All Chapters of Aegis Group Lepta Team: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
258 Chapters
Chapter 151: Carla
Tuesday. Unknown Location, Beirut, Lebanon.CARLA'S HEAD SWAM and everything spun. Her stomach clenched and for a moment she thought she was going to be sick. She swallowed and tasted bile. Or was that fear?The motorcycle slowed, and they passed out of the sunlight into darkness. Her eyes stopped throbbing, but that was only one ache in a long list since getting hauled onto the motorcycle.Should she try to throw herself off the bike again?The first time hadn't gone so well for her. But she'd tried, just like Melody had told her to. The difference was that whoever this guy was, nothing seemed to surprise him.Before her muddled brain could decide on a course of action, the bike came to an abrupt stop. She lurched forward, catching herself on the handlebars. Her captor spat a few words then roughly grabbed her by the hair."Ow! Hey, I'm cooperating." She grasped him by the wrist in an effort to ease the pain.He used the hold to drag her off the bike, nearly toppling
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Chapter 152: Carla
Carla's mouth dried up.He did not want her to...?He spoke more, gesturing at his shoulder with his free hand."Dude, I do not know what I'm doing," she said.He replied as he had, in words she didn't know then followed it up by straightening his arm and pointing the gun at her.She flinched. What were the chances he'd bleed out before she could finish? And could she use this as an opportunity to injure him further thereby allowing her to get away?"Okay." She swallowed and took the tweezers. "This is a really bad idea."He didn't speak, just pointed the gun at her."Great. Just what I wanted to do today." She clicked the ends of the tweezers together and braced herself.Up close the wound was worse. Much worse. Bits of flesh and muscle were churned up. She was fairly certain that bit of yellowish white was bone. And this guy was standing there as though it didn't hurt in the slightest."Fucking hell this is gross," she muttered.Carla braced her hand against his
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Chapter 153: Vaughn
Tuesday. Beirut, Lebanon."CARLA? CARLA!"Vaughn stared straight ahead, but he didn't see the side of the building or the curb he'd nearly jumped trying to get off the road to listen to the call once he realized who it was.He pulled the phone away from his face.The call was gone."What the hell? What did she say?" Jamie twisted in his seat to face Vaughn."We need to trace that call. I need..." Vaughn's mind came to a screeching halt.They couldn't call the home office. They shouldn't even reach out to an American number for fear of leading the authorities straight to him."I'm getting someone." Jamie had his burner out and pressed to his ear."Vaughn? Hey, Vaughn." Brenden leaned forward between the seats. "What'd she say?""She's alive. Oh, God. She's alive." Vaughn braced his hands on the steering wheel and held tight to that one fact."Yeah, hey Luke." Jamie turned away from them. "We need support over here. You know our situation?"Vaughn picked his he
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Chapter 154: Carla
Tuesday. Unknown Location, Beirut, Lebanon.CARLA JOLTED AWAKE as a new wave of pain radiated up from her tailbone. Her eyes popped open, but all she saw were white stars.What the hell happened?A figure loomed over her.She blinked, trying to focus on his face, but her eyes just weren't working.He spoke a language she didn't understand, jarring lose the memories.Him."No," she wailed and scooted away from him.He snatched her wrist and jerked her toward him. She pitched sideways onto the concrete, inciting other injuries. Her captor clapped a handcuff around her right wrist. She stared at the new jewelry, following the chain that ran from the cuff to loop around a pole running up to the ceiling."No." She sat up and pulled on the chain. "No!"In her little cell of a room she could have figured out a way to break the glass or escape. But she didn't pick locks. She had no idea how to free herself from this new hell.Her captor spat more words at her then turn
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Chapter 155: Vaughn
Tuesday. Streets of Beirut, Lebanon.VAUGHN LAID ON the horn and swerved around the slower moving car, momentarily playing chicken with on-coming traffic."Jesus!" Jamie held onto the door."Try to not die," Ghost said through the cell phone."How close are you getting?" Vaughn asked."The phone's still on. I've triangulated it down to a city block. Not sure I'll get you closer than that."Red light. Red light!" Jamie braced his free hand on the dash.Vaughn stomped on the brakes, none too happy about getting caught in city traffic. He glanced up and down the road, in case Carla had somehow managed to leave a sign that she'd passed that way.A blue van passed through an intersection one street over. He caught a glimpse of a logo that tickled the back of his mind.Ghost began speaking again, so Vaughn put the van out of his mind. "Have you considered how you're getting out of the country?""No." Vaughn peered at the lights and eased off the gas as the other street
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Chapter 156: Carla
Tuesday. Warehouse, Beirut, Lebanon.CARLA WAS OUT of ideas and shoes. She'd managed to hit the glass pane overhead three times before her shoes bounced out of range. Now she was barefoot, her arm hurt, and she was generally uncomfortable.She turned toward the bed.Her captor was passed out, dead to the world. He'd stirred once and glared at her with one eye, but after that she hadn't heard a peep from him.He wasn't afraid she'd get lose.That didn't make her feel better about her window plan. But she couldn't just sit here. What options did she have?If she couldn't escape, then she had to be ready to do something else. But what?A beeping sound broke the relative quiet of the warehouse. She turned, searching for the source.Something-or someone-rattled the rolling gate.Carla glanced over her shoulder at the passed out man, then the door. She wanted it to be Vaughn on the other side of the door, but the reality was she didn't know who might be out there.She
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Chapter 157: Vaughn
Tuesday. Warehouse, Beirut, Lebanon.VAUGHN STARED AT the downed bodies of the men in suits. There were four of them and they were most certainly dead. When Vaughn had made the call to gas the building, they hadn't been certain this was their location, but when the gunshots began, there'd been no doubt."I don't see anyone," Jamie called out from around the corner."Fuck," Vaughn muttered.There were three of them against how many? Was it just the one guy? Or was he with backup now?Three people couldn't cover the whole building.Vaughn waved Jamie on. "Go around, Brenden and I will cover this side and the front."They were spread too thin.How the hell were they going to pull this off?Vaughn and Brenden jogged toward the other end of the building. They'd only seen one side exit, and it was impossible for them to get inside because there were no door handles. At this point they had to hope they smoked the guy out. Going in after him would take too long and allow t
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Chapter 158: Carla
Tuesday. Smuggler's Ship, Mediterranean Sea.CARLA LEANED AGAINST Vaughn's shoulder and watched the frothy water churned up by the boat's motor. The wind whipped across the boat, taking her hair and anything not tied down with it. The Beirut coast was a shrinking lump on the horizon.They hadn't yet said much of anything since leaving the SUV.She glanced over her shoulder at the guy manning the wheel, but a door and glass separated them. The blaring radio pretty much insured he couldn't hear anything they said.Brenden and Jamie were below deck with the man they'd called Ethan.Carla still didn't understand it all. But she wanted to.She lifted her head and prodded Vaughn's arm.He glanced down at her, brows lifted."Is it okay to talk?" She kept her voice as low as she could.Vaughn nodded."What happened?" She reached for his hand and laced their fingers together."When?""At the park?"Vaughn blew out a breath and rubbed his chin. "We saw him-Ethan-comi
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Chapter 159: Vaughn
Tuesday. Yialos Hotel, Meneou, Cypress."YOU HAVE REACHED your destination."Vaughn stared up at the white hotel in front of them. It was out of the way and with any luck they'd look like a group of tourists who'd partied a bit too much. He parked their rental in the small lot adjacent to the building and together they got out.The keys to two adjoining rooms had been waiting for them along with the car.Vaughn didn't know how the guys back home did this stuff, but he appreciated it. They were all on their last leg, too tired to think beyond making it to the next stop to figure out what that stop was.He got out of the van and stretched, his legs wobbling a bit. An hour after they'd disembarked from the smuggler's small ship Vaughn still felt the ground moving beneath him. It was the same thing every time he got on the water. His body just clicked with it and didn't want to let it go.Maybe the next chance he got he should take a vacation. Bring Mom and Santiago if he wa
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Chapter 160: Carla
Wednesday. Aegis Group Headquarters, Cairo, Egypt.CARLA KEPT HER hands folded on her lap as the SUV rolled past the large gate leading into the Aegis Group Cairo headquarters. It felt like she'd been here ages ago. Was it really only a week? Not even a week. Six days.God, it felt so much longer.She wasn't ready for this.Vaughn had effectively terminated their relationship. Maybe he was right and one more night together would have made today harder. They'd never know.The SUV came to a gentle stop, the dust swirling around them from a gusty breeze.The nightmare was over so why was she dreading this place? Was it the return to reality? To an existence that was slowly strangling the life out of her?She glanced at Vaughn in the driver's seat.He didn't look in the mirror at her. He barely acknowledged her, and somehow that hurt worse than the gashes on her feet or the bruises on her head.A man she didn't recognize opened her door."Ms. White?" He offered her a
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