All Chapters of The Alpha's Bridal Nun: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
78 Chapters
To Convince The Stubborn Alpha
“No.”Varick returned to his stallion after his quick rejection. “I’m not asking for your permission!” I retorted. “I volunteered myself for this battle.” There were whistles among the troops and now we were being circled as more of his men went to the front to see the ruckus.Varick’s mood turned darker as he approached me. His eyes glimmered with anger and I was scared…at first. Recalling our first meeting.But now, I continued putting on a brave front as I stood confidently at his tall, large built.“Rosaria, are you testing my patience again? I have no time for this.”“No. I want to go with you!” I held my chest as I heaved a sigh. “I’m not going back even if you make me!” I challenged him as I tiptoed to be in his equal height.But then again, even if I tried to stand with my toes, I couldn’t reach his height at all. I mean, I wasn’t even short in stature to begin with.Varick gave me the coldest look as his attention went back to Phineas. “Send her back, High Mage.”“I told yo
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Phineas and Rosaria
"Let's see here… it is better for the expectant mother to shift to her wolf form when she is on her due to avoid experiencing less pain during labor," Phineas recited the notes Lenalee wrote. “I won’t shift. There were many complications along the way, like a chance a human flesh will come out in a wolf’s womb.” Phineas peered at my direction before going back to the notebook. "However, a midwife should still be present and assist in taking out the pup's head from the mother's birth canal…" His voice trailed off as he paled. He closed the book, loud enough for me to snap out from my daze. After all, I was busy looking at the roads outside. "Are you seriously asking me to be your midwife?!" He asked while he gave me an infuriating glare. "You should know by logic only women are allowed to be in the presence of labor!" "Well, I have no one to trust aside from you. And I couldn't bother Varick anymore than tagging along in this journey." “And you think I am of any help at all?!”
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Cooking For The Army
Night time came and the troop stopped at the lakeside for supper. I volunteered to cook for the men, as I wanted to prove my worth. They were tired from the long trip and the least I could do was provide them food.“Well, about time we eat some home-cooked meals, ainnit boys?” Nadia was the only one standing, completely refreshed, unlike the troops who plopped down on the ground the moment Varick ordered to set the night here.“Better that bitch’s food than your cooking, Nadia,” a nearby beta said in between pants, obviously meant to humor her. Nadia frowned as she pulled the man’s collar. She was taller than most men here, her muscular arm lunged his neck as she pulled him up. “I told yer not to insult women! Did yer momma taught ye that?!”“Okay! I apologize! I c-couldn’t breathe!” The man struggled to come up with words as he was easily tossed aside.“If yer gonna insult our cook, ye won’t have supper tonight!” She bellowed. Many groans came from the soldiers.While this happene
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After he said those words, the surrounding went in silence as they looked a bit surprised at their leader’s words.I was startled and no words came out of my mouth. Then, he immediately grabbed my hand, firmly tight, as he once again dragged me away from the camping site.Not long after, I could hear some loud noise behind me. They started whistling while they applauded.It was clear as the full moon that they were jeering at a potential “lovemaking” between their leader and his Luna.I could see his eyebrows furrowed as he tightened his hold on me. It seemed the taunts affected him as well. “If they make you feel uncomfortable, I will make them march with their hands till dawn,” he remarked.But I didn’t expect that statement. “N-No that’s all right!” I snapped out as I shook my head. “If it means to boost their morale, I don’t really mind.”Apparently, that would only anger him more.But he wordlessly quickened his pace as we headed to the tent with a bonfire lit there.“Sit,” he c
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"Unconditional" Love
“What?!” I couldn’t help but raise my tone. “Where did you get that idea from?!”He raised his brow before frowning. “It was what you’ve said. You forgave Lenalee because you loved her.”“Oh, no, t-that’s completely different!” My face turned beet red as I felt my whole body heated up. It was not the arousal heat that I felt each time we made love!It was embarrassing and I couldn’t believe this young man riled me up like that!Straight-laced, he crossed his arms. “Then why did you forgive me?" Varick looked clueless and it would be best to fill him in on the details."I have no reason to hate you now. And also, just because I don't hate you anymore doesn't mean that I lo—"I stopped myself.It felt strange to say it out loud. But why did I stop myself then? The heat ruptured and I felt dizzy from this overwhelming feeling.Varick raised his brow before he said, "Am I right to assume that I am on an equal level with the High Mage?"With Phineas?! I could laugh out loud if only I wasn
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To The Swamp
“So, what d’ men and I were wonderin’ if ye two had some action,” Nadia sniggered. She was now my companion inside the carriage as Varick wanted Phineas to lead the direction to the swamp.“Err, I don’t catch you,” I struggled to answer as I gripped at the top of the coach seat as the carriage kept rocking non-stop. She volunteered to be inside this luxurious carriage as the horses pranced in the crooked road. It was a very uncomfortable ride but then again, the knights walked on foot weren’t complaining, so I decided to keep mum about my thoughts.However, the wheels struck another pointed rock and my body lifted out of my seat before I grabbed the windowsill and secured myself from dropping off from the coach.Unfazed at witnessing my embarrassing situation, she answered with a grin. “Don’ be such a child, ye know what I’m talkin’ about!”No, actually I don’t.She was sitting across from mine and leaned her head as she whispered. “Did ye two fuck like rabbits?”Ah, that one.“No, w
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A Choice
I stood still, unable to comprehend what I had heard. Then Varick broke the silence as he unsheathed his sword and pointed directly at her neck.“Do you think I would allow that?” He grunted as his eyes flared with anger. “If the queen wishes to see her, I should be present as the Alpha of the pack and her husband.”“You won’t be allowed to enter either way,” the woman said coldly. “The Queen was waiting for her arrival, after all.”“Huh?” I looked dumbfounded. “How does she know about me?” “She also promised you won’t turn into one of us if you followed this condition.”Varick glowered as the tip of the sword touched her neck. “Don’t believe a mermaid’s lies. This is one of their ways to lure women in!”Despite being defenseless against Varick, the woman didn’t flinch as she continued to stare at me. In fact, now that I noticed it, her golden brown eyes stared widely without blinking. It frightened me a bit.Looking at her closely, she has long wavy silver-hair, her skin was paler t
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The Queen of The Mermaid Swamp
Pushing the large golden door was too burdensome. But when I finally opened with all of my strength—even using my wolf abilities to push it until it tilted, I was glad that it was over. I panted and I was engulfed with sweat from the strenuous effort to push the gold-marbled door like it was like a boulder. Oh Hati, my stay in Varick’s had definitely made me lazy. I knew I shouldn’t skip my strength training and my pride as a wolf diminished my self-confidence even more. “Kozart was right, you came.” A voice so serene like a melodic tune that could lure anyone just hearing it. I wouldn’t deny I was mesmerized and as I walked to the center of the throne room, the seat was empty except there was a crown placed on the cushion. Then I noticed that there was a lake beside the queen’s chair and a silhouette of a person became visible as a figure emerged from the water. My eyes grew wide as I couldn’t help but stare at such beauty beyond wonder. Long silver hair with golden bronze co
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A Hidden Desire To Be Unleashed
I was completely astonished with my clothes and as I looked at the mirror, I was now wearing a black veil and a coif. The neckerchief that fit me so perfectly and the habit skirt that reached to my ankles. It was what I always dreamed of: to wear this clothing as one of Hati’s devotees. A small tear fell from the corner of my eye as I shook my head. “Well, I will let your tardiness slide, Sister Rosaria,” Sister Anette smiled—a rare one that only happened when I actually pleased her. “Wait a second.” She pulled out a cross necklace and wrapped it around my neck. Hati’s image on the cross glistened at the reflection of the mirror. “Perfect! You are now one of us, Sister Rosaria.” It felt…right when the cold steel placed on my chest and it made me think that I was one step closer to Hati. But… This had to be a dream! “W-Wait, Sister Anette!” I turned to her as my head shook. “How could I be an official nun when I was married to Varick?” “What are you talking about?” She r
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A Forced Pleasure ️
Warning: non-consensual sex of multiple menMoans slipping from my mouth echoed in the infinite darkness and the sounds of lust permeated in my ears as I was aroused all throughout the ordeal. I was now naked from head to toe and my arms were still tied to the bed. My legs were taken by two figures while they found delight playing with my feet as they sucked each toe while caressing my thighs. Two men–I counted two, were teasing me with their gentle touches as one finger entered my mouth and played with my tongue. My whole body heated up from their touches as their callous hands touched where I felt pleasure that continued piling up to my core. Since my sight had been robbed, it only strengthened my other senses and I was scared. So scared about this new discovery. The excitement. I felt the thrill from this. I had long stopped resisting as I was drowned in pleasure. Yet, the slit down below remained untouched as they continued pleasuring my arms, legs, feet and my face with the
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