All Chapters of The Mafia's Queen: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
156 Chapters
Take me with you
He was drunk as hell. He almost tripped but I held him. He was wrapped in my arms. I was able to feel his warm breath. I them reminded myself and got away from him but he pulled my hand, "Leon please let me go.""Why should I? You are my wife. You should stay close to me." He was gliding his hands down my body. No, I was not making a drunken mistake again."You are my wife. You are supposed to stay close to me, aren't you?" He rested his head on mine. He brushed my skin with his lips."Let's go upstairs Leon.""Ok" He chuckled."What's so funny? Why are you lauging?""It's you face. It is funny""You think my face is funny Leon?" "It is so tiny and your eyes.""Yeah I know my eyes are funny too." I walked away but he pulled me closer to him. "No your eyes are not funny. They are pretty. I have never seen such pretty eyes. But...""But what?" I asked.He caressed my face, "But they look sad. Why is it?"How was I supposed to tell him that he was the reason why. He was looking so cute.
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"It is not your room. It is my room Leon." I said. I was still busy checking him out. He looked around. He was a little confused why he was not in his room.I answered him before he could question me. "You were drunk last night and you walked in my room." I slightly altered the truth. He believed it.I knew that his head might be hurting so I already made him a lemonade. I gave it to him. He gave him a deadly stare. I was helping him. He could at least try to be nice. "Did I say anything last night?" He got off the bed and stood face to face with me.I nodded my head no. He did address me Ava a zillion times last night.He looked clueless like he was trying to recollect the memories of last night. And suddenly his blank face changed into a cunning smile."Ariadne." He smirked. I knew that smirk. I knew that I was in danger. I started to recollect everything. "What?" I asked."So you own this house and if I want to live in it then I will have to behave like you want me to?" Ok so
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Is she back
Leon left the room after he was done with me. Earlier it used to make me feel used but now I am used to it. I got dressed. Now I have stopped looking in the mirror because all it does is make me feel ashamed of myself. Jake, Leon and I were having breakfast. Actually it was a coincidence that we three were there together. Jake insisted me to join him at breakfast and Leon happened to be there.None of us said a word. There was an awkward silence between us but it wasn't that bad neither of the two fought so I am taking it as a win.The maid came in holding an envelope. "Sir it has come for you." She handed the envelope to Leon."You could have given it to the staff." Leon said."The lady that came to drop it said that it should be given to you as soon as possible. She asked me to tell you that it something that you need." Leon looked at the envelope suspiciously. He thought that it must be something terrible like his pictures with that slut. It won't be a surprise after all his vi
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Loosing someone you love
Leon was awfully quiet. I kept saying things to console him but he was not answering to any of them. And Jake was enjoying his breakfast. He wasn't giving a damn about what was going on. After Ava died her body suffered severe injuries. Her body was not able to be recognised but it doesn't means that it wasn't her. Or maybe it was?Oh God I am acting stupid. It can't be true. Someone is trying to get on Leon's nerve and it is nothing else. People don't come back after they die. It just happens in movie and not in real life. "Leon?" I shook him. "You know that it is not from Ava." "But what if it is?" Leon whispered."Come on Leon you can't be serious? You were there at her funeral. You know that.""And you know that her body was hurt. What if it was not her?" We are very different personalities but I will have to believe that are way of thinking is quiet similar."Leon it is not true. It can't be true. Ava is gone, Leon. Whether you want to believe it or not. I am sorry Leon but
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We reached the office. Leon was quiet. And it was bothering me. I never thought him being quiet will bother me. Generally it is the other way around. All the eyes were on us as we walked in the corridor. Of course I was Mrs. Leon and it was showing today. Leon went into his cabin. I was following him every where. I could see it on his face that he was annoyed. Actually he said it ones to me. I went into the cabin with him. "Why are you following me Ariadne? Dont you have any other place to be?" Leon asked me. He was staring me but this time I wasn't scared. And you know what even this was bothering me. I have always seen him as the tormentor. He has always been the ruthless devil who has no care for anyone. Who doesn't even think twice before breaking someone's heart, who has no consideration about anyone's feeling. And maybe I like that about him. I know it is weird, I know it is complicated. I want to fight this feeling and at the same time I don't want. It is driving me crazy.
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Why you not him
Before I could anything or before I could tell him that he was being silly he grabbed the envelope. There was a strange smile on his face. "Leon you can't be serious? You know that what you are thinking cant be true so..."Leon signed me to be quiet. I groaned, I was starting to get frustrated now. He was intentionally being stupid.He was willing to open the envelope but his hands were trembling. He was scared that he will be wrong. He was scared that all his hope will disappear if he will open the envelope."Do you want me to do that for you?" I asked."No..." He said, he tore open the envelope. I tried to peep what was in it but I wasn't able to look. He was going through the envelope very seriously. The guy literally didn't blink for minutes."Leon is everything alright? What is in it?" I asked but be said nothing. He didn't even heard me.A single tear rolled down his eye. Ok so my patience died. I took the envelope from him. It had his photos with Ava.I chuckled, "I told you L
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People in love
Leon was quiet. I knew that he was trying to come up with some mean comeback."You know what Ariadne just get the hell out of my cabin." He said."Fine."If he made his mind to be a kid then there was nothing I could do or say that would change it. I bashed out of the room in anger.Dead people come back in novels and not in real life. Now I was in dire need to meet Renee. I went to her desk and there she was.I know that she don't like me anymore but I don't care. I needed to talk to somebody about everything. I needed to talk to her about it. And worst comes worst she will just ask me leave her alone or to get put of her life. It is nothing she hasn't said before.I sat beside her complaining about Leon, "He is unbelievably Renee. He is rude, he is arrogant and he is mean. I can't stand that guy.""And let me guess it is Leon we are talking about." Renee just brought coffee for herself but she thought that I was more in need of it. "Of course who else could it be. I am so fed up of
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Why did you leave me?
"I thought that you always knew that it was me then why do you sound surprised?" Ava said from the other side."How is it you?" Leon was surprised to hear her. His voice was choking. He was so overwhelmed to talk to her."It is good to talk to you too." She chuckled."A-Ava..." His voice broke. "Please tell me that it is really you. Please tell me that it is not a dream. Because if I woke up to see that you are gone, I will kill me.""I am here Leon. It is me." He took a sigh of relief. It was such a relief for him to hear her. He was dying to hear her voice and he thought that he will never hear it again but here she was. He was really talking to her."Where are you Ava? Why did you leave at the first place? If there was any issue then you should have told it to me. I would have done anything for you.""I know that you would have but trust me Leon that I had no other choice. I had to leave."Suddenly Leon thought of what I told him before. He thought for a while if he should ask or
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Walked to our doom
The darkness engulfed the sky. The early blue was dark grey now.Leon was walking down on a street. The rain had been falling steadily all night and it was only getting worse. Like the sky was weeping. But Leon didn't cared about it or anything. All he could think about was that soon he will meet the long lost love of his life.He was soaked to bone. This was a weird place to be. Ava pretended to be an extrovert girl but deep down she was a heart core introvert. Every time she felt lonely she used to come in the wooda to have some alone time. He looked around for her but she wasn't there. He thought that maybe someone pranked him. Maybe they were trying to trick him.There was a house in the middle of no where. It looked creepy. It was not the kind of place a girl will normally be. But for all he knew Ava was hiding from someone.There was a lone street lamp that was casting a dim yellow light on the sad features of the house. It looked as if no one has lived here for many years. The
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In the middle of no where
I hid behind a disgarded couch. I knew that nothing was going to happen. It was all such a waste of time. I thought that maybe I will quietly sneak out. What was the point on being here? I looked out of the door. It was so dark. It was not like I was scared, I am not scared of nothing. I thought that Leon might get scared of the dark. No, I was not going to tell him that I was here. Otherwise he won't take me home but he will send me to hell for sure. I thought that I will quietly go and hide in the car. No one will know that I am there. Suddenly the light started to flicker. That was the only thing missing from otherwise perfect haunted story. And suddenly I saw something unbelievable. My heart stopped beating. Slow footsteps approached Leon but he was too lost to hear that. And then someone kept their hand on his shoulder. He startled and turned back, His lips curled into a smile as he whispered, "Ava." "Hi, How have you been?" Her sweet voice echoed through my ears. But how
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