All Chapters of The Legendary Conglomerate: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
493 Chapters
Chapter 131: The Big Decision
"You're still asking. Can't you translate it yourself?" Miguel replied and asked Killian back. "Grandpa, I don't understand," Killian denied innocently. "You insensitive young man. Now you listen carefully; I have set you up with Maribel; while you may prefer your secretary, what can I do?" "Whether I urge you or scold you, you're no longer a child; what's more, you want to keep insisting. So you decide for yourself whom you will choose. I hope that you don't disappoint both of them," said Mr Spencer containing a big riddle. Neither Killian, Martin, nor Maribel could understand what Miguel meant. In their minds, there was a question mark, being told to choose one of the two but then saying not to disappoint both of them; what did this mean? If you choose Maribel, Irene will be disappointed if you select Irene and vice versa. Should I pick both? "All this makes my head spin," Killian thought to himself. After thinking about it for a while, Killian, Maribel and Martin understood w
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Chapter 132: Regret is Useless
"You'll see for yourself," Killian replied with a smile and a look into the distance."That's what I mean, uncle," Killian continued trying to explain, much like a tour guide."It's fantastic. I didn't expect that a place that was once a vacant lot and an old factory has now become a building as big and magnificent as this," he praised when he saw the shape of the building in front of him.Miguel just smiled, as did Irene. They usually saw a factory like that, but the only difference was condominiums for employees inside the factory complex. Although it was located a little far from the factory building, the condominium was easily accessible from all directions.The condominiums are apartment-like and can accommodate between one thousand and two thousand employees per building, while there are four condominiums, so a total of six thousand employees.The facilities inside are also premium class, complete with a garden around it, so it will still mak
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Chapter 133: The Plan of Return
In the morning, around 9.10 am, as usual, Julietta did not go begging. She just sat in the living room with her mother and father. Today, she deliberately took the day off from this humiliating activity because she wanted to tell her grandmother about her big plan. Meanwhile, Emma already knew about the plan because her husband had told her about it earlier. Julietta deliberately waited for her grandmother to wake up; usually, at this hour, her grandmother was already awake and doing light activities in her room. But today, waiting until 9.30 am, her grandmother had yet to appear. Finally, Julietta dared to knock on Elvira's bedroom door. Julietta's fingers knocked on the door several times, but there was no answer from inside. Realising that Elvira had not opened the door, Julietta ran to her father, who was sitting in the living room. Once there, Julietta immediately told Dylan that the door to Elvira's room still needed to be opened, even though she had knocked it on several time
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Chapter 134: Heart-to-Heart Talk
No one knows about the game of destiny in each other's lives. Everything flows like water in a river or elsewhere. Some flow swiftly, and some flow slowly. It all depends on the water discharge, location, and supporting factors.If the flow is swift and in large quantities, then it will drag anything in its path away. But if it flows slowly, let alone calmly, the objects in its way will not be affected by the impact, instead making the grass, roots, branches, twigs, leaves and garbage flow beautifully on it.Such was Killian's life at this time. In his second life, after parting with Julietta. For a moment, his fate was like a leaf bobbing on the water, directionless without a definite destination. Life feels heavy; steps are uncertain. The future is too bleak, energy is down, and there is nothing he can do anymore but hope.In his tossing and turning, a hand reached out, trying to pull him out of the rushing water. Soaked to the skin by the leaf he had picked u
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Chapter 135: Finally, Back
Meanwhile, at the same time, after a considerable distance and approximately four hours, the plane that Elvira and her family travelled on landed at London Heathrow airport in the United Kingdom. After completing immigration checks, they walked out of the airport in a hurry, eager to breathe the air of freedom, having escaped the shackles of poverty in Greece. "Welcome and safe return," Julietta said as she raised her hands and pranced happily, hoping that someone was waiting for her return. The people passing by at the airport only glanced at Julietta's behaviour, shaking their heads in astonishment. "Are you crazy, Julietta, dancing around like that in public?" Elvira snapped quietly. Julietta immediately realised her foolishness and immediately corrected her childish attitude. Dylan and Emma were silent, seeing their daughter's behaviour. In her heart, maybe the attitude shown by Julietta was because she was too happy after setting foot back in England. "Let's find a ride hom
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Chapter 136: No Decision Yet
Julietta thought her life would improve after returning to England, but unexpectedly, it worsened. In this country, she didn't know what to do anymore. Would she maintain her obsession with returning to Killian or try her hand at something else?No matter how often Julietta thought about it, she would still come to a dead end. In her little heart, Julietta realised that Killian would never accept her back after what she had done to Killian so far.After all, Killian was now not someone they could manage any more. Killian is already a wealthy man with a super tight guard. Of course, his bodyguards would not allow Killian to be approached by strangers, even Julietta herself.Killian is not short of beautiful women who want to be his wife. So, Killian couldn't comply with Julietta's will. But the dark thoughts in her eyes continue to influence and encourage her to keep trying to get Killian's heart back."Successful or not, that's a matter for later," her mi
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Chapter 137: Visiting the Project Site
The next day, Elvira Dylan, Emma, Julietta and Christine still had yet to leave the inn; they were still staying there for another day. Not because they felt at home or wanted to linger but because they still could not decide whether to stay in England or go to their old place in Turkey.They were confused by Julietta's attitude, who had not yet accepted the reality and insisted on staying in Birmingham without thinking about the risks they would bear. What a stubborn and crazy woman.Since they still couldn't decide where to go, the five of them walked around the inn while looking around in case there were any items they wanted to buy. But unbeknownst to them, two people in front of the inn were following them from behind, about fifty to eighty metres away.In their ears was an earphone, which was always on standby for them to communicate with each other. For almost three and a half hours, the two mysterious men continued to follow Elvira and her family whereve
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Chapter 138: Forced to Come Too
[Location: Coastal London, cheap lodgings, around 3.10 p.m.]"Tomorrow, we will leave for Turkey and head straight to our old stomping grounds," Elvira firmly said as she gathered her son and two grandchildren in Julietta's relatively spacious room."There is no bargaining. If Julietta still insists on not coming, then I will remove you from the Smith family register, even though you are my favourite grandchild," she threatened solemnly."By lingering here, it makes my mind stuck, and I can't do anything, even just feel anxious," the woman continued irritably."While your money supply is still there, tomorrow before noon, we have to check out of this inn and go to the airport. From there, we will fly directly to Istanbul. After that, we'll probably take a train or bus straight to the Aegean to save money," Elvira said as if she knew the route.There was silence, no sound except for the fan above their heads. They could hear not even a breath; every
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Chapter 139: Indecisive Feelings
On his working visit to the gold mine site, Killian was unaccompanied by Maribel at his request; although Miguel objected, he eventually allowed it. Maribel preferred to stay at the resort as she found the atmosphere very calm, relaxed and peaceful. The water is clear, the currents are mild, and the sunlight absorbed there reflects its colourful grains. Those grains are what people call diamonds because their shape and colour are gorgeous. Indeed the beauty of Scotland. That's where Maribel was now, sitting alone by the sea with no friends, enjoying the beautiful panorama. She ignored the people who passed by around her; they were also like that towards Maribel. Some already knew that the woman sitting alone belonged to Killian. If they dared to disturb her, then be prepared to die. Although there were many visitors to the resort, it did not make it cramped and dull; instead, it made the place look more lively. Maribel decided to spend her leisure time alone before returning to her
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Chapter 140: No Other Choice
"Boss, the target has left the inn and seems to be heading to London Heathrow. Maybe they will fly to Turkey and return to the old place first," reported one of the stalkers of Elvira's group."Keep an eye out. Don't lose track," replied the person on the other side of the phone firmly."Yes, boss!" greeted the person quickly.Meanwhile, the online taxi they had ordered was currently travelling on a busy road, heading towards London Heathrow. Meanwhile, two cars followed it, keeping track of where it was going within a short radius.Half an hour later, the car travelling with Elvira and her family stopped right in front of the London Heathrow gate. After paying the online taxi fare, they went to the terminal and headed to the ticketing counter to verify the online tickets they had bought the day before, including their passport and visa.They sat there for more than two hours because the plane they were going to catch departed at 3 pm, while they l
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