All Chapters of To Love You Hurts: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
73 Chapters
For Ryan & Sawyer.
Davis moves closer to Mr. Landrys’ bedside, and he delicately picks up his hand, bringing it to his mouth, and places a gentle kiss on the inside of Mr Landrys’ fragile palm.His thumb brushes over Mr. Landrys’ knuckles with affection as he carefully lowers Mr. Landrys’ hand onto the bed as if he is made of glass. As I continue to watch Davis interact with Mr Landry; his father, I can see the love he has for him blazing brilliantly in his eyes.“Did you say, Father?” I inquire of him, a fleeting moment or two passing before I come to the realisation that he has no genuine inclination to respond to my prior question.“I did.” He states in a gentle tone, “Tobias is my half-brother and half-cousin, and he has no idea. And that’s because his mother has made it one of her life’s missions to keep it a big secret.”Sorrow spreads through my chest like acid. If what he is saying is true, it breaks my heart that someone so cruel as Janice has kept this to herself.Siblings should never suffer
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Spying On Me.
Leaning my body against the door frame, I fold my arms across my chest, “and how do you propose we do this?” I ask him, intrigued to hear his plans.“Janice is hosting her annual lunch meeting with her friends in two days at the La Farfalla resturant. We will expose her then.”“Okay,” I reply, discreetly letting him know that he now has my attention. “I will do this with you because Janice needs to pay for her sins. But once we are done, I want you to come clean and tell Tobias the truth about everything.”“I will not tell him about our father. He’s had his time with him, it’s now my turn.” He states sternly, looking at Mr. Landry with a heavy sigh departing his lips.“You will do right by Ava and your child.”“I don’t-”“This is not up for negotiation, Davis,” I interject, pushing off the door frame as I look him square in the eyes. “You shouldn’t have dipped your penis in the honey pot if you weren’t ready to take on the responsibility of being a father. Even though Ava and I don’t
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A Monster.
TOBIAS:The hurt in Keris’ eyes pierces my heart like a fucking dagger driven through my back. The way she walked out on me this morning has left me feeling royally screwed up. I can’t think straight, and I have a feeling that I am making things a hell of a lot worse between us than what it was hours ago.I’m a fucking tool.Driven by possessiveness and anger.I hate seeing her with Davis. I hate Davis. Full bloody stop.I can't quite put my finger on it, but, there’s just something about him that has my guard up and the hairs on the back of my neck standing.“Then tell me what you are doing here, with him.” I exhale roughly, eagerly awaiting her reply.Licking her lips, “I can’t tell you why I am here, Tobias.” She whispers, looking past me, refusing to meet my gaze.“You can’t or you won’t?” I growl, feeling myself getting frustrated all over again.I want answers and the ones she is giving me aren’t good enough. She’s hiding something from me and I don’t like it one bit. How
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Life Is A Journey.
TOBIAS: I know I fucked up and I’ve lost your trust, spitfire. But you have to believe me when I tell you that I love you and I’ll do whatever it takes to win your heart back. Because the one I have is defective and it’s making it almost impossible to breathe without you.KERI: Then I suggest you go and seek medical attention because my heart cannot breathe life back into the person that has poisoned it.Why is it so hard for him to leave me alone?Does he not realise that his texts are doing more damage to my soul than good?I toss my phone on the sofa as I stand up and walk into the kitchen. Opening the fridge door, I pull out a fresh bottle of wine that’s been sitting on the top shelf for months. I was saving it for a special occasion, but I suppose my leaving Tobias will have to be special enough, even though my chest constantly aches.Removing the top, I take two large swigs straight from the cold bottle, wiping the back of my hand across my mouth.It’s been two days since I las
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The Brown Envelope.
I dart across the road to the small diner where I have agreed to meet Davis at.As I walk inside, I look to my right and see him sitting in the back booth, waving at me. Running my hands down the front of my little black dress that every woman should have tucked away in the back of their closet. I smooth out any little creases I have created along the drive over.“You made it,” Davis says as he picks up his cup of coffee and looks at me over the rim; appearing surprised.Sliding into the booth next to him, I flick my hair that’s in loose curls over my shoulder and sigh. “I told you I would be here, didn’t I?”He places his mug back down on the table and nods his head, “You did. But I wasn’t confident if you were going to keep your word after everything that has happened. You know, I personally wouldn’t blame you.”“And what would you have done if I didn’t show up?”“I would have put my plan B into motion.”“Plan B?” I ask, intrigued to know what he would have done if he were to fly s
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Because Of You.
“Oh, I’m sorry, but the restaurant is booked out this morning for a private luncheon.” The hostess stops me as I walk inside the La Farfalla restaurant.I smile brightly at her, “You have really cool hair. I love the deep purple on the auburn,” I tilt my head to the side as she smiles and runs her fingers through her hair, genuinely taken aback by my compliment. “Is that your natural hair?” I ask her, trying to lighten the mood so she will see that I pose no real threat and grant me access.“Yeah… the ah… the hairstylist around the corner wanted to experiment with my hair and in return, I only paid 50% for her service.” Her words leave her lips in a rush. In a blubbering mess filled with excitement to talk about herself like it’s something she doesn’t normally get to do.“Well, it looks great and it suits you. I wish I could pull it off, but not many of us are lucky like you.” I reply with a friendly smile on my face, meaning every word I’ve said.She also has lovely skin in the sha
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Nothing Left Between Us.
My jaw clenches as my gaze bores into the very soul that led Sawyer down a path of destruction. Because of her and her sick fetishes, Janice was made to choose between protecting her son or keeping up appearances, and it’s pretty damn obvious that she chose her social life over her son.Janice should have her parental rights provoked. Slowly, I tear my gaze away from Eileen to soak in the dark aura that now contaminates the air. Every pair of eyes, made up of different hues, dart between Janice and Eileen, waiting for one of them to speak up and explain what the hell is going on.The silence in the restaurant becomes deafening. You could drop a pin and point out its location as it bounces off the black and white marbled floors. My nostrils flare as I can’t believe that I am in the same room with both Janice and Eileen.I feel queasy with hot flushes coming and leaving my body as I slowly expose every skeleton that’s been hiding in Janices’ closet of secrets.Since the day I was ma
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The Real Crime.
TOBIAS:“The damage is done and there is nothing left between us.”Keris’ voice echoes through my head as I’m paralyzed by the sensation of shock and… heartbreak. I tear my gaze away from her fading figure as she walks farther away from me with every calculated step driven by determination, and I look down at my hand.Sitting perfectly in the centre of my palm, which still burns from her touch, are the rings I had placed on her finger when we mutually agreed to marry one another for different purposes. And now, I just want her to remain by my side as my wife because... I love her.I fucking love her with every nerve that thrums through my body. With every breath that fills my starving lungs and with every beat of my heart that keeps me alive.“Tobias… Oh, Tobias…” My mother wails as she staggers toward me. “It’s over. My life is over.”Curling my fingers into the palm of my hand, I make a tight fist around the rings and drop my hand to my side. I turn to look at her. Tears stain h
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With my back facing Tobias, because it’s too hard to look at him, I anticipate Kips' response, really hoping that he will be able to give me a ride home and explain what the hell is going on.“Sure. I’ll take you home.”His arm wraps around my waist, keeping me upright as he leads us out of the restaurant. My stomach swirls, causing my mouth to water, and I have to force myself to think of something— anything apart from Tobias.Being in the same room with him brings my emotions to the surface. My heart feels heavy as the pain he has caused me is still all too raw.Yeah, sure, it’s only been two days, and it’s natural for me to feel this way; heartbroken, used, and ashamed.But I would rather not feel this way at all. No one should be made to feel this way about themselves when all they have done is given their heart to the traveller, they wanted by their side during their life journey.And after today, I’m going to work on trying to put my needs first for once. I need to remind mysel
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Not All Hero's Wear Capes.
Slowly stirring in my sleep, the smell of food fills my senses and I subconsciously claw my way out of the darkness. Prying my eyelids open, I sit up in the bed, yawning as I stretch my aching limbs. Upon exhaling, I glance around my dimly lit room, scowling as I comb my fingers through my hair, feeling like I haven’t slept a wink. Where did the rest of the day go to? l slide my legs over the side of the bed, and stand up as I peer down at myself – my eyes trail from the hem of my dress to my bare feet. It feels like forever since I've slept in my room and I try to recall how I ended up in my bed. As of lately, I've been crashing out in the living room with the T.V on, watching the late runs of old day time soap opera's until I can no longer keep my eyes open. The last thing I remember was talking to Kip before I let the weight of my troubles claim me. The smell of food wafts through my room again. Crap! Did I leave the oven on? Panic hits me like a tsunami, and I rush out of
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