All Chapters of The Alpha's Bridal Nun: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
78 Chapters
The Letter
The rain didn't stop even after the aftermath of the invasion. As soon as Varick arrived, it didn't take too long before he decimated the remaining rogues in his house, including Heinfield. It was a one-sided battle as they tried to escape from his wrath and failed as Varick was in his complete wolf form.He tore their limbs when they were fleeing and those brave enough to fight couldn't last a second as soon as he struck them. For Varick in his full-form was larger, stronger and faster than any of them combined.Heinfield was the last one in the vicinity, never having the chance to change his form while he was on the ground as the cold icy stare of Varick's wolf glaring at him. If anything, his wolf was kept its namesake as the descendant of Skoll.A war wolf and the bringer of Death."Sc-screw you…if you don't have Skoll's blood…we b-be…be…come—" were Heinfield's last words before he died, succumbing to his wounds.With no one to lead them, the remaining rogues had long fled befor
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Your Role As A Luna
"So, how are you feeling now, Luna?" Phineas placed his hand on my shoulder while I was pondering after reading the letter. He crouched beside me. "You need to get healed. You have some bruises that need to be tended.""I…will do that later. I am fine, thank you, Phineas."I turned my direction to Lenalee and a tear fell once more. "What are you going to do with her body?""We will burn it," Varick simply stated.I pondered for a moment and I gulped before turning to him. "C-can we bury her body next to the Hatiist Church? Father Gossep wouldn't mind."Varick's expression changed. "Our agreement is not to step into the church.""I won't attend, I swear!" I stood up, giving him a look of grief. "All I wanted was for her to feel like she belonged to a family. If the Skollist pack won't attend her funeral, at least let the Hatiist Church do it for her."Varick looked conflicted, eyes darted to the young girl's wolf lifeless body. "Fine."I smiled as I held my hand in a prayer. "Thank
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Losing One's Faith
We drank to our hearts’ content in silence as we waited for Varick’s return. Phineas gave me time to mourn and I appreciated his way of letting me drown to my sorrow, drinking what was once a banal existence to my nunhood.Varick showed up, entering the wine cellar and his expression changed to that of a somber look as he stared at the collection of the finest liquor.“I am going to have them disposed of.”Phineas returned to his usual self as he gave him a sheepish grin. “I can do that with no complaints.”“Do what you must.”I gave the head mage the look as he shrugged. He was definitely going to take all of them for himself.“Varick,” I called out to him when he turned his back. “How are things with the Hatiist Church?”I knew I shouldn’t speak about Hati in front of him yet I was so curious. He didn’t say a word and he exited the wine cellar.“Varick!” I called out again as I tried to catch up to him.“Wait, Luna!” I turned to the Head Mage and he looked a bit guilty from the way
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Final Farewell
Morning came, and I was awakened by the scent of savory steak passing through my nostrils.My eyes fluttered open and the first sight was an unknown room which was different from my recollection of books piling on the floor or the lack of them.Or the bathroom that I last remember before losing consciousness.The steak I smelled was just next to the bed where I was laid. It was served in a trolley and some garnish that could satiate my appetite. There was the sound of humming, a familiar foreign melody that only "she" could sing.My half body sprung out from the bed and I was greeted by someone crouching on the floor as she was wiping the floor with a rag.She lifted her head and Lenalee beamed that instant. "Good morning, Lady Rosaria."I was too stunned to move as a tear fell from my eye. I moved out of the bed and wrapped my arms around her."Oh Hati, dear Hati! It was all a dream!"Of course it was! It had to be, Lenalee was right here.Lenalee giggled as she held my hand. “I am
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A Small Glimpse Of Happiness
Perhaps the way he knelt down before me gave me a startle. My thoughts were all over the place that I hadn’t given myself enough time to absorb his words. While Phineas lost all of his weariness at that instant and was applauding from the sidelines and Varick finally stood up and returned his stoic expression, I was standing there—speechless— that a whirlwind of events happened in a span of a day. The invasion, the truth about Lenalee, her death… … and now, I was pregnant with the Alpha Leader’s child. Now it made sense why I was having a nauseating feeling last night and while I was grieving, I didn’t sense a new life in my womb. He held my cheek, and I stiffened from his foreign caring gesture. It felt warm and assuring to be touched by him. “You were hurt by those rogues. How were you feeling?”“I-I’m fine, r-really. They didn’t hurt me that much. Also, my regenerative ability helped me feel better.” I was not used to his kindness that my face burned up, glancing away from t
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The Small Cottage Behind The Lake
Each wolf pack needs a Seer. A Seer’s duty for the wolves was to relay the words of the Moon Goddess’s to the pack. They were the ones who would announce the wolf’s fate like their destined mates or their roles in the pack. They were also called the oracles, the diviners or messengers of the wolf goddess.But their origin continued to be shrouded in mystery. No wolf in history had ever known how they became Seers, aside from their own. Before a Seer dies, one announces their successor to be the new Seer in the pack. And we thought it was the norm without question, like a silent agreement to never dwell on its history. The current Seer in the Skollist Pack was an enigma I couldn’t decipher.He rarely showed up during the coming of age rituals to identify a wolf’s life mate and relied more on the pack’s messenger to speak for his behalf. You could say he was like the High Mage, Phineas, but far worse, in a sense that we barely knew his existence.Now I was given this opportunity to f
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Inevitable Prophecy
“I believe you have questions longing to be answered,” he stated, and I confirmed from his eyes that he had long observed me in silence.The dining room brought a feeling of normalcy that I didn’t expect from a wolf of prestige. Just like the hall where we had our greetings, the ambience felt homely. After he caught me in my own thoughts about my worries, my eyes dropped to catch sight of a bowl of porridge before me. When did he place a meal without me getting a whiff of its delectable smell? I felt foolish and obvious from the lack of focus around my surroundings and the Seer called it out.“Oh,” I said as I grabbed the spoon that was neatly placed next to the bowl. “Sorry, I have been rude, despite your hospitality.”“Well, I don’t blame you for the confusion of all things that happened to you. For instance, you were forced to marry rather than become a devoted nun to your Church.”“Yes, about that…” I gripped on my dress as I mentally brace myself to speak what came to my mind.
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Faith Being Questioned
The Seer looked displeased with my words then he crossed his arms. There was a long tense atmosphere in the once comfortable dining room and I knew the inevitable for bringing Hati to the only wolf who could hear the Moon Goddess's voice."It seems that your church brainwashed you to believe such claims.""No, if you feel his words, his presence and the scriptures that were passed through generations, Hati wouldn't wish for the wolves to die for his sake."Based on the seriousness of the situation, the Seer could potentially report this to Varick but then again, I have the baby in me. He wouldn't take action against me while I could potentially carry the reincarnation of Skoll.I knew it sounded like I held my own child as hostage but if it meant for me to give me more freedom of expressing my thoughts, then I shall continue taking advantage of this.I was ready for any reprimands from the Seer and brace myself—"Pfft!" —Only to get myself caught off-guard."This is why I found the s
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Lost In Thoughts
"That was a nice nap!" Phineas stretched his arms when he came out from the bedroom. ‘But I am impressed. The Seer doesn’t have any maids around and with a weak affinity to magic, he definitely had a lot of time to clean here.’He arrived at the living room and spotted the Seer reading one of the books he lent months back. Up until now, he hadn’t returned it to him but it didn't matter. Samael didn't know how to return what he borrowed, after all.His head perked up and his eyes lit. “Oh, about time you’re awake. You slept like a log for five hours.”‘That long?’ He thought. He yawned again as he stretched his arms. "With the events yesterday and some renovations in the aftermath, would you really blame me if I wanted to take a break?"He gave him an odd stare. “The current Alpha leader hasn’t rested until now.”Phineas ruffled his hair. “Well, I need more energy to gain more mana. Do you mind if you cut me some slack when I’m this tired?” He yawned again.In fact, P
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Doubts and Fears
Of all the wolves who caught me using Hatiist magic, it had to be Magellan. He was known for starting public executions without the Alpha Leader’s consent, thus, with Jerri’s case without trial. ‘But this is bad.’ My foot stepped backward as my heart raced. The child was frozen stiff, yet he didn’t leave his father’s side. Holding his hand with his dear life as he never left the sight of the intimidating presence of the Skollist official guards. My eyes wandered at his father and his skin started to lose its color and any time, he would succumb to the poison if I didn’t do any—“GUARDS! SEIZE THAT WOMAN, THIS INSTANT!”The guards did as they were told, marched towards my direction and apprehended my arms before I could make my escape. “This man is being poisoned!” I exclaimed. “At least allow me to heal him!” I violently struggled to release their grip.“Don’t you talk back, Hatiist cult! I don’t care if you are the Luna but rules are rules! You shall be beheaded for your insolen
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