All Chapters of Aegis Group Lepta Team: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
258 Chapters
Chapter 141: Farez
Monday. Beirut Terrace Garden Condos, Beirut, Lebanon.FAREZ HAD TO make things right. He had to do something.He stood on the sidewalk and stared up at the fancy condo building in the bustling downtown area. He'd seen the black SUVs and followed them this time back here. With any luck, Ashton and Carla were somewhere up there. It was their assistant Farez was worried about.Hani was a thug. A troublemaker. And Farez didn't trust him.What if Hani had them all?It was a situation Farez didn't want to think about too much.Someone bumped into him. Farez stumbled sideways into another large man before a hard object was thrust against his ribs."Don't move. Don't scream. Walk," the man he'd stumbled into said."What?" Farez glanced over his shoulder and met the gaze of a blonde haired green eyed American."Move," the blonde man barked.Farez let the two men guide him across the street toward the condo's entrance. "I need to speak with Ashton. Or Carla.""Like hell
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Chapter 142: Vaughn
Monday. Safe House, Beirut, Lebanon.VAUGHN REMAINED IN Carla's shadow. He didn't give two fucks what everyone else thought of him. Chances were high he was going to get fired when all this was over. What was the point in playing nice until then? Carla needed support, and damn it, he was going to be her shoulder."Everyone?" Grant turned his attention from their visitor to the team. "Pack your bags, we're moving out. Travel light. If this Hani character knows where we are, we don't want to be here any longer."Vaughn's stuff was ready to go. His shift was over. Someone else could worry about the surveillance setup for once. He was going to help Carla wrangle her belongings and get a vest on her. If they were going to move, he'd breathe easier knowing she had some armor on under the pretty clothes.Riley was the first to spring into action, heading for the bedrooms to no doubt wake up those still sleeping. They were used to quick moves and living on the go. The guys would be
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Chapter 143: Vaughn
Vaughn reached out and cupped Carla's face, staring into her eyes. "You're unhappy. You don't like this lifestyle. But you do it because these guys are the only family you have and you've got loyalty to them. But they have each other. What do you have, Carla?"Pain flashed in her eyes. Maybe he was being a dick and pushing the point at the wrong moment, but if not now then when? He might be shipped off to Cairo any moment. If they were going to say anything to each other it had to be now.He swiped his thumbs over her cheeks and wished things could be different. But they were both wired the way they were. If she were less loyal, he wouldn't feel the way he did about her. So he had to let her go.Someone banged on the door, causing both Vaughn and Carla to jump."Let's go," Nolan called out.Vaughn glared at nothing before reaching for Carla's bag. "Got everything."She held up her finger. "Cardigan. Scarf. Chargers."It only took her a moment to slip on a black long sleev
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Chapter 144: Carla
Monday. Secondary Safe House, Beirut, Lebanon.CARLA LEANED AGAINST the wall and peered out at the parking pad where the men loaded Melody into the back of a sedan. The other two injured team members were at least able to sit up. Vaughn was still her ever-present shadow, but after earlier even he didn't make her feel inherently safe. There was someone very dangerous out there with their eyes on them. Because of Ashton? Who had he upset to gain such an enemy?She didn't know where the car had come from. She was too focused on the blood. So much of it. Everywhere. And no one was commenting about it. They just kept going.The silence was the worst. The men worked together as the well-oiled machine they were, no orders or questions necessary. It was unnerving to watch."What's going to happen?" Carla whispered to Vaughn standing at her shoulder."They're going to a private medical practice. We've still got a few friends here. They'll stabilize Melody and fly out as soon as the
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Chapter 145: Vaughn
Monday. Secondary Safe House, Beirut, Lebanon.VAUGHN GULPED DOWN more coffee. He'd been up far longer than he should. By all rights he needed be in bed, but there was too much to figure out."Zain just sent over the profile on this Hani guy," Nolan said staring at his tablet."Wanna read it for the rest of us?" Vaughn asked. He only had his phone on him and with how tired he was, reading on it was a pain."Sure. Skimming now." Nolan dragged his finger up and down the screen. "Let's see... Born to a lower-middle-class family. Middle child of four. He's been on his own for a while, struggling to earn money. Based on his arrest record, it's safe to say Hani runs with a tough crowd. Looks like typical gang stuff.""What if that's the angle?" Vaughn leaned against the table. "He's part of this gang. He has to earn his keep. Farez over here roped him into this scheme then Hani sees Ashton. He's low-hanging fruit so Hani goes for it.""Plausible. That doesn't explain our myste
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Chapter 146: Carla
Monday. Secondary Safe House, Beirut, Lebanon.CARLA SAT BACK on her heels and stared at the bathroom. She could easily imagine this being the height of fashion when it was built with the hand-painted tiles and desert colors. Over the years it hadn't aged well, but with a little scrubbing it at least seemed more inviting.Vaughn's deep voice resonated off the stone and tile. "You going to spend all day in here?"She yelped and twisted around, sitting down hard in a still damp puddle.He stood in the doorway, hands up and a chuckle curving his handsome lips into an inviting smile."It's not cool to sneak up on someone like that." She threw her rag at his boot."Sorry." He offered her a hand. "Any chance you're finished in here?"She took his offered hand and let him pull her to her feet. She turned to once more examine her handiwork."It's good enough, I suppose.""Does it only have those squatty potty things?" He stepped past her and groaned.It was Carla's turn
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Chapter 147: Vaughn
Tuesday. Secondary Safe House, Beirut, Lebanon.VAUGHN PEERED OUT the windows at the street, looking into the darkest shadows. The gear waiting for them at this location was bare bones. There weren't enough cameras to cover each street, entrance and blind spot. Which meant they had to rely on people watching things and everyone was running on fumes.The timer on his phone went off again, signaling another fifteen minutes had passed.He reached up and tapped the comm. "Hey, B. How's it looking?""All quiet," Brenden replied."You good? Need coffee or anything?""Nope.""Sorry you got dragged into the overnight shift.""It's all good."Vaughn ground his teeth together.It wasn't good, and they all knew it.They each had their demons. No one did what they did and slept easy at night. Dreams were full of friends they'd lost, decisions they should have made, moments they'd hesitated. But Brenden's demons were worse. Which was why they'd restructured their team so he
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Chapter 148: Vaughn
Vaughn remained where he was, watching the man come closer. And closer.The man did a sudden left turn down a narrow street and passed out of sight. Something about that coat still sat wrong with Vaughn.He returned to the salon with its view of the street along the front of the house and took up a post in the corner. From this position he could see where the narrow street met with the main thoroughfare.The minute dragged on and the man didn't come into view on any camera."Something's not right. Where'd that guy go?" Vaughn asked."Maybe he works in one of those shops?" Brenden replied.It was a logical thought, but something about the guy didn't sit right with Vaughn. Or maybe he was paranoid.He leaned left a bit to try to get a better view of the main road, but the same tree still blocked his line of sight.A light flashed out of the corner of his eye. He moved, reacting on instinct and threw himself back against the wall. The window shattered, right where he'd bee
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Chapter 149: Carla
Tuesday. Horsh Beirut Park, Beirut, Lebanon.CARLA STARED OUT the window at the green iron fence bordering the triangular park. She spied a concession area with red tables and chairs positioned just under the trees. Down the road a ways she spied dozens of people gathered doing yoga, greeting the morning sun.She clenched her thighs together, her hands sandwiched between them, to try to quell the tremors.In half an hour she was going to meet Jared and Ashton's kidnapper. By herself.Sure, Vaughn would be out of sight keeping an eye on her, but she wouldn't be able to hold his hand or anything. The idea of this swap was something out of her nightmares. She wouldn't even be able to speak the same language as these men.What if they had demands or wanted something more?Vaughn's hand closed around her knee and squeezed. "The plan from the top. Recite it to me?"She sighed though inwardly she appreciated his distraction. "Again?""Yes. The more you know it the less y
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Chapter 150: Vaughn
Tuesday. Beirut, Lebanon.VAUGHN GRIPPED THE wheel and tried to both watch the traffic and for any sign of Carla. With Nolan unable to use his right leg, it had fallen to Vaughn to take up the keys."Where is she?" he snarled."Quiet," Grant snapped."Is Zain tracking her? Do we know who that man is?" Vaughn had chased the bike out of the park and down a whole block on foot before traffic had opened up and allowed the motorcycle to get away."I understand," Grant said."What?" Vaughn wanted to reach over and take the phone. They needed answers.Nolan leaned forward between the seats and muttered, "Chill out."Grant lowered the phone and tapped the screen. "You're on speaker with Nolan, Vaughn and myself. Go.""Lepta Team?" The voice on the other end was Zain, but he sounded wrong. Not at all like the guy Vaughn had heard over the years telling them how to pull off what amounted to magic to get a job done. "You are to head to the US Embassy for your own safety. From
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