All Chapters of Aegis Group Lepta Team: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
258 Chapters
Chapter 231: Melody, Liman
The rational thing would be to rush to a bedroom or take this somewhere else. But Melody didn't want to wait a moment longer.Her normally restrained man answered her request with a kiss. Grant's hands kneaded her ass, moving her over him. She groaned against his mouth. Her breasts ached, her body hummed with arousal and need made her desperate.Melody managed to get a hand between them and hooked her thumb in the waistband of the ridiculous swim trunks he was wearing. The one nice thing was that they made accessing easy. She was able to get her hand inside his clothes and fist his cock with no belts, buttons or zippers. Maybe the trunks weren't such a bad idea.It was Grant's turn to groan.She loved that sound. It was honest, full of want and when she heard it she knew he was going to pounce.Sure enough, Melody's back hit the cushions a moment later. Grant pinned her to the sofa with his hips, his cock still in her hand."Slight problem with this plan." He lowered until
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Chapter 232: Grant
Friday. Luxe Ibiza Hostel, Ibiza.GRANT SOAKED UP THE silence. In this moment, just after dawn, when the world was still quiet he could almost believe the lie that everything was fine. Soon enough the bubble would burst. Reality would intrude, but he wanted to hold on to this moment.Melody's fingers swiped across his skin, just under his collar bone, tracing the tattoo."What does it mean?" she whispered.He was surprised she hadn't asked sooner. Truth was, he felt kind of silly having a tattoo in the first place. He didn't regret it though."Laugh now, cry later," he said, but it wasn't his voice he heard.Grant breathed in the salty air, holding tight to the present.Melody kept quiet, waiting him out as if she knew this was something he had to come at slowly."First deployment there was this guy, real loud personality. We didn't much like each other in the beginning. Whenever someone would start complaining about pushing too hard or things getting too tough he'd
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Chapter 233: Melody
Friday. Ibiza Town, Ibiza.MELODY WASN'T A FAN of wigs. At best they were itchy and hot, especially with her long hair to contend with. She liked wearing one even less in the tropical heat. But necessity dictated that her appearance needed to be as far from what was expected as possible. So she'd donned the blonde wig with its chunky bangs, sunglasses and too bright lipstick.Spy craft wasn't something she'd learned much about as a cop. Her specialty was in hostage negotiations. Once she'd achieved that level her time as a beat cop was over. But spy craft was a large part of their job and it was of the areas she was most intrigued by. Given that one of their chief operations officers was a former Mossad spy, Melody knew she was learning from the best. One of the rules she'd been taught was that the goal was never to just change clothes. If she went from wearing a dress to jeans and a T-shirt, she still looked like herself. The challenge was in changing roles. Shape. Take the exp
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Chapter 234: Grant
GRANT STARED AT MELODY, her revelation hitting him like a bunch of rocks.She'd been a cop? His Button?She was maybe five foot five and if he had to guess somewhere around one-hundred-and-twenty pounds. They let people that petite be cops? He honestly didn't know.Had Zain mentioned that?Grant honestly couldn't say. The introductory meeting had been a blur. He had some vague impression that Melody had handled PR for a few different companies. She'd never talked about her old jobs, just like she didn't talk much about anything. She didn't share, never let anyone in. And this was somehow his fault?She made a disgusted sound and spun away from him."Wait." Grant grabbed her by the wrist and spun her back around to face him.Her glare was full of anger.He let go of her and held his hands up. "How was I to know that when you never tell me anything?""Never tell you anything?" Each word built up heat until he felt the full blast of her anger. "How about you never showin
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Chapter 235: Melody, Liman
Friday. Ibiza Town, Ibiza.MELODY STARED DOWN AT their hostages. The first poor soul who'd been stupid enough to follow her. She'd walked straight up to the guy, flirted, touched his arm and the man had gone with her.Grant had come out of nowhere and clocked the hell out of the guy so hard she'd thought he was dead.Their second hostage hadn't gone down as easy. He'd seen where his friend had gone, followed and though Melody and Grant thought they were ready for him, they hadn't been. They'd taken a bit of a beating before getting the best of the guy.The third they'd grabbed on his way back to the house, catching him completely unaware.They all had those pills on them."I can't understand what they're saying." She held out the hand-held radio to Grant.He shook his head. "I'm not going to understand either.""Is this enough?" She glanced at their prisoners sitting bound on the garage floor of the vacation house. It was hard to gauge the worth of a man she didn't k
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Chapter 236: Grant
Friday. Target's Hideout, Ibiza Town, Ibiza.GRANT WAS GRATEFUL FOR the time they'd spent studying the streets surrounding their target's location. He and Melody dashed through alleys, cut across two yards and now crept through the dense, leafy plants running along the neighbor's property.Sirens wailed in the distance.People were out on the street.No matter what happened, there would be witnesses. Whoever was behind this couldn't shut all these people up. That would work in their benefit.They came to a stop at the fence. He turned back to look at Melody."Up and over," she said."I'll go first."She nodded and went to a knee, weapon drawn, looking through the narrow slats in the fence.Grant surged to his feet, using his momentum to vault over the fence. He hit the ground and went low, guns up.Not a soul stirred on this side of the house. All the activity was on the street side.Melody landed softly next to him."Up through that window." She gestured at
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Chapter 237: Melody
Friday. Ibiza International Airport.MELODY SHUFFLED FORWARD IN the security line and tried to not stare at Vaughn leaning on the security agent's desk while his passport and boarding pass were examined. Riley and Nolan had cleared without incident. She'd looked at the documents herself, and while they appeared like a normal passport, the devil was in the details.The pictures weren't clear enough.There was some smudging on the print from the rush forgery job.And the leather cover was a slightly darker blue than it should be.The woman handling Vaughn threw her head back and laughed at whatever it was he said.Melody blew out a breath and glanced at Brenden in the other line going through the metal detector.Their people were one step closer to escaping this island.Grant was behind her and would bring up the rear in case anything happened.Vaughn wavered on his feet as he straightened. His new girlfriend, Carla, was going to demand answers. Melody wasn't sure wh
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Chapter 238: Grant
Friday. Safe House, London, UK.SOMEDAY GRANT WANTED TO come back to London and get a chance to see the city. He'd been in it several times, but never for pleasure. During that short stint backpacking with his brother, they'd never made it to the UK. There were lots of things he hadn't seen or done. Today was not that day.He stood at the windows, staring out on the city lit by millions of twinkling lights. The flat felt a world away from the chaos that had tried to kill them.His team was safe.A doctor had seen Vaughn, Brenden and Riley. Vaughn was pulling through and things were beginning to look up.Still, whatever had begun on Ibiza was far from over.Someone had watched them, planned for this. Which meant they'd been targeted, followed.Melody's reflection in the glass made his body tighten. That man, the one on the radio, had known who she was. Grant was supposed to protect her, and he'd failed. The lump on her forehead was proof enough of that."The doctor ha
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Chapter 239: Grant
Grant continued to stare at her. If he asked, if he begged, would she let him stay?Melody tipped her chin up and looked at him, her eyes shining in the bright lights. "I just want to sleep, Grant. It's notme saying we're over, it's me saying I'm tired and I'd like some space. Okay?"He nodded, and though he believed her, his instincts said to stick close.Melody took a step, went up on tip-toe with her hands braced on his shoulders and gently kissed his lips. Before he could reach for her, she backed away.He grit his teeth, both frustrated and hopeful all at once."Good night," she said."Night, Button. Sleep tight."Her eyes narrowed.Yeah, so maybe he was using the name more often. So what? He was going to remind her at every turn what they were to each other, how much she mattered. At least she was telling him what she wanted. That was some kind of start.Grant let himself out of Melody's room and shut the door behind him. The main space of the flat was empty and
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Chapter 240: Melody
Saturday. Aegis Group Headquarters, Chicago, Illinois.MELODY DIDN'T THINK SHE'D ever been happy to see the original Aegis Group campus. It reminded her of summer camp what with all the painted cinderblock dorm style rooms. After fifteen hours spent at airports and in the air, she'd be happy for a stationary cardboard box.She nudged the door to her private quarters for now and shut behind her and blew out her first easy breath since...she couldn't remember when.For weeks she'd been in a state of anticipation, waffling on what to do between her and Grant, which had made both her personal and professional time tense.After breaking up with Grant at the beach house on Ibiza, she hadn't experienced the kind of relief she'd hoped for. She'd been sad, morose and regretful that things hadn't turned out differently. And then there was everything that had happened between then and now.It was over.At least her role in getting everyone home safe.The responsibility for their
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