Living Donor: The Billionaire's Heir

Living Donor: The Billionaire's Heir

By:  RoseBear  Ongoing
Language: English
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"Who the fuck is this? Speak and stop stalling!" "This is…this is doctor Smith, sir." He stuttered, unable to swallow the fear oozing out. "I couldn't reach you on your other line, so I…" ~~~~~~~ "I've ordered for everyone present to taste the stale smell of prison for two months." "What?!" ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ "You dare ruin my nose? How dare you stand in my face?!" "I've tolerated you enough, doctor Magnus." "You have?" He scoffed. "Just because I refused to suck your finger dick doesn't give you the damn right to talk trash about me!" A gasp erupted from the mouths of the onlookers. The doctor glanced around the crowd now forming in groups as they chattered away indistinctively. "You're fired this minute!" "No, doctor Magnus, I quit!" ~~~~~~~ "No." "Sir?" "Didn't you hear me? I said no!" "No… to what exactly, sir?" "My son does not need such a kidney!" ~~~~~~~~ "Feed me first before I die of starvation from that pussy, Syntia!" Syntia gaped, freezing on the spot as Kelvin lowered his head and sucked her bare neck so hard that a groan erupted from her mouth. ~~~~~~ A wealthy toddler who attends an Elite Daycare fights for his life when his billionaire Daddy demands his health back. He says he wants an exquisite rebranding__will he find one? How will his decision affect his heir?

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41 Chapters
Episode 1
Under a clear blue sky dotted with white clouds, an exquisite three story building nestled just beside a massive old tree with its widespread canopy casting down a warm shadow below. The leaves swayed in the light wind, peeking at the huge sign; Elite Kiddies Lounge, a colourful classroom. The preschoolers giggled and hopped around a young teacher who wore a huge bright smile. "Nana…" In the massive classroom, a chubby dark haired boy muttered as his little face crumpled in pain. He doubled over, then crept towards a square table littered with crayons and little easels sitting on it. Small canvases were strewn about. "I want… I want my Nana now…" The little boy clutched his chest. Sweat glistened on his glossy skin reflecting the excruciating pain gathered internally. The blonde haired teacher in a jean and blouse, spotted the little boy twisting on a chair, still clutching his chest. Her smiles fell and crashed. The other children stepped away, wide eyed as the young teacher rose
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Episode 2
While people got drowned in lust and horror, the two men rocking their crisp suits clicked their heels out the massive building, stretching into the sky. Their fierce gaze stared ahead. "So that was King they rushed into that ambulance?" "You were there, Hanord?" Their smooth chiseled faces met and they halted in front of a black luxury car. "Why are you glaring at me, Kelvin?" Hanord averted his eyes from the harsh glare. Kelvin adjusted his suit, then loosened a button, exposing his hard chest. "Why didn't you take him there when you saw him?" He got into the car. "I wasn't really there per say." Hanord joined him at the backseat. You see, I was dropping my woman off that street when we saw the worried faces of the teachers." As the car rolled onto the busy road, Kelvin gazed out the tinted window. With his back resting on the backrest of the leather seat, he shut his eyes briefly, interlocking his fingers on his lap. Hanord cautiously glanced at the silent Kelvin and shook h
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Episode 3
Getting to a rundown street under the clear blue sky, the scowling Syntia burst through the front door of a ramshackle multi-storey building. Ignoring the greetings of other tenants smoking and going out with their daily lives, Syntia jogged up the railingless staircase, furiously rolling up her knitted sweater. "I don't just get it. Why on earth would these ugly old men go after young girls their granddaughter's age? Why?" She shoved her hand into her leather purse- its rough surface peeling off like the walls of the building. "How many fucking jobs now? Gosh! I'm so pissed right now to the point of running back there to chop off his little dick and shove it up his craggy mouth! Motherfucker!" As though growing impatient, fishing for something as she stood in front of a frail wooden door, Syntia kicked the door hard, it rattled a bit then went still. She uprooted a bunch of rusty keys from her purse, then inserted a key into the lock. With a shaggy click, the door swung open. "Wher
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Episode 4
"Mm-hmm. But…" He swept his eyes searchingly around the office." Where's Nana, Daddy? I told Miss Gloria I wanted Nana's bear hugs." As he pouted, his head drooped. Kelvin ruffled his son's silky hair, its richness was identical to his. "I told you your Nana can't be disturbed for now until she gets better." "I know… But I still miss her." "How many nights did I say she would be back for?" "Eight…" He held his little hands up and started counting his fingers while they watched him with a grin slowly growing on their lips. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight. Eight nights more, Daddy." "Very good, King!" Blinking hard, King's cheeks turned red. He glanced at his father towering on his body still laying flat on the examination table. "Can we go now, Daddy?" "Uhh, not sure about that, son." "I don't like coming here! It makes me puke all the time!" Scowling at his father, King folded his arms around his chest. "Hey, little man. How are you feeling now?" Smith ging
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Episode 5
In King's classroom at Elite Kiddies Lounge, colorful balloons filled the large space. The atmosphere reeked of giggles and laughter from the lively kids and their parents. At one corner of the classroom, Hanord followed the lustful eyes of Kelvin as they fixed on a young woman's backside, all the way out the open double doors. "Did you see that girl?" "We're here for father and parents time with their kids, not to haunt for girls!" Hanord muttered through gritted teeth. "Doing some window shopping isn't that bad. I should–" He leaned next to Kelvin's ear, shutting him up. "Look around you, Kelvin, you are in your son's classroom for fuck's sake. Jeez! Control your libido for just a moment." Eyeing Hanord, Kelvin grunted deeply. "Today, no chasing of skirts, yeah? Don't disgrace the little guy." He glanced at little King pouting as though ready to cry any minute. King shared a sad glance with Hanord, his eyes wet and shaky. A little girl wearing pigtails held a plate of cookies
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Episode 6
In that candle lit room, bare chested and in his boxers, Hanord sat cross legged on a rug at the foot of his bed, staring into space. The hard beat of his heart could crack and even damage a wall. As he sank deeper into his thoughts, that fresh after shower smell wafted through his nostrils, stiffening his body. "You look lost, baby. What is it this time, uh?" That soft voice showered on him like sprinkles from the heavy turned-on shower. The slender woman's hand waving in his face was blurry to his sight, until that tap on his shoulder. Reaching for his face, with a start, Hanord's head snapped. Orange glow from the flickering candles danced across the young woman's face. Realizing it was his wife, as he stared hard at her, his face contorted. Wearing a short nightgown with her bare nipples looking straight at Hanord, she crouched down in front of his face. "Is it a woman, Hanord? Did you cheat on me again this time?" "What?" Confusion washed over his face. Natasha, Hanord's wif
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Episode 7
In the cozy room, her moans filled the room as she twitched. When she thought bathing herself in that honey state in front of the public would be the end, it was only but the beginning of her troubles. That mystery man tormenting her mind, was hard to push away. With that view, on a large couch, the soft but smooth muscular figure lifted Syntia's legs above his broad shoulders, then spread them apart. Swallowing hard, she watched him settle between her thighs. "I'm starting to get addicted to pink, Syntia. Fuck!" Syntia's cheeks flushed when he lowered his head, studying her exposed pussy entrance. The hungry grin playing on his lips made her melt into liquid. With great struggles, she tried to put his blurry face together but it seemed like a heavy task each time he tampered with her body. "I don't think we should. We--" "Shh!" Shushing, Syntia's shuddering naked body pinned beneath him, with his finger pressed against her lips, she felt his hand caressing hidden parts of her b
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Episode 8
The whistling of the wind outside was almost deafening as it swept through the empty space, rustling Adam's hair. He unstrapped King's car seat, and then scooped him into his arms. King's head rested on his chest, but his legs flailed wildly. "I want--I want popsicles, uncle Adam. Get me one, please. Daddy isn't being nice to me today." "King, I know you want it now, but you need to listen to your Daddy. Your doctor friend wants you to--" "No! I want it now! Nana will–will--" Sighing deeply, Adam stroked the little boy's back as he watched his face crumpled like a handkerchief. Facing the sturdy skyscraper, his phone rang. With one hand firmly holding little King, Adam shoved the other into his pocket, rooting his phone out. From the other end, a grey haired woman in an elegant white gown idly sat in a rocking chair, her legs crossed, facing a huge fireplace with a wide mantle. She watched intently as the fire crackled. The glowing flame illuminates the dimly lit room. Behind her,
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Episode 9
Right outside Diamond mall, thunder rumbled as lightning crackled down, illuminating the tarred road, with rain pattering furiously. At the parking lot, Adam unfastened King from his car seat. The happy little boy skipped as they entered the well lit mall. Shoppers turned and stared lovingly at the cute and adorable little boy gripping Adam's hand as they found their way in. "What flavor would you like to have, King? They have lots here." With a smile, Adam playfully stroked King's chubby cheek. "Hmm…" Little King pinched his chin and tilted his head back slightly, deep in thought. Adam chuckled lightly, noticing the loving eyes on the boy. Everyone stopped and stared at the adorable child laughing ecstatically and doing a happy dance as he gazed at the popsicles displayed in front of them. "I want that… that… that…" King licked his lips. Leaning against a shelf, Adam stood beside the little boy. Then his phone rang. He quickly shoved his hand in his pocket, he froze, staring at
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Episode 10
Right in an elegant, modern suite, on the highest floor of the hotel, Kelvin stripped himself bare, then strolled into an exquisite bathroom seeping sweet smell. He stood under a showerhead, lather his body and let the lukewarm water cascade down his glass skin. The steam rose, dimming the view as he showered. Now, all done. He slipped into a bathrobe, dialed a number and poured his thunderous voice through. His face contorted with fury. "I'm gonna fucking kill you with my bare hands! How dare--" A soft knock on the door, trailed his voice. Kelvin gazed at the door, furrowing his brow. His jaw clenched. Out in the hallway, a quivering figure, drenched from head down, stood by the door. When they turned their faces toward their view; it was Adam. He chewed his nails nervously. Inside the suite, Kelvin pressed a button on the smooth wooden nightstand beside the neatly made bed covered with a comforter. Beside the bed, a red toy train and other colourful toys were neatly placed in a
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