All Chapters of The Legendary Conglomerate: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
493 Chapters
Chapter 111: Appearing Ordinary
Two days later, Kevin and Denver, along with twenty of their men, were called home on Killian's orders, as were the ten spies assigned to watch the movements of Elvira and her family. Since they did their job, and the Smiths had received their just reward, they were all called home to reinforce the bodyguards in Birmingham and other cities. This morning was the third day when Killian's life had returned to normal without any significant disturbance or busyness. It also coincided with a holiday, so Killian decided to go around Birmingham and the suburbs. "Kevin, today I want to be an ordinary person, without being escorted, without being watched and so on, because I want to play an ordinary person in Birmingham all day," Killian said in the morning. "Hopefully, in the area, I'm going to visit, the people don't recognise me," Killian said when giving instructions to Kevin the lightning rod. "Won't that jeopardise your safety, young master?" asked Kevin, a little worried. "You just
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Chapter 112: Mater Meets Master
Meanwhile, the man they called master was moving towards the battle's location between Killian and his men. His hands are already itching to beat Killian and crush him into nothing. But unfortunately, he was stuck in traffic near the intersection, close to the fight's location. His men were wrong in giving him directions; they did not understand the streets' names and the location where his partner was fighting the person who his master had sought for a month. Who to be angry at, he didn't know, because they were new, foreigners, or Italy and Canada, to be precise. The boss was from Canada, while some of the men were Italian immigrants from the same region as Daniel Gilmour. They used to be Daniel's men, and the man they called master was Daniel's business partner and best friend. Their arrival was to take revenge on Killian and his men for having dared to kill his best friend. But how did they find out that Killian was the one who killed Daniel, and how did they get Killian's pict
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Chapter 113: Killian Wounded
Seventy-four of Leonardo's men immediately formed an encircling formation. Thirty men ran to the right, and thirty more to the left, while the rest remained where they were, along with Leonardo, the master.On Killian's side, only thirteen men advanced, instead of twenty, as initially planned, because with only that number, it was more than enough to face Leonardo's men. At the same time, the rest retreated to the back, including Killian and Kevin.Among the thirteen men who came forward were Dexon, Alan, and Peter, three men they knew to be highly skilled in fighting, with sharp weapons and bare hands.Killian's action of only advancing thirteen people offended Leonardo and his men, but what can it be? Because it was the opponent's decision, they could not help but accept it, even though they thought being humiliated might be a great fortune for his side.But on the other hand, such conditions hurt their hearts because the opponent underestimates them. So unconsciously, their hands t
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Chapter 114: The Kick of Death
After taking a moment to breathe, Killian launched his attack on Leonardo but was blocked by the remaining seventeen of his men. As a result, Killian's attack, aimed initially at Leonardo, now switched to hitting his men, causing several people to bounce off his spinning kicks and punches. Six died instantly because Killian's punches targeted their vital points, leaving them helpless and dead. The remaining eleven were left for Kevin to handle while Killian continued to pepper Leonardo's body with several attacks, all of which targeted his vital organs. But all the attacks were quickly repelled by Leonardo. It is the first time Killian has faced someone who can keep up with his movements, especially before that very painful punch hit Killian. That means that during his career, only twice he got a decisive enough blow. One from Leonardo's men and another from Leonardo himself; this was the first time Killian felt defeated by his duelling opponent. So far, Killian had never lost and h
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Chapter 115: When Will It Be Peaceful?
"Please take us in, sir, we're hungry," one of the beggar children replied with an innocent face, ignoring Killian's previous question.LUP-DUP...Killian's heart skipped a beat as soon as he heard the child's words, and his mind returned to the hard times when he was in the dormitory; meals were often limited or rationed due to limited food supplies.This time, it was not about food, but there was none, so Killian nodded in agreement to bring the two little beggars inside the restaurant in front of him.But before he could take a step, there was a subtle rebuke from the side. "Sir, don't bring them if you don't want to get into trouble."Killian turned his head to the side. He said in surprise, "Elizabeth!""Why are you here? Who are these two?" asked Killian continuously to the person who had just reprimanded him, who turned out to be Elizabeth."You-young master Killian," Elizabeth replied in surprise.For a moment, they were both silent, with each other inwardly, and feeling awkwa
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Chapter 116: Getting to the Root of the Problem
While Killian was enjoying his lunch at the modest restaurant, Denver and dozens of his men were combing the outskirts of Birmingham to crack down on the street child exploitation gang. In every location they visited, they would encounter such naive people. They arrogantly oppress and intimidate children and adults into obeying their orders to earn money by begging. Their behaviour is disconcerting to the residents, government officials, and staff. They tried various ways to crack down on these groups but always failed. Every time one disappears, another group appears, like mushrooms. They were controlled by one big syndicate or mafia so that they could survive so far. But Denver, accompanied by his most muscular men, had his way of eliminating them by torturing Samuel to get him to open his mouth and reveal where their headquarters were and who their leader was. Unable to withstand the relentless torture, Samuel finally gave in and told the truth. After finding out the base's Loca
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Chapter 117: Mysterious Man
"Cough... Cough... insolent! I'm getting short of breath like this. You sneaky, cowardly bastard!" the man cursed angrily. "We'd better get out, boss; let's face them. It's useless if we stay here; more and more smoke is coming into this house," one of the group's higher-ups suggested to him. "Ahh, you're right. I wouldn't say I like the smell of smoke either, and my eyes are already stinging. Let's go out, and prepare your weapons," David replied immediately. "Keep smoking this building; add as much fuel as possible. I'm sure they'll still come out," Louis ordered enthusiastically. "Boss, look, the mice are coming out," Dexon shouted happily. "Hahahaha, you're finally out too!" laughed Louis happily. "Who are you guys? Why are you burning rubbish near my property?" snapped David at Denver and Louis' group. "We're all sewer rat hunters like you, who are always bothering people and road users and polluting the city's beauty," Denver replied lightly. "Damn it! What's your problem
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Chapter 118: New Gold Mine
"Please forgive me, sir, I admit defeat, all my treasures inside this building; I will surrender to you as long as you let me go," David said, frightened and desperate."You are not in a position to bargain at this time. Soon you will follow your subordinates to hell," Louis replied with a fierce face."Calm down, mate; I need some important information from him," Denver said, stopping Louis' attempt to teach the terrified David a lesson."Huh, just pissed off. Just kill him, end of the story," Louis retorted irritably."I'm sure you're not alone in managing your beggar's organisation or mafia; other forces are supporting you, aren't there, David?" asked Denver as he tugged on the man's collar, standing trembling."What do you mean, sir? I work on my own, without any support from anyone else," David argued very confidently."Is that so? Then how about this one?"CRASH..."Aaaarrgghh. What are you doing? Why did you cut off my ear?" screamed David in pain as Denver cut his ear off with
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Chapter 119: Exploration and Exploitation
One month later, Killian's plan had been fully realised after a team of experts reported that they had found no gold deposit on the land owned by the Spencer Group's Gold and Diamond company in Liverpool.Based on the final report, Killian decided to shut down the company without hesitation. Senior and junior employees would be transferred to new places, while those who refused were given decent severance pay and enough for their future lives.During that month, much work had been accomplished, including Denver and Louis' efforts to eradicate the London beggar's association, which David's big boss had dealt with due to Jeff's interference in the matter.In less than three hours, they eradicated all these naive human beings. All their wealth was confiscated and distributed to the managers of the shelters scattered across London.Their second biggest job was to secure positions of power in major cities in cooperation with local authorities, including Birmingham.All the gangsters, thugs
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Chapter 120: The Competition Plan
Three days later, Miguel Spencer arrived in Birmingham and Daylight Town, escorted by Jeff and thousands of strong men, complete with ten commanders.All the bodyguards and third and fourth-level company officials were lined up along the road the man travelled to ensure that his journey was unhindered. Local officials also assisted Miguel, who organised the traffic to keep it orderly and smooth."What an amazing welcome. Mr Spencer's fame has hypnotised us all today. It's great!""He's the richest man in the world, along with young master Killian, his grandson. So it's only natural that he'd be given this special welcome and honour. Unlike us, we're not welcomed; if we dare to show up, we'll be kicked out of here."These were some rumblings from the townspeople and most of the Spencer Group's Birmingham branch employees, who they mobilised to welcome their great master."Greetings, Mr Spencer. May you live a long life," said the company's senior officers and bodyguards in unison, bowi
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