All Chapters of The Mafia's Queen: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
156 Chapters
Stay out of my way
We were talking when Leon walked in. We were so engaged in the conversation that we didn't even noticed him.Leon coughed to make them aware of his presence."L-Leon." I got surprised to see him. He could have greeted us with a smile but no that man is made of stone after all.I got away from Jake, my eyes were bowed down. I felt like I was caught doing something wrong."Ok I will leave you to love birds alone. And she will be here any time now. I will go and call her." Jake said and walked away.Leon waited for him to leave the hall. He was staring me without saying anything that was scaring me."We were j-just talking...." I tried to explain myself. I had no idea why I was explaining myself to him. He meant nothing to me.I was staring to feel like his slave. There was nothing I can do without his fear.Without beating around the bush he said "I don't want you anywhere near him."I just nodded my head. No words fell out of my mouth as he was in front of him.For a second I thought t
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The night that changed it all
Dear diary, Last night I did something brave. I snuk out at night and nobody noticed. I just wanted to be by myslf for a while. It was hard to deal with everything. I went back to my old house. I had some terrible memories there with my step mom but I also mad beautiful memories with my dad and my sister Renee. Despite what Renee said I was not able to believe her. It was something else. She didn't tell me everything. She was keeping something from me. Early morning I went back to Leon's place. I didn't wanted him to know that I wasn't home, He will kill me or at least he will trap me again. I reached there at six, Leon doesn't come back until 7. The staff must be working so I could easily sneak in through the doors. I hid behind a tree outside my house. Since Leon moved in there were guards every where. After all he is a celebrity. I can't deny this. I peeped out. The guard were not there. I got a feeling like I is a robber. Anyways there's no time to hover over it. The guard
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It is all messed up
We got off the car. My legs were trembling, my eyes were bleary. I looked around to see if Leon was nearby. His car was not in the parking. This means that he is at work. I took a sigh of relief. I can stay in this house no anymore. Now I don't even have any reason to stay here. But I will have to be quick. I will have to run away from here before Leon gets here. Jake was trying to comfort me but I was barely listening to anything he was saying. "I have to go." Saying so I ran into my room. For a second I thought what I will do after I will get out from here. I have no job, no money. But the very next second I thought that living on streets will be better than living with him. I got on my toes and pulled the suitcase from the top of the wardrobe. I was panting. My one eye was on the door. If Leon came then I will have to spend my entire life being a prisoner. I threw my clothes in the suitcase and zipped it. "Planning to go some where?" I heard the voice of the devil echoing in
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Leon was furious after the meeting. He has never been ignored and now he was being ignored in his own office. How was he supposed to fine with that?He left his office. He was not able to stand Jake. Leon wanted him out of his sight. He was exhausted, furious. He went to a bar.The bar had a long line. But who cares? The world surrenders to him.Today alcohol was not the only thing he needed. He was craving for something else. He looked around for the hottest girl that he could hook up with. There was a blonde who was pretty but she seemed sad, who needs a cry baby. And then there was a brunette who was also attractive but she had a gigantic head, What happened to all the pretty girls?A girl was sitting in a corner. She had the prettiest blue eyes, dressed in the sluttiest dress that any store could offer. The dress was so short that he could get in withour even removing it. Leon smirked to her. She leaned towards the guy that she was sitting beside. He was her boyfriend. No was
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Last night
Before I could say anything my eyes fell on a red mark on his neck. It answered where he was all night. It wasn't his fault. He wasn't wrong here. It was my fault. Despite everything that he did to me, I chose to be concerned. How can I blame him? He is playing with me because I am letting him."Nevermind..." I sighed. I was up all night so I was tired. It was a little off time for me to sleep so I thought that I should makeme some coffee. It was the only thing that could help me.I walked towards the kitchen but he held my hand. I was upset but I didn't wanted him to see. I didn't wanted him to know that he had any kind of effect on me."What?" I turned to him."Maybe you should know where I was last night." He pulled me closer to him."No I don't want to," I know that he knew that I saw te mark and now he wanted to bother me with it."Maybe you should." He slid my hair and kissed me on my shoulder."Leon please stop..." I fidgeted like I was being touched with a thorn. There wasn't
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The harsh exterior
Leon called his manager, the manager in turn contacted the news agencies to take the video down. But it was not that simple, was it? Leon has rivals and now they got an opportunity to ruin him. Why will they stay back? I was just standing there quietly. I didn't knew what to do or what to say. I wrong word from me and he will tear me into pieces. "Just get the video down." He yelled at the call. "I will kill that girl." He screamed and threw his phone on the TV. "L-Leon you should try to relax." "Ok so now you will tell me what to do." He was yelling at me like I was the one at fault here. "No that's not what I meant. If you will relax then you will be able to think better who did this to you." My voice was getting fainter with every word I spoke." "Can you make me a cup of coffee?" He asked me. "Sure." Saying so I ran in the kitchen. I don't know why I was still listening to him. Especially after what he did to me. More over I wasn't sure why I was feeling the way I was feel
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This is how you make me feel
I knew that Leon was going to burst into flames. He was standing still. Maybe he was making plan to murder someone. I was hoping that it wasn't me."The coffee got cold. I will make another one for you." He groaned and threw the cup on floor. It shattered into tiny pieces."I know that you are upset Leon but this is no way to act. Things will get better.""No they won't unless he is here." He yelled."What do you mean?""He has to be behind all this." He was going on cursing someone, I wasn't sure who was going to die.I hugged him to console him, he didn't push me away. It was a good sign. He sank in my arms, I have never seen him so vulnerable before.."It will all be fine, Leon. I am with you." I was able to feel his heart beat. It was good to know that he had one."My presentation got ruined today." He complained like a child, an innocent child."I know, I heard. I am sure that it must have been hard for you. But it is ok you don't have to be perfect..""It was Jake. He stole my
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I broke
"What the hell is going on here?" Jake came barging in. It was such a bad time for him to be here."Get the hell out of here." Leon groaned. He was twisting my hand tightly. I was holding my urge to scream in pain.Jake came to help me. He pulled me from Leon leaving him puzzled. "That's my fucking wife." Leon said. "Before your wife she is a lady Leon you should know how to behave with her." I was shivering. There was tension in the atmosphere. I was feeling like out of three only two of us will leave the room. And surprisingly I was going to be one of them.Leon was furious. Generally no one crosses his way when he is furious but today Jake was standing face to face with him. This was surprising for him.My hand was red. The mark was not leaving soon. "You better not tell me." Leon folded his hands in a fist. Very soon he was going to burst into flames."Or what can you do?" Jake smirked."You are standing in my house and you are arguing with me." Leon said. I was just looking at
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My house
Dear diary, I was up all night. There was a conflict between my heart and mind. My mind made some valid arguments but my heart was blindly ignoring them.But hold on Leon was using me because I was letting him use me. I know that I have thought of it before but the situation was different then.Leon crossed all the limits today. When the doctor told me that my baby was no more I felt more scared than upset because I knew that Leon was going to kill me. He made me feel guilty.And even yrsterday he was the one who messed up. He was the one who went and slept with some other girl. I should have been angry or I should have felt relieved that he was getting what he deserved but no some how me made me feel sad for him. He knows how to manipulate me. I can't take this no more. I am tired.In the middle of the night I went to the kitchen to get some water. I saw Leon for a second. There was blood on his forehead. This is some shit that I can't take.Jake and Leon can't fight as long as they
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Drunk as hell
Dear diary, after Leon left I thought that maybe I would stop at the office but Jake asked me to stay home. Things at office were ugly. Leon might get upset at me without any reason. I thought that he might be right. So I stayed back.Jake and I talked for hours. I asked him if he stole Leon's presentation and he said that he didn't. I don't know why but I choose to believe him. What reason he has to lie.I was a little curious to know what was going on in the office. Obviously I couldn't have called Leon. He would have killed me through phone.So I called Renee. She didn't answered at first. It got me thinking that something was probably wrong. But she called the very next second. It was a relief,"Renee how are you? I didn't heard from you yesterday.""Forget about me Ari how are you holding up with the entire Leon's controversy? I know that you do have feelings for him." "Oh come on Renee" I snugged. How can she even think that. I can barely tolerate that man. "I don't have feeli
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