All Chapters of The Rejected Lunas: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
113 Chapters
Chapter 17 – Pack Astraea
Chapter 17 – Pack Astraea We reach finally reach what will be my new pack house, a three story Victorian styled building with a large, updated kitchen, offices and a large library on the second floor, and bedrooms for guests on the third. I stare in awe at the magnificent building, the white brick covered in ivy but all the chimneys seem to be clear as smoke puffs from them. This will be my home for another year. Then I will have to pass the title on to someone else once I take back the Royal Pack. “You made it!” A voice calls out as I exit the vehicle and see Geminie rushing towards me, giving me a hug. “Yeah. We had a bit of a situation before reaching the boundary.” I answer, Alice scurrying over to me with a smile on her face. “Hi Gemmy!” “Hi Ally-cat!” I chuckle as Alice launches herself into the future Moon Goddess’ arms. These two grew close as Geminie figured out Alice can see aura during our first
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Chapter 18 – A hard Conversation
Chapter 18 – A hard Conversation Sun light filtering through my window and onto my eyes has me waking from the sweet dream I was having. I sigh, closing my eyes for a moment to feel the power humming through my veins. It’s been three months since creating Astraea. Three months since we started accepting wolves to join. One day I will have to leave this pack to become Queen, so for now I will take this time in Astraea to practice being a fair and just leader. A groan beside me and a strong arm full of tattoos wrap around me, drawing me closer to a warm body. I smile, turning to face Albot who is fast asleep, his face peaceful as he tries to pull me closer. “Albot, we need to get up.” I whisper out, poking his cheek. He growls gently, pulling me even closer to him as he buries his face into my hair, inhaling my scent. I smile, relishing in his warmth and waiting for the day we can claim each other as mates. It’s something we talked about months after gett
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Chapter 19 – A Hidden Spy
Chapter 19 – A Hidden Spy Staring at the photos on my desk sent to my by Atticus, I sigh. It seems my hunch was right with not trusting her. Suddenly, the door to my office is thrown open and a frazzled looking Matrix walks in, his hair in disarray and his clothing crumpled. I haven’t seen him since last week when Maya and he got into a fight. “Crysta, I need your help.” He starts with, closing the door before pacing the length of the room. Putting the photos into the folder, I wait for Matrix to settle down and explain even though I would like to yell at him without knocking. He knows the rule of not barging into my office. I listen to him muttering to himself, running his fingers through his hair before plopping onto the chair in front of my desk with a pained groan. “It’s Maya. She has been demanding I mark her for over a year but I can’t. Something feels wrong when I am with her.” He complains. Studying his face, I see just how hagga
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Chapter 20 – Weeding out a Spy
Chapter 20 – Weeding out a Spy “You excited to return up north?” Marcie asks as I check off what I would need for this trip on my list. I grimace, thinking about how I was treated growing up and look my friend in the eye. “Honestly, no. That place was a nightmare. But if me taking the throne means bettering werewolf kind, then I will do it.” Marcie gives me a small smile before pulling me in for a hug, her comfort being something I need in this moment. We have a week to head up north, a week to see Alexander and Narin. My heart clenches at the mention of my ex-mate, the reminder that the bond has not yet broken when last night Albot had to hold me once more through the pain of Narin fucking some she-wolf. At one point, I thought about getting back at him, at allowing Narin to feel the pain I felt by giving in and allow Albot to swallow me in his touch. But I want my first time to be special. “I wish I can come with you, help take out tha
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Chapter 21 - Farewell Astraea
Chapter 21 - Farewell Astraea Filling my travel mug with coffee, groan at the magic bean juice waking me up. Albot woke those who are traveling north to the Royal Pack up at four in the morning, wanting everyone fully ready to leave by five thirty. We plan to bring thirty wolves out of the two hundred that joined Astraea, these wolves already devoting their loyalty to me as the Princess and not as their Alpha. They know the risk, have been training with Matrix in the ways of the Royal Pack Warriors. “You okay sunshine.” Marcie asks, her tired yet happy eyes running up and down my body. “I. Want. Sleep.” With a grown between each word, I walk into her open arms and allow my friend to hug me. She will be here, taking care of Astraea while we are gone, and having the wolves train in case of any retaliation from Coro. “I know hun. Albot said he will drive your Hummer so you can get your beauty sleep.” She teases with a chuc
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Chapter 22 – Royal Pack
Chapter 22 – Royal Pack “So this is the Royal Pack Lands.” Alice asks, her eyes scanning the border as we approach a patrol. Albot had called ahead an hour ago, letting the liaison of the pack know our estimated arrival. Now, we just wait for the guards to do their inspections before gaining the okay to enter their lands “We still have two hours to go before we reach the palace.” I inform her, doing my best to stay quiet and inconspicuous. “Do you think the charm Cassandra gave you will work?” Albot sighs out with worry, his eyes never leaving the Royal Guards as they search through the many vehicles we brought, their watchful eyes making sure there is no threat to Alexander. I stay silent, a guard coming towards my hummer with a worried look on their face. Albot rolls down the window, his features a mask of calm as he greets the wolf in front of him politely. “Alpha Albot, it looks like someone had silver on them, could
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Chapter 23 – Royal Ball
Chapter 23 – Royal Ball Once again I find myself standing before the grand door way to the ball room, my pack being one of the earlier guests to arrive. I swallow nervously, the memories of that happened last time I stood here flooding through my mind like a movie set to fast forward. I feel dizzy, worried with a slight unease settling in my stomach. With so many wolves around I realize in this moment that w e have only one option and that is to kill Alexander or die trying. My pack is already mingling with those who came to witness a new pack make an alliance with their King, their curious gazes on Albot and I as I cling to his arm and try my best to steady my frantically beating heart. Thankfully, no one has recognized me but that can change drastically if Narin ever gets close to me. [You okay Crystalline?] Albot asks, his eyes searching mine. [No but I will be.] I admit, snuggling closer to his side and eyeing all the
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Chapter 24 – Battle for the Throne
Chapter 24 – Battle for the Throne I watch from the corner of my eye Alexander flirting with a she-wolf, the low cut of her ball gown already proving her intention is to seduce someone here. It wouldn’t surprise me is Alexander sneaks away for a few moments with her after the ceremony has ended but she will not get that chance. With ten minutes till midnight, I plan to take Alexander down without hesitation. Since their arrival my pack has interceded Narin when he has made his rounds around the ball room, always stepping into his path to chat and ask about the possibility of joining the pack and becoming guards. This gave Albot and I a chance to avoid my ex, even giving us a moment to introduce ourselves to Alexander with Albot taking the roll of Alpha of Astraea and me his mate. To think that man I called my father for eighteen years would be tricked by the charm to hide my identity and look at me with lust. A disgusting man like this does not deserve
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Chapter 25 – Narin’s truth
Chapter 25 – Narin’s truth Sitting on my throne I watch as the maids of the palace run about happily chatting as they do their work. A week has passed since I killed Alexander, a week spent in settling the Royal Pack, weeding out traitors and fully accepting those who bend the knee to me into the pack. Everything seems like a blur, from throwing traitors into the dungeons to interrogating those that attended the ball to hosting a Zoom meeting with all of the Alpha’s around the world explaining the reason why Alexander was killed and my true identity. “Crystalline.” Albot calls out, his smile and soft gaze just for me as he approaches the throne, scooping me into his arms. The maids giggle, used to our display of affection for one another as he has done this many times in this stressful week. The worst part being when a maid walked in on us kissing on the balcony after me having a breakdown from the stress of dealing with traitors. “It’s
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Chapter 26 – A declaration of War
Chapter 26 – A declaration of War I glare at the wolf who dares challenge my decision of preparing the safe rooms through out the pack, the Head Warrior slowly shrinking back into his seat as he realizes that calling me a stupid little airhead was a mistake he could not afford. “Marco, it seems your retirement is coming up in a few years. Five if I am not mistaken.” Narin speaks from my left, he too glaring at the wolf that challenged me. “Th-that’s right Beta Narin.” Marco stutters out, a look of relief on his face. “Well, I think it should be earlier with how you have served the pack the last one hundred years as head of the Guards. See Butler Leo now and inform him her Grace has awarder you an early retirement. We can find your replacement later today.” I chuckle, secretly fist bumping my friend under the table as he defends me, watching as two Guards lift Marco from his seat and escort him out. True to his words, Nari
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