All Chapters of The Mafia's Queen: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
156 Chapters
I am sorry...
Ian picked up my phone and gave it to me.I wanted to yell at him for scaring me and I wanted to question him why was he there but first I thought that it would be better to lock the door.I didn't wanted Ian to lecture me again about the robbers and God knows why I feel a little embarrassed when he says that I tried to defend myself with a fork.At least I had the guts to fought back instead of sitting back and crying. That was brave. But of course who could explain that to Ian."Ian what are you doing here?""You know it will be safer if you kept the keys in your purse . ""No I like them better in my hands. May be I want to drop them on the way and lock myself out. Do you have a problem with it. Forget about the door, the lock and the keys. Answer my question what are you doing here? I thought that you left long back."Ian was staring at the keys that were jingling in my hand. "Oh come on Ian for the love of God." I kept the keys back in my purse frustatingly . "So now you can se
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Meeting my ex
I was even more grateful to Renee for bringing me here.I am a good singer but I have two enemies 'stage fright ' and ' critics '.Once I got so scared on stage that she literally cried and then the queen bee, Ava, made fun of me in front of everyone. They named me cry baby .I imagined myself singing in place of that girl and everyone cheering and applauding. Oh! It was all so beautiful. The girl stopped singing, everyone clapped to cheer her the loudest was me.I knew that the key to become a successful artist is encouragement that you receive from others because when you are a artist you look at yourself from others perspective . Jenna called out to Renee. Renee signed me to come along.Renee used to work her as well. Jenna asked her "What are you doing here sweetie ? I thought that you were on a break today . ""Yes I am on a break today. She is my sister Ariadne, I told you about her.""Of course you did. Hi Ariadne " She shook hands with me "Well Ariadne I must say that you are
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Renee told Jenna that the singer was standing in front of her. Both Jenna and I were confused. And I was a bit irritated because Renee was not letting me speak ."What are you talking Renee? I can only see you and Ari not a singer."Oh God I suspected what was going in Renee's mind I whispered her to back off but Renee didn't listened to her "Exactly Jenna you are right! Ari is the singer . ""What?" Jenna said, she was not able to get what Renee was pointing out."Exactly what?" I whispered to Renee. Renee ignored me, again. No wonder why I was irritated."Jenna, Ari is a fantastic singer and you will see it yourself just give her a chance ."Jenna stood up "I appreciate your sentiments but we don't need a bathroom singer we need a professional singer. ""Jenna, Ari is very good, trust me. She won't let you down, try her. "Judy turned to me "What do you say? Do you think you can handle this? I must tell you that it is not a joke or a party they you guys go to. Some of the people he
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"I don't drink." I told Jenna. "Trust me it will help a lot ." Jenna said pouring me a glass .The last minutes that were leading up to the show again were killing me. Just 10 minutes to go. Time was tickling back. I knew that my nervousness will screw up things again.So I had a glass of wine.Then I had another one. I was feeling better that before. Jenna was right.I went on the stage again. This time my nervousness lasted less than one minute. I realized that actually I was loving to perform .I stopped worrying about playing the songs exactly right and started rocking out with reckless abandon. I hit some wrong notes, but it was only because I was rocking out so hard.This time I could read from audience's expressions that they were also vibing. This drained away the tiny bits of nervousness that was in me. I closed my eyes and got lost in the music. I slowly opened my eyes as I finished my song. Everyone was clapping and cheering. I realized that the fear, the nervousness was
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Home alone
"Feeling better?" Ava asked him."I guess I do, thank you. So tell me what happened the other night . And look at my finger it seems like I punched someone.""I found you at the bar , you were with some girl.""A girl! Yes I remember there was some girl what about her.""I don't know . You were chatting with her so I left you too alone. When I was returning home I saw you on the streets. You were so drunk you were barely even able to stand. So I thought that I should drive you.""You could have dropped me at my house . "She snugged "In that condition no, you needed someone to keep an eye on you.""Did Leon have a part in any of this?""No." Her voice stammers "Why will you think that?""I don't know. I just feel like I had a talk with him last night. I remember it vaguely. ""No, I was with Leon all the time. I don't think that he met you yesterday.""Are you sure?""Of course I am, what is there to be unsure about it?""Ok, thanks for letting me stay here but I think that I should l
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Girls night
I tried to explain him a simple thing in an even simpler way.Ok long story cut short , I sung your song in front of a fairly large crowd without asking you. But before you get angry I just want you to know that all the appreciation that I got was actually for you. And everybody loved your song.I said in a flow and then I waited for his reaction.There was a pin drop silence between us for a while. Oh god he was definitely angry. Nobody spoke from the other side. "Still There?" I asked him"Yes, I am. ""So say something. You are freaking me out . If you are angry just tell me . I know I should have asked you but I didn't and it was all because I was so nervous.""It is fine" His voice sounded dull. "Is it?" I asked him again."I am not angry with you. It is just that I don't know how I am feeling right now, you know. I never thought that anyone but me will hear my songs because they show my vulnerable side but it is fine I was not the one on stage. ""Yes but I didn't took credit
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What an unpleasant surprise?
23 July:Dear diary, last night was fun.We spent all the night watching movies, getting dressed and taking polarized pictures. And then we thought of doing something that they both have never done before. So we got drunk and shifted our kareoke from my room to the balcony. A few neighbors even stopped by to ask us to keep low but we ignored them. After all the night was supposed to be all about bad decisions.We were going crazy . Renee even drunk dialed her ex who was also Ava's present. We laughed about it for hours, I even fell on the floor laughing. We were up all night so it was not surprising that we missed the alarm. But a big surprise was waiting for us.We were sleeping, when someone knocked the door. "Who is it?" I asked throwing the pillow on the door."Keep it down Ari, can't you see I am sleeping?""So am I." Someone knocked the door again."Oh wait for the love of God. Rachel?""What?" She said snoring ."Be a lamb and go and open the door. I am very sleepy.""Why th
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A coincidence
I ran downstairs and drove as fast as I could. There was so much crowd on the road. I honked to avoid any other vehicle blocking my way. My phone rang. It was Renee."You left me alone. How could you do this?" I yelled at her."I know but I freaked out on seeing her. She asked me to not get anywhere near you. Didn't she tell you that she will be home after a week? " "Hey you mister watch out it's road not your garden." I yelled at a man that almost came front of my car "Well as I always tell you that you can never trust her. I thought that you have learned it by now.""Who were you yelling at?""Some old fellow who for sure could not hear the horn. You know what I am so done with her, I have decided that I will save my money and then get an apartment. Because if I will keep living with her then I am not sure if I will be able to live for long. Anyways where are you?""I am at college, you know something weird happened. Ian was asking for you. I don't know why. I told him that you wil
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Lunch date
Professor was giving a boring lecture. The moment he starts speaking the time literally pauses. Five minutes feel like an hour. Renee and I were sitting on the last seat of the second row. Ian sat on the seat before them in the adjacent row. Renee was noticing me and Ian. She noticed that he was signing something to me. Well he was just asking for lunch but I didn't got that.Renee kicked me,"Ouch! What are you doing?""What is going on between you two?""Shh... sir is telling an important topic. Don't disturb me. And you also concentrate, it will be better for you . ""Oh come on I know how much you listen to professor. Do you even know which chapter he is teaching right now?""Ye-yes, chap-chapter 15.""Oh come on he finished that chapter like a week ago. Now enough of excuses. I know you are hiding something from me and I want to know what so tell me what is going on between you and Ian""I will tell you only if you will promise that you won't freak out . ""Honestly evaluating t
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steps to sucess
And then something unbelievable happened....Ian took a stand for her "Enough is enough guys. You know what happened at my party was just a game . It was supposed to be fun and not a nightmare for someone but some how it turned out to be one. We are no one to torment someone. We all know that we should respect girls but where does our knowledge goes when we need it. And for the last time I am warning you all." He turned to Ava "No one will ever make fun of Ari not on this subject nor on any other."I was in tears but they were tears of joy. Ian stood up for me. He went against everyone for me! It was the best thing that ever happened to me.Ava left the place, how could she even stay there after everything that happened. Ian followed her .Renee told me that Ian followed Ava but I was fine with it "It is ok. We both are friends. He did his duty by standing up for his friend and not it is my duty to trust my friend."Ava was making her way through the corridor, Ian was following her. "
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