Sauntering toward the bathroom, Syntia and King pushed out, almost bumping on Kelvin. "Sorry sir." Her face instantly flushed as Kelvin locked eyes with her. "When did you–" "Where's my chocolate, Daddy? Can we go home now?" Wearing a grin, Smith moved closer to King and crouched before him. "When the beautiful sun come say hi
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Episode 20
The whistling of the wind pressed on while the elderly people stood erect on the spot. "I'm not here for you, Mrs. Blakes. I was just passing." "You can fool the freaking birds, not me!" With her walking stick, she moved forward, leaving a little space behind. "You will do your sorry ass good not to show your ugly face to me again, because I won't be this lenient the next time you ruin my taste!" The bodyguard knocked the elderly man onto the ground as they walked past. Glancing around the eyes on him, the man slowly picked himself up. His contorted face grew harder every second. "What bad fate to have met the shedevil herself on a dark day as this." After a long, dull look at the restaurant, the trembling man shuffled further down as though his strength had left him, leaving just liquid. Inside the restaurant… "Cancel the table we booked. This is Venice. Mrs. Blakes." She handed the cell phone back to the bodyguard as he cleared the way for them to go through. Outside, swept h
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