All Chapters of Sweetly Possessive : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
30 Chapters
Lawrence's P.O.VI've known for a while how I feel about her but I can't bring myself to admit that its love.It's a weak feeling, that I can't afford to have, it has hurt me, cause me to loose a lot, brought out great selfishness in me, and I vowed that I wouldn't love anyone again. Then, she came around and destroyed all my plans of never loving again without me noticing until I fell deep.Since the day I set my eyes on her at the board room, I knew but I acted tough and rough towards her thinking that will make it either reduce or stop but it just made it grow stronger as I couldn't bear to see her cry or upset especially because of me.I don't know what to do cause it's driving me insane just to look at her and not be able to show her what and how I feel.Since she came into my life, I haven't hurt anyone, thrown any anger tantrum or even fired anyone. There's this serene calmness that washes over me when she's around.I'll have to keep my feelings at bay because her safety is m
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Trina's P.O.V What I saw when I opened the door was pure panic on his face. His facial expressions have become more visible lately, before you couldn't tell what he was thinking but now I seem to be able to read into almost very emotion he feels."What happened Lawrence?". I said already also in panic mode, cause I'm sure seeing someone that doesn't ever have a facial expression express panic in all his features, would make anyone panic. The way he slumped on the wall by my door, the way his face looked like he was having an attack and his voice, oh his voice sounded scratchy and tired, of course I couldn't help but panic too."Oh, you're okay. You're okay". He breathed out and you don't need an interpreter to tell you that it was a breath of relief, this should've made me confused but I know that this has to do with the Rainers."I am, are you". I had to ask cause he was the one looking sick, but he answered me with a bone crushing hug, I should love this hug but my bones seem like
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The Kidnap
Lawrence's P.O.VIt's been three days since I brought Trina here, and although it's unreal living with her, I can't shake off the feeling that we are being watched. I have surveillance all over the house but I'm still on edge maybe because Trina doesn't want to stay in the same room with me and it's messing with my head, every time I hear something drop, my heart speeds up. The message the Rainers sent me didn't help matters either 'we're everywhere, and we'll get what we want'. I never get scared or shaken but back then I had nothing to loose, now I have Trina and I can't loose her, it would kill me. You must have wondered why I haven't gone to the police or used my connections to get back at the Rainers for what they did but I can't, due to the fact that they have a lot of dirt on me as much as I have on them. When they took Diana from me, in a fit of rage I ordered my men to kill Vincent Rainers mother and I didn't regret it cause Diana died over a stupid misunderstanding."Law
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Trina's P.O.VI regained my consciousness in a vehicle and started struggling, but was hit with something very hard that I couldn't see as I was blindfolded, making me loose my consciousness once again. The next thing I know, I found myself in a room, all alone. At first, I was confused but then it dawned on me that I had been kidnapped , then I went from confused to scared of not knowing what would happen next.Will they kill me?Torture me and leave me to die slowly, or worse Rape me?!!! Panic began to rise in me and although I felt like crying, I didn't.No one has touched you yet and you wanna cry, what will you do when they actually come for you?. A voice in my head speaks (I'm not the only one that has both an optimistic and pessimistic voice in my head, am I?) But then I braced myself, ready for anything that comes up but then was I really ready? A soft knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts and to say I was scared of what awaits me on the other side of the door wo
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The Rescue
Lawrence's P.O.VI can't seem to find her and to say I'm frustrated would be an understatement. I've been going crazy, I can't sleep, I can't sit still or stand still. Every moment I feel like something is happening to her and I can't stand that thought."Lawrence, you need to eat. She wouldn't want to see you like this". My mother says from the door. I specifically told my men to keep her out of this. They're good for nothing."Mom, I- i...". I tried to form a sentence but she beat me to it."I know that you didn't want me to know about this but how do you expect to go through this alone, you always want to do everything yourself. You have us, and we're with you every step of the way,okay?". She smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder and although I don't know how to show it, I'm so grateful right now. Then my brother, sister and Father, yes I mean Mr Basma, my 'i don't care about anything or anyone' father is here also. Before I had time to react to all of them being here toget
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Trina's P.O.VI can't move, I can't talk, I can't do anything but hear. I feel trapped in my own body.I've heard his voice several times and it always breaks my heart when he cries and I can't do anything. I wanna touch him but I can't move, I want to tell him it's okay but I can't seem to be able to move my lips.I miss everything so much, especially him. It's so dark here and I'm scared because I'm alone. Yes, I hear his voice but far away and although I want to come out of here I can't. It's all darkness.Suddenly, I felt a sensation in my hand, it feels like warm hands on mine. The feeling from this hand us familiar I wanna see whose hand this is. I start to struggle but it seems like I'm being pushed deeper into the darkness. I try and try and try but I can't seem to defeat whatever is holding me down but then a voice with great pain and sadness attached to it said "come back to me please". I began to struggle harder to free myself from this dark pit someone is waiting for me,
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Lawrence's P.O.VI can't focus on anything. It's been 5months and 11 days, yes, I've been counting.She still hasn't woken up and I'm not sure how I feel but I can assure you, they aren't good feelings. My greatest regret is that, I couldn't get a hold of the Rainers, most especially Vincent but I swear I will, no matter what it takes. The doctors have told me to take her off life support as she's experiencing a lot of pain. I would've consented to them taking it off cause as I wouldn't want to cause her more pain.The day the doctor told me this, I secluded myself away from everyone in order to think clearly. I would literally lose my mind if she dies. I mean, I didn't even get to tell her how much I love her, I couldn't take good care of her, I put her in so much danger. Would I ever be able to move on?.That same night, I dreamt about her ; Trina Trina! Wait please!". I shouted at the top of my lungs as I spotted her running towards the darker part of the tunnel. "I can't stop
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Three Beautiful Words
Trina's P.O.V What I saw when I woke up made my heart flutter, it was Lawrence holding me and patting my head with a smile on his face, and I held him tighter knowing that he'd been awake for hours watching me as I slept but the action caused me to gasp from pain, making him jump with a scared expression on his face."I'm sorry, did I hurt you ?". He asked, looking at my face for any sign pain in my expression or eyes but I put a mask on because the pain I feel right now and since I woke up the first time is horrible. But I won't say that cause he'll blame himself and I don't want that."I'm fine, I'm fine. You didn't hurt me".I hurriedly replied and smiled to assure him, and then he physically relaxed. He continued patting my hair as we were seated looking at me with a warm smile playing on his inviting lips."Trina, I want hold you, I want you kiss you, I want you close to me. Call me cringe but I almost lost my mind when you were unconscious. I couldn't sleep properly, I could
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Yes, the doctor said I should take it easy, but Lawrence is taking it too far. He's been carrying me everywhere literally.I know he's been caring and all but it's overwhelming. Sometimes he'll peck me on the lips and in his eyes and rapid breathing, I can see that he wants more. One time, he kissed me and advanced a little and I was so happy that he was stopped restraining himself but my happiness was cut short as he stopped in between laying hot kisses on my neck.I wanted to scream for him to continue but I held myself back as I knew I was not fully healed.I am now though, but he still treats me like a glass that would shatter at any moment and if there's one feeling I hate it's being over dependent on someone.I'm not angry, I just want more."Lawrence it's me. Open up". I heard a female voice from the other side of the door so I go ahead and open it revealing his mom and another really pretty lady."Good day ma'am, but Lawrence is not home". I smiled at her despite her deep frow
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Him and I
"Wanna know something?" Lawrence asks me, looking all smiley with his eyes not focused on me. It looked like he was reminiscing about something."Yeah, what is it?". I asked, suddenly very curious due to his facial expression. "I've loved you for a long time now, can't actually say when or how. I knew when I found out that I was conscious of everything you do and found them all beautiful. From the way you walk around the mirror when dressed up, to the way you smile when you see chocolates. I love it when you scrunch up your nose at the smell of sour food, when you pull your hair after claiming to look bad in every hairstyle. I love it the most when I watch you wake up". He smiled and looked back at me with his eyes gleaming brightly.He looked really happy but I was wondering how anyone would like to see me immediately after I wake up.I mean I always look like a ghost. He's being sarcastic, right?I asked myself as I looked back at him but all I see is seriousness but with a smile
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