All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S AFFAIR : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
287 Chapters
Chapter 127
We entered another room where two bartenders were mixing drinks at a full bar. I suppose Connor had just been playing the odds when he made the crack about being there for the food, but there was indeed a spread that would have made the Dubai Hotel jealous. Mildly, anyway. Displays of exotic fruits and tiny pastries, more decadent desserts than I had ever seen in my life, and a small army of waiters walking around offering people bacon-wrapped scallops, chunks of seared ahi, bits of filet mignon, and the usual hors d’oeuvres and canapés.“You were right about the free food,” I marveled. “We should have skipped dinner and eaten here.”“I liked eating with the person I had dinner with.” While I beamed, Conner turned around. I followed his gaze to the corner of the room, where Lewis Vonder smiled widely and toasted us with a glass of champagne. Connor gave a fake smile back and muttered between his teeth, “Here, not so much.”“You afraid it’s like fairyland?”He looked over at me. “Huh?”
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Chapter 127.1
I so didn’t belong here.“And who are you?” a woman’s voice asked.I whirled around to see a gorgeous blonde, probably about my age, with upswept hair and a shimmering red dress that showed off her rather large boobs. If they were fake, her surgeon had done an incredibly good job at disguising it.“Um… Lily Ross,” I said shyly. I felt like a little girl, and she was a va-va-voom Woman.I was glad Connor wasn’t here to see her.She was holding a champagne glass in the air, and she cocked her head slightly to the side as she looked me up and down. “And what do you do?”“I’m a… a secretary.”“Oh.”Her voice was full of polite disdain. Besides being threatened by her, I started to actively dislike her.“Why, what do you do?” I asked, more out of social habit than anything else.One hand fluttered to her cleavage, and she looked soooo happy I’d asked. “I’m an award-winning photographer, but I just co-wrote a screenplay with a good friend of mine who writes for TV. His agent at CAA is takin
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Chapter 128
We arrived safe back at the hotel, much to Johnny’s relief. He made us promise not to leave the room without telling him, then said goodnight and went into his room across the way.“It’s early, only ten o’clock,” Connor said. “What do you want to do?”“Dessert.”“Literal, or figurative?”“Mmmmm. Both.”So we ordered up room service: a bottle of champagne and a selection of lovely things – the most perfect creme brulee I’d ever tasted, strawberries in whipped cream… and more chocolate.We sat on the sofa in the main room, lit only by the lights of the city, and alternated between kisses and feeding each other bits of the desserts.I was tipsy again when I purred suggestively, “Well, we did what I wanted to do… so what do you want to do?”“Well… we could get that camera and – ”“NO.”He laughed. “What was your list again? The list of ‘don’ts’? Nothing painful… nothing degrading…”“No ‘in through the out door,’” I said.“I don’t recall movies being on that list.”“And nothing that can go
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His hands reached through my legs, and his hands came up around my breasts, taking my nipples in his palms. He began to fondle me, softly, slowly, sensually –And I felt his tongue lick at my lips again.But wetter.More urgent.And this time, I felt him plunge deeper.I gasped with pleasure.One hand stayed on my left breast, gently massaging it, but the other hand withdrew.I waited, caught between the luscious bliss as he licked me below, and the anticipation of the brief sting of his hand on my skin.And waited.And waited.And waited.The not knowing was unbearable.And then he slapped me again.Harder.Jostling me deeper.But the second after he did, his tongue plunged deep inside me.I cried out from the slight pain, and moaned louder from the pleasure.He pulled out.“Are you okay?”“Don’t stop,” I begged.I could almost hear him grin, I swear to God.And then he began to fuck me with his tongue.Moving it in, and out, and in, and out, letting it slip out and lick my lips, bar
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Chapter 129
Afterwards, we lay there in bed, me by his side and running my fingers over his chest.“Well, now I know why you had me take a bath,” I mused.He laughed. “See, it wasn’t so bad, was it?”I poked him in the ribs, and he made a wuUAaah sound as he arched away.“You broke the rules,” I said in a pissed-off voice.“Nooo, I just bent them a little.”“No ‘in’ through the out door.”“I think you came up with that rule for something slightly… larger.”It was true, but…“This better not turn into ‘give ‘em an inch and they’ll take a mile.’”“It won’t,” he said with a smile. “And it wasn’t degrading, was it?”“Nooo, but it was a little bit painful.”“What,” he frowned, “the – ”“NO, NOT THAT,” I said, blushing furiously, not wanting him to name what he’d done to me. “Just the… the spanking part.”“Did you like it, though?”I thought about how to answer. “…yyyyes…”“Ha HAA!” he crowed.“ – but that’s not a license to get all crazy on me all the time,” I scolded him.He grinned. “Only on special
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Chapter 130
Johnny refused to leave us there unprotected while he went and got the limo, so we took a cab back to the parking lot.“You’re kind of the third wheel here, man,” Connor joked as we all sat scrunched in the back of the taxi.“After what you put me through today, you and I are not talking,” Johnny said. I thought he was seriously angry, but then I caught his eye, and he gave me a wink and a quick smile before turning his face to stone again.We got in the limo and started back towards Los Angeles. Now the feelings that I’d been trying to push away the entire day suddenly reared their ugly head in full force. It was coming to an end.I didn’t have him for much longer.In fact, I would probably never see him again.I snuggled in tight beside him, with his arm wrapped around me, and I tried to be happy, thinking about all the amazing things I’d done and felt in the last 48 hours……but all I could think of was how much I was going to be hurting very, very soon.Connor noticed I was glum,
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Chapter 131
And then I realized I didn’t have a key.“Ohhh, man…”I went over to the call box with a silent prayer for my roomie to be home. There was no reason she wouldn’t be – despite the Friday clubbing, Anh was more of a homebody. Quiet, dependable, even-keeled.She probably would have said the same about me just a couple of days ago.She answered the intercom cautiously. “Hello?”“Hey Anh, it’s me. I’m here with… my friend…”I saw Connor’s smirk out of the corner of my eye.“…and I don’t have my key. Can you let us in?”“Sure!”BZZZZT. I opened the gate and led the way.Anh met me at the door, eyes wide with curiosity. “Hey!”“Hey,” I said, and gave her a little hug.And then Connor walked up behind me, carrying the bags.Anh’s face went from happy and curious to dumbfounded.I knew why. With his wind-tousled locks and glowing tan, and his gorgeous face and ripped muscles, Connor looked like a movie star out of one of our romantic comedy DVDs.He didn’t belong in our dumpy little two-bedroo
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“I just want – ”“You said you wanted me to come with you, but what does that mean? For how long?”“I don’t know how long – ”“Well, give me something – a day? A week? A month?”“I don’t know!” he barked. “We’ll see how it goes!”The ice was growing inside me now, the crystals branching off like the limbs of a tree, filling me slowly. “Oh… I see. I’m just supposed to be convenient, until you get tired of me.”He was really angry now. “I don’t know how long – I just know that, right now, I don’t want ‘forever,’ okay?”If my heart was frozen before, it shattered into pieces when he said that.He must have seen it on my face, because I heard desperation creep into his voice. “That didn’t come out right.”“I think it came out exactly the way you meant it.”“All I’m saying is…”He breathed out hard, then regrouped.“You knew what I was asking Friday night! I said, ‘come with me this weekend.’ Not ‘let’s get married,’ not ‘let’s move in together’ – come with me for this weekend.”“I know th
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Chapter 132
By the time Anh rushed in, I was wailing like a wounded animal. I was doubled over, holding my stomach, like somebody had stabbed me.It really felt like he had – but in my heart.“Oh my God, Lily, what’s wrong?!” Anh cried out. She sank down beside me on the bed and put her arms around me, and pulled my head onto her shoulder.“He – he – ”But I couldn’t go on. I just sobbed for a minute as she stroked my hair and rocked me gently, like a mother with her child.Finally I could speak. “He… he asked me to quit my job and go with him.”“Um… okay, that’s kinda weird…”“And he offered to pay me. Like a prostitute or something.”I looked at Anh to see her reaction.“Eww,” she said, curling up her lip a little.“I know!” I sobbed. “Like, I don’t know, like I’m a hooker or something!”“Um… this might not be the best question right now… but… he, like, didn’t give you any money for this weekend or anything, did he?”“NO! How could you even think that?!”She looked around at the bags of expensi
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Chapter 133
Anh gave me a ride the next morning, and the whole time I felt like a prisoner on Death Row, headed for the execution chamber.Add to that I hadn’t slept but maybe an hour or two. Mostly I just cried all night, in fits and starts, until I finally dropped off to sleep from sheer exhaustion.And the alarm blared five minutes later, it seemed.I’d forced myself through my normal routine – shower, getting dressed, light makeup – but I felt like a zombie the entire time. The only thing that kept me going was the routine itself.It was better than lying there in bed, thinking of Connor. And my possible firing gave me something to worry about besides him.About what I’d lost last night.On the way to the office in Anh’s car, I sat there trying to come up with excuses I could give Klaus, but I couldn’t think of any. My mind, already numb and overloaded, was of no use to me. The only thing it could do was force my feet forward, one after the other… make my hands open and close car doors… tell
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