All Chapters of Aegis Group Lepta Team: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
258 Chapters
Chapter 161: Carla
Strong arms scooped Carla up and then she was sitting nestled up against a warm wall of man she'd come to care for. She buried her face against his neck and stopped pretending as though it was going to be fine."What the fuck did you do?" Vaughn snarled.Jared sputtered, "Nothing!""Carla?" Ashton's stern voice made her flinch and hold tighter to Vaughn."Give us the room?" Vaughn twisted, becoming the wall between her and the guys.Carla cried uncontrollable tears. Years of loneliness and want poured out of her in those moments, wringing her emotions dry until there was nothing left. It was a purging of everything she'd stored up, all the times she'd told herself just a little longer, it all came out and straight onto Vaughn's shirt.She didn't know how long she cried only that she gradually became aware of an awkward silence surrounding her spectacular display of waterworks. Vaughn rubbed her back while his other hand kept her cradled tightly to him.No one spoke.Wer
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Chapter 162: Vaughn
VAUGHN NEEDED THE climb to the third floor to let the facts settle. He was vaguely aware of the guys watching him and some looks, but holy hell, a lot just got unpacked. This-him and Carla-wasn't over, which was an important fact to remember.Neither he nor Carla spoke all the way to the master suite. It was still untouched though a few luggage pieces had been stowed by the door. He set Carla down on the big, platform bed then stepped out of reach before she could pull him in. He knew her, all action, that brilliant head of hers snapping out ideas and solutions while he was still sorting things out.Carla gripped the comforter in both hands and leaned forward. Her black T-shirt and yoga pants had seen far better days. Her face was red from crying and her hair had partially fallen out of the bun she'd secured it in that morning.In a word she was beautiful.But that wasn't the only thing he saw when he looked at her.He licked his lips. "Please tell me you aren't doing this fo
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Chapter 163: Epilogue.
Six Weeks Later. Private Beach, Miami, Florida.CARLA WAS A WRECK.In one hand she had the leather-bound notebook containing everything she'd have to say, the documents-all of it. And in her other hand she had the rings. Two of them.The sea breeze carried the cry of gulls toward her."All done," Vaughn announced.She turned from the calming ocean view to the sandy shore.A lump of emotion clogged her throat at the sight of Vaughn standing under the canopy with candles, lanterns and flowers surrounding him. He chuckled and padded toward her, barefoot in the sand."You're beautiful," he whispered before kissing her lips ever so gently so as to not smudge her lipstick."I'm going to throw up.""No, you aren't. You've practiced.""Who gets ordained for a wedding online? Shouldn't there be a class for this? What if I do it all wrong?" She leaned on Vaughn's strong arm, soaking up his presence. She'd half wondered if he'd even make it today. He'd surprised her early t
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Chapter 164: Brenden
Volume 4: Dangerously BrokenWednesday. In the air.BRENDEN TAYLOR COULD COUNT the number of hours he'd slept on one hand. He eased back in the plush leather seat of the private plane taking Lepta Team to God-only-knew-where and prayed they were in the air long enough for him to get some shuteye. He always did sleep better on planes. Probably because it was impossible to not know where he was. There was something about the cramped space and recycled air that couldn't be mistaken. And to a passed out him, that meant his subconscious couldn't put him back in the four by four box he'd lived in for weeks of his life.His ears popped and the voices of his teammates rushed in, filling the previously hollow space."Hey." Vaughn Fernandez twisted to look back at their Team Leader and Team Liaison sitting across from Brenden at the four-person table."Yeah?" Grant Anderson replied in a cool, calculated tone."Do we have any word about...?" Vaughn's voice trailed off.No one
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Chapter 165: Priscilla
Wednesday. Unknown, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.PRISCILLA YILMAZ HOOKED HER fingers in the chain link that made up the three sides of her cell and stared at the bastard taunting the American family opposite her with a bottle of water. The mother cradled her child, who wailed and stretched out his little arm toward the liquid.If Priscilla could just get out of this cage, she'd rip that man's arms off and beat him with his own dick. No, scratch that, it was probably too small. She'd-A door clanged open somewhere outside her field of vision.Gooseflesh broke out along her arms and she tensed.It was only a matter of time before they came at her another way. So far they'd tried to intimidate her, scare her knock her around a little. She could handle all of that. She'd been through it before only now she had the tools to persevere.All she had to do was hang on until someone came for her.She was going to be in so much trouble when she got home. If these thugs had only wanted
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Chapter 166: Brenden
Thursday. Unknown, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.BRENDEN NEEDED TO GET up and move or his limbs were going to go numb. He had to pick his moments carefully. So far, the kidnappers had mostly forgotten about him, too busy with the family across the way. But they were gone now. Soon enough their attention would be on Priscilla or Brenden. When that happened he needed to have a plan.He knew there were two entrances, the double doors he'd come through and a smaller door behind a pillar that looked rusted shut. The windows overhead could be reached via a catwalk and the latter to climb up there was to their right. The electricity keeping the lights going was from a generator which meant there was always the chance for a distraction. There was only one guard on them at any point in time and the new one on duty hardly looked at them.What he didn't like was how secure this cage was. The poles were cemented into a new floor. The anchors were solid. They even had a basic toilet though it wa
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Chapter 167: Brenden
Brenden turned his head and waited for her to look at him. "Everyone is vulnerable."Priscilla stared into his eyes and he was fairly certain he got a fleeting glimpse behind the curtain. She was strong, smart and scared. With her history, and knowing what he knew about her, she'd probably done everything right to not get kidnapped again.He made a split second decision. "I was held for six weeks after my unit was ambushed. Just because you know the right things to do doesn't mean it won't ever happen to you.""You-what?" Her eyes widened and her lips parted.Brenden didn't expand on that fact of his life. Nothing good would come from discussing that chapter, as he'd learned during his mandatory therapy. His best method was putting all those experiences in a box, sealing it up and shoving it into the recesses of his mind."I guess this isn't as bad as...?""No." He forced himself to tear his eyes away from her and look anywhere else. "These guys just want money.""How did
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Chapter 168: Arturo, Brenden
Thursday. DDM Inc., Ju醨ez, Mexico.ARTURO LOBO SQUINTED AT the computer screen, his mind shuffling the numbers into imaginary columns. He couldn't risk creating his own file or even writing the quantities down without the Asclepius Health systems recording his every keystroke then there were the cameras in each office.Once more he cursed the spirit of his father. The man had been on the brink of death when he sold the company he'd created and grown, robbing Arturo of his inheritance. He was fairly certain the old man had done it out of spite. He'd known for a long time that he was losing sway with the executives, that it was Arturo really running things. But not anymore.DDM Inc. had once been the largest provider of medicine to Mexico and Central America. Their pharmacies were in most towns. Arturo's father had petitioned governments and private organizations to help cut costs, thereby making vital medicines more affordable for the poorer people they serviced. But those days
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Chapter 169: Brenden
Brenden glanced once more at the thin blanket Priscilla had pulled over herself. He could see her face looking back at him in his mind, the stubborn chin, defiant gaze. She was amazing. He'd known men who hadn't pulled themselves together after facing down half the shit she had. She was made of strong stuff.He knew the objective of tonight's hit threw a wrench in things. It was the way she'd looked at him when she'd spoken about the insulin. She was a woman governed by what she thought was right, and he wasn't convinced she'd allow herself to be rescued before tonight. Her heart was too damn good.Priscilla rolled onto her back and rubbed her face.He glanced once more at the oblivious guard then pushed off the fence.There were things he needed to talk about with her. She had to understand that these people weren't going to allow a cash cow like her to just walk out of here.He crossed the cell to stand next to the mattress. Priscilla was already sitting, weariness clinging
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Chapter 170: Priscilla
Thursday. DDM Inc. Warehouse, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.PRISCILLA SAT IN THE back of a van, a bag over her head and her wrists bound. She drew in another deep, shuddering breath. Despite her role in this drama and her agreement to help, their captors weren't cutting them any slack.What had she honestly expected? That they'd snip her bonds and let her sit shotgun?Another deep breath brought with it a musty odor. Was that bile? How many people had worn this thing?Don't think about it...Try as she might, the bag embodied the worst of her nightmares. Being trapped in the dark, helpless, alone, never knowing when the next blow would come.A pair of warm, heavy hands grasped hers and squeezed. Her heart leapt, and she sucked down air as the warmth seeped into her.Brenden.She wasn't alone.He was there with her. But in a way, that was just as bad.She didn't want him to see her as weak, that she needed to be taken care of. Not after he'd paid her the biggest complim
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