All Chapters of Aegis Group Lepta Team: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
258 Chapters
Chapter 201: Brenden, Priscilla
Monday. Chicago, Illinois."WHERE THE FUCK DID they go?" Brenden twisted in his seat to stare at the eighteen wheeler that had narrowly missed crashing into them."Shit!" Nolan slammed on the brakes.The SUV skidded then hit something, throwing Brenden forward. If it weren't for the seatbelt snapping tight, he'd have hit the dash."Mother fucker," he snarled.He knew without looking this wasn't an accident. Blindly he groped for his weapon, pushing aside the dull ache from the collision.Priscilla was back there where he couldn't see her and he knew she was the target. The one they wanted.Brenden ignored the stabbing pain in his neck and lifted his too-heavy head to stare at two gunmen. Unlike the thugs from New Mexico these people were professionals. It was their gear, the weapons, how they held themselves. These were people on their level, and they'd kill Brenden before he could get to Priscilla."Grant? Riley?" Nolan said, his voice coming through the earpiece as
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Chapter 202: Brenden
Monday. Asclepius Health, Chicago, Illinois.BRENDEN STARED DAGGERS AT the self-important officer taking his sweet time signing off on returning their gear.This was a waste of their fucking time.Cops had rolled up several minutes after Priscilla's abduction. Zain had been able to trace her phone and tracking bracelet to a block away. After that, he couldn't find anything. The cops had acted on what they'd seen and assumed their team was the problem. After a lengthy back and forth, involving their boss, lawyers and calling their clients at Asclepius, they should be on their way. But here they were, killing more valuable moments.The trail was cold.Priscilla and her kidnappers were long gone.A team like that, who knew what they were doing, should have her whisked away in moments. They'd change vehicles, drivers. Priscilla had vanished right from under his damn nose. And they all knew what was going to happen to her if they didn't find her."Guys?" Melody came around
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Chapter 203: Priscilla, Brenden
Monday. Unknown.BY THE TIME THE third car she'd been in stopped, Priscilla was practically hogtied. She'd failed in the garage, but had gathered her wits to make a go of running for it when the car stopped a second time. Her kidnappers were ready for her though. They'd been on her in a second and gagged her.What good were all those years of training?She'd utterly fucked up from the moment she'd thrown up on her attacker. She was better than this.Anger fueled her as she was dragged between two men through an attached garage and kitchen into the main room of a house she'd never seen before.Her spit-soaked gag made breathing hard. More of her ached.God, what if they killed her? What if it really happened?Brenden would never know how she felt. She'd never get the chance to tell him he was missing out or change his mind. She knew he cared about her. They had something special, and it would die with her.When was the last time she'd spoken to her parents? Her sister
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Chapter 204: Brenden
Brenden stepped back and examined the six foot stone and wrought-iron fence surrounding the property. Getting over it would be easy. The tricky part would be to remain undetected. The house had large windows. There could be a security system in place, cameras he couldn't see. But that was a risk he'd have to take.If he wanted to ensure he got inside, he had to move now, before the smoker was done.He sidestepped the tree and watched the smoker stare at his phone.This was Brenden's chance.He grabbed the top of the fence and using the tree, boosted himself up and over onto the property. The immaculately kept grass cushioned his landing and kept it silent.The smoker didn't glance Brenden's way at all.Time was not on his side though. He'd have preferred a more cautious approach, but this was what he had.Brenden sprinted forward, swerving right so the corner of the garage partially obscured him. He didn't draw his gun. If he had to shoot it was all over. A sound like tha
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Chapter 205: Priscilla, Arturo
Tuesday. Richard Carlson's Home, Chicago, Illinois.PRISCILLA'S FEARS HAD ALWAYS been wrapped around the horrors that happened to her as a child. The trauma she'd endured was psychological. She'd always maintained that nothing could come close to that, until now.Real fear was watching the man she loved beaten until every new blow sprayed the floor, the furniture and her with his blood.Tears stung her eyes, and she jerked against the bonds securing her to the fireplace. All that anger, the need to go to his protection, and all she could do was cry?This was bullshit."Enough," the man named Arturo snapped. "We have to amend our plans."Damian stepped up to Arturo's side. "Secure him, spray the blood with the ammonia then get ready to go."Priscilla pulled on her bonds. There was no give, and they were so tight her hands were beginning to lose feeling.Two men dragged Brenden toward her then bound his hands and ankles. One eye was swollen and that same gash on the si
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Chapter 206: Brenden
Tuesday. Unknown, Chicago, Illinois.BRENDEN SHOULD HAVE KNOWN better.He let his eyes shut again. Or more appropriately, his eye. The left was nearly swollen shut.Waiting for the team would have been the better choice. But how should he have known Priscilla's kidnappers had a timeline?He'd rushed in because he let his emotions get in the way, and now he might have blown their chances at getting rescued. His tracker was likely fried thanks to the EMP. The goons had taken and destroyed his phone. That left his one and only hope his comm unit.The device had a GPS tracking feature, but only when it was turned on. It was still in his pocket, but there was no way he'd be able to power the thing on to signal the team. If he could do that, he might as well give them a rundown.If Priscilla died because he'd been foolish, he hoped they killed him.Time dragged on.Their car ride got longer and longer as they left Chicago and its suburbs behind.Every so often he opened
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Chapter 207 Brenden
Brenden held his breath waiting for Priscilla's answer."That I am capable of caring for people. That I care about you. That I've always thought I'd have to sacrifice something of myself to be with someone. But you accepted me completely. I've been hiding, burying myself in work and choosing to not live my life. You reminded me there's more to it. That there's more to me, and I want more."He bit the inside of his cheek. She had forgiven him, but had he completely crushed his chances with her?"Can I be corny?" she asked.Brenden placed his hands on her knees, unable to keep from touching her. "You can be whatever you want.""It feels like...this was supposed to happen. We were supposed to meet. And if we survive this, there's no one else I'd rather take on a date.""You're taking me?""Well I am the one who asked. We've kind of had this role reversal going on, in case you haven't noticed. I chased you down. I wanted to see your tub." Another smile lit her face from the i
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Chapter 208: Priscilla
Tuesday. Unknown, Chicago, Illinois.PRISCILLA'S EYES AND THROAT stung from the smoke. Her ears rang and in the rush of men to come and go she kept getting kicked.Large hands grabbed her by the arms. She flinched before she realized who it was.Brenden.This was their chance to get free.She didn't know how he did it, but he got her wrists lose. She pushed to her feet, wobbling a little and blinking back tears as the gas stung her eyes.Brenden clutched her to him and rushed across the room, toward the window. They hadn't even gone three steps before more hands grabbed her. She tried to hold on to Brenden, but her numb hands wouldn't cooperate.The hands yanked her back and the next thing she felt was the cool press of metal to her temple. She sucked in a gasp and watched Brenden whirl, only to be tackled by one of the goons. The two men crashed to the ground, landing half in and half out of the house.Arturo wasn't going to use her as a shield.She'd been through
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Chapter 209: Brenden
Tuesday. Safe House, Chicago, Illinois.BRENDEN WAS GLAD TO have the condo to themselves for a little while. Soon enough the guys would be back from dinner and they'd begin debrief, but for now Brenden needed a little quiet time with Priscilla.He secured the door behind them, his hand never leaving the small of her back.The doctor had prescribed a minor muscle relaxer and suggested she follow up with her normal physician for any new pains or problems. There just wasn't anything to triage.Brenden wouldn't be there to make sure she went to the doctor or to take care of her. That knowledge gnawed at him. He didn't like knowing that in a very short time they'd be on opposite ends of the country.Without discussing it they both headed toward her bedroom. He once more shut and secured the door.He almost wished there was another door or maybe a panic room he could squirrel her away to, but that was ridiculous and he knew it."What do you say to sleep?" She hooked her fing
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Chapter 210: Epilogue
Six months later. Taylor Family Reunion, Chicago, Illinois.PRISCILLA WAS GOING TO HURL.A voice in the back of her head reminded her that the last time she'd lost the contents of her stomach had also been in Chicago. All over her kidnappers.Today had no such danger factored in, unless she took into account her light blue dress and the fact that backyard barbeques were often messy.It was too late to change now.Brenden opened the passenger door of their rental and held out his hand. She took it and held on tight as he pulled her to her feet.He studied her face. "You're looking a little green.""I want them to like me," she grumble-mumbled under her breath.Who would have known she actually got nervous about meeting people she wanted to impress?Other than a little interview nerves, she'd never gone through this before moving to Seattle a few weeks ago. When she'd gone to the first get-together that included dozens of Aegis Group employees and their families, she
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