Lahat ng Kabanata ng Revenge of The Broken Luna: Kabanata 111 - Kabanata 120
140 Kabanata
(TRISTAN'S P.O.V.)Out of nowhere, Aria lunges at Scott in again. This time I can't hold her back, as she is too powerful for me to contain. This makes me both proud on the way fact that I have taught her well, and scared about what she be could do to him. I tried stepping in, but the primal look on her face when she turned, warning me to stay off, glued me to my place.The sound of fists meeting flesh, and his screams of agony filled the courtroom air. All the guards stood, bombshell shocked, unable to save Scott. He bled all over the marble floors, yet she didn't stop. This wasn't the way to go; I knew she was beyond upset, but violence was never the way to go."ARIA. THAT'S ENOUGH." I said in a Stern voice.She paused for a second; she turned to me, and her pained and angry eyes met mine. Seeing as my stern expression stood unfaltered, she realised my stance in this and stepped away from Scott. She looked as if she was about to burst into tears anytime soon; her clothes on her were
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(SCOTT'S P. O. V.)Her sobs weave into mine, and for a second, I stop. It both surprises me and hurts me; her cries are gut wrenching, and make me feel even guiltier. I totally stop crying, emotionally wounded by more things than one. Her beautiful brown eyes spilling such tears should be a sin, and I genuinely understood why she hated me so much; I myself did at this point. While trying not to be like my father, I became even worse than him.I hurt the one woman that I love, nearly killing her and probably our child. My train of thought drifts to the topic of our child; I wanted to ask her about him or her, but I don't think my body could take another beating from her. She was freakishly strong, and even with the support of my drugs, which I hadn't taken that day, I wouldn't be able to handle myself.Additionally, I remembered that the witch said I wouldn't have any children until Aria forgave me. Logically, I thought, that would mean that I had lost the chance of having any children
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His son
Tristan's POVIt was barely a minute after Scott's confession, and Aria was already so angry. Her face started turning red, deep red, and I just knew that the next few minutes...or hours, would be really bloody for us.I wanted to calm her down, I really did, but I couldn't ignore the little fear that I had.Yes, I was scared of Aria. She looked a bit scary, like she badly wanted to kill someone at that moment. I knew that if she had the chance, she would actually kill someone, the way she wants to."Aria?" I tried my luck by calling her, to see if she would actually listen to me.When I called her, her head turned towards me, but the moment our eyes met, she averted her gaze from my gaze and continued grunting.She was so angry, she really was and I feared for Scott, because I knew that she was going to hurt him so much.A few seconds later, she started pacing around, while mumbling some words to herself. I could tell that she was trying to call herself down, but with the way things
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Already Gone
(ARIA'S P. O. V.)The night sky was illuminated by the moon; I could hear the hustling and bustling of the city, even though it was metres away. The lights of the busy streets shone like a million little stars, complimenting the ones above, in the sky. It seemed beautiful and peaceful; far from what I felt at the moment. My mind was swirling with mixed emotions, trying very hard to understand myself, and my current mentality.I didn't understand, no, I couldn't understand why I brought Andrew for him to see, even as I claimed to hate him as much as I did. I was dancing with the devil; I took his hand and were waltzing around the skirts of a black abyss at the edge of a cliff. A feeling of tiredness hovered over me, what was I fighting for? Was this whole revenge plan worth it? Many people had it worse than me, it nearly felt like a sin, complaining about what I had gone through. As Luna to the Mystic clan I had seen many types of people, who went through unspeakable things, yet learne
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(ARIA'S P. O. V.)I stood leaning on the rails of the balcony, trying to focus on my breathing. My resolve was crumbling bit by bit; I could feel the intensity of my distaste towards him slip away slowly. The feeling of tiredness had overwhelmed me, leaving my once racing mind blank. It was funny how after all these years of thinking he did was out of his own will, just to find out it was the dying wish of the ex king.I laughed bitterly; the feeling of pain creeping through my veins like ice forming on a river in winter. I laughed at myself, at my life, at my whole existence. I laughed until I felt the hollowness in my chest grow, and tears of sadness slide down my cheeks. The feeling of insanity closed in; the urge to end it all grew, making jumping down seem very appealing. Suddenly I remembered the smiling face of my baby, and the laughter of Tristan. The good times, flowed through my mind in strips of films, like an old movie. The difference was that I was the only viewer in the l
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Tristan's POVHer words continued hanging in the air, while two pairs of eyes continued peering into me, my soul. I wanted to walk over to Scott and gouge his eyes out so he would never look at me again, but I decided to calm down.I was shocked, angry, betrayed and...sad. I didn't even know what to do - or say.What Aria did was the height of it all, and I wasn't sure if I would be able to survive it at all.They did something that I wouldn't have thought they would have done in a million years to come. After getting in bed with him, she wanted to go back to him? Wow.I quietly pinched myself to see if I was dreaming or not. I really wanted it all to be a dream, I really did, but when the pain from the pinch surged through my hand, I just knew that it wasn't a dream.It was all real.I blinked back a few tears because I knew that it wouldn't be right to cry in front of my wife's ex boyfriend, especially when they both just cheated on me. I was mentally trying so hard to convince myse
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Her Note
Tristan's POV Before I could even utter a word or even react, Aria came back with Scott trailing behind her. He had a mocking smile on his face, and I knew that he was mocking me, telling me that he had won, and there was nothing I could do about it. God, I was so angry, because I didn't like the newly found bond at all. It was so disgusting and annoying, and I just kept on trying to get Aria's attention, but her face was glued to the things in front of her. She wasn't interested in saying anything to me, and that broke my heart a little. I had thought that we were really in love with each other, and that nothing could change that...ever, but then, the direct opposite was happening. It seemed like Aria hated me and she couldn't just wait to get rid of me. It was hurting. What was? My heart, my heart was so hitting, but there was nothing I could do about it. I moved my right hand to my chest, thinking that it was going to reduce the pain in my heart and the way my heart was clench
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Surge Of Revenge
CHAPTER 123 (TRISTAN'S P. O. V.) A turmoil of emotions churns within me; I barely slept the previous night, and the foreboding feeling of anxiety overwhelmed me more, every passing second. The inability to think clearly and coherently was dominant in my mind, clearing away and covering every other thing. I was worried; worried about Aria, and what she was dragging herself into. What if something went wrong, what if it was too late by the time I had gotten there? Her ability to stand up for herself and go with her mind made her very admirably independent, but extremely impulsive at the same time. I got out of my room, my trunk ready for my journey and to be taken down to be put in the car by the maids. I headed for Andrew's room, looking to bid him a farewell before I left. Entering his room, I saw him sitting by the window and looking outside, lost in thought. The boy amazed me, his eyes held wisdom far beyond his age. Anytime he said anything, it sounded like the words of someone w
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Something Drastic
Tristan's POV I really couldn't believe that it was happening right in front of me - Crystal's whole drama. It was so weird and overwhelming. It was so hard to believe, if I wasn't witnessing it, I'd have doubted it was real, to be honest. It was way too weird to even watch, but I still wanted to watch it. I stood in the shadows and watched as Crystal moved closer to Aria. She had a scornful look on her face and I knew that the things that she was going to say to Aria were going to be so bad. There was nothing I could do about it, I could only stay in the shadows and watch. She moved to Aria, and grabbed her face so hard. Aria groaned and eyed her scornfully. I wondered what crystal was about to say to her, I just hoped it wasn't about her moving into Scott's house. I was becoming so impatient, that I wanted to just barge in and take aria away from the place. She wasn't supposed to even be there in the first place, if she had listened to me, then all these wouldn't have happened a
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A Disgrace
(ARIA'S P. O. V.)"You lying wench!" She screams, trying her best to mask the nervousness on her face. Even though I was tied, and bruised up on the floor, I knew I had more power at the moment, than Crystal. She was scared of me, and the fact that I could expose all her dirty deeds in seconds. A sarcastic and manic laugh left my lips; I felt deadly. A terrible feeling crossed my mind, and I was officially on overdrive. "Little did this bitch standing her know, I had known everything all along. I heard it when and her apology of a father, ten years ago. I heard how he instructed her to make sure she got pregnant for Scott, so that she could kill him too, and take over. I had to do something to fish them both out. They knew it had to be a boy, so that everything could fall in their favor, they were going to make Scott's death seem like an accident, and since she knew she was royalty, she would cover up the case, and no one would be able to open it up again........ She even went as f
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