All Chapters of The Billionaire Ceo And Her Playboy: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
217 Chapters
Chapter One-Hundred And Ninety-One
Lincoln told his men to lead them directly to his office which shocked them at the moment because they were expecting a kind of restriction. They waggled to his office side by side, with Lincoln's men who led them, wondering why they didn't get any restrictions from the men at the time and why Lincoln would just allow them easily. When they were led to the office, they saw Lincoln before his desk sitting down with a smile as usual. "And may I know why you have come to my office at this time?" Lincoln said. "We have come to warn you to release Thomas," My Dad said with an irked expression that made Lincoln smile and laugh the more. "Hmm, well, and what makes you think you can just come right here to make false accusations to me when it's not me that did kidnap my Dad," Lincoln said. "Well, we all know that's not true, so you can simply drop the pretence once and for all, we all know that's not true," my Dad said. "Ouch, that hurts, all the false accusations
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Chapter One-Hundred And Ninety-Two
"You started it when you continued in your crime, I mean did you think that at the end of the day, you and Lincoln would win this time around?" Thomas said facing Michael. "Hmm, well, it's obvious, aren't we the one leading now, we have you in our custody so that out there there is no way, you can restrict Lincoln's activities," Michael said. "So, is that all, is that what you think would end all these things or the way, you think everything is going to end, going to go down for you both?" Thomas said. "Well, yes, that's how it's going to go, you just watch and see," Thomas said. "Well, I simply have to tell you, that's not going to be the case at the end of the day, because, even though I am not there to stop you, I bet that Jake and Veronica would," Thomas said. Michael gave light laughter, paused for a while and continued speaking. "Maybe, you haven't been listening to me all this while, so let me make it very clear for you, avoid the latest news that has b
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Chapter One-Hundred And Ninety-Three
"So how did it go?" Henry enquired curiously when I and Jake gathered around him before the cards because he knew that we had gone to Rosemary's house to check up on her. "Well, so far, she seems safe," I said. "Just that she is still stubborn and keen on wanting to stick to her decision, no matter how we try to cajole her into changing her decision," Jake said. "It's just too bad, because, at the end of the day, one has to hope that she stays safe because that alone can make one very anxious," Henry said. "Exactly, Grandpa," I added. "Alright then, let's play the card game together, there must be only one survivor at the end of the card game that would automatically be declared the winner of the card game at the end of the day... Rosemary decided that she would go out to get some foodstuffs to prepare. As usual, she had to check outside, in case there was a kind of unusual suspicious activity going out and maybe some of Lincoln's men were spying on her looking fo
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Chapter One-Hundred And Ninety-Four
And Jake was in the office and we were discussing Lincoln's issue. "Come on, Veronica, there is absolutely no need to worry at the moment, I mean we have to intensify our security at the end of the day, so, what's causing any issues of worry?" Jake said. "Ooh, of course, I know about this, I am just worried that at the end of the day, Bernard might not make it, I mean my Dad said he would call Bernard and we haven't heard any positive reply from him, right now based on what my Dad said, Bernard is the only man that can save the situation," I said. "Okay, you can call your Dad to confirm, that can be a better option, don't you think, instead of being curious to know what is going on without no clue," Jake advised. "Yes, maybe that's what I would do," I said and made a call to My Dad. After some minutes of speaking with my Dad on the phone, I already got all the information I needed at the moment and ended the phone connection. "So what did he say?" Jake said c
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Chapter One-Hundred And Ninety-Five
"I am sorry boss," Frederick said as he exited the scene immediately feeling bad. Lincoln was left with Michael at the moment. "Thanks for informing me about this," Lincoln said. "So, I think you need to be careful about working with him, I mean he can't be trusted," Michael said. "Come on now Michael, you don't have to be like this, because the fact that that happened, doesn't mean we should overweight the situation," Lincoln said. Michael was unhappy about what he was hearing. "This is what I have been trying to say, if you are truly determined to take revenge finally, you have to be very careful and ensure that at the end of the day, you don't underestimate any situation at all," Michael said. "I am not underestimating any situation, just ignore him, he doesn't weigh anything that much, gen though he has a role to play in all my plans, I wouldn't allow it to affect everything if he doesn't play the role," Lincoln said. "Hmm, well I think you have a soft spot f
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Chapter One-Hundred And Ninety-Six
"I even just called my Dad now, he said that he would inform Bernard about this, and this should make sure that he comes quickly," I said. "Okay then, I think that's fair enough," Jake said trying to calm me down when he saw how I was reacting. "I mean, I really can't believe that this is happening," I said. "Yes, dear, same here, I think we have underestimated Lincoln enough," Jake said. "It's my fault, I didn't try to change her idea enough," I said and started feeling guilty to blame myself for everything that had happened. "No, dear, don't even start about that, don't blame yourself for whatever must have happened, it's not your fault, I promise you," Jake said hugging me as I shed tears. "So, what other actions have you taken so far, apart from the one you did take?" Jake enquired curiously. "Well, I have informed the police to begin the search, I also Informed our men, to begin the search about the situation," I said. "That's good, because, we a
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Chapter One-Hundred And Ninety-Seven
Jake understood that this was one of those moments when Daniella gets too inquisitive about the whereabouts of her Mom and would want to know why he didn't come with her. "Dear, I understand, she went to see Grandpa Damian, regarding speaking with Grand Uncle Bernard regarding his coming, so that he could fix this situation, once and for all," Jake said. Even though Daniella understood what her Dad meant, she gritted her teeth where she stood. "Hmm, that's fair enough," Howdy said as he knew that there wasn't any need to be astonished since that was the normal way I would behave and the normal way I would take my next steps. "Dad," Jake said facing Henry and showing signs that he was greeting. "Hey, son, how was your day, this one that Veronica has decided to go without you, I just hope that she is safe wherever she is," Henry said. "Yes, Dad, she insisted that I come home for Daniella and Howdy while she tries to sort out the situation with Uncle Bernard," Jake
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Chapter One-Hundred And Ninety-Eight
"Yes, that was necessary, that bad to be dealt with," I said and watched the news with our parents in anticipation of Uncle Bernard and Aunt Lily. One thing about our parents was that no matter how the discussion was very interesting, anytime they set their eyes on the news, it was as if they weren't present in the room anymore and they are completely absent from the room. We understood this, so whenever a situation like this occurred, we always knew what to do at the moment... Lincoln was in the apartment where he kept Thomas and Rosemary in the confinement room. "So, Frederick, why haven't you fed them, what are you waiting for?" Lincoln scowled at Frederick who cringed in fear to rush to bring the plates of food for Thomas and Rosemary. "What's the use of feeding us, when you are going to end our lives at the end of the day?" Thomas said scowling at Lincoln. "Hey, don't you give me that look, after all, I can't have you dead until I have taken my full revenge o
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Chapter One-Hundred And Ninety-Nine
"Ooh, of course, don't you trust me, I would do such," Aunt Lily said. "No, Aunt, Lily, it's not that we don't trust you, we just have to inform you the way things are now, especially since Thomas and Rosemary have been kidnapped and we completely have no idea about their whereabouts," Diana said. "Wow, this is indeed serious and it's that monster, Lincoln, and he is so wicked that he wouldn't confirm that everything I said is true," Lily said. "Yes, Aunt, you need to see him, Aunt, he pretends to be innocent and even has the boldness to take over his Dad's company, he completely has no fear whatsoever," I said. "Wow, you guys must have been facing a lot, wait a minute, why isn't Paul with you guys, besides he should be busy trying to completely redeem himself from all his past mistakes, instead of just simply, staying in China," Lily said. "Oh, Aunt, just leave him there, after all, he is simply busy with his work there, I don't want a situation whereby we would ha
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Chapter Two-Hundred
"Boss," Frederick said shedding tears. "Wait a minute, don't you tell me that you are shedding tears because of the death of my enemy after everything that I have done for you," Lincoln said. "Boss, I can't believe this, I really can't believe this," Frederick said not sure what to mutter. He couldn't control his tears any longer and had to burst out of control. "Wow, Lincoln and you say this was your inmate in prison?" Joseph mocked and Lincoln scowled at him and it made him stop the action he was already initiating. "Boss, I did tell you about him, that you should be careful about him, but you refused to listen, now don't you think he might become a liability?" Michael enquired curiously. "Ooh yes, you are right, I am currently sceptical about either leaving you or carrying you alongside with me to achieve my plans or not, so you better think twice about the decisions you make from now on," Lincoln warned, facing Frederick who was still cringed with fear. Michael c
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