All Chapters of To Love You Hurts: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
73 Chapters
Follow Me.
I exit the elevator car on the lobby floor, wishing the ground would open up and swallow me whole. Heading towards the southern exit of the building, I don’t miss a beat in my steps. As I look down at the small, pitiful box of goodies in my possession, I shake my head and toss them into the bin on the sidewalk.“Keri!”I hear Tobias urgently call my name with a hint of panic in his voice.He followed me.Do I want him to keep following me?Either way, it’s not enough to make me stop and land myself in an awkward conversation with my husband, whom I just walked in on with his hands on another female’s breasts.As I dash across the street to my parked car, I check both directions before yanking the door open, slamming it shut, and locking it.I stare silently and rigidly straight ahead into the still night, attempting to comprehend what the devil just transpired, as a traitorous tear rolls down my cheek, leaving a trail of suffering in its wake. I came here to try to seduce my husband,
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Have You Ever Touched Yourself?
I attempt to control my breathing because I do not want him to notice how much his touch affects me.“To love you hurts, Tobias…” I whisper, turning my head to the side. “Tell me that love is enough. Tell me that loving you will get easier and that we will always be here for one another, regardless of what happens between us?” I ask him, but it comes out more like a plea.I watch his shoulders sag as Tobias takes a large step back from me, his eyes blazing with unrecognisable emotions and his nostrils flare. “Love is meant to hurt, spitfire.” He calmly speaks. “If you don’t fight for your love, then what kind of love do you have?”I bow my head and peer down at my hands, which are slightly trembling. “No…” I whisper, shaking my head, unable to agree with him. “Love isn’t meant to hurt, Tobias. Love is meant to make you feel safe. When you willingly give your heart to someone, that someone is supposed to be your home.”Slowly, I lift my head and look at him.Tobias appears before me, i
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Like Fireworks On The Horizon.
Slowly, I withdraw my fingers from within myself, trembling as the aftermath of my orgasm continues to ride me, igniting a fire that caresses every inch of my body.Watching Tobias touch himself as he watched me touch myself was…Exotic.Sexy.Fire.It was intimate on another level I have never reached before, and I’m bummed it’s taken me this long to experience such a thrill.Unexpectedly, Tobias grabs my hand and sticks my arousal-coated fingers between his lips, and he sucks on them, taking them deeper into his mouth- right up to my knuckles. The electricity wavering between us bounces off the walls, and the smell of our passionate desire lingers in the air.I nibble on my lower lip, gaping at him through heated eyes, and I gasp as he releases my fingers with a loud pop.“You taste divine, spitfire.” He growls, wiping his chin, which glistens from my love juice.I shuffle back, sitting upright on the countertop, “It’s only fair that I get to taste you in return.” I arch my brow an
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Do Everything I Wouldn't Do.
I roll over, sighing as every muscle in my body screams out with discomfort, reminding me of the multiple ways Tobias took me last night; all night long. Reaching out, I feel for him, but I’m met with nothing but air. I pry my sleepy eyes open to find his side of the bed empty and cold, and a pang of disappointment licks my flesh.“Tobias?” I groan in my early morning voice which is a little croaky.Lifting my head, I look around the room and scoff when I realise there is none of his belongings left behind in the room. Not even a loose thread that lost its way.It’s like last night didn’t happen.Like the out-of-body experience, I endured time after time, was all but a dream…I sit up, leaning my back against the headboard, and I pull the sheet up around my chest—clinging to it like it’s my lifeline. Extending my left hand out, I look at the rings that adorn my wedding finger with my head tilted to the side.‘Is this how things will be between us?’ I think to myself as a lump begins
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A New Day, A New Era.
TOBIAS:I hate being here, and I despise the reason that I am forced to sit here and stare at three pristine walls that hurt my eyes, making me queasy even more.However, I have to be here. I have to verify Ava's claims to make sure they are accurate. The mere thought of it all being true causes my blood to boil and makes me physically ill. She is the last woman on this godforsaken planet whom I would want to carry my child.Shit… If she were the last surviving female, I would rather sever my dick and watch my sanity burn in the flames with my floppy dick.“Mr. Landry, I’m surprised to see you here. Your yearly physical isn’t for another six months.” Dr. Anton Jefferson says as he enters his office, closing the door behind him.I stare straight ahead at the large window behind his desk as I wait for him to take his seat, and I rest my left ankle on top of my right knee.In an attempt to stop my legs from shaking and exposing my discomfort.I don’t know how I am going to ask him the
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A Saint Also Has Two Faces.
I look around the bakery after the morning rush finally ends, and I make my way to the front of the shop to clean up. The phone call I received earlier from Mr. Jameson has somewhat left me shaking with anger, annoyance, disbelief… maybe, gratitude, a misunderstanding?I’m not quite sure how I feel, to be honest. I suppose I need a little more time to try to digest and dissect the news about me no longer being broke and that the bakery is now debt free too, which also means my suppliers have been paid in full as well.Mr. Jameson informed me that Tobias deposited a large sum of money into my business account this morning and that we won’t need to file for bankruptcy like he feared we would have had to do two weeks ago.Is it wrong for me to be sensitive about the fact that Tobias chose to deposit the money into the account this morning? Especially, after we spent the night in each other's arms while he whispered sweet nothing into my ear until I fell asleep?Because I truly don’t wan
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Ī Never Asked For Your Help.
I look up at the building that houses my scheming little sister, my unfaithful ex-boyfriend, and their unborn child. The sun has already set, and I can see that the light in their living room is on, indicating that someone is home.After Davis left the bakery this morning, I cannot shake that there was more to the story than he was telling me. He can’t be that shallow to show up and make me believe that Ava has her claws in my husband too without a proper explanation.Though, it wouldn’t surprise me.Ava is and will always be the beauty between us, and she knows it. Some women use their beauty for the good, and some use it to manipulate others. Unfortunately, Ava falls into the manipulation category along with being selfish and deceitful.So, why am I standing here under their window like some crazy stalker? I’m convinced if what Davis has said is true, Tobias will tell me when he is ready, and I truly need to stop being paranoid because that’s just not who I am.“I truly hope that
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The Best Version Of Yourself.
While seated at the table, I push my food around the plate. It's safe to say that I've lost my appetite after seeing Ava, and I can't seem to shake the terrified expression that was embedded in her eyes when Chase violently grabbed her.Even though I am angry with her, I couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked while pregnant. Despite the fact that she appeared to have not slept in days, she had a radiant glow that I would kill for. She also appeared to have lost some weight.I wonder if she is eating enough.Maybe I should drop some food off to her tomorrow after I lock up at the bakery. I won’t stay for a chit-chat, just drop the food off and leave. At least this way, I know that both Ava and her unborn child are getting the nutrients they require.“Last time I checked, you were a huge fan of Asian cuisine,” Tobias says in a concerned tone as he breaks through my train of thought. I place my fork down on the table next to my plate and I pick up my wine glass, “I’m sorry,
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Such A Perfect Sight.
TOBIAS: “Thank you, Tobias,” Keri whispers, resting her forehead against mine. “Thank you for being understanding and being the best version of yourself when I need you the most.” I grit my teeth, feeling like utter filth. An imposter imprisoned within myself with no way of escaping. Again, Keri proves to me that she is too good for me and I don’t deserve her. Lies… Deceit... I have told the woman I am obsessively in love with, nothing but lies this evening. If Keri were to find out that I was the one that Ava was arguing with on the phone, she would leave me in a heartbeat if she knew why. As I predicted earlier, Ava called me, fuming about the amount of money I had deposited into her account this morning. She previously demanded five hundred thousand dollars and being the proud prick that I am, I deposited five hundred dollars and not a cent more. I am not a man that plays games. If you have cheated me and think that you can blackmail me, you will quickly learn that hell
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Gone For A Few Days
I stir in my sleep from the soft touch of Tobias pressing his warm lips against my forehead.“Mmm, what time is it?” I yawn, feeling like I had just fallen asleep moments ago.“It’s four in the morning,” He whispers, stroking my cheek with the pad of his thumb, which sends a ripple of goosebumps to disperse across my body.I love it when he touches me with affection.I doubt he will ever understand how much it means to me, not only because he is a man, but how can I expect him to understand when I, myself, am trying to find a reason behind my emotions? “Four in the morning?” I moan in a croaky voice, peeling my eyelids open. “What are you doing up and dressed at this time of the morning?”Tobias is seated on the edge of my bed with his body angled to the side. Every time I see him wearing one of my favourite hued, slim-fitting suits, my mouth waters.The colour indigo-blue accentuates his irises, and the tailored suit emphasizes his ripped physique beneath all of that expensive fabri
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