All Chapters of Seven Magics Academy: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
328 Chapters
Saved Us All
I looked at Cindy and then at Gabe before closing my eyes. "I couldn't save him," I said in a voice that wasn't my own. "I tried. I did. Kenmei said, use love. I swear, I tried."Gabe knelt on the other side. "Who?""Dorian," I whispered. "He protected me, all of us, but he's gone. I don't know where." The words came out choppy and garbled, but I couldn't make myself stop crying."It's okay. You're okay," he said, but I heard the anguish in his voice. Cindy pulled me into a hug. "It isn't your fault, Snow."But that wasn't true. It was my fault.I thought of dying. Would there be rest? Could I shut out the agony? The way Dorian looked at me. His kiss. What he did. Saved me. Saved us all. Abernathy's words to Dorian rang in my mind: "Very few have the capacity to love like you.""Where could he be?" I wailed."Let's get her out of here," Gabe said to Cindy, and I felt his hands pull me into his arms."My mom?" I asked as they pulled me from the rubble."She's alive. They brought her
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Fresh Pain
"Home is where your heart can flourish." My mom used to say those words to me when I was a child. As Abernathy circled Professor Pops' sprawling mansion, my heart clenched. After I told Professor Pops and the brothers what happened with Dorian, would they continue to let this be my home?From the air, I made out the little cottage-type house I lived in with my mom and dad, and then my dad and stepmother. Happy memories sprang to mind. Like the times my mom would bake cookies while she hummed the latest popular song. Or when she would let me help her plant flowers in the spring and fall. The house where I grew up was minuscule compared to Professor Pops' extensive grounds and house. Through the dark, I was able to distinguish the tennis court and putting green. Behind the mansion, which seemed somehow larger from the sky, lay a sculpted, manicured lawn, and a rectangular pool - lit and giving off a cyan glow.If I hadn't left my mother in captivity in Mizu and Dorian dead, I would
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The End And The Beginning
When I was sure Christopher was gone, I hurried back to Abernathy. He smacked his lips and opened one eye. "Awww, young love." He paused. "We both know it isn't real." I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest. It wasn't his place to say anything. After Dorian's kiss - the love that had surrounded me, filled me - I knew the dragon was right. But Dorian was dead. "Love is dense," Abernathy continued.I snorted; grateful I could jump on his unusually lousy comment. "That's romantic."A laugh resounded in his throat. "What I mean is, real love, is more than what you see, what you feel, in the moment.""Really?" I asked with thick sarcasm, but I was interested. It wasn't like I ever had someone to talk to about love."Certainly," he said with a wink. "Think about a lush forest, rich with all manner of foliage. A person could spend eons discovering its secrets and still not find them all. It's the same with love. True love, anyway." He gave me a pointed look. "Deep, abiding love is discove
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Secrets Revealed
"Kenmei," I whispered, bewildered. "What happened to Abernathy?""Take my hand," he insisted.I shook my head. "Where's the dragon?" Had Kenmei killed him? Was everything the vampire queen said about him right? Was Kenmei evil?"Shiryo-san, it's me," he said and crouched, so we were level. His eyes flashed, and the endlessness that was in Kenmei's eyes vanished. Instead, his eyes glowed amber.Abernathy's eyes."That's impossible.""Not impossible. Let me show you." He held out his hand again. Nervously I took it, and he pulled me to my feet."Does Pro - Adam Henry know?" I asked, searching his face, trying to see Abernathy in there. Even though the dragon was a hundred times my size, I felt more at ease with him than I ever felt with Kenmei."Yes, he knows. After so many years, how could he not? Even the vampire queen knows."I raised an eyebrow. "Why's that?" And then I understood. The vampire queen had bitten him, changed him. He was the first hunter. She tasted his blood, probably
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Happily Next Life
"I'm not kidding. Even now, I can remember the love that beat in their tiny hearts for her."I saw the look on his face and knew he wasn't. Even I sort of loved her now. Her words swayed in my head and filled my heart. "Does she possess magic?" I asked, shocked I could be twitterpated after a few seconds of hearing her sing."Yes, Shiryo-san. Aurora was the first enchantress, though she didn't know it. Her song bewitched all who heard her but not to the extent that I lost control of myself. Her magic awoke my amorous feelings, and I wanted to experience them. With her. So, I took on this form and became Kenmei.""Did it work?" I asked, surprised. "Did she love you back?"His brow furrowed, and pain changed his expression."I'm sorry," I said.He cleared his throat. "Don't be. Though she didn't return my love, we became great friends. Even after she married, we often visited together. I taught her how to use her magic. And she assisted in creating the book your friend Cindy keeps. The E
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Light Some Candles
I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, put my long hair in a ponytail, dressed in jeans and a red tee-shirt, and put on my red Converse. When I finished, I went to the bed and stared at the star on the floor beside it. I was still a teenager, still not a high school graduate, yet none of it mattered. I had a plan. It was simple. Find a way into Sharra. Speak to the vampire queen, and if she wouldn't listen, destroy her with the Seal. Once that was finished, if I was still alive, I would have Abernathy take me to Mizu, where I would rescue my mother and bring her home. She and I could live in the little house next door. The one I grew up in. It would be perfect, and everything else, including school and life, would fall into place.Gatsby climbed on my lap. I scratched behind his ears. "I'm going to fix it. Promise." The cat purred in response before jumping off the bed and leaving the room.Taking a deep breath, I followed him until I reached the kitchen. There, I opened cabinets an
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Made Of Stone
At the castle gates, I said goodbye to Ryden. With as much confidence as I could muster, I used the Seal to melt the wrought iron portcullis before stepping through. I expected to see guards or be rushed by Sharra's drone vampires. But there wasn't a single living creature around. With each step, I realized there wasn't a sound except the clop of my Converse on the cobblestone walk. It was eerie, and I steeled myself for whatever came next.When I reached the large front entrance, I thought of knocking, but pushed that aside and I threw open the doors. Sharra stood in the entryway, waiting for me. "How lovely of you to come, Snow White. Although, if you had any manners, you would've knocked." "I guess I don't have any," I said, trying to sound tough. Nervous jitters fluttered inside my stomach. I took my stance, my feet apart and my shoulders squared. My hands were at my sides, poised to strike if necessary. Sharra didn't move, almost like she was made of stone. It was like one of
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Senseless Death
"You are a senseless, foolish girl, Snow White," Sharra said quietly. Her eyes were still closed, but her words tore through me and held on like a vise. When her eyes finally flashed open, they blazed with fury. "How about I start killing the marked now? Liberate them from their miserable lives." As she spoke, three of the girls fell forward, out of the sheet of magic surrounding them."Noooo!" I yelled, rushing over to the nearest body. I knew before I reached her that she would be dead, but I had to try anyway. Her face was frozen in terror, eyes wide as though they witnessed horrors even in passing. I felt for a pulse on her neck, but she didn't have one. Nausea rose in my throat.The remaining girls screamed and tried, once again, to escape. But the magic held them fast. Each tear, every cry of pain, tore at my insides. More senseless death, I thought.I moved over to the next girl, hoping against hope she still lived and checked for a pulse. Nothing. "Listen to them die. Their s
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Missed You
He was barely recognizable. One eye was bruised shut. His bottom lip was split, and dried blood stained his mouth and chin. His shirt was shredded down the front like a five-fingered lion had ripped into him.But it was Dorian.He wasn't dead. Beaten? Battered? Yes. But alive. My heart leaped with joy. I said his name again, balling my hands into fists at my sides. "Dorian."He grunted as though I awakened him where he stood. His good eye peered at me, and a smile spread across his glorious, broken face. "Snow?"An aching sob tore at my throat. "What are you doing with him?" I demanded through gritted teeth, my gaze flipping from Christopher to Sharra. "Give him to me," I demanded."With pleasure," Christopher said, shoving Dorian toward me. I caught him."Missed you," Dorian whispered, his voice hoarse; he coughed up some blood.I fought down the urge to cry. We had to get out of here. He needed a doctor. He needs you, my inner voice quipped.And a light bulb flicked on in my head. C
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Broken And Bruised
My stomach turned. Christopher's heart still beat. It sounded like a bass drum inside my ears. My body twitched in fear, and I wanted to run. Escape before she did that to me. She was so quick. I was nothing against her.Worst of all, the vampire in me wanted Christopher's blood. My fangs grew, and I opened my jaws, allowing them to extend. The scent caused my mouth to water. Stepping over Dorian, I took her hands in mine. "That's right," Sharra cooed, encouraging me.I barely heard her. Every inch of my body craved his blood as she placed the slowing heart in my hands. Sickened at seeing Christopher so broken, I turned away. As I stared at the heart and smelled the blood, my body wanted one thing. To do exactly what Sharra wanted. Consume the blood from his heart. The rational part of my brain kept telling me to stop, that I was falling into the vampire queen's trap. But the rest of me didn't care. As in my vision, the heart was all I could see, all I wanted. Slowly I lifted the hear
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