All Chapters of The Billionaire Ceo And Her Playboy: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
217 Chapters
Chapter One-Hundred And Seventy-One
"Well, she did deliver," The doctor's face beamed with a smile and everyone was amazed. Jake couldn't help his excitement. "Can I see her now?" Jake said multiple times before the doctor because he was anxious to see her. "Yes, but ensure not to engage her too much because she is very tired," The doctor said facing Jake and he shook his head agreeing to what the doctor had said. "Noted, Doctor, Thanks a lot for everything," Jake said with his arms crossed showing gratitude and everyone followed him to the ward where I was situated. "Come on, everyone, what are you waiting for, let's go and see Veronica," My mom said and everyone present followed. The room was large enough to house everyone at the moment. Jake came close to me and kissed me on my head. He could see how weak I was at the moment because I had just given birth and he knew "Ooh dear, am so glad, it's a baby girl, this is nice," My mom said and hugged me where I was on the bed. Jak
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Chapter One-Hundred And Seventy -Two
"Jake!" I uttered intuitively and Jake woke up immediately at the sound of my voice. "What's the matter, dear?" He enquired curiously. "Just check the news," I said. "I can't believe this, that Lincoln is being released from prison," I said. "Geez," Jake said as he read the headlines to confirm exactly what I had said. I could see how astonished he was upon receiving the news at the time being. "We need to call Uncle Samson, Uncle Thomas and your Dad because am very sure that they are all watching this," Jake said. "Good morning Mom, and good morning Dad," Daniella said as she stood before them. "Heard some noise, that woke me up, Hope there is no problem?" Daniella enquired curiously. "No dear, it's just news we were discussing, it's nothing serious at all," I lied. I knew how curious Daniella was always, especially now that she had grown to the fifth year of her life. I knew how inquisitive she was, always trying to learn things new and try out thi
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Chapter One-Hundred And Seventy-Three
After we had all exchanged greetings, we were down to business to discuss what was wrong. Everyone was curious to know exactly what happened, since Samson the Judge had made a huge discovery. "So, I finally got to understand what happened, there was a new Judge that came and sure and suspecting that somehow he is connected to Lincoln," Samson said. "Ooh my goodness, I can't believe this is happening at all," I cried. "It's alright Veronica, it's alright, we are going to get through this, no need to worry," Jake said consoling me as he held me close to his side. "It's not as if, I am just literally afraid of him, I am just afraid of what he might do," I said. "Yes, I understand, I mean now that this new Judge passed a new decree and Lincoln is a free man, who knows what he could be up to, I mean he would come after all of us," Thomas said. "Yes, this is serious, now the news is viral, everyone that knows what Lincoln is capable of has been informed about hi
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Chapter One-Hundred And Seventy-Four
I and Jake were shocked that she got to know because we thought we could shield it from her. I knew there was no point keeping things further from her and trying to confuse her so I signalled to Jake so that we could just let her know all the truth. Howdy also stood with her, we had to tell both of them the absolute truth. "Alright, it's true, we just heard the news this morning, and I was scared to bother you with the truth that's why I and your Dad had to keep the truth thinking we could protect you from being scared at the time being," I said. "I get it, but I just think you should have told us, I mean I got to hear it from Alvin, instead, it wasn't fair," Daniella said. "I am sorry baby, wouldn't do that anymore," I said and went forward to hug Daniella. "So Howdy, don't be crossed, the news just came right now, that's why we didn't tell immediately, but now we all have to be careful because if Lincoln has truly been released, we all need to be careful, very
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Chapter One-Hundred And Seventy-Five
"Hey buddy, how are you doing," Lincoln said casually and gave Joseph a handshake. "I thought I have told you to stop calling me buddy, I mean I am. all grown up now," Joseph said jokingly gas to shake hands. Lincoln smiled and laughed. He remembered that they had both been close friends and childhood friends and had attended the same school and university. "Come on, I have told you several times, you would still be my buddy, always my buddy, even though now you are a very big judge," Lincoln said and they laughed furthermore before they finally settled down and Lincoln signalled to Frederick who was about to speak without his permission to caution himself. "It just crossed my mind, so regarding, Michael, he would be released tomorrow," Joseph said when he saw Frederick which helped to boost his memory about Michael that Lincoln had been asking him to help him free from prison. "Yes, I was just about to ask, because you know he is my lawyer and anything could happe
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Chapter One-Hundred And Seventy-Six
"Hmm, are you sure you want to go against your Dad, is it possible?" Joseph said. "Yes, of course, I mean I need to deal with him, he was among the major factors why they were able to be successful easily against me in the first place," Lincoln said with sheer bitterness. "Hmm, okay so tell me what do you have under your sleeve?" Joseph enquired curiously. "It's very simple, death, as straightforward as it is, he has to die, I mean he has what I desperately need at the moment which is power, and I indeed really need that at the time being to fully gain group now that I am out of jail," Lincoln said. "Ooh my, they are going to kill someone, what have I gotten myself into?" Frederick blurted out. "I just wonder how someone like him deserves to be outside jail, he is only just going to end up spoiling our plans at the end of the day," Joseph said. "If you know what's good for you, just remain silent, till we are done here," Lincoln warned. "Alright boss, since you brough
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Chapter One-Hundred And Seventy-Seven
"Just someone I rescued from the prison, he could end up being useful, even though at this time, he looks useless," Lincoln said. "Yes, Master Lincoln rescued me, so am not useless to him, he likes me," Frederick said and he caught Lincoln's cold stare which made him shut up for a moment. "Well, he better stays out of my way, if he doesn't want any issues with me because now we have to be very much focused on what we are doing if we are to achieve this major goal," Michael said. "Yes, you have no idea, how much I have missed you," Michael said. "The feeling is mutual boss, all those time in the cell, made me realise that all they need is to suffer for all that they had done to us and am glad that we can make that happen," Michael said. "Well, I thought prison life was to make sure that we get sobered up and realise the error of our ways which would make us improve and avoid any conflicts whatsoever," Frederick cut in again which made Michael and Lincoln very mad a
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Chapter One-Hundred And Seventy-Eight
"Hmm, I can see that you are indeed surprised to see me," Lincoln said. "Don't you even think of hurting any of my workers, if you know what's good for you," Thomas warned. "Hmm, my Dad, as usual, always selfless and thinking about others most of the time, and never for once considering himself," Lincoln said. "Of course not, I am not like you that chose to become the opposite, even though I tried my evey best, I knew that at the end of the day, I simply had to just give up on you, because it was obvious that you were way beyond saving," Thomas said. "Hmm, nice speech, but as the saying goes, just the one that I formed, those who choose to be selfless ends up losing themselves," Lincoln said as he used a bottle in his hands and broke it in on Thomas's head rendering him unconscious at the moment. "Ooh, I loved the fact that you didn't kill him, boss, I mean am so glad," Frederick said as he came behind feeling relieved. "Just shut the crap, I would kill him
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Chapter One-Hundred And Seventy-Nine
"Hmm, well you have a point in all that you have just said except what you said about my mental state, which isn't true at all, I mean yes I did like Veronica but J the. Had to live on when I realised that she didn't love me back but still in love with her lover playboy Jake, so now they both have to die," Lincoln said. "Well, that lover playboy, you keep on referring to ok is already married to her, so you can stop using such terms and use the right terms which is that they are both couples," Thomas said with sheer bitterness in his expression. "Come on Dad, don't get bitter yet, it seems that you have got some nerves, maybe you think that someone can save you, but look around, Okay you can't take any look around, simply because you have been kept inside and you are currently ignorant about your surroundings, so I forgot about that," Lincoln mocked. "So what I am just trying to tell you right now is that there is nothing you can do, and you should be mindful of your w
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Chapter One-Hundred And Eighty
"Yes, you have a point there, but they could be safe within the home,e have tightened our security and am sure Samson would want to do the same for his family," I said. "That's wise, I mean it's okay, but what about school, Would he just have to abandon school life like that?" Samantha enquired curiously. "Ooh, about that, with the influence that Veronica and I had, we were able to convince the school authority that they shouldn't hold school activities for some months, that they should pause school activities since the school owner is my friend and he would understand the situation at hand," Jake said. "Ooh, that's wise, but what about Elizabeth and Rosemary? Are we just going to leave them like that?" Samantha enquired curiously. "Yes, about that someone indeed has to make sense of them," I said. "I agree, I mean at the end of the day, I get the reason why they choose that decision, they aren't scared of him at all and are still very angry because of the pa
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