All Chapters of Aegis Group Lepta Team: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
258 Chapters
Chapter 221: Grant
They tip-toed through the first-floor rooms finding nothing but passed out partiers. Their missing team members were nowhere to be seen."Upstairs?" Melody whispered.Grant ground his molars together. He wasn't keen on being boxed in, but if that was where their people were, that was where they were going.He palmed the gun in the waistband of his shorts and wished once more for the comfort of his jeans and boots.Together they climbed to the second floor. A toilet flushed. The faint sounds of music came from one of the rooms along with a few hushed voices.The house wasn't going to be quiet for long.They needed to find the guys and get out. There was an itch developing between Grant's shoulder blades. Nothing good ever came from that kind of funny feeling. He couldn't put his finger on what it was bothering him, he just knew he didn't want to be on this stairwell with Melody as a target.He pulled his weapon from his shorts and rounded the landing to the second floor.
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Chapter 222: Melody
Thursday. Hospital Can Misses, Ibiza.MELODY PAID THE DRIVER using some of the cash they'd lifted off the bodies. It was the only disposable money they had.She could feel Grant's displeasure rolling off him. What with the attacks yesterday he was in hyper cautionary mode. That did not work well with Vaughn's delicate health situation. Things in the cab had gotten very tense when they'd clashed over where to be dropped off.Melody had won that argument. There was no way Vaughn was going to walk a block to the hospital just so they could have the distance to observe people loitering around the doors. Melody had overruled him on the grounds that Vaughn was getting worse by the minute. Plus, if there were people stationed outside the emergency department looking for them there wasn't a thing they could do about it. This way they had the best chance at getting inside the hospital where people and security officers might offer a little protection.The main hospital on the island
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Chapter 223: Grant
GRANT PACED THE WAITING room. He had different points to hit. If he walked over to the fountains, he could see the shop across the street. There still wasn't any sign of Melody or Nolan, but they had a lot of shopping to do. If he paced to the vending machines, he had a clear line of sight into the parking lot. When he walked back to the entrance, he could peer down the halls, deeper in the hospital. All of this without ever losing sight of Vaughn.Not that he was going anywhere.The man had barely moved a muscle since sitting down. His head was tipped back, hands pressed to his stomach. Grant was pretty certain he'd never heard so much silence from Vaughn, even when he was sleeping. The guy was always running his mouth.How many times had Grant prayed for a little peace and quiet?He'd listen to all of Vaughn's bullshit right now if it meant he was well.This was a disaster.What was taking Melody so long?He wheeled around and peered toward the shop. He should have neve
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Chapter 224: Grant, Liman
"You've got to get out of here," Vaughn said as he limped toward the nurse waiting on them.Grant shook his head. "We aren't leaving you.""I'm no good to them. You should go, now. Leave me here. It'll be hard to drag me out of a hospital."Grant ignored Vaughn's protest.The nurse eyed him with speculation. Grant wasn't sure what Nolan had jotted down as their reason for visiting the hospital, but he doubted the whole bullet wound part had been disclosed.The young nurse showed them into a bay. Grant helped Vaughn sit on the gurney while the nurse told them someone would be in shortly then left."We aren't going to have long," Grant said. He turned to face the others and realized it was just Nolan standing there. No Melody. "Where's Mel?"Nolan turned around, as if he expected her to be right behind them."Shit." Grant froze, torn between caring for the team in front of him and going after Melody.They must have grabbed her while they were focused on Vaughn. An exper
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Chapter 225: Melody
Thursday. Ibiza Town, Ibiza.MELODY USED ONE OF her hair clips to secure the hotel curtains shut and block out all the light. An ancient window unit chugged cooler air into the pay-by-the-hour room. They'd fled to an older part of the town that pre-dated the tourist boom and nightlife. She wouldn't call it a bad part of town, just a lot less glossy and polished. The people who lived here were born from generations of fisherman before they became something else. Before the rest of the world told them to be unhappy with their lives."Oh, God. Fucking hell." Vaughn groaned.She glanced at the bed and bit her lip.Whatever drugs Nolan had given Vaughn to get him mobile had worn off a good half hour ago. Melody hadn't said it, but she was worried about a variety of medical complications that weren't infection. Blood loss, sepsis, internal bleeding, organ puncture. The list went on. If they didn't get a real doctor to look at Vaughn soon, he could very well die."It's okay. This
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Chapter 226: Melody
Blue skies. No clouds. Brisk breeze.It was picture perfect weather.Too bad Melody's insides were knotted up. For now, they were okay. But how long would that last?Grant picked their path, setting their course for a line of shops a few blocks away. They stopped in two different stores, using them as both a shopping opportunity but also to watch the street. Grant picked out some T-shirts and hats, commenting to her about his friends back home that'd get the souvenirs. They fell into the faux tourist roles easily enough, playing their parts.He didn't ask her the questions that were no doubt burning his mind. The ones she knew were coming. Instead they kept going, kept up the rouse, postponing yet more conversations they needed to have.At long last they stopped at a payphone that had seen better days.Melody ticked off the hours.It was just past midnight in Seattle.Merida was not going to be happy to hear from her.Melody fed money into the phone then dialed Merida
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Chapter 227: Grant
Thursday. Luxe Ibiza Hostel, Ibiza.GRANT EYED THE FOUR story building behind the tall fence. The early evening light threw long shadows stretching away from them and painted the sky a vibrant riot of color .This was where Zain was sending them?Whoever had designed the exterior had included lights that threw a rainbow of colors across the pale structure making it look more like a club. Several uniformed men were stationed at regular intervals around the perimeter indicated this really wasn't a hostel at all.This wasn't a hostel. It was a hotel for kids who wanted to pretend they were roughing it.Grant hung back and let Melody led their group past the main entrance and down a side lane. It was likely for the best that she do the talking here. He just didn't have the patience to make nice with people right now. Plus, someone had to watch their tail.Vaughn was looking better and even walking steadier since getting antibiotics and fluids in him, but he wasn't ready for
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Chapter 228: Melody
Neither Grant nor Melody moved a muscle until the bungalow door shut. Even then Melody crossed to the door and drew the curtain across the glass without uttering a word. She turned and leveled a glare at him, still not speaking.Nolan emerged from the hallway. His steps were heavier and he swayed on his feet. The backpack was gone and so were the sacks of supplies. He had dark circles under his eyes and the visible bruises were beginning to turn spectacular colors."Vaughn's getting the last IV bag, then we'll try for a transfusion," he announced."Is that really a good idea?" Melody's face creased in concern.Nolan leveled a flat stare at her. "You saw how tired he is. I don't think there's enough in him to keep him going. He loses much more and he's done for."Melody held up her hands. "Okay. You know what you're doing better than I do. I just want to make sure we're making the best decision possible.""What's our plan?" Nolan glanced between them."That's what we have
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Chapter 229: Grant
Thursday. Luxe Ibiza Hostel, Ibiza.GRANT WAITED ANOTHER THREE seconds, just long enough for Melody to take a deep breath and clear her mind before following her out onto the patio.The sun had fully set. The party was a constant backdrop, but thanks to the creative landscaping they couldn't see the pool and people in the pool couldn't see them. No, if it weren't for the noise it would just be them, this bit of earth and that spectacular view of the ocean.Melody sat on a sectional sofa in the corner. Probably because she'd been blocked from view by him inside the bungalow.This chasm that had opened between them couldn't remain.He wouldn't let it.They had to figure out a way through this."It's not like you to walk away from me," Grant said."Maybe I've learned my lesson?" She kept staring out at the ocean glittering under the moonlight.He stepped into her line of sight, forcing her to look at him. Her gaze flicked to his face and he took the full brunt of her
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Chapter 230: Melody
MELODY STARED AT GRANT. She'd never seen him so alive, so full of feeling. It was strange, almost like she'd been dropped in another dimension. One where Grant had emotions and shared them.In all the time they'd been together he hadn't told her half that stuff. Normally it seemed like he could take or leave her. The idea that under that stoic exterior he had this kind of passion simmering for her was a surprise. It also turned her on. Then again, a lot about Grant did that."Say something, damn it," he muttered."I'm taking it all in." One thing just didn't fit. "What do you mean, my space, my time?""Just, how you are, you know? You don't always like me in your space and how you like to take things slow. There's nothing wrong with that. That's what I'm trying to say."Her world shifted dangerously.That wasn't her at all. It wasn't what she wanted."Grant, I hate that we only do us things maybe once between jobs." She wanted a better word for hate, but right now that wa
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