All Chapters of Aegis Group Lepta Team: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
258 Chapters
Chapter 111: Carla
Thursday. Ashton Khoury's Home, New York City, NY.CARLA HADN'T SLEPT. HOW could she?Jared was family. And now he was gone.Ashton had cried himself to sleep in her lap, too scared of what might happen. He'd been a complete mess since the call from the foreman on site at the resort. Everything was on Carla's shoulders to figure out, like usual.She loved Ashton, but he was shitty in emergencies. That's why he needed her and Jared to manage him. They kept him going, remembered all the details, cleared the way so he could be this powerhouse of energy and ideas. It was a team effort, and one third of their team was now missing.Carla sprayed the mirror and swiped the surface in time to the music.She should be getting ready, primping, something. But she needed this.The moment Ashton saw her he was going to chew her out about how he hired people to do this, blah blah blah, and she'd tell him what she always told him: He should have picked someone that wasn't the maid's d
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Chapter 112: Vaughn
Thursday. Ashton Khoury's Home, New York City, NY.THERE WERE TIMES when this job took Vaughn to places he'd never have expected a poor kid from El Paso to end up. The penthouse of a New York City sky rise was on that list. If it weren't overcast, he was pretty sure he'd be able to make eyes at the Statue of Liberty.If his mom could see this...He was pretty sure the monthly rent for this place cost as much as the house he'd bought for his mom. Places like this just didn't make sense to Vaughn. Sinking this much wealth into extravagant living didn't make sense to him. It was one thing to have a sturdy built home with some nice, finishing touches, and a completely different thing to have gold fixtures and priceless paintings.Maybe he was just a simple guy with simple tastes?There was nothing wrong with that, just as there was nothing wrong for Ashton Khoury to spend a fortune on his glass house atop a skyscraper.Vaughn turned away from the window at the end of the hal
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Chapter 113: Carla
CARLA BIT HER LIP.Ashton was freezing up, totally in his head. It killed her to see this confident, commanding man reduced to this. One way or another, they had to get Jared back."Give me your phone," she whispered.Ashton dug it out of his pocket and handed it over.If they could get through this quietly, maybe no one would ask why Ashton was willing to jump through so many hoops for an assistant."Did something happen?" An Asian woman stepped forward. She had a no-nonsense air about her Carla liked immediately.It was time for Carla to be the strong one. These things went in waves. Sometimes Ashton had to be strong for her, but now it was her turn to let him lean on her. Only this time the stakes were so much higher."I'm sorry, you are?" Carla glanced around the room.One woman. Five men. These were the ones who'd get Jared back? Didn't they need more people?"You must be Carla. I'm Melody. I'm the team liaison." The woman held out her hand. "This is Grant, he's
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Chapter 114: Vaughn, Hani
Thursday. Ashton Khoury's Home, New York City, NY.VAUGHN STARED AT the door leading to Carla's office. They each had to spend a few moments squaring away their paperwork. He wasn't keen on being alone with her. Looking back at their exchange, it had been perfectly innocent on her side. He'd caught her unaware, he'd assumed her role, and he'd flirted a little.That was on him, not her. But he didn't like that he'd put himself in this position.Would apologizing make it weird? Or should he just push forward and pretend it had never happened?Nolan stepped out of the door, phone in hand. "You're up."Vaughn nodded. He'd dragged his feet until he was the last one for this task. He didn't relish being in the same space with her. Every time their eyes met it was like grabbing hold of a pair of jumper cables. The electrical hit he took looking at her, it made the hair on his arms stand up, his muscles tense and left him with an uneasy sensation in his gut. And that was standing
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Chapter 115: Carla
Thursday. Private Plane, Somewhere over the Atlantic.CARLA WAS GOING to murder Ashton. Preferably after they got Jared back. She wasn't cruel. Unlike Ashton who probably thought he was being funny offering her up to Mr. Sexy Ass like some kind of hors d'oeuvre.She'd rushed through Vaughn's paperwork and had even given him the additional NDA to shut Ashton up, all the while dying on the inside. Since then she'd avoided direct contact while loading everything up and riding in a different vehicle to the airport.If Jared were here, he'd be laughing his ass off to the point he'd be crying. He'd also offer to get her booze until her liquid courage kicked in.She sank farther down in her seat.This just sucked.Instead of joining the others in the general seating area, she'd sequestered herself in one of the small bunk rooms, each comprised of two plush chairs that made down into two beds or one depending on preference and how much trouble it was worth. The curtains were dra
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Chapter 116: Vaughn
Thursday. Private Plane, Somewhere over the Atlantic.WELL HELL.Vaughn still wasn't sure what to think now that he had more details. The truth was a lot messier than what was in his head that was for sure.His better sense said to go. Put space between him and Carla. Complicated relationships always blew up, and he didn't want to get caught in the middle. Time had taught him valuable lessons.Except being in the room with her, not even touching her, was a full-body experience. It was as though every cell in every part of him was drawn to her. His hand tingled with the desire to reach over and brush her hair off her face or take her hand. It was crazy. He couldn't explain it. Even now he had to physically force himself to lean back, keep a little distance between them, and not touch her.He had to understand this. There was something pulling him toward her he had to wrap his head around."Ashton said you two grew up as friends?" Vaughn wasn't sure what he was doing, but
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Chapter 117: Carla
CARLA WISHED SHE'D finished that last drink. Ashton was a heavy pour, but it took a whole lot more vodka for her to claim the alcohol made her do it. No, this moment, her lips on Vaughn's and their bodies pressed against each other, it was all her trying to feed this deep, yearning void inside of her.She wanted what Ashton and Jared had. Love. But for the time being, unless she met the most understanding man in the world, the best she'd get was sex. And she was fairly certain sex with Vaughn would be life changing. Her weak arguments against this fling were crumbling. She had Ashton's blessing and judging by the erection pressing against her, Vaughn was willing.There was no denying they both felt the chemistry. It was powerful. Magnetic. And she wanted to just give in. But was Vaughn willing?She broke the kiss and stared down into his dark, lust filled gaze. His stubble rasped against her fingers as she slid her hand along his jaw. He was aroused. Because of her. What were the
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Chapter 118: Carla
Friday. Aegis Group Headquarters, Cairo, Egypt.CARLA PEERED OUT OF the bathroom window into the courtyard below. Her experience with the rest of the world was confined to resorts and expensive hotels while traveling with Ashton. She was fascinated with the slice of real life she saw going on around her. The Aegis Group facility was, well, it looked like something out of a movie.The stone structure appeared to be a large rectangle situated around a central courtyard with wings on either side, a sturdy gate and the bulk of the rooms on the far end. The rooms she'd seen had beautiful carvings on the walls and the doors were heavy wood with scenes cut into them. Even the room she'd been shown to was a work of art with its tiled bathroom and the beautiful furniture.She glanced at the big bed with the halo of morning light falling across the pale sheets.What time was it and what time did her body think it was? Did it matter?As soon as they were cleared to fly into Beirut th
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Chapter 119: Vaughn
VAUGHN WAS SATISFIED THEIR Cairo site security was as up to date as it was going to get. In the very near future someone needed to spend a week here swapping out equipment. With the instability in the region, they never knew when the Cairo site would become inaccessible.Hell, he'd recommended twice now that they dump the site and set up somewhere else. Cypress was a hop, skip and jump away from a lot of places and the island much safer. But the people in charge all had other ideas.What did he know?He was the surveillance guy.It wasn't like Zain or the big boss would send him here to do the job.Vaughn strode down the hall toward the situation room. In the large home's former years, it had served as the dining room. When Aegis took the house over and made it their Cairo facility, they'd transformed the corner room into their one-room headquarters.He entered the room and was struck by the unusual sight of Brenden and Melody sitting with their heads together."What are
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Chapter 120: Farez, Carla
Friday. Closed Store, Beirut, Lebanon.FAREZ GLANCED UP AND down the quiet street.Hani was gone. He hadn't come back after the confrontation, and Farez hoped he stayed gone. Hani and his friends were trouble. Farez had been too desperate to pull this plan off to see the truth about the kid until it was too late.The original plan had been to hold their guest in the old restaurant between homes where they'd be able to keep an eye on the street. It would also allow them to comfortably care for their guest. The truth was, no one involved in this plan was young anymore.This Ashton Khoury was going to destroy the way of life they'd known for decades.The sounds of the ocean and city melded together, creating the soundtrack he'd grown up with. He'd been born here, raised his children here, and he intended to die here. But he wouldn't keep his home if he didn't have work, and with so many places along the waterfront shutting down, hope was dwindling.Farez ducked into the shu
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