All Chapters of Revenge of The Broken Luna: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
140 Chapters
Aria's POVWith the look on crystal's face, I could see that she was so scared. The movement of her chest, in rhythm with the way her fingers drummed against her thighs in fear, she was so fucking scared and I was in for the full show."Um, stop listening everyone!" Crystal yelled at the top of her voice, trying to get everyone's attention. Well, she actually did get everyone's attention, but most people were staring at her with scornful looks on their faces.I was doing the most even. I squinted my eyes at her, trying to see and hear what she had to say to defend herself. She looked pathetic as hell, with the way streams of sweats were trickling down her face, neck and everything.She knew that she was in for it, that's why she was so scared. The way she was even acting was annoying me, and I just wished I could push her down and punish her until I was okay.Instead 9f doing what I had in mind to her, I decided to just chill and wait for her to say anything she had to say, knowing th
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Chapter 126:Aria's POVThe drama happening in front of me was so weird, but funny. The awkwardness in the atmosphere was so overwhelming, that I decided to move away from them for a while. I was happy with the way things were happening among them. Everyone was fighting with one another, and it was fun to watch.I was about to walk away from the spit, when crystal started dragging my legs. I didn't know why she was dragging my legs, and most importantly, what she had to gain from it. I kept on fighting with her to leave me alone, but she kept on dragging my legs. I wondered what was wrong with her, and if she was mentally stable enough to even think at all.My eyes darted around in fear, and I looked over at Scott, to see if he could even help me. He couldn't, with the way he was busy with the whole drama that happened minutes ago. There was nobody to help me, and in all the chaos, I was stuck with crystal, who just wanted to hurt me somehow, I didn't know how.After a few minutes of
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Poisoned Dagger
Tristan's POVImmediately crystal heard everything Aria said, she started laughing like a mad person. I didn't know why she was laughing that way, and I glanced over at Aria. Her eyes were squinted at both crystal and Scott, so I knew that her blood was starting to boil.Seeing that, I changed back into my human form, and moved closer to her, so nobody would dare lay a finger on her. The way I was standing confidently beside her was so attractive, and even though she didn't acknowledge what I did, I knew that she was happy about it. Everywhere was quiet and the only person that was talking, was crystal. She was moving from one place to another, laughing and mocking Aria. I was surprised that she was acting that way, because just an hour earlier, she was feeling distressed about getting caught. I wanted to ask her why she was laughing that way, but I decided to keep my mouth shut, so aria would take care of her issues herself. I was sure that she wouldn't like me interfering with her
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(SCOTT'S P. O. V.)The traitorous, lying bitch, tries to breathe for the last time, as she chokes on her blood and gives up the ghost. Finally, one less wicked person in the world, I thought to myself in relief. Her father sat crying, next to his now dead daughter. His wails could have made me feel sorry for him, if we were in a different universe, and I didn't know about all the sins that this man had committed, but unfortunately, I was fully aware that this old motherfucker was a pure criminal, and raised one on top of that. Not even an iota of me feltbsorry for neither Crystal, nor her bastard father. In fact; I hoped that she was going to her position in the underworld, to be tortured for an eternity by Hades, the god of the underworld himself.Crystal's father finally raised his head up, his face a mask of grief and anger, and looked at the drugged up elders, who were tied up and equally bruised up in the corner of the throne room. A primal look crossed his face; he was out for t
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Cold Aura
(ARIA'S P. O. V.)I continued evading his attacks, spinning and jumping, all while also landing blows on him. His face takes that of the expression of frustration. His frown deepens, and he screams in aggravation."How did you learn how to fight, you useless, good for nothing bitch?!" He yells out, with a very annoyed tone. I grin wickedly, my ego inflating by second. I evaded another blow before answering him."Or maybe, you're just getting old, huh? Don't you think that that's a more reasonable and accurate explanation?" "Hah!..." He cackles loudly, sarcasm evident in every inch of it. "You wish! I'm still as sharp as a dagger when it comes to my fighting skills and agility. Just like your parents, even if you fight till tomorrow against me, you'll never see the light in the end."The world around me suddenly stopped, all motion with it ceasing. It was nearly like everything was on pause, like the goddess had hit the button of some large remote control that was meant to control th
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Aria's POV The man looked like he was in a lot of pain, and truth was that, he really was. His skin was so red from the impact of the deadly acid. If anyone saw him at that moment, they would have definitely pitied me. Not me though, there was no ounce of pity for the man in me. I even wanted him to die immediately, but there was nothing I could do about it. He was already about to die anyway, so I didn't want to make his situation worse, not before explaining some things to us.He tried moving forward, with his back still on the ground, but the pain was too much, allowing him to groan loudly in pain. He tightly shut his eyes, saying some curse words under his breath, but I didn't hear him though. His face twisted in pain, and we continued waiting for him to come around. Nobody was even ready to help him at all, because he kind of deserved it.I mean, just a few hours ago, he was literally waving a dagger in my direction, preparing to kill me, but I was happy that I was fast enough to
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Cold Blood
(ARIA'S P. O. V.)The world around me spins; everything is just so overwhelming, and I can't think straight. Nothing at all makes any sense, even though it is not complicated to understand. "...Your family..." He coughs again into his hands, blood staining them, before proceeding. "....your family were the actual beta, but my father and I cheated them out of their place. We were jealous, people loved them, yet hated us greatly. They called my father a terrible man for his ideas! He-""Your father, Gerrald, was a man who believed in killing all the outcasts to make our clan 'pure' again! My father was a terrible man, but yours? He was a serial killer in disguise!" Scott cut him off, yelling with utmost anger flowing through his veins."My father was a noble man, with revolutionary ideas! Her family didn't deserve to be the betas, they were outcasts and everyone knew about it! They deserved to die, for staining our precious blood with that of another clan. Her mother was of the Mystic c
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(ARIA'S P. O. V.)I growled in frustration of my inability to do anything to save my boy; I felt like I had failed as a mother. Tears stung at the back of my eyes at the thought of losing my only child. All the times that we had spent together flashed before my eyes; from the first day I met my boy, to Everytime he drew or made something from me. From his extreme love towards video games, to the way he'd dance ridiculously whenever he won Tristan in a match of table tennis. He would call it his "victory dance", combining both some moves of the eighties, and moves of modern dances.No! I couldn't lose my boy; not now, not ever. I was going to try my best, and protect him from this psychopath of a beta. Nothing will harm my baby. Gerrald laughed manically again, squeezing the shoulder of Andrew so tight that I was sure he had left some marks. He winced, his face squeezing in pain as he did so. I growled, tears falling from my eyes. "Stop! Leave my son alone!" I finally bursted, mistake
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CheckMate Bitch
(ARIA'S P. O. V.)The scene of Scott's death replays in my head over and over again. He fought for us till his last breath, using my distraction of Crystal's father as an advantage. He didn't care if he died in the process, he knew he had died for a noble cause. More tears fell from my eyes, unto the head of my son, wetting his hair, as I watched the very life of Scott, flow out of his body, staining the floor. All the good times I had with Scott from childhood flashed before my eyes in films, like scenes playing from a movie.My heart bled as I thought about it; how we used to be very close. He was a good man at heart, he had just been led and advised by the very wrong people, and had made the wrongest decisions when it came to life. If only he had a better grip of everything; if only he had been led and taught about the world by his mother, and late sister. He wasn't always so harsh, so inconsiderate. It was after his sister had died in a car crash that he turned into a replica of h
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Fragile but Beautiful
(ARIA'S P. O. V.)As he is about to pull the trigger at me, someone lunges on him from the side, with a flying kick. I'm frozen for a second, trying to recover from the shock of nearly being shot. Finally, as my ability to move again is restored, I turned my attention to the floor. Tristan and Gerrald the psycho beta struggle on the floor for a while, before the both of them are able to get up once more. They waste no time, and instantly started exchanging blows, until I feel like I'm watching a Chinese martial arts movie. They continued fighting, until suddenly, Tristan pours two full vials of acid on Crystal's father. Shocked, I checked my pockets to see if those were the remaining two, and to my greatest surprise, they were my bottles meant for the now dead ex Alpha Scott. I couldn't lie to myself; I was quite impressed by how he had so easily managed to take the vials off of me without me even noticing. The ex beta of the blue moon pack, and Crystal's father, Gerrald writhed on t
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