All Chapters of Rejected Luna's Vengeance : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
208 Chapters
Moon's Tears Importance
The Blood Claws Pack came like a storm's sharp wind—swift and deadly. The wolves' thundering paws we're like the beating war drums of ancient times. The moon was at its peak, the Crescent Pack had rested early aside from the newly shifted wolves who still lurked around the central part of the town. Many had retired early, too tired from the drills that the alpha had instilled for every capable wolf of the area—as if they were being prepared for an incoming war. Deep in the night, when they had barely entered their Dreamland, the sudden onslaught of a thick scent of blood wafted even to the confines of their rooms.It was the males first who noticed it. They immediately tugged their families awake, shouting at them in a frenzy to stay together and never lose sight of one another.Together, the males went straight to the direction where the scent of the blood was thickest—the surrounding borders facing the formidable and deadly Blood Claws Pack.The newly arrived males watched in horro
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Diana & Anastasia
‘That mysterious necklace is missing? How? Did Diana take it? Is that why she knows it?’Anastasia’s mind was in turmoil. Biting her fingernail, not minding the blood oozing from her or how the nearest wolves were looking at her, her eyes darted to the darkness that surrounded the clearing. She wanted to pinpoint the direction where Diana was hiding, yet Diana’s voice was everywhere!“Anastasia, go and take five deltas with you. Go back to the safety of the pack house. Your Luna is waiting for you there,” said Alpha Nathan. He looked back at her, eyes filled with urgency and anger to plummet down the beta he deemed as nothing but a pup.For Alpha Nathan, only the maniacal Blood Alpha was worth being wary of.For a split second, Anastasia looked back at the cabin.Biting the inside of her cheeks until she could feel the tangy taste of blood seeping down her throat, Anastasia could only clench her fists until her knuckles turned white. Forcing a smile on her face, she politely spoke.“T
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Moon's Tear's True Power
‘Wh-What is that?’Anastasia’s tongue had frozen along with her body to the point that she could only scream at the back of her mind.Like the deltas, Anastasia could not even move a muscle. It was her natural instinct kicking in—to stay still and avoid being devoured by such a monster!A monster. There was no other word that Anastasia could use to describe the towering wolf behind the grinning Diana. Its black fur camouflaged with the darkness of the night. Its mouth was openly drooling as its massive pair of eyes gleamed menacingly while it stared at them—observing them or rather choosing who would be its first prey.Diana followed where Anastasia was looking with her wide and scared eyes. She was hereby met by a predatory look of her mate.‘Calm down. They cannot hurt me.’ Diana sent this message through their mind link, she did not hear a single word from him. Instead, Diana felt the overwhelming dissatisfaction from her mate as it wanted to tear those before her into shreds and a
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Reversed Roles
Anastasia finally fixated her frantic eyes on the glowing object hanging around Diana's neck.Its intricate design screamed mystic and vintage slapped Anastasia. She had foolishly denied the possibility of it as the Moon's Tears even after hearing Diana's taunting remark while she was with Alpha Nathan. Thinking that it was merely a remnant of the Genesis Coven, Anastasia did not really put attention to it—until Diana deliberately slapped her with the truth.Shaking her head vehemently, Anastasia started to trash once more. With trembling joints and shaking muscles, she screamed in utter anger."No! No! You're lying! The Moon's Tears necklace is nothing but a relic of the past! It is nothing but a foolish attempt of the Crescent Pack to match the prestigious history of the Woodland Pack! You're a lying bitch!"Looking and observing Anastasia right now, Diana was finally released from any bits of anger and melancholy from her past life's grievances."You look so pathetic right now." D
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The Start Of Diana Collecting The Blood Debts
Luna Riza shifted in the small room, snarling and clawing as she charged straight to Diana before the latter could even move a muscle.Diana did not budge. She remained seated while she calmly twirled the pendant of the Moon’s Tears.With two strides of the light brown wolf, it immediately reached Diana. Raising its clawed front paw, it snarled viciously at Diana with every intention to kill the latter.Two inches from Diana’s face, a bright light emitted from the Moon’s Tears. Rays of light escaped the cracks of the room’s closed door and windows.The wolf slammed into the farthest wall.The light did not vanish even when Luna Riza was partially rendered immobile. The latter, who reverted to her human form, shakily stood up with the support of the wall. Wiping the blood trickling down her lips, the Luna eyed the necklace with wonder, awe, envy, and greed.Luna Riza wanted it for herself and Diana saw it.‘It really runs in the blood, huh.’ Diana thought.“The power of the Moon’s Tear
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The True Rulers Of The Crescent Pack
Nothing could be more painful than to watch one’s mate die in front of him. To watch one’s beloved get torn to pieces without being able to do anything but shed tears.This was Riza Crescent.Rendered immobile by the spell, Luna Riza’s tears were the only telltale sign of her anguish as she watched her husband, her partner, her best friend, and her mate struggle to crawl in her direction.It had only been a couple of minutes, but Alpha Nathan of the Crescent Pack was utterly defeated by Alpha Dylan. Though the former was in his wolf form and the latter was the opposite, it did not hinder Alpha Dylan from severing Alpha Nathan’s limb.One cruel snap at a time, the proud Alpha Nathan was no more as he lay howling and whimpering from pain.With fluid series of movements that were both deadly and quick, it was long over before Diana could have her first yawn—and for a female wolf who was halfway having her baby, that was pretty something even for her mate.While Diana oozed with pride as
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Bend The Knee
Time seemed to freeze for Diana.She knew of the owner of that voice. Hearing they were safe and sound from the mind link and experiencing it firsthand to witness and hear their voices were two different things for Diana.Every nerve of her body seemed to stop functioning. Her breathing halted and her pupils dilated.The re-forging of the bond blocked too long by black magic came in a whiplash, waking up the slumbering Tehsin for a good moment enough for her wolf to whimper and reach out to their parents through the strengthening link between them.The tugging of the string called fate and bond intertwined was the final nail to the coffin.In a whiplash, Diana turned around.Dylan’s heart was hanging by the thread, much to Diana’s oblivious action as she immediately jogged toward her disheveled parents. Staring at his empty arms, Dylan nodded at Seymor before he followed his mate. To hell with the Crescent Pack, what Dylan feared was for her to trip.Diana, on the other hand, was obli
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It Has Barely Begun
Flies lingered around the borders directly facing the northern part of the Crescent Pack.The smell of rotting corpses wafted miles from the source of such a scent. At the peak of the pile of rotting limbs and dismembered body parts, two heads were pierced by poles. One would be blind to skip such a sight. Its position was a special spot for the former alpha and luna of the Crescent Pack.It was the very same way how Mason Ritchell and Lorraine Ritchell died in Diana’s first life. Atop the loyal wolves of Diana’s parents were her beloved mother and father’s heads, speared for all to see for their supposed treachery. When their rotten corpses could not be distinguished anymore after being eaten by the scavengers, they were buried collectively in a nameless mound where Diana could only weep.Now, as Diana stared at the small hill of corpses, her eyes fixated on the two heads at the top. Her fists were clenched as she relived that day. That day was particularly gloomy. The skies were fil
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Calm Before The Storm
“Are they still refusing to obey?” “Yes, Alpha.” Anton, a Crescent Pack member who had pledged allegiance to the new alpha and luna, could only nod his head. His face was grim and he could not look up to his alpha knowing how he had failed. Alpha Dylan Cain, whose gaze remained fixated on the screen of his laptop, did not even spare Anton a glance. In an absent-minded tone, he said. “Then kill those rebels. Hang their heads around the town to set an example. The same old rules.” Just by the tone of the alpha, it was quite evident that he was itching to dismiss Anton. Beta Seymor, who was standing behind Alpha Dylan, cleared his throat. “Alpha, we cannot keep on doing this. If Luna Diana learns that the Crescent Pack has lost a quarter of its wolves, she would surely cut off her bed rest schedule to solve this question herself.” Just the thought of her mate leaving the Blood Claws Pack to go to the Crescent Pack had already soured Dylan’s cheery mood. Stabbing Seymor with a glare,
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Luna Dilemma
'I wonder how he even managed to hold onto his seat all these years,' Diana pondered.Diana was at the balcony of her room which was facing the eastern borders of the Blood Claws Pack.Teshin, who was rarely awake, answered at the back of Diana's mind. 'He is like Nathan Crescent—a puppet of Shananel Ritchell.'Diana hummer in agreement.With raised brows she turned around and crossed her arms. "How long will you stay here?"Talia, who stood behind Diana earlier, shrugged. She leaned against the wall and smirked at Diana. "What? After you made use of my magic to block all connections of the Crescent Pack's wolves—even including your parents—you will discard me like that?"Rolling her eyes, she explained. "That's not it and you know that." Looking straight into Talia's eyes, she added. "How long will you play this game with your mates, Talia?""I don't know." Talia sighed, looked up into the cloudless sky, and stared straight at Diana. "I really thought I could handle six of them. Heck!
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