All Chapters of The Billionaire Ceo And Her Playboy: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
217 Chapters
Chapter Two-Hundred And One
"Come on, there is no need for you to worry about it, you would get united with them soon, and get to see them, very soon," Jake assured. "I hope so Dad," Daniella said. It was as if Daniella was already getting used to the attitude of Lincoln who always seems to get back up somehow after being put down. She knew all about the stories of him, right before she was born, and she had been familiar with all the stories, so she could understand the exact situation of it all. "Right now, I would advise that you just make good use of your time to enjoy your stay during the lockdown, like you both could go and play football or basketball at the field, any of your choices, besides don't forget, Alvin would be brought to the house to come and have fun with you guys," Jake said. "Wow, that would be cool," Howdy said as he and Daniella went to the back of the house towards the field, to start with basketball. Jake knew that all he had to do, was to wait for me because he was al
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Chapter Two-Hundred And Two
Frederick finally woke up and tried to remember what happened. He turned and saw Michael with a scowl at him. "Boss, it's not what you think, truly, I tell you," Frederick said. "Hey, come here," Michael said and slapped Frederick on his head. "Don't you dare tell me that you let Thomas get away," He said awaiting an answer. "Boss, it just happened suddenly, I didn't wish for it to happen, I can explain," Frederick cringed in fear when he thought about what Lincoln would do when he find out about the situation he was in currently. "No, you, would explain to Lincoln, when you see him, let's go because he has finally notified me of the new place, he wishes that we should go to at the moment," Michael said. "Ooh, no way, I don't wish to follow you now, I don't wish to follow you so that I would be involved in another murder," Frederick said. Frederick knew that Lincoln's next plan would be to try and recover Thomas and once that is accomplished, he would then focus on killing him, wh
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Chapter Two-Hundred And Three
Jake and I were speechless at the moment and we couldn't speak. "I can't believe this, are you saying that Rosemary is dead?" Jake spoke first. At this moment, I couldn't control my tears. I knew that it was deeply going to touch the way I would feel entire about everything. "Yes, that's just the point, she is dead, the only issue now is that I regret the fact that I didn't get to accept her apology right before she did because she was apologising since I was very mad at her," Thomas said shedding tears. "What exactly happened to you, friend, why is your leg hurt, isn't this a gunshot wound?" My Dad enquired facing Thomas. He observed the wound and saw that even though it was treated, it wasn't properly taken care of although the bullet had been removed. "Ooh my gosh!" I yelled. It was like one of the first times, I was seeing a gunshot wound before because I knew I have never had an experience with one at all. "He shot my leg, he said he wanted me to wat
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Chapter Two-Hundred And Four
"Now, what do we do?" Jake enquired curiously. "Now, we focus on dealing with Lincoln, once and for all," Bernard said with a fixed face as he glanced at everyone in the wardroom at the hospital... Lincoln sat at the new apartment that he had found. Michael had returned to him with the men he had brought as escorts and informed him about everything that had happened. He was so stunned where he sat and couldn't help but be mute when no one spoke. "I can't believe this, so Frederick did that to me and he intentionally got arrested even though you told him to follow you?" Lincoln tried to confirm. "Yes, boss, that's just the case, it's obvious that now we are wanted everywhere and Frederick was claiming that he doesn't wish to be part of the murder spree any more and that's the main reason why he couldn't follow us," Michael said. "That bastard, after everything I have done for him, he would dare do this to me, he doesn't deserve to be alive at all, he doesn't deserve t
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Chapter Two-Hundred And Five
The next morning, Thomas still lay on his bed, in the private master bedroom in My Dad's house. He was already awake and suddenly, he heard some voices. He knew that they were Daniella and Howdy. He could also hear another voice warning them that they should be gentle when dealing with hi,m since he was just being brought into custody yesterday. He knew that Jake and I trying to control their movements. "Hey, Howdy, am serious you have to be careful, and you too, Daniella," Jake said when they finally got to the ward. "Das, we miss, grand Uncle Thomas, do you think we would ever do anything to hurt him, especially in his state?" Daniella said. Thomas smoked and sat yonehej he saw them and they all ran to meet him to hug him, while Jake supervised to see if they are making him feel uncomfortable or not unknowingly. "Am glad to see you here," Thomas said with a smile. "Same here Grand Uncle Thomas, we are so glad we got to meet you here," Daniella said as she hugged
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Chapter Two-Hundred And Six
Jake and I stood aloof from each other because I had just finished supervising when James carried them back home. Jake faced Bernard who was seated with my Dad in the same lounge room. "So what about Frederick, what's going to be done about him?" Jake enquired curiously. "Ooh, yes, about him, I am very sure that he would be interrogated, based on the arrangements so far, when you and Veronica are ready, you two, could also speak with him about Lincoln's location, since he is our very closest source to knowing about that," Bernard said. "Wow, thanks a lot, Uncle Bernard," Jake said. "You are very welcome, anything for family," Bernard said with a smile on his face. "Dear, hope you hear that," Jake said as he waggled towards where I stood. "Ooh yes, I did, in fact, I just heard about everything, the only issue now is that we aren't talking about burying Rosemary," I said. "Well, the thing is that the main reason why everyone is avoiding such questions is sim
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Chapter Two-Hundred And Seven
Frederick was already feeling less cringed with fear with the words that I said and he was becoming more ready to give his contribution and notes on what exactly had happened. His face was lightened by the calmness I had and he felt he could trust us. "So, go on Frederick, tell us what exactly happened," I said with a calm facial expression. "Well, when Lincoln shot his father in the leg and killed Rosemary, I never wanted that to happen, I was so shocked, I knew that I wasn't expecting that to happen, it happened so suddenly," Frederick. "I couldn't help but shed tears, I mean I was imprisoned because I was a very high-level thief, robbing commercial banks, so I never had a chance to I'll before, or ever witnessed when someone was killed or silenced before, so it was all happening to new to me," Frederick said. "Okay, I understand, so what happened next after he did what he did," I said trying to flutter my eyelashes to prevent the tears that were about to drop do
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Chapter Two-Hundred And Eight
"Done, I have informed them about it, and since Lincoln is currently" absent they can simply come for the short burial and return to Paris, it has been agreed, they only need a date when they can all come in unison," I said. "Okay that's fair enough, it's going to be hard, I mean we were tasked with the responsibility of keeping the ladies and we couldn't for once, it's so bad," Jake said. "Yes, I feel so terrible and unwell about the entire matter and wish that the situation could be solved once and for all," I said. "Same here dear," Jake added. Right now we just have to wait a few more days now for the burial date and plan that before we set how we would deal with Lincoln once and for all... Thomas was already improving his health and had started walking around the house on his walking stick. "Hey friend, you should be resting," My Dad said. My Dad was also taking a walk around the house with my mom at the moment when they saw him walking around with the wal
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Chapter Two-Hundred And Nine
"I am so glad you made the right decisions," I said feeling emotional and Hugging them all. I knew I was going to miss them all. "Yes, we had to, I mean, we could learn from Rosnwmays mistake, she left a kind of safety steps so that we wouldn't make the same mistake she did when she died, "Hannah said. "Yes, that's true," Jake said. "So, It's finally time," Sarah said knowing that the same way that they had come to the city is the same day and time and moment that they would be returning to Paris. Everyone present came to hug them, including, Uncle, Bernard, Aunt Lily and Samson and his family members. When they were done with the exchange of pleasantries, they all resolved to finally return to Paris even though it was hard to forget because of the people they were missing. "Now it's time for us to focus on dealing with Lincoln once and for all," I said facing Jake. "Yes, Veronica, let's end this once and for all since we started this journey together," Jake
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Chapter Two-Hundred And Ten
"Hey Linda," Thomas said with a smile on his lips. "Dad, I thought the deal was that you would never come back anymore and you would just leave me be," Linda said. "Dear, am very sorry, I know that you are very crossed with me, simply because of my past lifestyle and because you have promised not to hear me out or see me again, but please just hear me out," Thomas said. "Alright come in, my husband, Peter, isn't around yet, but he would be back from work, so am just alone with Simon my son," Linda said. "Okay, thanks for hearing me out," Thomas said and was let into the apartment at the moment. Thomas couldn't help but take a long at his grandson now. Everything was clear, Lincoln wasn't the firstborn, Linda was but his wife loved her so much that she couldn't bear that Linda should be brought up under Thomas's past drunken lifestyle and took her away. Even when he had changed, sometimes he tries to beg for her forgiveness, but even though she tries to forgive hi
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