All Chapters of Rejected Luna's Vengeance : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
208 Chapters
Arrival Of The Six Alphas
The word 'huh' was written on Seymor Tesan's face.He did not expect that by accepting his alpha's order to watch over his Luna's mood would make him enter a potential war zone.Seymor was not stupid. The way the two betas glared at him with a promise of death and the way Luna Diana's wolf had resurfaced, he was forced to call his boss who would turn the world upside down should something happened to his mate—Alpha Dylan Cain.'Alpha, there is a situation here.'On the other end of the mind link, a certain alpha lowered his grip around the wolf's mouth.'What?' A hint of annoyance was clearly in his tone for having his slaughter feast interrupted.Seymor sent a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess before he continued. 'Luna Diana is—'Snap!The jaws that Dylan was holding snapped, killing the wolf instantly. Dylan threw the wolf like a ragdoll on the ground. He was now surrounded by the wolves of the Woodland Pack saved their leader who had cowardly saved his ass when worse came to worst.
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Shananel Has Made A Move
"I can't contact Sonja."Dylan was faced with the distress-looking mate. With one scoop, he carried her and cradled her as he took a seat on his swivel chair."Since when?"Arms around Dylan's neck, she mumbled. "Since last week. I first thought she was merely doing errands with Shinro and Laville, but I received Shinro's mind link right. He hasn't made any contact with Sonja for three weeks already. Rakiz is the same."Dylan opened the drawer of his table and took his cellular phone that he rarely used. In fact, this was the first time Diana see him use technology aside from his laptop—which he only used for searching baby names like a man possessed."Who are you calling?" asked Diana upon seeing her mate dialed someone."Luke."Hearing Dylan's one-word reply, Diana finally remembered that Sonja was Luke Cain's mate!Hope flickered in Diana's eyes as she waited and listened.The phone kept ringing for good two minutes. By the nth ring, Luke Cain finally answered."Bro, what's the matt
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Arrival Of The Alliance
Separated by one border, the two group of wolves remained in a standoff for a good moment now.The place that had witnessed the carnage of the Blood Alpha not too long ago was then again wrapped by the familiar tense atmosphere.It was the very same atmosphere where such bloodshed immerged. Now, the epsilon-ranked wolves of the Blood Claws Pack wondered if they would be witnessing such gore again. Just the thought of their Blood Alpha tearing an adult warrior wolf into two with his bare hands, they could not help but relish such a scene.Their adrenaline, which was still pumping in their veins, had been reignited. Drooling, the wolves of the Blood Claws Pack showed such a feral side, making the rogue wolves from the other side question their identity—who was more rogue-looking than them, huh?The silence shattered when the snapping of twigs resonated within the tree hides. On cue, Alpha Dylan Cain appeared from the deep darkness followed by his beta and elite deltas who were in thei
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Declaration Of War I
Seated in a long table, Diana was situated on the head chair while Dylan was to her right side while her left side was empty—it was the seat for Sonja, Diana’s trusted familiar. Seated next to Dylan was Shinro while seated next to the empty chair was Rakiz Lemoir. The rest of the seats were occupied by Mason Ritchell of the Crescent Pack, the six alphas of the Night Prowlers Pack, Soleyah Haynes of the Woodland Pack, and Talia of the Genesis Coven. Even Sally had a seat of her own while the two betas stood and lingered behind her, making Sally sit all tense and uneasy With the long table now packed with Diana’s allied forces, the absence of Sonja was pulling heavily in her chest. Under the table, her fists clenched yet her façade remained impregnable for all to see. Only those with direct connections with her knew the turmoil in her heart. ‘I need to calm down… Sonja will tell me that for sure. I mean, look at that. My vassals are here, ready to help me—the contrast to the time when
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Declaration Of War II
The connection with Sonja was gone.It was so sudden that Diana could not believe it for the first seconds after the snapping pain happened. For Diana, it seemed that everything was like a quick drop and a sudden stop. The next thing she knew, her link with her familiar was already nonexistent.Had it not been for Dylan’s timely arrival, Diana was not sure how she could protect her unborn child when she was about to fall.Talia, who was sitting adjacent to Diana, held Diana’s cold hands. “You will suffer the backlash of disconnection, so brace yourself for a couple of seconds, alright?” When Diana nodded, Talia gripped Diana’s wrist and closed her eyes. And then, she whispered. “Faurereium”Warm light emitted from Talia’s clasp hand around Diana’s wrist.Seeing this, Diana did her part as she whispered, bracing herself for the onslaught of pain that was being forcibly held back by her magic. “Eresos.”Diana immediately felt the surging pain as soon the spell unblocked the backlash of
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Prelude To War
Standing between Diana and the enchanted Luke Cain was no other than Dylan Cain.His grip around Diana’s wrist was gentle, but no matter how much Diana pull her wrist from him, it would not budge.Through gritted teeth and sharp glare, Diana asked in a low voice. “What are you doing?”“I am stopping you.” His gaze was gentle ye his tone was firm. With his free hand, he caressed Diana’s cheek.“Are you protecting him?”“I don’t want you to be blind with anger and regret things later on, Diana.” He called her by her name, a telltale sign that he was serious.Closing her eyes for a split minute, Diana drew a deep breath. The moment she opened her eyes, the red hue that almost covered her sclera vanished. With a wave of her free hand, she expelled the freezing spell she cast on Luke Cain.Seeing this, Dylan let go of Diana. He knew deep down that Diana needed to vent her anger, but for him, it was enough that she had dirtied her hands with blood from saving him from the clutches of the Ge
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Blowing Off Some Steam
The moment Diana’s scream ended, she collapsed, turning her surrounding in a state of chaos. While everyone had their eyes on Diana while keeping an eye on their edgy Blood Alpha, they did not see how Luke Cain slipped away like a dead man walking.The next moment Diana realized, she was already inside her room with Dylan curled by the bedside. Her hand was cramped and sweaty as he held it with a secured grip even in his sleep.It had been three weeks already.“Where is Sonja’s… remains?” These were Diana’s words the moment she had regained a semblance of consciousness. The familiar canopy over her shifted to the worried face of her mate.Dylan’s imposing and immaculate bearing was nowhere to be seen as he looked down at her with a set of turbulent sapphire eyes. His gaze pinned on her trembled with worry and affection, easing Diana’s pain significantly.“Are you okay, now? Does it hurt somewhere? Are you hungry?”Before Diana could even answer Dylan’s frantic questions, he had alread
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To War
Diana watched the departing members of the alliance. “Did they receive the gift I prepared?” Rakiz Lemoir, who was a step behind Diana, glanced at the tablet he was holding as if he was confirming something then he nodded. “They received it.” He whistled. “These trackers from the human continent brought by Soleyah Haynes are very useful indeed!” Diana turned around and headed back to the pack’s training ground. Unlike the usual days, she was not wearing a maternity dress. Instead, she wore a pair of stretchable pants, a white shirt that hugged her belly perfectly, and a black leather jacket. She paired it with her infamous combat boots as her hair was tied in a clean braid. Walking past the dazed Sally, Diana stopped a foot away from her. “Are you sure that you don’t want to be with them?” A self-deprecating smile appeared on Sally’s face. “So what if I want them? I am an omega with no hidden bloodline like you, Luna Diana. My will alone cannot pave the way for our cursed fate.”
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To War II
“Talia, are you sure about this?” Talia, who was now clad in a black backless dress paired with beige-colored combat boots, looked back and met Alpha Liam’s gaze beneath his gold-rimmed glasses. She shrugged and combed her hair. “I owe this to Diana.” “There are six of us who are your mates. Isn’t it enough for us to join this war when we could have turned a blind eye to this?” Just like always, among the six alphas, Liam was the one who had the shrewdest mindset. “What you owe to them is none of my business. But my life… my rules. My debt, my rules. I hope we made that clear, Alpha Liam.” A glint of defiance flickered beneath her gaze as she met his eyes head-on. After all, as their mate, she had the privilege of talking back at the six alphas of Night Prowlers Pack without the fear of being beheaded. Alpha Liam grinned. In a blink of an eye, he had closed the distance between him and Talia. With his arms trapping her escape routes, Talia found herself in between Liam’s muscled
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The Crimson Moon Pack's Stand
“Alexander,” greeted Soleyah to the man who was only clad in his shorts. It took her a few seconds to peel her gaze from his broad chest. She looked straight into his eyes, thoroughly reminding herself that she was no longer his ‘little sister’. She was his equal—an alpha female by birthright. “Soleyah.” Alexander’s deep voice that called his name made Soleyah focus her gaze on his sensual lips. She could not help but remember those nights when she screamed in pleasure from those lips of his. Shaking her head, she cleared her throat and asked. “What’s the matter? Are you going to stop me again?” “Will you even listen if I do?” Helplessness flashed beneath his crimson eyes as he stared at her. “I am here to ask you one more time, will you come with me? The Werewolf Committee is not your main concern. I can help you rebuild your strength as an alpha in your pack.” Soleyah sneered. Gone was the desire in her heart, replaced with disappointment and anger. “You are wasting your time.
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