All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S AFFAIR : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
287 Chapters
Chapter 108
He took me by the hand and pulled me roughly towards the nearest window. Or should I say, the nearest full-length wall of glass. Outside, the lights of LA glowed softly in the darkness.“What – ?” I started to ask, but he answered by positioning me two feet away from and facing the glass. Then he stepped behind me.I was about to ask again what the hell was going on when I felt his fingers between my shoulder blades.The clasp came undone and my bra loosened. He nuzzled my neck, and I gasped with pleasure and closed my eyes. As his lips grazed the edge of my ear, he slid the straps off my shoulders, and my bra slipped to the floor.His muscular arms reached around me, engulfing me. His warm skin pressed against me, slid softly across mine. I felt the firmness of his chest and stomach next to my back, and the hardness of his manhood pressing against my backside.Then his hands reached up under my breasts, cupping them, supporting them, caressing them. I moaned as he played with their w
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Chapter 109
I felt something glide against my ass. Soft on the surface, but incredibly hard beneath, like a lead pipe wrapped in velvet.And radiating heat. My god, it was burning up.And very, very large.And thick.My knees shook. I turned around to look at it – I wanted to see it very, very badly – But suddenly, a hand grabbed the hair at the nape of my neck, gently but firmly, forcing my head up slightly.Oh God…I don’t know what it was. Nobody else had ever done that to me. If you had asked me before, I would have said I wouldn’t have liked it – somebody grabbing my hair, pulling my head?But in the moment, as turned on as I was……daaaaaamn. It was like he was totally in control of me. Dominating me. He was the Man, and I was the Woman. I was all his… and he knew it, and I knew it.And I loved it.I gasped.He leaned over me as he pulled me up slightly, my arms straightening out against the glass. I could feel his erection gliding over my ass. Heat radiated off his body onto my back as hi
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Chapter 110
We entered the bedroom still attached at the hips, more or less. Just front to bottom, not side by side.He walked me over to the bed, his shaft still inside me, and leaned me down almost vertical with the floor.“Get the cover off,” he urged me.“What?”“The sheets – pull back the sheets.”“Oh!”I twisted around slightly, giggling – I’d never done this before, not from this position – and pulled the coverlet and sheets halfway down the bed. Then he let me sink down on the mattress and put his full weight on top of me, never once pulling out of me.The sheets were amazing. Soft, silky – satin, maybe. All I know is that I was feeling a world of sensual delight against my back as I had a whole other world of sensual delights between my legs.Now that he didn’t have to ‘fight gravity,’ Connor began over again – slow thrusts at first, then increasing in speed and depth. The difference was that he moved his hands to my head, where he grasped my hair. Sometimes he stared me in the eye, some
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Chapter 111
All that came later, though.At the moment, I was in a luxurious penthouse hotel room, in the most exclusive hotel in Los Angeles……in the middle of a full-on freakout.I’d met him at my job, where I was a lowly secretary.Connor Brooks.Tall, dark, handsome, charming… a sculpted Adonis.He’d seduced me.Well, I mean, I was a willing participant from the get-go. Looking like he did, with his playful grin and occasionally infuriating cockiness, he didn’t have to try too hard.We’d had mind-blowing sex in the boardroom of my company. After hours, of course – I’m not that stupid. It was, however, a room I wasn’t even supposed to enter, ever, much less have sex on their super-posh carpet.Then he’d asked me to run away with him, to ignore work and my obligations and everything I was supposed to do, just so I could spend the rest of the evening – and maybe the weekend – with him.We’d wound up at the Dubai Hotel in West Hollywood, courtesy of his Bentley limo and his badass bodyguard/chauf
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Chapter 112
His lips brushed across mine, so soft and tender. A tiny kiss at the corner of my mouth, then back to my lips… then my cheek, light like a feather tickling against it… then a kiss on my chin, which he tilted up with his hand… and then back to my lips.I moaned slightly, my eyes closed, and he took my mouth with his. His tongue softly parted my lips, then caressed me as he kissed me deeply, sensually.His hand floated from my chin down to my shoulder, traced one finger along my arm, then slowly caressed my breast, his fingertips barely grazing my skin. He brushed the back of his finger light as silk over my nipple, and I felt it grow hard and stiff beneath his touch. A line of sweet pleasure pulsed directly down to my thighs, and I moaned as he kissed me harder.I turned my body so I was facing him, and let my hands wander out – blind, since I still had my eyes closed as he continued to kiss me. My hands settled against his sides and slid along the carved muscles of his belly. I traced
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Chapter 113
I think he pulled out of me and we nestled against each other, our breath caressing each other’s skin as we lay there in each other’s arms… I think, because about then my memory becomes hazy. I believe that was the point the wine and exhaustion took over.The next thing I knew, my eyes were squinting open in pain.The bedroom was dimly lit, with just a ghost of sunlight coming through those crazy sci-fi windows with the fade-up glass – but it felt like floodlights were aimed right at the back of my brain.A voice was coming from the other room, indistinct and muted.I looked over beside me and saw that Connor’s side of the bed was empty.I could still smell the lingering scent of his cologne in the rumpled sheets, though.Just beyond the bed, I saw a fancy digital clock on the nightstand.10:14 AM.Wow, it’s late…While I lay there, I took stock of my current condition.My head was pounding.My lady parts were… ah, tender, shall we say.My mouth felt like the Sahara.And I had to pee
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Chapter 114
I got out of the shower feeling – and looking – halfway human.After I toweled off with the world’s plushest towels, I wrapped up in a robe that was even thicker and softer. I wiped away the condensation and checked myself carefully in the mirror and cringed a little. I was scrubbed pink and clean, and no longer looked like a stoned raven had constructed a bird-townhouse in my hair, but…I think I look okay without makeup, and I definitely try to keep it light. I mean, that’s the point of makeup, so that they don’t immediately know you’re wearing makeup, right? Or at least so they don’t think, “Oh yeah… hooker.”But I would have killed to look as good as I could right now.I thought about getting my purse – – and went into full-on, nuclear alert, Defcon Five freak-out mode.Actually, I think Defcon One is the worst (nerd, nerd, nerd) – but Defcon Five sounds worse.And whatever sounds the worst, that’s what I was experiencing.Times ten.I’d left my purse back at work.With my wallet
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Chapter 115
I gave in out of shock – thrilled to feel his lips on mine again, the scratch of his stubble on my chin –And then I remembered how he’d just treated me the last three minutes.I pushed away from him.“Hey, hey, HEY, come on,” he said in a low voice, holding tight onto my arms. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry.”I stopped fighting and looked up at him.He broke out into a grin. “Good morning.”I sniffled a little and wiped one eye. “Good morning,” I mumbled.He kissed me again softly, and this time I let him.My heart fluttered, and I felt other parts flutter, too.But he broke it off quickly.“Look, something’s fallen apart, and I have to handle it,” he said. “Just go down to the pool for awhile, and I’ll be down to get you soon, okay?”I wiped my other eye, hesitated, and nodded as I sniffled. “Okay… but I don’t have anything to wear.”Connor frowned. “I got them to send up a whole rack of clothes for you! You don’t like anything?”Johnny’s voice floated up from the background. “She says
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Chapter 116
I rifled through about six different bathing suits and settled on a dark red Gucci bikini. Not that I had much of a choice – there were no one-pieces, which is what I vastly would have preferred.Johnny saw my unhappy expression. “What, you don’t like them?” he whispered, since Connor had gone back to shouting at his cell phone.“There’s only bikinis.”Johnny smirked. “That was Connor’s explicit instructions – bikinis only.”I looked around and glared at Connor.He looked at me like What now?!I held up the red bikini.Immediately he broke into a grin, gave me a thumbs-up, then turned around and started yelling again.I went back into the bedroom and changed.It fit well enough, but God I felt exposed. I kept tugging the top into place, worried that I might accidentally pull a Janet Jackson and have a wardrobe malfunction.Then I bundled back up in the robe and walked out to the rack and picked up a small pair of fancy leather flip-flops – by far the plainest, cheapest pair on the rac
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Chapter 117
I looked over in shock, halfway wondering, Who’s this gonna be, the general manager?But it wasn’t a hotel employee, unless the hotel allowed guys to walk around out of uniform.He was completely bald, but in a Jason Statham or Bruce Willis badass way, not a ‘needs Rogaine’ kind of way. He was slightly dark with olive skin. He was wearing a black short-sleeve shirt and black dress slacks, and his arms and chest were powerfully muscled underneath. His nose had been broken once and never healed straight. His jaw looked like it was made out of granite, and he was wearing black sunglasses that completely hid his eyes.He was kind of scary-looking, though his voice was pleasant enough.And he was standing just at the edge of the cabana.“Uh… yes. Yes, it is,” I agreed warily.“I have to tell you, I’ve been to hotels all over the world,” the man said, “and this ranks with the best of them. Best in Los Angeles, by far.”He had the lightest hint of an accent, but I couldn’t place it. It wasn’
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