All Chapters of Aegis Group Lepta Team: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
258 Chapters
Chapter 131: Vaughn
VAUGHN TILTED HIS head listened for movement or voices, but heard nothing. What did he think he was going to hear through a wall with the shower running?Carla was next door.This was technically her room.Her things were in all the drawers, hanging in the closet and lined up on the vanity. Her stamp was everywhere. He was beginning to see her touch where others weren't. It was in the absolute cleanliness, the smoothed comforter, the picture perfect arrangement of toiletries. Even in the shower she'd positioned her bottles of shampoo and soap so they were visually appealing.And he was supposed to sleep in here?Not fucking likely.He'd had a hard enough time ignoring her this morning while in the company of Melody. Just Carla's nearness distracted him. It was frustrating, sexually and professionally. He'd worked around women he was in an intimate relationship with before with no problem. He'd always been able to get his job done and keep it work and pleasure separate. But
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Chapter 132: Vaughn
Sunday. Safe House, Beirut, Lebanon.VAUGHN STOOD UP against the glass where he could see the entire condo without having to turn his head. The coffee teased his nose while his mind was still waking up.He'd come downstairs as the day search teams were returning. The priority was comparing notes and compiling information for what their evening focus would be when it came to going out into the city.About the only thing Vaughn could contribute was his observations on their lobby manager's presence. The man had opted to not wear a suit jacket tonight.They were going to find Jared, one way or another.Vaughn's gaze went back to the stairs.He'd noticed the light on under Ashton's door. In the half hour or so that he'd been downstairs he hadn't seen either Carla or Ashton.She hadn't been the same after her phone call. Distracted and rushed were the words he'd use to describe her then. He'd fallen asleep while she was in the shower and when he'd woken up, she'd been gone.
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Chapter 133: Vaughn
Vaughn turned and went down the stairs. He grabbed the surveillance laptop and did a quick inventory of the cameras they had covering the place."What's that all about?" Grant asked him.The others had dispersed and most were pulling on gear."They want to have dinner downstairs in a private room with Jamie or I acting as waiter. That last bit was a concession they made." And it didn't sit well with Vaughn."Should be okay. The private dining room has its own entrance from inside the building. It was part of the building specs.""You think it's okay to green light this?"Grant shrugged. "It's not like they're wanting to go somewhere flashy and make a big scene. We gotta pick our battles."Vaughn thumbed upstairs. "Is that your official ruling, because Melody wanted a security assessment.""Yeah. Let's not piss them off more than we have to. This isn't going to be an easy job.""Got it." Vaughn waved Jamie over and caught him up on what was going on.It sucked, but V
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Chapter 134: Carla, Hani
Sunday. Empty Storefront, Beirut, Lebanon.CARLA TUGGED AT the sweater and shifted in her seat. When they'd agreed to this meeting, they hadn't considered where it would take place. Now she wished she'd done more than a momentary search.Most of the buildings they past were dark. The storefronts were covered in paper. Not many pedestrians came or went. The few cars they passed were older model and beaten up. Desperation hung in the air like a rancid odor. Of course these people hated Ashton what with the way the news reported his involvement in the oil deals.The hired care eased to a stop."Is this it?" she asked."I believe so." Ashton leaned forward and began speaking with the driver in Arabic.Carla pulled the scarf up over her head. Lebanon wasn't a restrictive country when it came to how women dressed. She could wear most anything she pleased and not cause a stir. However, the man she'd spoken to sounded older. It was a guess, but she was willing to assume that who
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Chapter 135: Farez
Sunday. Toy Town, Beirut, Lebanon.FAREZ FOCUSED ON keeping his face calm. He couldn't give anything away to these people. It was the proverbial give an inch, take a mile situation. But...How had he missed this stuff?He'd been researching and looking into the potential that oil might bring to their community, but he'd missed everything else.This report on fishing, if it was true, it would destroy his cousin's fishing business. That in turn would mean local restaurants that served sea food wouldn't have anything to cook. More businesses would close up. And then there were the reports, stories from other countries who were just as hungry for an influx of cash into their economy. People just like Farez who'd seen oil as their golden ticket, only to be skipped over.Oil was an answer, but maybe it wasn't the right one.Farez laid the tablet down and folded his hands together.This was a lot to process.How did he sell the others on Ashton's plans? How did he explain i
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Chapter 136: Vaughn
Sunday. Toy Town, Beirut, Lebanon.VAUGHN GUNNED THE motorcycle and leaned forward over the handlebars. He'd never carjacked anyone before, but he'd also never been this desperate to follow an errant client.Carla had no idea what she'd gotten herself into."The phone signal is close. You're almost there," Melody said through the comms.He'd been driving around aimlessly, working toward the area where the rest of the team was focused on, without luck. Moments ago Ashton called Melody directly. It was impossible to hear what was going on, but it gave him a destination."Turn right and you're there. Looks like the second building on your right. Jamie is three minutes away. The rest of the team is ten minutes out."Vaughn swerved around a familiar black town car waiting at the curb then whipped the bike around the turn, his back wheel skidding. He vaulted off the bike and let it crash to the pavement.He had a job to do.Cold fury coursed through his veins as he drew bo
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Chapter 137: Carla
Sunday. Safe House, Beirut, Lebanon.CARLA SQUEEZED THE straps of her purse tight to keep them from shaking. The elevator was far too cramped with the three hulking men surrounding her.No one had spoken since they'd left the toy shop.Not a word.It was safe to assume everyone had heard her admit to having sex with Vaughn.She knew how that must look to them. Ashton's girlfriend and their team mate. It was awkward for her, but what about Vaughn? What would happen to him?The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open.The big, silent scary dude stepped off first then waved her to follow him.Brenden. That was Vaughn had called him.There was something about Brenden's eyes, a darkness that sucked up all the light. He'd seen things, likely done things, that haunted him.The men escorted her down the hall and into the condo.Melody stood inside waiting for them."I need someone on surveillance." Melody's gaze landed on Carla. "We need to talk.""Not right now."
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Chapter 138: Carla
Carla focused on keeping her breathing slow. Everything else would fall in line. She wouldn't let them rattle her.Grant was a hostile partner. She would not yield ground to him because that would only make him devalue her input. He wasn't reasonable."I think it would be best if we sat," Melody said and braced her hands on the table."Start when how and when you made contact with the kidnapper." Grant made no move toward the table."Thank you, Melody, but I'll stand." Carla never took her eyes off Grant. "I reached out to Farez last night when you refused to listen to my evaluation of the situation. Your brute force approach didn't work. It was time to try something else.""And you thought-what? You could do this job better than us?"Carla made herself take a deep breath. Grant was hostile. Thanks to Vaughn, she understood the tension. Grant wanted to do their job to the best of his ability, and he saw her as thwarting that. No one wanted to see anyone kidnapped out from u
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Chapter 139: Hani, Vaughn
Sunday. Sodeco Auto Repair, Beirut, Lebanon.HANI SHUDDERED. HE could still feel the hooks of the stun gun in his chest and every few minutes it felt as though he were being shocked all over again, albeit with a much lower voltage."Put them in the cage." He gestured at the chain-link fence at the back of the garage. On normal days they stowed things like bikes or expensive parts there, things that could be easily stolen.Tonight it was a cell.He lowered onto a rolling stool and watched the others secure the hostages. They'd done a lot of shit in their time working for the boss. Normally smaller stuff. Guys like Hani and his friends hadn't proven themselves to be trusted with the important jobs.They were going to prove themselves now.Not only were they going to follow through for the suits and hand-deliver the Americans to them, but they were going to manage to get paid, too.Someone would pay for the first hostage, the one the suits didn't care about. All Hani had
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Chapter 140: Carla
Monday. Safe House, Beirut, Lebanon.CARLA COULDN'T KEEP her eyes shut any longer. She'd resisted waking up because she knew she wouldn't like the reality she was living in.She was alone.Time to face the day.She drew in a deep breath and opened her eyes. The room was bathed in a soft light. She'd never shut the blackout curtain.That was Ashton's job.The muscles in her chest constricted, making it hard to breathe. She rolled onto her side and drew her knees up. The two anchors in her life were missing. For the longest time it had been just her and Ashton taking care of each other. Then there was Jared, and it was like he'd always belonged there. They fit.And now they were gone.Selfishly she wished Vaughn were there if for no other reason than to hold her. But she doubted he'd speak to her today. In fact, he'd be leaving very soon and chances were slim she'd ever see him again.Carla turned her face into the pillows and squeezed her eyes shut.Crying wouldn'
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