Semua Bab The Rejected Lunas: Bab 81 - Bab 90
113 Bab
Chapter 7 - The white Spirit
Chapter 7 - The white Spirit “Geminie, we can’t keep her here at the temple. The moonstone is proof enough that she is in deed the lost Princess” Muffled voices reach my ears, bringing me out of the darkness. “What do you mean? I grew up with Crysta.” “What Amberle means is that I am the daughter of the Current Moon Goddess. Crystalline is the daughter of the first Moon Goddess.” I wish for those speaking to be silent. The pain is just too much to bear and being woken when I should be healing is not a nice feeling. “Shit, why is it glowing?” Someone exclaims. Glowing? What’s glowing? “She is being summoned by some one. My stone glows when one of the Goddesses want to talk to …”… A soft breeze caresses my skin, the scent of moon flowers reaching my nose and bringing me from the darkness that consumes me. “I am happy to see you are awake.” A man’s voice from my right calls ou
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Chapter 8 – Allies
Chapter 8 – Allies “We need to start her training as soon as possible. With Prince Coro’s antics becoming even more dangerous than the next, who knows what can happen in the next few years.” A voice with a musical lilt floats through the air, reaching my ears as consciousness slowly returns. “Trust me, Crysta can take anyone down.” Matrix retorts with a huff to this mysterious person. “I believe she can, but her brother is a tricker person. He has ways of killing without a trace.” Another voice, one I recognize as Geminie, argues back. I frown, deciding that now is a good time to wake up if the wolves in the room decided to continue talking about me. I need to know what they know in order to prepare myself for what ever fate has in store for me. With a sigh, I open my eyes and am met with a canopied setting, realizing I am laying on a canopy bed. Turning to the sounds of the voice, I notice Geminie with her mate sitting close together on
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Chapter 9 – Lessons
Chapter 9 – Lessons Groaning, I shut the history book on the desk in frustration, wondering who’s god-awful idea it was to have me learn the history of wolves – the entire history of wolves might I add. Deep inside the library in the Temple of the Goddess surrounded by shelves full of books, Ira watches over me, her sharp knowing gaze showing her amusement at my frustration. “You need to know everything Crystalline. A knowing ruler is the best ruler.” She states, turning back to the paper work spread out on her own desk. “I get that. Its just, considering I grew up in the palace, I am pretty sure I know all that needs to be known.” Laying my head on the desk, I close my eyes for a moment to take a break. The smell of the old books and stone shelves bringing a sort of peace to me even if I find reading constantly torturing to my mind. “Do you know how Coro managed to life for all these years? Or how he amassed his powers?”
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Chapter 10 – Bitter Sweet Decision
Chapter 10 – Bitter Sweet Decision I sit in front of the Moonstone orb, questioning if I should put my hands on it or not. Three weeks have passed since Ira brought me to this room and every day I would spend an hour either before training or after training, staring at it, wondering if I am ready to know the answers to my questions. Sadly the answer is always no. I am not ready because there is so much I need to learn, so much I need to do before I can ask the questions needed for me to beat Coro and Alexander. “You ready to go?” I jump as Geminie comes up behind me, Destiny in her arms. “Almost. I just wanted to spend an hour alone and figured this would be the safest place.” I admit, standing and making my way towards the Future Goddess. I smile at Destiny, taking the toddler into my arms when she reaches out to me and resting her against my hip. “Well you’ll be leaving in a few hours. I think this trip will be good for
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Chapter 11 – A Journey with new friends
Chapter 11 – A Journey with new friends I sigh as I pull over, my tears blurring my vision and making me unable to drive. It’s been two hours since I left the temple and it takes everything not to turn back and return. But I can’t. I have to keep going and make my way to Toronto in order to hide from Alexander and to find my own way in life before I can take the throne. Taking deep breaths, I wipe away the tears and calm myself down. Even with the feeling of home sickness kicking in harder than I expected. Deciding I need some fresh air, I turn the hummer off and step outside, making sure to bring my silver dagger with me before locking the vehicle. Thankfully, I had pulled into a rest stop that leads to a hiking trail, no one would question a car left unattended here. With a smile, I walk into the forest, relishing in the freedom of being one with nature for a moment without any constraints. Awwwwooooooooh My foot steps pause at the sou
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Chapter 12 – A Lawful Vampire
Chapter 12 – A Lawful Vampire “Is this the place?” Blake asks as we pull into a parking lot. I smile at the pup turning to see his siter Alice fast asleep in the back seat, her golden hair shinning after our night in the motel room and having access to a proper bath. “Yes. We can talk to the Lawyer about making me your legal guardian.” I answer, seeing the hope in the thirteen year old’s eyes. With a chuckle, I climb out of the vehicle and make my way to Alice’s side, opening the door and gently shaking her. “Alice, we are here.” I coo to the nine year old, watching her slowly open her eyes. She yawns as Blake joins us, still a little weary of me even after three days on the road getting to know one another. “We’re here?” The little pup mumble out, rubbing her eyes. I chuckle, helping her unbuckle her seatbelt and lifting her into my arms. “Yes, we are here.” I reassure, closing and locking the car and mak
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Chapter 13 – Temporary Home
Chapter 13 – Temporary Home I groan at the multiple boxes around the room, realizing that I should have paid for the moving crew to build the furniture for me. I am an idiot and thought it would be easy. “Crystalline!” A voice calls out as the front doors open. “Upstairs Uncle Atti.” With a sigh, I lean against the wall and call down, the vampire appearing within second. “Hello young o– what’s with all the boxes?” His greeting is cut off as he too searches the room with a multitude of boxes laying about. “Furniture that needs to be built.” My grumbled response brings an amused smile to his lips as he ruffles my hair. “I told you to let the movers do it.” He chuckles, pulling me to his side in a hug. “I know. I should have listened but I wanted to try it on my own. Besides, the pups are with Heidi right now shopping for decorations for their rooms so I have time to work on f
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Chapter 14 – Albot the Rogue
Chapter 14 – Albot the Rogue “So why can’t we go into the garage?” Blake asks, his bright eyes shifting to the door that leads to the garage. I sigh, scooping a large portion of rice and steak slices into a bowl that will be for the new guest in my home before scooping out some food for Blake and Alice. “Because Crystalline decided to save a rogue used in a dog fighting operations.” Atticus chimes in, his fingers flying across his laptop. Since returning home, my uncle has not left his seat at the breakfast bar, intending to get to the bottom of this illegal stunt we witness and help save those rogues being abused for the amusement of hunters. I glare at him, before turning to smile at the pups and bringing a glass of orange juice to them. “You both already know I am the Lost Princess. So it’s my duty to help the wolves in need. The rogue needed me to help him.” I explain, watching as Alice accepts this before turning and gathering the f
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Chapter 15 – City Rogues
Chapter 15 – City Rogues “Alice, Blake time for breakfast.” I yell up the stairs for the two pups. Two years have passed since we have made this house our home. Since we came to Toronto and met Atticus. Two years of them slowly working on shedding their past and looking to their future. With a smile, I make my way back to the kitchen, Albot sitting at the breakfast bar reading the paper as Atticus works on his laptop as usual. “When are we going to tell them?” Albot asks, setting the paper down and joining me at the stove to swipe a piece of bacon from the plate. “Later tonight. I want to take them out today to go apple picking like we always do.” I sigh out, swatting away his hand as Albot tries to sneak another bacon off of the plate. I glare at him in warning, evading his out stretched hand as I move towards the breakfast bar where a spread of food is waiting just in time for a now sixteen year old Blake and a twelve year old Alice to
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Chapter 16 – Moving Back to Wolf Country
Chapter 16 – Moving Back to Wolf Country “Are you sure everything is packed up?” Atticus asks, his burgundy eyes filled with concern as he looks over every detail of the house we are saying goodbye to. Today is the day we leave to where the new pack will be, Alice and Blake excited to return to the forest and be a part of a proper pack that will treat them with respect. These last two years in the city has been good for all of us, especially when we would leave for summers with Bloodmoon or Silver Crystal Crescent to train. “Yes. Everything we will need is packed with us. Even the new furniture we plan to build once there. Ira even has a witch coming to help set up a secured pack line for us to prevent humans from wandering in if they aren’t mated to a supernatural.” I reassure the worrying vampire, wrapping my arms around him and giving him a long hug. I did not want to leave my uncle behind, I even offered to have him come live in the pack with us but
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