All Chapters of The Mafia's Queen: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
156 Chapters
Social media is the real bitch
I was wiping the table and then happened the unexpected. Can you guess?There was Ava. She was the last person I wanted to see."Ava!" I groaned. I wanted to throw the dirty cloth on her face. But for the time being I didn't wanted her to see me.I tried to hide myself behind the pillar. I didn't wanted her to know that I worked as a waitress, it was not like I was ashamed of what I was doing but I knew that the queen bee will some how manage to present me as a joke again.Ava rolled her eyes at me. "Ariadne is that you?" Ava patted my back as she walked past me. Great so she saw me. Ava was not from a wealthy family but some how she always managed to put on the wealthy lifestyle. No one knew what her parents did. There were rumours that her father abandoned her and her mother. Her mother was a prostitute. I am not sure about it. And I am not claiming anything. I have just heard it. Maybe this is the reason why Ava values money over everything.. Or maybe she is just that selfish.A
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I didn't see the post myself. I went to the restroom. I was trying to hold back my outburst. Renee stormed in, her eyebrows were squeezed. "Are you ok?" I asked her. "There is something that I want to show you but I know it will hurt you ." "Then you are lucky because I am not having a very good day. You know what happened in the canteen earlier and now things got a bit ugly with Ava. What worse could happen now?" "Actually it has something to do with me" She showed the post to me. People were calling me by names. Tears rolled down my eyes but they were of anger. It was all my mistake. I was wrong because I let Ava tool me around. But now I was done with her. I turned back, Ava and her friends were not on that table. I peeped out from the window. They were going towards the car. I picked up a glass of water and ran out . "Ava, you bitch" I called out to her. As she turned around I threw the glass of water on her face. "What the hell ? Are you out of your mind?" she growled
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I did wrong
I told him that he shouldn't feel sorry for me after all I made it even. I shouldn't have said what I said to Ava but what other choice I had she stepped on my nerve.She called for it.I told him that I regretted what I spoke. Now he was curious about what I said to Ava that I was regretting ? Couldn't blame him for that. He always saw me as a sweet and a gentle girl, sThe worst he could suspct is that I might have said some harsh words. Maybe the 'B' word."I said that she was a daughter of a prostitute""What?"Life hasn't always showered Ava with roses it has been rough for her. As it turned out that it wasn't a rumour. It was the truth. Ava was a daughter of a prostitue and this was the dark side of her otherwise glistening life.And she only told Ian about him. "Don't react on listening half, there's more to it. I also said that her father abandoned her and her mother in front of everyone."There was an unsettling silence. Ian didn't knew what to say. He knew that Ava was very
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The next day....
27 July,Dear diary it has been a while since I last wrote. Maybe a day, maybe two.... or maybe three. I don't know. Frankly if I forget my name in a couple of days I won't be surprised.So there's a lot to catch up.It all started the very day when I told everyone that Ava was the daughter of a prostitute.A question has been troubling me for a while now. Maybe I know the answer or maybe I don't. Why does Ava hates me so much? What could have I possibly done to her?That's least my concern now. A zillion other issues have pilled up. I don't even know where to start from. After everything that I said in the cafe Ava tried her best to act cool and pretend like everything was just a rumor. But she was deeply hurt.Because people were talking about it. They were gossiping amongst each other. The news spread like a forest fire. Ava is the most popular girl so it was kind a obvious that she will be talked about. Not all the way more because they have a reason. A reason that I gave them.
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So that’s what you think?
There was a silence between the two for a while. There was a lot both wanted to say, but something was holding them back. "I know what you are thinking Ian.""I doubt that you do.""Now you will lecture me because I messed with your Ariadne when I shouldn't have. I remember everything you said in the morning . There's no point of repeating it.""Firstly she is not my Ariadne. And No, I just wanted you to know that I am there for you. I know things have been a little rough between us lately. I just wanted you to know that I am there for you. You can talk to me about anything .""Is it fine if I say that I don't want to talk about it. I am very tired. i want to sleep.""Yes, yes, it is fine."Ian told Ava that she could sleep on the bed. He laid on the couch but neither of them slept. They both talked the entire night. When the rays of the new risen sun shone in the room they realized that they have been up all night. Just like they used to do before. Ava asked him to drop her at her h
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How could you do this?
Professor was delivering a boring lecture. I guess I dozed off twice in just ten minutes.Some students were yawning, some were rubbing their eyes but what was same in all of them was that they all were struggling to keep there eyes open. I like to stidy but I was very tired.I put my head down and was scribbling in my copy. And I was also a bit disturbed because I saw that Ian and Ava were whispering in between class. What the hell was going on between these two? They had a big fight the other day and now they were acting friendly.I was too lazy to even give it much thought. I kept the pen in the copy and then closed it. I shut my eyes. Thank God I was sitting on the last bench. Oliver got a notification in his phone. It was a message from some anonymus number. He opened it "Oh boy!" , he yelled and looked to Ava."What is wrong? The professo asked.Oliver stared Ava and checked her out from top to bottom.And then one by one all the students got a notification from that same numb
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What the fu**
Ian stammered "W-What No... No... How can you even that I will do anything like this to you. Do you think I am so cheap?"She pushed him away, "I can't believe that you did this." Her voice was breaking. Her eyes were red. Ian tried to explain her but she was in condition to listen to anything.She kept pushing him away. He held her tightly in his arms despite her revolt."I have always loved you but I have always respected you more than I loved you. I still do." He wiped his tears. She rested her head on his chest."How else can we justify it?" She didn't wanted to be close to him but she was scared.He looked carefully at the photos. It was his house, he remember taking these pics but they were in the private folder in his phone. But yesterday somebody stole his phone!"What the fuck! Ava I know what happened.""I don't want to hear anything. I might have been bad. I might have said something rude to that bitch Ariadne. That's why you did this to me.""No...""Just leave me alone.
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Who is the thief?
Ava and Ian went back to the class Ava was glad to see that everyone was standing by her and they were not mocking her or making fun of her . 'I think that maybe we should check everyone's bag . That phone could be with anyone." Ava said."So I request everyone to keep their bags on their desk so that Ava could check them." Ian requested everyone.Everyone kept their bags on their desks, Ava checked them all but she could not find it with anyone. Maybe she was over thinking. And that bastard was not someone from the class. Renee and I looked every where for Ava but we could not find her so we went back to the class. We saw that Ava was in the class. I was feeling pity for her. I knew that Ava and I had some differences, well Ava hated me and she never failed to use any opportunity to make fun of me but still I was also a girl and being a girl I should stand by her. "I guess that person is not in the class." Ian said hugging Ava, just to let her know that she was not alone and he wa
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How stupid was I?
I was shocked for a moment. How did it get in my bag?I wasn't sure if it was Ian's phone or not. I knew that it wasn't mine for sure."Wait a minute" Ian took the phone from Ava "It is my phone""What?" Ava said in disbelief. Everyone was staring me.Oh no was everyone thinking that I was the one who leaked Her photos. Even Ian was giving a suspicious look to me. There was an awkward silence. But the kind that could have killed me.Everyone was staring me like they were going to strangle me to death."How could you do this?" Ava's voice broke as she said that."No I didn't do anything" I tried to explain myself but it was could be easily seen that nobody was believing me.She looked in Ian's eyes hoping that out of everyone at least he will believe me but he was looking at me with disbelief in his eyes ."Ava I could have never imagined that you were a girl like this. You try to act like you were a book worm and a simple girl when you are a gamer." Leon snapped at me. I didn't kne
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Let go of me
Dear diary, just for a second I thought that maybe I could also be happy. Afterall how long could my life be cruel to me?But I was wrong...Suddenly Leon started acting like he was Ava's boyfriend. Though he qas her boyfriend he never acted like one.But I guess now he feared that Ava might leave him.And to show that he cared about Ava he decided to get on my back."I will take care of this little bitch." He came and grabbed my hand.I struggled to free myself but my body was nothing as compared to him."Just leave her alone." Renee called for help. Alex held Renee so that she could not help me.I was terrified, I knew that something terrible was going to happen to me.I begged Leon to let me go but his face showed no mercy.I looked at Ian with pleading eyes. "Let's give her a taste of her own medicine. What do you guys say?" Leon said."Let's just take her to the principal, he will take care of her." Ian said but Leon asked him to shut up.Leon looked at me like a predator looked
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