All Chapters of Seven Magics Academy: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
328 Chapters
Mermaids Are Fish
As I studied the city coming into view, I thought about love as an emotion. How it was like a pyrotechnics display. The vibrancy and beauty were not truly appreciated until after the fireworks erupted, when the sparks burst in radiant color and seem to gloriously proclaim to the sky, "This is what you're missing. This is what you've lost."That was how it was with my mother. I had adored her, loved the way she sang while she cooked, how her eyebrows came together when she read something interesting, and the way she snuggled into my neck when she tucked me in at night.Those memories were priceless, and I wished I cherished her more while I had her in my life. I should've cuddled with her longer. Hugged her tighter. But then, I didn't know she was going to die.The knowledge that she was still alive after all this time but chose to stay away filled me with a pain I hadn't known before. I was devastated and angry, and if I was honest with myself, excited to see her."Promises are lies s
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Eel Skin
Roads and sidewalks intersected and meandered along and around the fantastical buildings. The streets sparkled in the sunlight, and I guessed they were made from pearls. All manner of supernatural creatures, including trolls, elves, fairies, and even humans, moved around below.Several streams ambled lazily in different sections of the city, and surrounding the city's outskirts was a vast ocean. Did mermaids dwell here? I strained my eyes, hoping to catch a glimpse of one. The idea of mermaids brought up another concern. Where exactly had Abernathy brought us? What was this place? The dragon said the city was called Mizu Atlantica, but what was the town for? Why did it exist?Abernathy flew us above the buildings in search of an unknown destination. None of the citizens below shrieked or screamed. Instead, most waved to Abernathy and greeted him like an old friend. The whole scenario was wild, and I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Up ahead, in the city's center wa
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Are You Happy
"Starved," Dorian answered.Gabe agreed."I could eat," Cindy said, her hands in her pockets as she studied the room.Blood sounded good, I thought but said nothing."Please, have a seat." She indicated a wooden table. The centerpiece was filled with radiant purple flowers I didn't recognize.When we were seated, plates were positioned in front of us. The food smelled divine. It looked like fish covered in a creamy yellow sauce, green beans, and freshly baked rolls. My friends looked at me before shoveling it in. Obviously, it tasted good, but I didn't even try to fake it. My stomach was already in knots. I wouldn't add human food to the mix.My mom ate a little too, but mostly she answered questions from random people who came in and sent wary glances at my friends and me. I stared at my plate, and I caught my mother watching at me.When they finished, my mother addressed us."Better?""Yes," Cindy said, giving me a sidelong look. She had that look on her face. The one that said
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I Have A Dragon
"I understand, Snow. I do. Leaving you has weighed heavily on my heart since the day I left. But look at you." Her eyes sparkled with awe. "You're magnificent. A leader. A creature destined to save us all."I let out a noise somewhere between a snort and a sob. I wiped at my tears, wishing they would stop. "How can you say that? I'm a wreck." But I had to admit her words made me feel better.She came over and gently wiped my cheek with the back of her hand. "Maybe you are a bit of a wreck, but aren't we all? Isn't that what life is about? The mess."My hands trembled. I listened to her words, heard the tenderness of her voice, and all it did was make me angry. How could she console me or tell me anything? She didn't have the right."I don't know," I whispered through clenched teeth.She rolled her shoulders. "Do you want to sit?" she asked, trying to take my hand.I shook my head, moving my hands behind my back."Fine." She crossed her arms. "Abernathy told you the name of this city, c
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You're Glowing
Burning ferocity coursed through my veins, and I felt the power of the Seal ignite. The palms of my hands radiated red. Was this truly what Devoran intended when he gave his eternal sight to Silindra? He said he thought everything through. Did he know I'd come for him one day? It seemed highly unlikely. Maybe he didn't realize the power would become part of me. Or perhaps it was because a few thousand years passed, and he forgot the details. Abernathy knew what I would become. Though the dragon had a lot of explaining to do, I felt confident he brought me here for a reason, and it was most likely because he knew what I was capable of. That knowledge and the fact that I still trusted him shocked me. Whether that was a good idea or not remained to be seen. If he brought me, surely, he could help me escape.I glared at my mother. "I don't think you understand, and neither does Devoran. Maybe he hasn't heard what happened to Oberon, the chayot leader when he tried to take the Seal fr
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Someplace Safe
We stood together. She grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed. "I'll take you to your friends," she said. I expected her to move toward the hall we went down before. Instead, she went to a set of what looked like elevator doors. "Where are you going?" "This is the way to your friends." I felt my pulse pick up. "But, I saw them go down that way." I pointed down the hall."True, but I had my guards take them out of here and someplace else. Someplace safe." I wanted to believe her. "Okay." The doors slid open, and she stepped inside. "It's fine," she said. I stepped in with her. Immediately, the doors closed. With a jolt, the elevator moved upward and then started moving sideways. After a few seconds, it began to slant downward."What is this thing?" I asked, hoping to ease the tension I was feeling. "Basically, it's a multi-directional elevator." She smiled. "You might as well settle in. We'll be inside a while.""It reminds me of a rollercoaster, only not as bumpy.""Yeah, like th
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Plans For The Chayot
"That's the thing," she began, her voice soft against my ear. "With the power of the Seal, I don't think Sharra will be able to push you out. And when you destroy her, someone will need to rule in her place. You must be resolved to rule, Snow. It's your destiny.""Do you know this for a fact?" "No." I snorted, crossing my arms against my body. "I think destiny is just another word people use to force others to do what they want." I studied her, wondering if it was a good idea to trust her."You're wrong," she said, turning away. "Destiny happens despite your choices. One day you'll understand."There was no point arguing, but I was sick of the word - destiny - and the others that went with it.The elevator stopped. A bright rectangle of light pulsed on the other side of the opening. I remembered how Silindra journeyed by light to get to Crystal City, the elves' original home. Silindra hadn't liked it."Are we going somewhere by light?" I asked, pointing."Yes, it's how elves travel,
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Sacrifice Yourself
"Snow.""Snow White.""We are waiting for you.""It is urgent we speak with you."I opened my eyes and noticed a tiny blue light shining above my head. It flitted around like a pixilette but was much smaller. I was in what looked like a black box. No windows. No doors. Just four sparkling black walls, a ceiling, and a floor."Snow, please hurry.""This is urgent."I reached out a finger to touch the light. The voices seemed to come from it, but it darted away."I can't get out. There's no door," I whispered, standing. As I spoke, a door appeared, and I gasped, hoping for escape. But my hope was short-lived, for on the other side of the door was more darkness. As my heart fell, the dark became a tunnel. I took a tentative step, and as I did, more of the tunnel appeared. "Where am I?" The blue lights flicked down the shaft, making it obvious they wanted me to follow. After a few moments, I stopped and looked back the way I came, but there was nothing to see. One of the blue lights
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If You Love Me
This is it, I thought. I'm going to die. A profound gloom curled its way around my heart. Never in a million years did I imagine my life would end this way. If I pictured anything, it was that I disappeared into nothingness as the vampire queen took over my body. Dying like this? No one would know. And I thought of Silindra on an altar, her blood drained from her body. Sacrificed for Sharra's whims. I never would've guessed my fate would be so entwined with hers. I didn't want to die. I didn't want those I loved to die. I wanted to live! The knife hovering above me abruptly descended and sank deep into my chest. If I could have, I would have cried out in pain. I felt every rip, every tear, every shredded vein, and vessel as the blade entered my body.But I was unable to move. The knife retreated as quickly as it dropped and once again hung above my chest. Blood slid from the blade and on to my shirt. The scent of copper stung my nose. I wanted to cry at the injustice of it a
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I Need You
"Always desperate to save others, but not this time." Dorian's voice was soft, and I knew it was because he was bleeding out. Dying. "No, please," I begged. He shook his head, forcing a smile. "Can I kiss you?"I closed my eyes, wishing this was all just a dream. "Anything," I said. If only he would go. I couldn't watch him die.The blade went into his back, that damned noise making me want to throw up. "I love you, Snow White. Always have and always will." He gently pressed his lips to mine and moved them tenderly.The blade went in again. And he caught his breath.I cried out, kissing him back with all the gratitude and love in my heart. For all the years he cared for me without ever asking me to reciprocate. Images of each time he was there and loved me unconditionally flashed through my mind.The night I told Professor Pops, the brothers, and Kenmei, I never wanted to see them again. I awakened with my mother's blanket over me. At the time, I hadn't realized who had done it.
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