All Chapters of To Be Yours Again: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
1401 Chapters
Chapter 151 I'm Warning You
Alec leaned back on the chair, grinning from ear to ear. "I wonder if Jenny becomes aware of your feelings for her, would she still treat you like a brother?"Despite Alec's threat, Gilbert was unfazed. Instead, he asked, "Are you close with Jenny? Do you think she'll believe you or me if you told her that?"Alec fell silent as he knew that Jenny would undoubtedly believe in Gilbert."Well, if you would continue being only a brother to her, I won't have to tell her," he replied. Gilbert snorted in response. "No matter what becomes of my relationship with Jenny, I won't allow you to be with her!"The door to the study opened just as the two were about to confront each other, and Jenny and Zack walked into the living room."Gilbert?"Jenny immediately noticed the tension in the room and circled the two of them suspiciously.Gilbert's gaze softened instantly when he heard her voice. "Jenny, have you fixed it?" he asked, turning his head."Well, I've already sent the video to
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Chapter 152 Problem
They caught quite a bit of attention in the grocery store. In addition to their dashing and beautiful appearance, they were not unknown members of the public.Fortunately, the video recorded by the surveillance cameras in the hotel had been uploaded to the Internet, and it clearly showed that Jenny had been knocked unconscious and brought into the room. It successfully cleared the suspicion surrounding her.At the moment, the police were spending their best efforts tracking down the burly men who had brought her to the hotel, and they were convinced that useful findings would arrive soon."What would you like to eat, Jenny?" Gilbert all but ignored everyone. His gaze was fixed on Jenny as if she was the only person in his world. Jenny, on the other hand, didn't like being stared at. She took out a mask from her bag and put it on, "Well, anything is fine. Anything you cook is great.""Well, in that case, I'll decide what we'll have for dinner," Gilbert replied.Jenny nodded in re
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Chapter 153 Don't Even Think About It
To their surprise, however, no one did anything. Nothing happened to them all the way home. It made Alec wonder if he had been overly cautious.When Gilbert was busy in the kitchen, Alec received a call from Vincent. Despite the report he received, he was still anxious. After hanging up, he returned to the living room and shook his head at Jenny.Jenny breathed a sigh of relief. A lot had happened recently, and she really didn't want anything bad to happen again."Let me help you." Jenny walked into the kitchen and helped Gilbert make dinner.In the living room, Alec and Zack, who were not very familiar with each other, were left alone. Although Zack was not as hostile toward Alec as Gilbert, he wasn't very nice to him, either. He gave Alec a look and said, "There's no point pretending to be courteous. Jenny isn't superficial.""Well, you're right." Alec didn't want to argue with him. After all, he had nothing against Zack. Plus, he was Jenny's brother, so Alec would be stupid to
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Chapter 154 A Difficult Decision
When Jenny came out of the kitchen, she spotted Zack and Alec engaged in a conversation, and she could barely believe her eyes. She recalled how loudly Zack had cursed Alec when she divorced him. How did they become friends so quickly?"Zack," Jenny called. "What are you talking about?"As if he had been caught doing something wrong, Zack quickly sat up straight and said seriously, "Nothing. Just small talk."Feeling guilty, he didn't dare to look Jenny in the eyes. It was all Alec's fault for making such a generous offer. On top of that, Alec didn't ask anything from him, so the opportunity was like a treasure falling from the sky.Jenny found his behavior suspicious, and she clearly did not believe him.Just as she was about to question him, Alec approached her. "Is the food ready? Do you need my help?""No, you're our guest, so just sit there and wait for dinner to be served," Jenny replied.Alec didn't argue with her. Truth be told, he didn't feel like helping Gilbert. "Are
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Chapter 155 My Ex-husband
Jenny was the calmest among them. She continued eating as if she couldn't hear what they were saying. After she was done with her food, she took Gilbert's plate and filled his plate with food, saying, "This food is amazing."Gilbert received the plate Jenny handed to him, understanding what she was trying to say.Alec stared at Jenny, waiting for her to refill his plate too. To his disappointment, Jenny did not. Nevertheless, he quickly got over it. After all, Gilbert and Jenny were siblings. It was only natural for her to do that.Although Gilbert and Alec stopped squabbling, dinner wasn't exactly harmonious.Once dinner was over, Alec couldn't find another excuse to stay. "Are you going back to Perry Residence? I can give you a ride."Jenny shook her head. "No, you go back first.""Okay." Alec nodded, then he left Gilbert's house.After he left, Jenny turned to Gilbert and frowned. "You don't need to talk to him like that.""Jenny, I'm just worried that you—""He is my ex-hu
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Chapter 156 You Want Me to Let Her Go?
Alec showed her his injured arm, saying, "My grandfather is there. I don't want to worry him."When he said that, Jenny felt worse. "Hey, you don't need to move out...""It's okay. I'm fine staying in Faust Mansion, though it's a little far away from work." Alec smiled at her, not wanting to make her feel bad. Aside from not wanting to worry Old Mr. Faust, there was another reason why he didn't return to Faust Mansion.When they went grocery shopping, he kept feeling as if someone was staring at them. Although nothing had happened, he was still worried, so he decided to stay in Perry Residence. That way, he could be there as soon as possible if anything happened, but of course, he wouldn't tell Jenny that.Checking the time, Jenny realized that it was almost 10.00 pm. Seeing that Vincent hadn't arrived, she said, "You can't just wait here. You can wait at my place first.""Won't troublesome?" Alec hesitated. Although he was thrilled, her invitation made him nervous."No
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Chapter 157 Who?
Jenny grew up in Orchid Village. She had grown up there for as long as she could remember, and everything there was familiar to her.As a child, she started to learn various skills. However, she didn't learn them from school but from the teachers in the village. She always thought that her teachers were amazing as they knew everything.Back then, she didn't think it was strange. She thought children in other villages all grew up the same way.She eventually matured into an adult, studied in Parrington, earned her master's and doctorate degrees, and married Alec. The more she learned, the more Orchid Village seemed off to her.Every teacher in the village who taught her was a master of their craft. For example, Mr. Birkett was a famous painter. However, he stayed in that village just to be her teacher. There had to be a reason, but Jenny didn't know why.She had asked her grandfather before but didn't get an answer. All he told her was not to think too much, and she would know the
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Chapter 158 Answer My Questions Properly
Alec was worrying too much, for nothing happened that night. Early the next morning, Jenny received a call from Mr. Chapman informing her that the man who had knocked her out had been caught. The interrogation had already begun, and he asked if she wanted to drop by.Jenny immediately agreed to go. After getting ready, she headed out to the police station. When she opened the door, Alec opened the door to his apartment at the same time, as if he had sensed that she was going out."Good morning," Alec said. "Good morning," she greeted in return.After closing their doors, they headed to the elevator together. Jenny broke the silence, saying, "Mr. Chapman said that the culprit has been arrested, so I'm going to the police station.""Okay, take care." Alec couldn't help smiling, sensing that his relationship with Jenny was improving.He didn't follow her to the police station because he had received an unexpected call the night before, so he had to attend to someone else that day
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Chapter 159 No Chance Left
Jonathan was stunned. He thought that Jenny would only ask him about the person behind his actions like Mr. Chapman had done. Her question caught him by surprise."Since you're so skilled, I believe the person who taught you must be very skilled too. Perhaps I know them?" Jenny grinned at him as if she was talking to an old friend instead of a foe who had knocked her unconscious. At the mention of his teacher, Jonathan lowered his head, feeling extremely guilty."Do they know what you did?" Jenny asked.As soon as he heard her, his expression changed drastically. He glared at her viciously, shouting, "I did this of my own volition. It has nothing to do with my teacher!""Nothing to do with your teacher?" His statement was a joke in Jenny's ears. "A teacher and their student are one. A teacher's honor lies in their students. Of course, your teacher would feel humiliated if you do bad things."Jonathan gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He knew that she was speaking the tru
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Chapter 160 Will He Marry You?
When Jenny left the police station, she gave Zack a call. "I need your help to investigate someone, Zack."Immediately, she sent Jonathan's information to him. Although she knew she wouldn't find any evidence against Yvonne, she wanted to know why Jonathan would work for her.After putting away her phone, she took a taxi to the hospital. There were too many things going on recently, so she took a few days of leave from work. Since the case was coming to an end, it was time for her to return to work. She believed it would just be a matter of time before Gilbert and Max made the Dickmans go bankrupt.Things progressed the way Jenny had expected. After Steven's death, Gilbert and Max landed heavier blows against the Dickmans, giving them no way out.Sensing the crisis the Dickmans were facing, everyone in Parrington began to cancel their business deals with them. The Dickmans were already facing attacks from Gilbert and Max. Now that many customers were canceling their business deals
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