All Chapters of Aegis Group Lepta Team: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
258 Chapters
Chapter 171: Priscilla
Priscilla stared at the man. Crap. What was she doing?"What?" the translator demanded.Brenden muttered something.If she told them, would it matter?It wasn't like these people were going to try to do some good. They wanted to milk people for every penny they were worth.Then again, if these drugs were sold soon, even past date and weakened they could save lives."Make sure you're taking full boxes." She pointed at some others, still bearing the SA-0071615 code, but whose seal hadn't been broken.The same pair who'd walked her into the building pushed her out of the room. Brenden kept pace with her. He'd rolled his sleeves up and while there was still dried blood on his face and clothes, he'd cleaned up a little. Now he strode along with her."What do we do?" she whispered."Stay close to me. They're thinning out. Where to next?"Priscilla tried the next room. Only one corner had boxes with the code stamped on their side. The rest were packaged normally.Still no i
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Chapter 172: Brenden
Thursday. Emiliano Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.BRENDEN FELT ONLY MARGINALLY better after a thirty second shower and a change of clothes. He was grateful the others had opted to give him a room to himself just off the suite where they'd be set up with Priscilla for the night. Sometimes he had nightmares, nasty things that left him out of sorts for days. They were worse when he didn't at least try to keep normal hours.Technically speaking, he did not have PTSD or any other neat explanation for what kept him up at night. No head doc he'd seen had come to that conclusion. Whatever kind of fucked up he was didn't fit their neat diagnosis. He was really lucky to have this team. They didn't need long explanations for things.He dragged the washrag over his face as someone pounded on the wall.A muted voice that sounded like Vaughn called out, "Briefing.""Can't use a fucking cell phone?" Brenden muttered.He tossed the rag down and rolled his shoulders.It wasn't the briefi
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Chapter 173: Priscilla
PRISCILLA HAD TRADED ONE cell for another. Granted, being put up in this swanky hotel was a world of difference from the concrete and chain-link she'd been in the last few days.She turned the TV in her room off. For one, she could hardly figure out how to work the thing. Her mind wasn't ready to check out. She kept going back to that moment in the van when she'd been certain they were about to get captured again. The overwhelming sense of guilt she'd had for dragging Brenden into this had nearly drowned her.And then he'd told her he was saving her.She was such an idiot, and he was a big, fat liar no matter what he claimed.Where was he?She rolled off the bed and slid her feet into the sneakers Melody had given her.Priscilla needed to find Brenden. She didn't know what she'd say to him or why this mattered so much.She walked out of the bedroom and into the main part of the suite.The four guys were playing cards and eating popcorn. The woman wasn't around and neith
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Chapter 174: Priscilla
Priscilla looked up at Brenden. When had he crossed the gym to stand in front of her?Someone had bandaged the cut on the side of his head. Without the blood he actually looked rougher, maybe scarier to some people. But not to her. No, she'd seen him scary, and this wasn't it."Spot me?" he asked."What?" She frowned. "Why?""Because you need something to do. Because right now you don't want to sit in a room, watch TV or bullshit with the others."Priscilla blinked at him.He wasn't wrong.Was he right?She watched him place an ungodly amount of weight on the bar for the bench press. If he expected her to help lift that he was sorely mistaken. Still, playing the role of spotter was better than the alternatives.Neither of them spoke as he began his reps with her standing at his head.Was he right about her and his reasoning for not telling her?She chewed her lip and studied him. He was too focused on the bar to take notice of her, anyway. Had her assessment of hi
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Chapter 175: Brenden
Thursday. Emiliano Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.BRENDEN COULD SENSE THE danger building, but he didn't know what he'd said to set Priscilla off. He was speaking without thinking. The longer he was around her, the less he considered his words. All he wanted to do was look at her.She stood, turned away from him and lifted a hand to push the fine, short hairs off her forehead.He should say something, shouldn't he? But what?Brenden's value to the team had never been dealing with assets. He didn't have the gentle command of people like Melody. He couldn't sweet talk them like Vaughn. Nolan and Riley cajoled and joked people into doing what they wanted. Few people questioned Grant's authority. Brenden was the muscle. He did his job, he kept his head down, and did what needed to be done. Until today, that never included conversing with assets as an integral part of their op."What the fuck?" Priscilla whirled to face him.He winced and remained where he was, hoping like hell
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Chapter 176: Brenden
Did Priscilla like what she saw?That made Brenden pause. An answering awareness unfurled inside of him and he tightened his arms, lifting himself up slowly while their eyes remained locked.Tangling with Priscilla was a dangerous idea. She was a woman in full command of herself. He was willing to bet she knew what she wanted and how. There would be no shyness, no need to coax and be tender. No, a woman like her knew what she liked.Brenden shut down those thoughts before they went further. He did not need to sport an erection now.He shouldn't care. It didn't matter if she was attracted to him. Nothing good would come from tangling with her. And yet he wanted to know. It had been a long time since a woman had attracted him both physically and mentally."When does it stop being a workout and become showing off?" She tilted the bottle up and drank.Brenden didn't have an answer or any idea how to reply. What blood wasn't absolutely necessary for vital operations was heading
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Chapter 177: Priscilla
Thursday. Emiliano Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.PRISCILLA RETREATED TO THE back of the elevator. She braced her hand on the rail and watched Brenden's broad shoulders glistening with sweat. He hadn't put his shirt on and she hoped he didn't.The urge to fidget or do something to use up the nervous energy bubbling inside of her was nearly overpowering. She bit her lip and gripped the railing on her other side.The elevator doors shut and Brenden turned to face her.The moment his eyes locked on her, she stilled. Hell, she could hardly breathe.Who was this woman she'd become?Priscilla was not the initiator when it came to men. Flirting wasn't her strength. More often than not she was surprised to learn a man was putting the moves on her. But with Brenden? It was different. She wanted him regardless of what her norm was.Did he know she had no idea what she was doing?She was in over her head, as evidence by the full-body burn when he'd touched her. His hand on her si
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Chapter 178: Brenden
"You-what?" Brenden lifted his head and looked at Priscilla, those dark brown eyes of his burning molten hot."I'm allergic to latex. Makes things really uncomfortable for me." She took his hand and lifted it to her bicep. "Feel that little bump? That's my birth control implant."He slid his palm up and down her arm, staring at the spot."Anything I should know?" she asked. Babies weren't the only thing she didn't want to catch right now."No. I mean, are you sure?" He still held onto her pants, though now the hold seemed more like a lifeline for him."Am I sure I want to know about your sexual health? Or am I sure I want you enough to ask?" She slid her arms up and around his neck."I don't have anything," he said looking back into her eyes. "Are you sure about this?""Oh, yes. I'm sure. Are you?" She licked her lips and briefly considered telling him, but the truth was she didn't want to get sidetracked thinking about lesser men when a prime example of the best the gend
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Chapter 179: Brenden
BRENDEN ROLLED THE ROOM service cart toward the bed. Exhaustion had finally hit Priscilla, and she lay sprawled on his bed wearing the white, fluffy robe from the closet, but it didn't cover near enough for his liking to allow a strange man into the room at almost three in the morning. He paused, taking her in.One arm was thrown over her face. Her hair was up in a messy bun thing. The robe gaped open, exposing her sternum and lower ribs, but nothing more. One thigh peaked from between the folds of fabric, her long, lean legs caught in a frozen dance against the bedspread."Is that food I smell?" she mumbled."Think you can sit up to eat?" He picked up her tray. He'd managed to get her a nice, steak dinner with simple sides. Given what she'd gone through, he wouldn't doubt that her stomach was all kinds of knotted up from stress."Yup." She levered up into a sitting position then pushed up to the headboard. "Your phone went off again."Brenden wasn't particularly keen on look
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Chapter 180: Arturo, Priscilla
Friday. Arturo Lobo's Home, Ju醨ez, Mexico.ARTURO PRIED HIS EYES open. His phone clamored away, the screen lighting up the room.What now?He pushed up and groped blindly for the device. He tapped the answer button to shut it up then took a moment to inhale and ease back against the headboard.He didn't recognize the number. "What?""The weather is bad. Real bad. Hurricane level bad."Arturo frowned and looked at the number again. "Where are you calling me from?""I bought a burner phone, like we talked about?" The man's voice trembled and shook.He closed his eyes. "Then you should have called my burner. What's going on? What disaster is striking us?""There was a break in at one of your facilities in Rio."Arturo bit his tongue to keep from saying, not mine. No, the South American expansion was after his time leading DDM. But that was a minor detail that didn't matter right now."When?" He threw the covers back."You know why this is bad, don't you?" The ma
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