All Chapters of To Be Yours Again: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
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Chapter 171 Miss Dickman, You Have Asked the Wrong Person
Yvonne went on without letting Jenny get a word in. "Alec brought me home to have dinner with Grandpa because we're going to be family soon and will be getting in touch more often. Do you agree?""Miss Dickman, you have asked the wrong person. I'm not interested in the fact that you're family." Jenny rolled her eyes at Yvonne and went into the living room, ignoring the two. She didn't say a word to Alec or acknowledge him, as though he did not exist."Alec…""Can't you shut up?" He looked at Yvonne and admonished her with a cold voice. Currently, he was in a foul mood, especially when he saw Jenny's indifferent attitude. He almost ran to her and grabbed her, asking what else he could do to matter to her.Yvonne felt the iciness from his attitude, sending her trembling from head to toe. She understood that, despite the rumors, Alec had never promised to marry her. Although he had not objected to the idea, his vague response worried her, as she felt he would not forgive her.Old Mr.
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Chapter 172 Away for a Few Months
The dinner was uncomfortable for Jenny. She had to watch as Yvonne fed Alec across from her and whispered sweet nothings. At one point, she regretted accepting Old Mr. Faust's invitation.She also noted Alec's ambivalence toward Yvonne—he did not respond to her, but neither did he turn down her advances. That was typical jerk behavior.When she was silently badmouthing Alec, the two suddenly locked eyes. Feeling caught, she hurriedly looked away and pretended that nothing had happened.Old Mr. Faust was unconcerned by the odd atmosphere surrounding the dinner table and turned to Jenny. "Jenny, are you free tomorrow? Want to go hiking with me?""Grandpa, tomorrow won't do." She put down her cutlery. "The hospital has arranged for me to work at one of its free clinics in the countryside. I'll only be back after a few months.""How many months will you be posted?" Old Mr. Faust appeared shocked and glanced at Alec. Alec froze upon learning that she'd be away, but he soon collected
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Chapter 173 Get Me Into Trouble With Him
After Old Mr. Faust left, the atmosphere in the living room became tense. Jenny checked the time and decided to leave as she needed to pack her belongings for the trip tomorrow.She stood up. "It's getting late. I shall excuse myself."Alec followed suit. He walked over to her. "Grandpa told me to take you on a walk around the Old Mansion. If you leave right now, you'll only get me into trouble with him.""I won't…""Cool. If so, follow me. It's just a walk around the grounds. Do you even worry about that, Dr. Walter?" He insisted aggressively without giving her a chance to leave. Jenny was reluctant to be shown around the house, especially if it meant spending time alone with Alec. She turned to Yvonne and said, "Miss Dickman, why don't you join us? I don't want to cause any misunderstanding.""Sure—" Yvonne answered."Yvonne isn't that petty. There won't be any misunderstanding," Alec cut Yvonne off. Her expression crumbled, but she quickly put on a smile. "Alec's right. Mi
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Chapter 174 You Care About My Marriage, Don't You?
Enraged, Jenny decided to leave. She could not stand another minute around Alec. However, at the height of her emotions, she didn't realize that she had overreacted to his question.Refusing to let her leave, Alec pushed her up against the wall. "If the marriage has nothing to do with you, why are you agitated?""Am I? I'm not," she denied and shook her head, but she felt guilty about lying. She admitted that she might have overreacted."But why? I shouldn't have overreacted!" she thought."You care about my marriage, don't you?" He was inches away from her. His deep voice rang in her ears, seducing her. She looked up and was about to deny his claim, but she found herself meeting his tender gaze and was captivated by it. Silence fell between them. She didn't say a word. All they could hear was each other's breathing.Feeling hot and losing his restraint, Alec looked down and moved his lips closer to her forehead. At this time, Jenny felt she must push him away and slap him in th
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Chapter 175 How Dare You Compare Yourself to Her?
In the end, Yvonne didn't lay a finger on Jenny because someone held her back even before Jenny reached out to stop her."Alec…" Yvonne's heart sank when she saw Alec appearing out of nowhere. She was anxious that he might get angry at her for trying to slap Jenny.Jenny looked at him as well. Since he approached from the front, she guessed he might have taken a detour from the other side of the wall."Huh, he must be afraid that he'd get busted by Yvonne," Jenny thought. "He's a huge jerk for dragging me along while worrying about Yvonne finding out."Still, she was mostly angry at herself. After learning that Alec was a jerk, she still fell for his seduction. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to slap him to calm her anger.Yvonne's wrist was in pain from Alec's tight grip, and she almost fell to her knees. "Alec, I…" Tears welled up in her eyes as she searched for an excuse. He let go of her and said in a strict but doting tone, "Dr. Walter is Grandpa's guest.
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Chapter 176 The Textbook Case of a Jerk
"Did you do that to her on purpose because you wanted her jealous? Are you just using me?" Yvonne demanded answers, but Alec ignored all her questions. She didn't let it slip. In fact, she didn't expect an answer from him, for she already knew the truth. Inexplicable rage filled her, and she howled at him, "Why? Why did you do this to me? Am I not as good as her? Why can't you work on accepting me?"He snickered and said coldly, "Why did I do that to you? Don't you know that you deserve this? Yvonne, you could've had a good life, but you walked down the wrong path. I'm keeping you around because you are of use to me. Else, I would have…" He paused and added, "Did you really believe that the cover-up was perfect? Framing Jenny for Steven's murder? If I want to look into a case, you bet I'll get to the bottom of it."Yvonne stumbled backward in shock. She believed it when he said he was capable of uncovering the truth. Cornered, she bit her lips and gave him a pitiful look. "Alec, I'm
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Chapter 177 Blind to the Truth
When Old Mr. Faust finished talking, Alec chuckled and asked, "Is Jenny angry? Why do I feel that she doesn't care?"He desperately wanted to pick up any emotions, including anger, from Jenny's expression, but he found nothing. She had an air of indifference regarding his relationship with other women or his lack of protection for her."You're blind to the truth. I'm sure Jenny's angry at you," Old Mr. Faust assured him. Alec glanced at him but wondered if he was telling the truth. After all, his grandpa could say anything just to get them back together. After a pause, he said, "Maybe. Anyway, you don't have to worry about this. I'll handle it.""You will?" Old Mr. Faust sounded unconvinced. "You'd better not mess up and anger her even more." Judging from Alec's actions, he might come up with ways to make Jenny hate him more.Alec glared at Old Mr. Faust and wondered, "Is he really my grandpa?""I'm going home. You should rest early." Alec gave up on arguing with his grandpa bec
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Chapter 178 Ignore Them
The next day, Alec arrived at the Perry Residence, only to find that Jenny had boarded the earliest flight to Claymond City. He called Vincent to get the location of Jenny's program. In the end, he reminded Vincent, "Send me all her latest updates in the future."He refused to be put in a passive position anymore. After the call, he drove to the Faust Group office. During the trip, he made another call to Max, saying, "There's an arranged marriage between the Dickmans and the Blooms. I'm afraid you can't acquire Dickman LLC with Gilbert anymore." "So? What's your reason for calling?" It was rare for Max not to take jabs at Alec. Not only that, he sounded exhausted.Alec passed by the building of Dickman LLC during the call. He slowed down and glanced at it. Then, he muttered, "I like Dickman LLC's building.""Huh?" Max thought he had misheard Alec. "I'll join forces with you to stop the Blooms from helping the Dickmans," Alec suggested.Max instantly sat up straight and asked s
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Chapter 179 A Rare Moment of Peace
Alec's concerns for Jenny were unfounded. Jenny, who grew up in a village, adjusted immediately to life in Clearwater and even took a liking to it because the village reminded her of her old life in Orchid Village."Dr. Walter, this is your accommodation. Let me know if you have any issues with it." The village chief brought Jenny to a hotel—the only one in the village. She checked out the old but clean hotel and said, "I'm happy with it. Sorry for the trouble.""No, it's no trouble at all!" The chief shook his head. He heard from the higher-ups that the doctor who volunteered this time was skilled, and because of that, he was attentive to her needs.After Jenny had placed her luggage in her room, the chief informed her, "We don't have Internet in the village. Come to my house if you want to make calls. I have a landline."Before arriving at Clearwater, Jenny had learned about the internet situation. She wasn't surprised and replied, "Sure. I'll come to you if I need anything."
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Chapter 180 I Never Thought You'd End up Like This
The Blooms would only help the Dickmans if Yvonne married Sam as soon as possible. Dickman LLC wouldn't last long under the current circumstances otherwise.Although the wedding venue was magnificently decorated, one could tell that it was hastily set up. Alec attended the event upon receiving the invitation out of respect for the Blooms, even if he couldn't care less about the Dickmans.The Blooms were as influential as the Fausts in Parrington. Not only that, the family had a long history of doing business. The Fausts started to build their empire from Old Mr. Faust's generation, but it was nothing compared to the Blooms, who had hundreds of years of history and owned countless assets just like the Fausts.At the event, Alec listened to the conversations around him with a glass of wine in his hand. Most of the guests were mocking the marriage.Max and Gilbert were among the guests as well. Even though they were in a bitter fight with the Dickmans, they attended the event out of c
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